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Further progress this week. The Goods Shed office is now clad in plasticard internally and the windows painted.20210509_184825.jpg.e7b12ec8a4e5accdd7b48cf1461a42e8.jpg

The cattle dock/ loading platform has also been faced with stone work and the timber edging built up.


I've also realigned the Goods Shed siding so that it runs parallel to the loading platform, there was a slight issue between a horsebox and the woodwork when testing clearances!


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All the wet weather has deterred pub trips so I have been making lots of progress this week.



The outside of the office now complete and has had an initial shot with filler around one arch. It shall receive a coat of primer to help identify other areas that need a touch up.20210516_200241.jpg.25cd7aee2bb4db3fe1b288073cb93ca2.jpg

The interior has received a coat of off-white mixed 8-1 Humbrol 34 - 103. It will also receive dark brown up to the waistline to finish the effect.



Finally the third main goodshed wall has been clad, and the base for the cattle dock constructed using Wills Setts. With this completed the loading dock is also ready for a coat of primer. The cattle dock fencing will be painted separately before installation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As an experiment I thought I'd try using the method Hornby Magazine used on their stonework in a recent issue to paint the loading dock. Safe to say, my choice of colours meant that it looks a bit zebra like!20210601_220815.jpg.4ae556c0123a97416711eaab5008f0b9.jpg


However, it will be attacked with weathering powders to try and blend it all together, after all it will almost never be seen... I will try a different combination for the end wall at the end bottom of the embankment, so all is not lost.


On the otherhand, @MrWolf's method for woodwork has done me good stead on the cattle dock. The metalwork will get a base of decalfix and rust powder tomorrow before the whole lot is varnished and weathered together.



The main shed is also bumbling along, so hopefully an update on that at the weekend.

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Thanks, I'm glad that it was useful. I have a cattle dock for my own layout that needs the fencing adding. It's a much butchered Ratio item. I've rebuilt it as a brick base just to be awkward. I like what you have done with the surface of the dock, I haven't decided if I'm happy with mine yet.

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Suffering from a lack of motivation recently, so I've slowed down slightly on the railway.


On the plus side, after a session that in the garden yesterday I have got stonework that I am happy with on the end wall of the loading dock. I have used a base coat of Humbrol 250, then streaks of Phoenix Dark & Mid-Sandstone, all brought together with a wash of Humbrol 113 which much better represents the Somerset sandstone.20210606_130937.jpg.ce6b6e9b29a235c2a2664b771ac00985.jpg

I've also added the rusting to the cattle dock bars completing the base painting there.20210606_130947.jpg.e2d50133081946250456d4b884aedecc.jpg

The sleepers for the buffer stop are currently being painted on the workbench, and I am also re-designing the fiddle yard to replace the traverser with cassettes. Operationally it was becoming a bit of a pain as it is slightly too short and picking up locos all the time is very irritating.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The cattle dock/ loading bay is now complete and awaiting weathering powders, which will happen alongside the Goods Shed.IMG_7156.jpg.8d2aab5e41155fbfeb99666753f3bdb3.jpgIMG_7159.jpg.1c36b7bcce5403de43f80195b2a8caf7.jpg


The shed itself has been painted off-white on the inside which is a mix of Humbrol 28 & 34. It's seen here out in the garden with the cattle dock while I was playing with the camera to see what it will look like when complete.IMG_7164.jpg.784d76203186b41792de4dea70806755.jpgIMG_7165.jpg.ac70411e5ff833e0aa2550301d5e2184.jpg

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The photos I have of Washford show the track side as being rather dirty around the doorways but the loading area rather cleaner.20210618_190533.jpg.22178c19021e339f7e126c0a2f3270d9.jpg20210618_190547.jpg.90976bab323cec3c71c31601aef1024b.jpg

I've tried to replicate this with the weathering before I complete the outside and glue it all together. Pretty happy with this but may add some more "smoke" to the back to give it a bit more of a grubby feel.

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The walls are now structurally finished! Countless cuts my fingers and a few run ins with super glue has led to the finished final wall below.IMG-20210621-WA0008.jpeg.e7c31daf2157e955ceb7423907f8082c.jpeg

Now it's time to move onto some filler and some external colour. I'm really happy with how this is coming together. I think it's not too bad for a first large scale scratchbuild!

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Two pronged progress. The Goods Shed exterior is now being painted and I've started constructing the roof. So far just the framework which will be painted separately to the planks under the tiles.20210627_163829.jpg.2995713252696a600708021d9c593719.jpg


Prototype cassette handle also arrived, although I got the height a little wrong. This has been revised significantly for the final set.20210626_195621.jpg.a3d7a77b9ffa7cac88398cffa213bbb6.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 weeks of heavy engineering works on Coombe Town has seen the traverser fiddle yard partially replaced by cassettes.


The aluminum strips are still to be drilled and attached, along with another, but it's good enough to run whilst waiting for some improved weather.



Revised handles and end stops have also arrived from the printers to complete 3 cassettes. Another 2 are running without for the time being.


Whilst I had the board out I also took the opportunity to re-wire the signal switches, the original connections to the control panel was causing significant twitching, so these are now mounted in the facia. The picture above shows 1668 with the right of way for the first departure to the new fiddle yard and beyond.

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Nice to meet you at the Copenhagen Fields event over the weekend @DRoe96 


These buildings are looking really impressive - the combination of laser cut/3D printed(?) windows and doors with careful plasticard work is looking great! It looks like it all started from some careful masterplanning of each building in CAD?

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11 hours ago, justin1985 said:

Nice to meet you at the Copenhagen Fields event over the weekend @DRoe96 


These buildings are looking really impressive - the combination of laser cut/3D printed(?) windows and doors with careful plasticard work is looking great! It looks like it all started from some careful masterplanning of each building in CAD?

It was wonderful to meet yourself and the team at Copenhagen Fields  @justin1985. It was great to get up close to the layout in a different environment, I'll add some pictures here when I get a chance to retrieve them off the camera.


Your suspicions are correct with the buidlings, each is designed to a reasonable degree in CAD, in the case of the Goods Shed, different bodies were used to design the laser-cut ply core and then the plasticard and 3D printed layers around that. I find it easier to get the 3D sizing correct in this way first, and then use 2D drawings to create the mockups in the pictures. I can put together some images of the CAD if people are interested in seeing the interaction of the bodies?

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9 hours ago, Robert Shrives said:

Looks ideal for an AC railcar or 122 bubble  when finances permit .. 


Funny you should mention railcars Robert, although an AC is very tempting to my locoholic self, I do have one of the new AEC railcars from Heljan en route as I type!

Payment was taking and shipping notified this afternoon, with a following wind should arrive before the week is out :yahoo: 

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Speak of the devil and he shall appear... the railcar arrived today and I am most impressed, lovely paintwork, smooth on the rolling road. The detailing is just superb.


A couple of posed shots on the layout below, she'll now be out of service until I can afford the sound decoder...


Pictures of Copenhagen Fields to follow over the weekend as well



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Thanks for the praise @slow8dirty, welcome to the thread.


This evening has seen the first two aluminium strips mounted in the fiddle yard to allow me to run trains properly again.




Which led to this nice shot of 1470 appearing past the Goods Shed. 



I feel like this may become one of my favourite angles when the scenics progress further...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Goods shed is nearly there, feels like a long slog at this point but the end is in sight.



Roof is now on and tiled, just needs the trusses on the roof to be white-washed.


The brass framework for the crane has been assembled, now to assemble the crane onto the tube. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The crane now ready for primer. I definitely went the long way round making far too many modifications once the main structure had been assembled.



It now much more closely resembles the prototype image of the one found at Washford. And more importantly, fits inside the Goods Shed!


Does anyone know what colour the BR Western Region would paint them? Brown like most of the wood work, or maybe plain black?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The now complete crane installed in the Goods Shed. Added some light rust around the bolts as well.



The above picture also shows the whitewashed roof trusses, this means I can now at least weather the inside of the roof.


And with the roof off.


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Just read through the thread and throughly enjoyed it and the building construction is most impressive. What materials have you used for the backscene looks like some type of plastic board will continue to follow your progress 


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17 minutes ago, gismorail said:

Just read through the thread and throughly enjoyed it and the building construction is most impressive. What materials have you used for the backscene looks like some type of plastic board will continue to follow your progress 


Thanks @gismorail, I'm glad you enjoyed the read. Backscenes are 3mm ply, the corner pieces were made from bendy ply I found on Amazon, typically it's used for furniture building. Painted with wood primer to seal it all and then a self-adhesive ID Backscene added on top.

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A bit of a change this weekend, with 3 loco crews on the workbench. Having built a respectable number of Airfix kits these aren't the first figures I've painted. 

However, they are the most detailed, and the first time I have attempted dry-brushing to get the various shades.


Currently at various stages of completion they'll all get a black wash once fully painted, then a coat of matt varnish ready for adding to locos.


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