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Freight only micro layout: the end!

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Hi all, 


You'll have to excuse the less than original/exciting topic name but I'm only at the primitive mock up stage. 


I actually have another "layout" under construction. Although technically speaking, it's not really a layout or under construction as it's little more than a baseboard and an idea and it's not progressed further than that in almost 12 months. I do want to actually build it, it's just stalled for more reason than one at the moment. 


So, let me introduce my latest idea. Measuring 1000 x 250mm (size dictated by an offcut of ply I have available). It'll be little more than a shunting layout, but will hopefully give me an opportunity to practice tracklaying, and enable me to scratchbuild some buildings as well as giving me somewhere to run my kitbuilt wagons. 


Some photos (imagination required!) 








All very basic, and all subject to change at this stage. 


Thanks for looking! 

Edited by Enfys_Rainbow
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Looks a nice project and love the efforts on the building roof. Raising the track is a great idea and even a little bit makes a big difference. The track in the picture below was raised about 25mm and it makes a big difference on a narrow layout



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Hi all, 


Thank you very much for the comments. Bit more kitchen table modelling tonight, this time to create some mock ups of some of the kind of structures I'm thinking about to see how it'd look. 


So firstly, a "panoramic" view:




The building on the left, primarily a viewblocker, won't be plonked as it is now. The ground will be sloping down towards the baseboard front, so the back wall will actually be taller than here, but embedded into the landscape (hope that makes sense?). As I'm yet to cut the ply trackbed to size, I can't actually try this out visually yet. 




The building at the right hand side will be some kind of warehouse/goods shed. The inspiration for this is the shed on Barrowfleet, albeit shorter. Unfortunately I ran out of time tonight to do any more. 




The rusty, tin shed will be approximately in the centre of the layout. 


@Gziffo - the box set was bought with my daughter in mind. Although she enjoys Thomas, she's not quite ready for these books yet! 


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Hello all, 


More mocking up and cardboard tonight. Having shaped the trackbed (badly), it gave me a chance to look at the left hand building in more detail.


It was clear, even at this rough stage, that the idea in my post above (building with tall rear wall and scenery contoured around it) was not going to work from a visual perspective. It just looked awkward. 


Looking through some inspirational layout articles for ideas, I came across an old favourite - Woolverstone by Mr Rice. I always really liked the left hand corner of this layout and here was my opportunity to imitate it. 




The house, again, is borrowed and not likely to be used because I think it needs to be a bit higher. But it's enough to prove the idea. I'd be interested in people's thoughts however. 


Otherwise, I've added a roof to the warehouse and added a suggestion of another, central building and I think it could work. 






Thanks for looking! 

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I like the use of different levels and a view block instead of a traditional bridge is nice too. 

Have you seen a layout called, I believe, Six Quarters, uses a house as a view block to great effect? 

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Thanks for your comments about the levels. I have two other small layouts (well layout boards) on the go and the flatness is something I regret in hindsight. 


Today has seen the beginning of the backscene construction, sides still to be added. I actually don't think I'll be having an off-scene fiddle yard, I think I'll keep it all self contained. 


@sb67, I have seen Six Quarters, it's a lovely little layout. I'm also wary of the traditional road overbridge too, hence wanting to try something different!


Some more progress photos (buildings just there for context):










Thanks for looking! 

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Further progress today - basic backscene is now completed. 




Next job is to fit some thin (1 - 2mm, can't remember!) cork and then finish the backscene to hide the corners. 


Still playing with the placement of some smaller structures and will hopefully build another mock up of the left hand view blocker in a more appropriate size to get a better idea of how it'll look too. 

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A winter scene... 




Or rather a simple paper backscene to hide the corners and a foamboard track base so I can "bury" any structures. You'll also notice a change to the view blocker building. I'll hopefully be using a kitbashed laser cut kit here. 


After tomorrow, I'm sure the updates and progress will slow down as I'm back in work. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, 


As predicted, progress has slowed right down now I'm back at work but I have managed to finish the first piece of stock for the layout - an old Parkside Grampus kit. 



It's meant to represent an older, rusty wagon and is based on some photos on the Bartlett site. 


Thanks for looking! 

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Hello all! 


Slow progress at the moment due to all sorts of other commitments. I've made a start on the left hand building. Still in quite a rough stage at present. The depth is to allow for it to be bedded into the surrounding environment eventually. 




And a shot of the layout sitting on top of its slightly larger, and also in-progress companion. 




Thanks for looking! 


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Bit of progress with one of the buildings. This is a cut and shut job, comprising of two sides of a laser cut kit, and two sides from plain old cardboard. 


The roof here is just a mock up to see how it'd look hence the visible gap. 




It looks wonky here, but it's actually just the angle of the photo! 




I'm undecided whether to stick with one chimney stack, as here, or have one at both ends, as the kit intended. It seems more visually balanced with one. I'm also not sure about two "open" windows. It adds a bit of life, but also seems slightly clichéd to me. 


Thanks for looking! 

Edited by Enfys_Rainbow
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