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china clay micro

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Hi all . after the none starter with my box file project which was let down by the traverser i did have another faulse start with a small amercian project . this got to a addvanced plamming stage  then  this was dropped for what i have now stuck with . a small chaina clay micro. but one big differance there are no points ! its just two sideings and a fiddel yard track  conected by a really simple traverser . its just about workable to do some small bits of shuntting . i have borrowed some idears from other layouts i have seen on the net . this is the progress so far . ile post some more up dates as i progress .the dryers warehouse is based on one of my favourite china clay micros is wayne's trevanna dries u can probly see a near coppy of his . hope he doint mind . thanks for looking .

20190603_195514 - Copy.jpg





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cheers luke i was a not sure  if this little project was   going any where untill a few weeks ago . but fingers  crossed its growing on me . so i didnt start a post , i have done a bit more work so in the week i should post some more bits . one thing i did start on was the over bridge i had some bits of hardboard left over from the backseen  nothing much to lookat at the mo but ive some tile grout left over which i shall skim over it and carve out the stone blocks 


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Great stuff Kevo, I like the building, look forward to more pics. How did you do the sector plate? and don't forget to put some sort of stop block on the end ;)


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Looks like a great start - and I'm sure this one won't be a false-starter.
The building looks great, and that overbridge looks like it will work well too
Good luck with this micro.

PS. Re your traverser - I notice the sliding sector plate projects beyond the edge of your baseboard... will the sector plate be removable, or will you extend the baseboard frame?

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hope the two pics show  how the traverser works  .  and it shows the hidden side ing  . its about as basic as i could make it  as my 1st attemp i had used small draw runners  but i had to shorten  them and they fell apart  . all i used was some black plastic L shapped section from B&Q glued to the timber cross members so the traverser slides across  there is a over hang as i needed to get at least a shunter and 3 wagons and yes  steve is right i have yet to putt a stop block on it . i do need to do a fare bit of tweeking yet to get it to line up every time  . and the traverser plate is removeable  buy just two wires to a conecting  block  



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bit more on my no point micro . this is the bridge i had skimmed it with tile grout . then sanded  it semi  smooth then it took about 3-4 eves doing a bit at a time carve ing out the stones slow process bit enjoyeable . well sort of ! 


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the  drier warehouse  has been painted 1st primmed with grey  and given  acrylic washes of white and mixes of more grey and a tad of weather ing  also there is the other building or bagging warehouse and the slurry tank  . i just made them up from pics on the net . i have to addmit this is my 1st crack at a western region  layout out  so its all guess work on the real thing  industrial wise . 



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thanks  from one kevin  to another . i was going to  use  a old peco type one . but by makeing my own i could make the whole bridge fit the size needed . after it to was primmed i have more or less keep building  up the shades of stone by just dry brushing  .

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thanks  luke  i am still not 100% happy with the stone work colour i have looked at a good few pictures in books etc to try and get it as near as i can . 2 more pics.  showing a bit of traction  and rolling stock . so far i only have the 08  and some covered hoods and 3  hoppers CDA's . o yes and a few box vans . more than enough to get started  . but defenatly  need some more shunters  .



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This is looking great kevo.
The colouring and tones of the buildings really do look nice & natural

Re your bridge - I can't quite see enough of it to truly judge the colours - but it looks ok to me. Perhaps it just needs some subtle tonal variations and weathering? If you use acrylic paints, and do some very gently dry-brushing,
you can slowly and subtly adjust the colour, and with acrylics, you can always remove them with some damp cloth or cotton buds - as long as you don't let the paint dry too much before attempting to remove the paint.....
Also, once you start doing some smoke / soot stains above the rails, and start adding some weeds & ivy to the bridge - you'll be surprised at how much of a difference that makes :)

Re your sector plate - I had exactly the same thing happen to some drawer runners I used on my O Gauge Micro "Poynton Sneer" - I cut them down to size.... and all the ball bearings fell out! lol
So I got some more recycled old ones, cut them down, and carefully bent the ends of the metal inwards, so this wouldn't happen again

Another thought here. I'm a fan of continuing your scenery under the bridge and onto your fiddle yard / sector plate
So instead of bare wood, you have more ballast, weeds and scenery - so the eye isn't drawn to bare wood. It helps make the viewer feel that the layout extends beyond the bridge.
You could even model a wall or embankment at the back of your sector plate. Had you had any thoughts on this?

Cheers now :)

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Me again - hope I'm not "hijacking" your thread! lol
But here's a pic of Poynton Sneer, showing what I mean about the fiddle yard. The sector plate lies beyond the bridge (there's only enough room for an 08 and a long wagon, as the layout is only 4'11" incl fiddle, in O gauge!)
The bare wood underneath the sliding sector plate is also a mix of ballast grey and light brown, the sector plate is ballasted for the first 3 or 4 inches, and there are weeds on the sector plate and weeds and hedges against the backscene. Also, underneath the bridge, I placed some rusty corrugated iron sheeting and some rusty wire fencing - to help narrow the field of view into the fiddle yard

Hope this pic helps show this. Remember, it's even more of a problem in O gauge
And I must admit, seeing your pointless micro is making me think about a really tiny pointless micro in O gauge :)

EDIT: Like I've done with Poynton Sneer - I was thinking, you could run a pipe in front of your bridge, to your buildings - this would give you the excuse for some support pillars, which again help disguise the entrance to the fiddle yard. And I always think pipes and supporting girders look good in an industrial scene :)image.png.b2bc7ca863bbb3b55d2a9e6af32b7875.png

Edited by marc smith
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Hi Mark thanks for your comments you have given me some excellent tips there  especially regards the taverser plate  . i tend to do bits of dry brushing now and then in the past i tried to plaster it all together in one go disaster ! i do like the look of your o gauge micro poynton sneer . ile have a look for it later is it on the RMweb ? yes the stone work and every think elese will all blend together when the scenery starts i hope . 

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well james the best way is to keep it simple . i looked at other peoples work as a guide 1st .my 1st two used draw runners and worked really well . what failed on my kenwards coal layout was the two levels of the box files . didnt matter how hard i try  i couldnt fix the problem shame as i liked the layout . one lesson i should take on board is not to conplete half the buildings etc with out getting every think working propperly 1st i get the same problems with uncouple ing magnets  they either work brilliant or not at all , then i spend time trying to sort it all out . and loose interest in what ime building  . 

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This is developing really well and the traverser looks excellent. It will be critical for the effective operation of of layout. I must say, I think Mr Smith's idea for extending the scenery into the fiddle yard area is an excellent idea from a visual point of view. It will help soften that edge between on-stage and off-stage :good_mini:


Like others, I am a big fan of the 'pointless' layout and in fact have just started one of my own. 


Keep sharing your progress and ideas! 




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all i have made some good progress on the layout in the last few weeks so i have put in a few up dated  pics  . yes i no  the 1st thing your point out is the class 20. well due to the sale of my last  layout all my BR locos went with it apart from my class 20 and my trusty 08 so thats my excuse  i have seen a pic some where in a book of a 20 hall ing some hoods . still much more to do , a conecting pipe to the slurry tank and grass and bushes next hope you all like it cheers  20190722_164653.jpg.efb560bc29ba2665dd394995414d64c0.jpg20190722_164551.jpg.d024e44e6a1d12b5f3c3c5a9ff379bba.jpg

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