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Two Trees , a home for my Sentinel .

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Hi everyone ,



So like a lot of people a new year means a new project . Having finished a respray on my Hornby Sentinel over Christmas , I decided I needed somewhere for it to pootle about . I wanted something small , industrial and portable so knocked together a small baseboard and fiddlestick out of stripwood and mdf . At only two feet long it will be more of a working diorama but seems to suit the Sentinel well .







Heres a few pics of the respray , it has also had a driver and a drivers mate/shunter added both repainted from Bachmann railway workers . ( I just wish they were a bit better moulded as the faces are a bit featureless ) . Although the pictures are a bit blurry and you cant see it very well I have been experimenting with using artists oils to give a  nice subtle level of weathering . I also filled in the infamous join lines on the skirts which really improves the look of the model .












Edited by col_kilgore
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Well firstly the sentinel looks amazing. I really like the colour you've used and you've done it very nicely. Also I like how you've removed that bit of plastic which runs from the cab down the bonnet on one side of the kind of walk way. Can I ask did you strip the body of paintwork before you resprayed or did you paint on a previous layer, also did you mask off the windows or remove them? I've got a Crosley and evans sentinel kicking about I'd like to respray but am still getting round to it. The layout looks really good, by the looks of the PCA wagon you're going for a cement kind of layout? Really like the looks of this and cant wait to see it develop.

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Well firstly the sentinel looks amazing. I really like the colour you've used and you've done it very nicely. Also I like how you've removed that bit of plastic which runs from the cab down the bonnet on one side of the kind of walk way. Can I ask did you strip the body of paintwork before you resprayed or did you paint on a previous layer, also did you mask off the windows or remove them? I've got a Crosley and evans sentinel kicking about I'd like to respray but am still getting round to it. The layout looks really good, by the looks of the PCA wagon you're going for a cement kind of layout? Really like the looks of this and cant wait to see it develop.


Thanks mate , as regards the Sentinel , yes I first gave the body shell a bath in brake fluid to get rid of all the logos , then primed first and used a Tamiya rattlecan for the main colour. I must admit to not liking the finish I got using the rattlecan at the first go and ended up stripping it again . I then decanted some of the can into a bottle and used it through my airbrush and found the finish was much better.


I also removed the glazing first as well , if your careful prising it out it should come out as one piece as it just has a small bit of glue holding the glazing onto the cab ceiling.

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Something you might try with the figures is giving them a thin wash of dark paint - this can add artificial depth to the features. I had a similar problem with some cheapo figures I ordered online which had even less relief than the Bachmann ones.

Hi mate


Yes this is something I have tried previously , although now I use Army Painter Quick Shade mostly for washing figures .


Saying that ,I find washing is a skill that needs lots of practicing whatever medium you use as I sometimes end up with figures that just look dirty ! :O

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You've made a great start there. It will be a good way of shuffling some wagons around. I like the fiddlestick idea - probably easier to knock together than a sector plate or traveser. My attempts at these have normally been a disaster! :blush: Do you simply align it by eye to the necessary track?


The SMP track looks excellent. What colour(s) have you used for weathering the track? It looks so effective. 




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Thanks everyone for the comments .


To answer a few questions , the scenic section is exactly two feet long and the fiddle stick is fourteen inches.


As to the colour used for the track it was Humbrol 29 Dark Earth from a rattle can over poundland grey primer , I will finish weathering the track after ballasting.


As for alignment of the fiddlestick I have used some plastic nuts and bolts to keep it aligned , which I think will be fine for dining table use.


Regarding the brake fluid , yes just bog standard DOT 4 from Asda  . As for stripping the paint as well , as it was the black Wabtec liveried one I'm not sure it was painted in the first place it might have been just black plastic , I'm not sure about other liveries as to whether they are coloured plastic or painted.

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  • 3 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Crisis Rail said:

Any more updates? - I have just caught up with your excellent Jam works!




Hi Ian ,


Nothing major to report at the moment , I have just been working on the embankments at the fiddleyard exit .


Hopefully as I have the next two weeks off work  , I should be able to work on it a bit more .


As for Jam Sponge Works , it was a lot of fun to work on and I even got  to see it in print in BRM magazine ! ( which was a first for me )












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This evening I have started planning the pipe bridge to hide the fiddle yard exit .


Started with a girder framework made from the Airfix/Dapol signal gantry , just got to find something suitable to make the pipework from.


I have also started to prepare the embankments for foliage by coating the polystyrene formers with flexible filler and giving them a brown basecoat ready for my faithful puffer bottle !











Edited by col_kilgore
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On 05/03/2019 at 22:01, ModellerChris said:

 Agreed, particularly as it is a nightmare to cut. Great weathering too. 



I know what you mean , stanley knife and plenty of passes seems to be the best option !


Anyway , been working on the pipe bridge this morning ;


Used a few different Plastruct profiles to add to the structure and had a go at making a gusset bend for the pipework ( really could have done with an adjustable mitre saw to get the angles right first time )


I also added visual interest to the pipe by using trimmed Tamiya tape to represent joints in the pipe .


Just needs painting fully and weathering to finish , all in all I'm pretty happy with it .









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