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Revolution trains 3rd Facebook live - Possible new models to be announced

Lukas G.

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From the website - 

For obvious reasons, our plans to research and develop new models have been disrupted as we have been able to travel to conduct research trips, meet with TOCs and so on.

However, while our programme has been delayed slightly, we will have some exciting new projects in both N and 00 to announce very soon.

We had intended to announce these at the DEMU Showcase exhibition, which we attend every year, but as this is no longer possible they will be unveiled in our third Facebook Live, coming soon.


Make sure to keep an eye out for when the Facebook live drops - meanwhile we’ll only be able to speculate! I’m hoping for some more modern image wagons - I don’t know about you but I would absolutely go for some Drax biomass hoppers in N!

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10 hours ago, Lukas G. said:

I’m hoping for some more modern image wagons - I don’t know about you but I would absolutely go for some Drax biomass hoppers in N!


I fully agree,  but I believe this has been brought up a couple of years ago and the outcome was that Drax are very obstructive when it comes to granting permission to use their branding. 


Unless anything has changed in the meantime... fingers crossed.

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Firstly to say that given the comparative lack of new N models delivered from the main manufacturers of late it is great to know that RevolutioN have yet more new models in the pipeline. 


Given the announcement was to be at DEMU and being gobsmacked by the sheer quality of the models produced to date, I can understand why there is a long list of potential modern wagons that people would like, and if that is what is announced then fair play, they are awesome! 


However, if I can be forgiven for going off at a slight tangent, given the fabulous Sturgeons, I would love to see some long lived PW ballast wagons to complement them. It's not such a daft idea, after all something like a Catfish would bridge a lot of eras (right into sectorisation and then preservation I believe?).


Then consider that the Dapol Dogfish hasn't been produced for many years now and seems unlikely to be again, and as for the Farish Seacow of DJM Mermaid - probably safe to say forget it, and that just leaves the Dapol Grampus...


Of course personally I would love to see the Clayton resurrected (it was so close!) and that probably just about fits with DEMU theme? However I do still need more coffee this morning so that dream will pass!


Anyway, whatever happens I hope to be able to dial in, I think Facebook Live is a great medium to use to communicate with people, especially at this time.



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  • RMweb Premium
22 hours ago, Lukas G. said:

Make sure to keep an eye out for when the Facebook live drops - meanwhile we’ll only be able to speculate! I’m hoping for some more modern image wagons - I don’t know about you but I would absolutely go for some Drax biomass hoppers in N!


Drax biomass hoppers like these ones you mean ;)


49829025133_4422820a78.jpgUntitled by njee20, on Flickr


I spoke to Ben about them at TINGS last year, and I know it's something they've been asked about before. I think a downsizing of the JNA/MMA is likely, now the HOAs have been released. I have an idea of something else that may be in the pipeline. I'm certianly excited, my wallet less so!

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Seeing the responses so far, I’m interested in the number of period models people are interested in... if Drax aren’t willing to replicate their hoppers maybe some luck will be found with the new GBRF/Nacco biomass hoppers for those hoping to depict a biomass flow in RTR, although due to the hefty size of these it may be limited in terms of curves - biomass is an interesting freight flow for me, and I will certainly look out for any future models of these. Personally, I would like to start my own RTR company using a similar method to revolution trains - however this is of course extremely unlikely but if anything happens I will be sure to let everyone know.


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Without this wishing to get into a technical discussion on the challenges of building biomass wagons in N the biggest issue I had was how far inboard the bogies are. You have massive overhang. Hornby made the outermost discharge chutes part of the bogie; I use a separate arm pivoting on the bogie, but it compromises how close you can couple them and still get around curves.


They're begging for a kinematic coupler mount; I'm sure Revolution would make a great attempt of them, and probably do a better job of the decals than I have too! The Greenbrier GBRF ones just aren't as visually interesting as the Drax ones.


Looking forward to the next live regardless of what's coming; IMO Revolution are definitely furthering N gauge at the moment.

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53 minutes ago, Lukas G. said:

They have confirmed the 390 re-run, which is good. I’ll probably go for an Avanti 5-car set as I’m broke from spending all my money on their wagons.

Indeed, I just hope they open the order book soon before I decide I want something else lol. 



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  • RMweb Premium
17 hours ago, ash39 said:


I fully agree,  but I believe this has been brought up a couple of years ago and the outcome was that Drax are very obstructive when it comes to granting permission to use their branding. 


Unless anything has changed in the meantime... fingers crossed.

Just what is it with private companies and their branding? I'd consider any publicity to be advantageous.

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11 minutes ago, Crepello said:

Just what is it with private companies and their branding? I'd consider any publicity to be advantageous.

You’d think so, wouldn’t you? “Hey, your brand and logo is going to be slapped onto a high-quality, low-price model and be in the living room/railway room of thousands of homes creating more recognition for your brand”

”This is... Unacceptable

“Drax what are you doing?”

lawyer team activation sequence initiated”

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  • RMweb Premium

Interesting thought. I reckon an upscaled HOA is more likely (and a downsized MMA) than a totally different aggregate wagon. Or something totally different; engineers wagons is an interesting one. MXAs or something maybe?


Or... a class 90 in N!? (runs for cover)

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Hey guys, a few minutes ago rails of Sheffield broke news that it is producing a class 89 in OO in co-operation with accurascale, accurascale and revolution often partner up (Class 92, Nuke wagons) and so we may be getting this in N gauge too - only speculating, but it seems logical

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, I was thinking the same about the 89. Particularly now CJM aren't around. Niche though, particularly doing all 4 liveries. I'd definitely be surprised to see both GNER variants reach critical mass in N.

Despite Bachmann having a OO one I'd still have thought a 90 would be a better prospect in N, although I accept the duplication risk.

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The risk is definitely still there, plus the 90 may be regarded a more “mainstream” model which one of the giants might pick up soon. I know a friend who could plump for a GNER 89, might take some saving however. The 89 would be a perfect choice for Revolution trains’ mission statement, and practically screams “NICHE MODEL” At anyone who looks at it. A welcome announcement in OO and I will watch the Facebook live eagerly to see what’s coming next for N.


Edit - the GNER 89 would also work well with the upcoming Cavalex models class 91 and mk4s in N, which and with the Hornby 91 and mk4s in OO. This may have been a case of the right loco, at the right time.

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If Cavalex deliver a 91 and mk4s. Obviously for those who are interested (and for them) I hope they do, but it's not looking great! That would leave an 89 with not much to pull!

The 90 is emphatically a more maintstream model, but with Bachmann having a OO gauge one they're the obvious candidate to downsize into N. I know that's what's put Ben and Mike off previously, and totally understand why. That said we know Bachmann don't move too fast, and I suspect Revolution could steal a march on them unless Bachmann have been diligently beavering away on a 90 in the background, and that's likely to be the rub.


You are right about the 89 being niche, and it has a certain charm, but I'm just not sure it's a big enough market in N; would be an interesting one to see though!


I think I'm right in saying it shares a chassis with a 92 though, so that's one less bit to worry about!

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It definitely would be, this may be a model which has a high price due to low demand, but we’ll see. The 89’s use seems to be set for OO, as Hornby don’t look to be stopping with their 91 any time soon. If the cavalex one falls through (Hopefully not) then it’s Grafar mk4s or Dapol Intercity Mk3s - It will take a modeller committed to the 89 to source all those.

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14 hours ago, 159220 said:

Hmm new OO? I would like to see a good take on the IIA-B/IIA-F or how about those Kirow points wagons? But would be happy with the HOAs blown up into OO! 


spoke to the guys at model rail scotland this year and the ysaid that they would be doing the HOA in OO after the OO TEA.

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Personally id love to see (In N gauge);


MRA hoppers

The component parts of the HOAB train

380/385 EMU's (Unlikely as Scottish only)

The Accurascale 37's in N

TPE Nova 1 and 2 to go along side the TPE MKv's


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23 hours ago, njee20 said:

They're begging for a kinematic coupler mount; I'm sure Revolution would make a great attempt of them, and probably do a better job of the decals than I have too! The Greenbrier GBRF ones just aren't as visually interesting as the Drax ones.



Isn't this exactly what RevolutioN did for the Sturgeon??


There is a massive overhang between the bogie and the end of the wagon.





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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, njee20 said:

If Cavalex deliver a 91 and mk4s. Obviously for those who are interested (and for them) I hope they do, but it's not looking great! That would leave an 89 with not much to pull!


The 90 is emphatically a more maintstream model, but with Bachmann having a OO gauge one they're the obvious candidate to downsize into N. I know that's what's put Ben and Mike off previously, and totally understand why. That said we know Bachmann don't move too fast, and I suspect Revolution could steal a march on them unless Bachmann have been diligently beavering away on a 90 in the background, and that's likely to be the rub.


I haven't seen any update on the Cavalex 91/mk4s since they said they were continuing with the N Gauge version. Have I missed something for you to suggest it's not looking good? I'm really hoping it makes it!! The 89 being done in N might even help them with extra demand for mk4 rakes. 


The problem with the 90 is these days is we won't know what Bachmann/Farish are planning until they are at the EP stage, so RevolutioN could go for the 90, get all the way to the CAD stage only for Bachmann to drop an EP. Probably not worth the risk unless you were confident you could have it in production within the next 12 months.  



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