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Locos of Beaminster Road Rebuilds and Upgrade in 4mm 00 Gauge

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Guest Jack Benson

Since forever, a part built SEF T9 has been skulking in the ‘roundtuit’ cupboard, there is no comparison to the Hornby model but the possibility of an etched chassis changes everything. 


The normal configuration is motor facing rearwards on the rear axle. Will the combo of an HL RR+ with the 13mm coreless facing forward driving the front axle work? 

The loco will be coupled to the redundant tender from the Bec D15 made by DLT earlier this year (nothing wasted)







Edited by Jack Benson
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The SEF T9 chassis kit is superb. I'm slowly replacing the chassis on some of my old T9's.

I've used portescaps in mine though the next ones will use high level gearboxes. I've driven both front & rear axles, depending on the motor used, my main priority is getting enough weight into the body. All I need is for squires to get some new stock. They've been oos with some chassis kits for ages .

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1 hour ago, Jack Benson said:

Hi and thanks,

An etched chassis is inbound, it may sound silly when I have two upgraded Hornby T9s with brass motor mounts but with a tiny collection of just six locos, the opportunity to complete the collection with a sixth all-metal loco just seemed appropriate.



As shown elsewhere, this is tatty T9 that was covered in spider's webs, my wife insisted on washing it in near boiling water (just in case) and only a couple of bits fell off. Nothing lost.






Squires keep telling me they are out of stock. Just last week they were saying at least a month before new etches arrive.

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I think we all have one or two of these lurking in our cupboards, for some reason these were popular kits in the Wills era. I guess firstly because it was a southern loco as the Southern was badly looked after by the RTR trade and the 8 wheeled tenders. On checking I have 4 !!  two were bodies and tenders bought separately. I have two different etched chassis, but I don't think either are the latest SEF offerings. Needless to say all 4 are in the to do pile. One is in the to be sold pile now

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  • Guest changed the title to Locos of Beaminster Road Rebuilds and Upgrade in 4mm 00 Gauge
15 hours ago, Jack Benson said:

The Jidenco M7 has pitched up and it is better than expected but it still needs to be throroughly tested and a tiny Zimo decoder fitted. 








Just as good on both sides and is that a flywheel in the cab?




Yesterday A Jidenco LSWR B4 i won on eBay turned up, 00 gauge and runs OK with the exception the cylinders need a more permeant fixing, other than that its been reasonably well built

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Just to explain my madness; the GA in Bradley shows that the cab windows were 15" or 5mm in 4mm scale.  The Wills' openings are visibly smaller than that.   Happily my cheapo leather punch cuts a 5mm hole on the largest setting.  I used 0.010" styrene glazing, but to get a clean cut I had to back the glazing material with a piece of card.   Glazed examples have been sent for approval, but the windows shown were not actually glazed. 

I'm currently in the process of sorting out the pipework on top of the firebox which will involve drilling suitable holes  in the cab front for whatever I manage to concoct.  This is holding up finally gluing the roof on and fitting those tapered handrails. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Have just realised that of the 3xx T9s only 338 seems to have had an external steam pipe, but my now redundant steam pipe will come in handy for one of my narrow cab T9 builds.  Presumably there was room under the running plate of wide cab T9s to hide the pipe. 

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Last week I could not resist putting in a cheeky bid for what was listed "Possibly a K's "T9 kit. Well I knew that K's never made a T9 kit.

The label had Puffers of Pickering and the box was a very Bark blue shade

The top of the box had a black & white photo no makers name but a reference number of WK11

Having grown up constantly visiting Puffers of Kenton, becoming friendly with Both Chris Parish and John Redrup I assumed it was a Westward kit


It arrived Christmas Eve and whilst I have not closely matched it up with either a Wills of SEF kit I assume its a Westward kit. A bit of a strange on in not having  etched side frames but a brass bar chassis with an X03 (cooked) motor. Whilst I do have a couple of Wills T9's, this was one for old times sake if I could get it cheap, Despite a bit of heavy handed brush painting and a lot of kit built locos described as non runners I won it for less than by £36 bid. A dead ringer for a Wills kit, but might have a Bristol models chassis



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Cripes, I'm rather hoping that it's 311 that we're heading for! 






The injectors and brakes are fitted, the wheel nuts are Loctited on, and the chassis lubed.   With the coupling rods properly secured with Markits brass washers the coupling rods caught on the top brake pivot - now shaved off a tad.    With a hinged fall plate added later today, it will be ready for acceptance testing on Beaminster Road perhaps later this week. 


Edited by Steve Smith
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On 27/12/2021 at 10:04, hayfield said:

Last week I could not resist putting in a cheeky bid for what was listed "Possibly a K's "T9 kit. Well I knew that K's never made a T9 kit.

The label had Puffers of Pickering and the box was a very Bark blue shade

The top of the box had a black & white photo no makers name but a reference number of WK11

Having grown up constantly visiting Puffers of Kenton, becoming friendly with Both Chris Parish and John Redrup I assumed it was a Westward kit


It arrived Christmas Eve and whilst I have not closely matched it up with either a Wills of SEF kit I assume its a Westward kit. A bit of a strange on in not having  etched side frames but a brass bar chassis with an X03 (cooked) motor. Whilst I do have a couple of Wills T9's, this was one for old times sake if I could get it cheap, Despite a bit of heavy handed brush painting and a lot of kit built locos described as non runners I won it for less than by £36 bid. A dead ringer for a Wills kit, but might have a Bristol models chassis



Westward T9s have narrow cabs, riveting on the smokebox and levers on both cab splashers.  The box sounds like a Westward box and WK11 is the correct Westward reference for a superheated T9.  Westward Kits must pre-date Perseverance etched chassis.  

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9 hours ago, Steve Smith said:

Westward T9s have narrow cabs, riveting on the smokebox and levers on both cab splashers.  The box sounds like a Westward box and WK11 is the correct Westward reference for a superheated T9.  Westward Kits must pre-date Perseverance etched chassis.  


Thanks, I must have a Wills T9 in a Westward box, it might be a case that the loco was sold through Puffers shop and re-boxed, which would explain the altered Westward box label where the name and most details were removed

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Jack Benson said:

Almost a month later and nothing to report on the T9 whilst the L1 body has since been donated to a group member who models the exSECR. However this leads the most recent and final acquisition for the layout, yet another pre-grouping 4-4-0 but an exSECR example from OO Works, their L class. 31777 spent '52 in the Bournemouth area and suitable locos from 71B might have worked over the D&E and 31777 was very suitable.




Just passed through John G's hands to have a Zimo chip and stay-alive fitted, it is a really lovely runner and perfect for the rake of Maunsells. The only fly in the ointment is the colour scheme......what to do?




Weatherd SR green would look very good

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  • RMweb Gold

1777 was in SR Black until gaining malachite post 1946 then renumbered 31777 still in malachite green in April 1948 before gaining lined black in December 1949.

31780 was the last in malachite gaining lined black in July 1954.


31770 was transferred to Eastleigh in December 1951 then followed by 31771 to 31779 in January 1952 to replace aging LSWR 4-4-0s. Due to the arrival of the LMS/BR 2-6-2Ts numbers 31770-3 were transferred to Tonbridge in August with 31774-9 being replaced by L1s in December 1952 and transferred to Ashford. 



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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Jack Benson said:



I posted a link on the layout thread but here it is in all its glory. It was the gloss lacquer for the transfers that reacted with whatever was lurking underneath......but deep breath and move forward.





Looks very well weathered 

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