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I used to go to Electric nose's web site regularly, his DCC knowledge and advice was excellent.


But I was going through some bookmarks on Firefox and discovered the link, clicked and nothing.

Does anybody know where he has gone ?




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I used to go to Electric nose's web site regularly, his DCC knowledge and advice was excellent.


But I was going through some bookmarks on Firefox and discovered the link, clicked and nothing.

Does anybody know where he has gone ?






This comes up from time to time. The last update on his site was in August 2008 but I seem to recall it just got too costly to continue to run. Steve pops up from time to time on the web, but I haven't seen anything for a while now. Perhaps anyone who knows him personally could update you.


You can still access the Electricnose site via this link.



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  • 6 months later...

Laughing out loud, or as young people would say 'lol'


My original post had two links in it. The first still works and takes you, dear reader, to Jones' Vault.


However, at that time, searches for Electricnose also returned some rather more, shall we say exotic, wares :blink:


One such link was quoted in very small font in my original post, and on its own in a post a couple above this. It has now, like much viral marketing, ceased to exist as a web page.


EDIT: Thanks to Kenton, the aforesaid wares are now accessible below - my mistake!

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I think just about anyone who had any prominence in the modern image modelling scene has Steve Jones attack them openly or otherwise at some point! As for why he didn't quit the hobby, I remember one entry about the Dapol 73/1 stating that Dapol not producing a BR blue example "ruined" his N gauge plans. I think that sums up the attitude, neither the patience to wait for a release that would probably come (and in this case, did) nor to carry out almost the simplest paint job around!

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  • Accurascale staff

I think just about anyone who had any prominence in the modern image modelling scene has Steve Jones attack them openly or otherwise at some point! As for why he didn't quit the hobby, I remember one entry about the Dapol 73/1 stating that Dapol not producing a BR blue example "ruined" his N gauge plans. I think that sums up the attitude, neither the patience to wait for a release that would probably come (and in this case, did) nor to carry out almost the simplest paint job around!


I think Mr. Jones and his rants have been discussed many times over the past number of years. Is there a need to bring up a rant some guy made on his own website over two years ago again? I always got the feeling he was being slightly tongue-in-cheek tbh.

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But if you want to reply to him...........................................

send him an email or build your own website with contrary and counter argument.


Possibly shown by the fact that this subject keeps popping up as a question - he had at least some followers and supporters. Even if it was among those wondering if they were to be his next victim :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Possibly shown by the fact that this subject keeps popping up as a question - he had at least some followers and supporters. Even if it was among those wondering if they were to be his next victim :)


So do genuinely evil people - doesn't make them right either ;)


(beast - who was the subject of more than one attack, one attack was for amateurs :P )

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Apart from his views and other things modelling included there were however some good prototype photos on his site, the only reason I ever visited to be honest.



The prototype shots were excellent, and I dont doubt there was an element of philanthropism in his publishing them. His principal passion though was clearly to expound on what the shape and direction of the hobby should be; I think he saw himself as pre-eminent in that field. During his time on here, he did succeed in making me think about views I held, on the odd occasions that he put his points calmly and open-mindedly. Thing was, he would all too often descend into sneering belittlement at the first sign of intelligent opposition to his point of view


Unfortunately for Steve, the growth of the Internet brought forth the voices of folk who were more knowledgeable about the prototype, more accomplished as modellers, more reasonable in their expectations and more tactful in their criticisms. Oh - and speaking as another who ended up on the end of some of the potshots from his ivory tower, it brought forth folk who really didnt like his tendency to publish straw man arguments on a private site where they couldnt be countered.

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Guest Max Stafford

I remember the fun of the 'de-construction' he carried out on the Hornby HAA... :lol:


Not the actions of a completely sane man! ;)



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  • 1 month later...

Sorry, I thought Steve Jones' site was excellent. Looking at the sheer size of his layout and his extensive and expensive dcc equipment he certainly seemed to walk the walk instead of just talking it.


I met him once - photting at Slindon - and his tongue in cheek attitude was excellent, perhaps some couldn't see it in his writing.


So what if he didn't toe the party line about this website ? I don't agree with certain posters on here either, but am broad minded enough to let them carry on regardless. Broad church etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry, I thought Steve Jones' site was excellent. Looking at the sheer size of his layout and his extensive and expensive dcc equipment he certainly seemed to walk the walk instead of just talking it.


I met him once - photting at Slindon - and his tongue in cheek attitude was excellent, perhaps some couldn't see it in his writing.


So what if he didn't toe the party line about this website ? I don't agree with certain posters on here either, but am broad minded enough to let them carry on regardless. Broad church etc.


Steve's prototype photos were excellent


The layout ? - well he was the inspiration for us to go with RailRoad but I don't think his layout even progressed beyond what could be seen in the photos, and his version of RailRoad was already a couple of years out of date when we started with it, implying that little had been done for a long time.


Funny how people are different face to face, I'm sure he was as nice as pie, cyber bullies often are, when faced with the physical - it's easy to comment on people when you've the Internet as a buffer, saying it to their face takes a pair.

For me it wasn't his "toeing the party line" which was the issue, it was his snide comments made about me, and plenty of others, with no right of reply. I don't mind people having a go, provided I can have a go back, that was denied - if you disagreed with his, sometimes ludicrous ideas, he simply banned you from his eGroup or attacked you on his website. That attitude is not a loss to the hobby. If you are the target of such people it is not pleasant, of course most people knew what he was really like and didn't give him much oxygen, hence his teddy went flying high and his sites vanished.


I do remember, for a while, a website which poked fun at him appeared, something like www.electricsnot.com, he wasn't impressed with that either - heat and kitchen or sauce, goose and gander come to mind.


Best forgotten in my opinion, a legend in his own lunch time and nothing more.

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  • RMweb Premium



I do remember, for a while, a website which poked fun at him appeared, something like www.electricsnot.com, he wasn't impressed with that either - heat and kitchen or sauce, goose and gander come to mind.


close, it was electricnostril, and it's still there, the group description still seems funny:-



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