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Not strictly BT&S, but the tanker fleet should be running on "Berkeley Junction" at the Swindon Steam Museum exhibition this weekend. Will be bringing the MW for it's first outing and potentially the Fowler as well, although since it's technically main line they will be in a backup role (i.e.the branch operator has pilfered the Lionheart 64xx back for an autotrain). Doubtless it'll be complete chaos since we've never run the schedule before, haven't all operated the layout together and don't really know what we're doing, so do come and see us if you fancy a laugh. Chances are I'll be front of house shunting the yard.

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  • 1 month later...

Digital, for locos anyway- currently a Multimaus. Points are all old fashioned solenoid and switches- the switchboard hangs off the front of the layout. Won't be doing loads of shows with it, it's not the easiest to move after all (it was never designed to go on the road) but guest operators and stock more than welcome when we do!


I need to be brave and learn the wonders of brass kitbuilding and get a bit more variety in the loco fleet. I'm in the nice position of being fairly well off for wagons (I need to build/ finish a few more, and could do with a couple more open wagons) but am a bit short on locos, which seems to be the reverse of conventional wisdom. Maybe next year... this year has mostly been learning about DIY!

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By the way, the Tower Models barclay is a doddle to put together. Lots of cleaning up of castings give you a much better finish, but it does make into a nice model. My only complaint is the chassis. Really, the U-channel they used should be 1" wide and not 3/4" but I imagine that it must be difficult to find the right size at 19mm high and 25mm across. I started scratch-building a new chassis for it, but ended up moving house, so it's still in the box after 6 months.

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Cheers Dave, nice to have it. I did measure the room before we made an offer on the house! 


As for locos, we've got the Fowler, the Manly Waddle, and a Peckett on pre order, all with noise care of EDM. I've resisted a Terrier though! The Tower Barclay is a bit big really, quite fancy something a little different. The Agenoria RS&H would be a nice starting point.

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Nice railway room, though I'm not sure what to make of "Domestic Harmony" being in separate rooms on opposite sides of the house... :)


Sounds ideal to me. In our house Sue has the small backroom upstairs as a study for her artwork and I am either downstairs in my workroom or in the roof. We meet for meals!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I couldn't help but notice there is not a tree in sight at Bury, Thorn & Sons.


Then again, I couldn't help but notice the orange Latil timber tracteur on the window sill (lovely model isn't it?), so it isn't really surprising I suppose.  



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  • 4 weeks later...

Missed that post Osgood- tiz a rather nice model, was a Birthday present from my boss- he's spent the last couple of years trying to convince me I need a 12" to 1' scale one to keep his Unipower & Scammells company.


Having said I wasn't going to buy a Terrier, I may have given in to temptation when I saw the blue ones. Given the price it was tricky to resist really. That and the MW isn't quite right and I'm not sure I'll have the time or skill to get it fettled before Yate in February. The Terrier should be a nice easy project at least... famous last words. Sound, a repaint, removal of the condensing gear and fitting the later brake gear (available as a spare from DCC Supplies, as are lots of bits at what I considered very sensible prices). 


As arrived; looks a little out of place.




And in it's current state... Still undecided on livery, I quite like the idea of light green but I'm struggling to find suitable transfers "off the shelf".



Edited by brianthesnail96
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All the hard work has been Dave's doing, although there are some very minor tweaks I want to do before Yate.


As for transfers, I'm not a particular fan of etched name and particularly numberplates on everything, it comes across as a little twee to me (possibly to do with my 16mm/ ft modelling days, where nearly every loco is spotlessly clean with large brass plates)- although I'll concede the Ixion ones are very nicely done. I'd much prefer company lettering, ideally white shaded black on light green paint- sadly there isn't time before the next show to get custom ones done so I've been looking for suitable lettering/ alphabets for either B.T.S. or BT&S on the tank sides and No3 on the cab. Another option would be straw shaded red and I'll paint the loco black.


Most likely though it'll end up sand with a BTS roundel as the Fowler, which I can do with self (or Tim!) printed transfers (as on the Fowler). The Minerva Peckett will definitely be getting this treatment.

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Old Mr Bury is a cantankerous old whatsit, typical grumpy Yorkshireman who wouldn't consider any loco not made in his home county.


Mr Thorn is slightly less cantankerous and spent some time working in Bristol in his younger years; this gave him a slightly broader view of the world and as such, he allows his Yorkshire instinct for thrift to overcome his Yorkshire instinct for only buying things from Yorkshire on occasion. This doesn't stretch as far as buying things from Lancashire of course, but when he found out via a contact from his Bristol days who had moved to the big smoke that the LB&SC were selling off some of the Terrier fleet, the opportunity to snaffle a couple of small but powerful tank locomotives at a bargain price was not to be missed.


Some years later with both being somewhat worn out the decision was taken to refurbish one with the best bits of the pair, it taking the identity of No. 3, originally LB&SC 51 "Rotherhithe", the other engine (BT&S No. 4) was LB&SC 66 "Hatcham"


As penance, Mr Bury insisted the next loco after the Terriers was from one of the Leeds manufacturers, but Mr Thorn got his way again later, ordering a new Peckett Class E to replace the scrapped No. 4 as the Bristol firm was able to offer a shorter lead time than the Northern manufacturers while at a competitive price.


Obviously, by the time of our visit, the early 1960's, both the founders have passed away and it's Mr Thorn's two sons running the business (Mr Bury never married). They have inherited their father's thrift however, hence the locomotive fleet continuing to be somewhat eclectic.




Can you tell it's a quiet afternoon in the office?

Edited by brianthesnail96
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  • 3 weeks later...

No. I've not decided yet, should be 7 but might actually be 5, will depend on what transfers I have already printed, has now been delivered- ahead of schedule. Big beastie, but looks at home. There were a few class E built later than the Fowlers but not many so it should be a lower number in the fleet than the Fowler really- I shall have to amend the history above; perhaps Mr Thorn with his eye for a bargain was better at convincing Mr Bury than we thought...


This is turning into a box opening thread, sorry... will try and amend that in the new year, although current priority is to build loco & stock levels sufficiently for me to be self sufficient and not have to borrow stock (although I'm lucky to have a friend with a good fleet who is happy to loan suitable stock and indeed weathered and sound chipped his Ixion HC specially for us to run at Hardwicke exhibition). Still some bits and pieces to do to the layout though. 


Happy Christmas to all who follow mine & Dave's ramblings here :)







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  • 1 month later...

BT&S will be appearing at Yate Model Railway Show on the 13th of Feb- see here for details.


Feel free to say hello if you are visiting, bring something (small) to run etc. I'm the one in dire need of a haircut (unless I have, in fact, had a haircut by then)...


Hoping to get the Terrier "done" by then, frantically painting and weathering wagons at the moment. The Peckett will be running in it's out of the box state as I've run out of time to repaint it, but it's too good fun to not play with!

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Bit of progress on the Terrier- bufferbeams and frame weathering still to do. Nowhere near as pleased as I am with the Fowler, but it looks more in keeping than it did and provides a useful extra locomotive. This is my first attempt at weathering a steam locomotive. The Fowler was much easier!






Think I might clean the tank front slightly looking at that (possibly the cab front too although access is a pain, which probably makes it a bit more excusable).

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It would never have occurred to me in a month of Sundays to use that colour for locos - but it's great! It takes lettering and weathering beautifully.....


A little more in the join between tank and boiler, the buffer beams and your soot over the boiler top, and you've got something rather special.


I think it (and the Fowler)'s absolutely super.

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Thanks folks.

Giles, in case you hadn't guessed it was done in pieces and then put together- hence missing grubbying the joint between boiler tanks. I'll have to attend to that. I did attempt to dust the top of the boiler but I couldn't get anything I was happy with and polished it off. I'll try again with a softer brush as it's a little too shiny now! It actually looks slightly pinkish in those photos, it doesn't in reality. Was pleased with how the lettering came out though- although it is a bit heavy.


Peckett next (once I've finished the vans, and repainted the cupboard door mineral that I've inadvertently painted blue...). Same treatment, lots of nice rivet detail to snag dirt on :)

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