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Embankment Road T&RSMD


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Cheers James,

Core fleet is 2 class 08s, 3 dummy power cars, a handful of Mk3s and a mainline loco or two, so definitely not a "look at all my trains" :lol:

Yeah, I think I'd consider it for a bigger layout - it's making sure the joins and cuts are square that's the potential problem area. I've learnt the hard way about where the bracing etc needs to go - I'll pop a post up eventually highlighting what has and hasn't worked



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Looking good. I tried a layout built on insulation boards (type with foil on) and found it a nightmare. I kept denting it and then could not get the track flat and level. Gave up and started a new layout made of ply. I look forward to following this one.

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Hi Richard,

Foamboard is similarly easy to dent, which is why I have covered it in paper mache and sheet of A3 paper. This gives a really tough shell, yet doesn't add much weight. I'll post about the process later on when I have a bit more time



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Yeah, I think I'd consider it for a bigger layout - it's making sure the joins and cuts are square that's the potential problem area. I've learnt the hard way about where the bracing etc needs to go - I'll pop a post up eventually highlighting what has and hasn't worked

I don't think I'd use foamboard for one project I'm currently planning as it may be pushing it too far (4' x 3' boards potentially) but for another couple of projects it could have real potential :) I like to see different materials in use - I thought the boards for Gordon Gravett's french layout were rather interesting for example.


Sturdiness is an issue as I prefer to build track in situ where possible - quite prototypical too! :lol:

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Buildings, yeah....buildings...

I'm using a couple of Bachmann Scenecraft items where I feel they are suitable, enhance the scene and help me out, rather than using them because they are there. There seem to be a lot of layouts with just RTP buildings plonked on a board.

Cliché number two after a TMD to cram all my stock onto :D

The main shed building is being scratch built from mounting card. I've chosen this for its strength, ease of marking out and cost. The side piece is one of 3 or 4 produced so far, more will be done, acting as a frame to support the roof. Not sure what type of card or paper to use for the roof yet, I need something that'll flex yet is rigid enough. The visible side of the shed will be the same shape, but in clear plastic to allow the interior to be seen.




The building I'm working on at the moment is based on the right hand building here:


The slightly taller building, with the curve of the roof to the front, will be represented in single track form. The HST shed going off the left of the photo will form the backscene, with my switches for points and isolating sections hidden inside.

The large triangular area at the front of the board will have some grounded van bodies, some small buildings and a concrete pad. A road bridge will provide the scenic break at this end

James, I don't see why you couldn't build track in situ on the board, two layers of paper mache, then a couple of layers of wall paper past and A3 white paper topped off with emulsion paint has provided a solid shell, which when nicely braced inside is solid. I think Baby Laira is 4' by 2', the only weaknesses being due to me rather than materials. The fiddle yard is much stronger than the layout due to this...:unsure:




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Guest 40-something

Hi Jo


Im paying a lot of attention to this thread, have been thinking for a long while about using foamboard for baseboards for a small N gauge layout!

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Hi Joe, give it a go, especially if you can get some on buy one get one free ;) A small layout sounds like the perfect chance to do a trial

Progress on the layout has slowed a bit while I've spent some time concentrating on the stock:


I've updated the blog with progress: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/blog/658/entry-6290-pimp-my-ride/




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Hi Jo, I like what you have done so far. The main shed building looks very good with the Bachmann office block sat next to it. Are you planning to have pits and walk ways inside the shed? An HST power car would look good up on lifting jacks inside.


I look forward to seeing more progress.

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Hi Alex,

Dunno what you mean....:rolleyes:



Yes there'll be pits and walkways, funny you should mention it as I've been working on them the last day or two. Will pop some pics up once a bit more complete




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Rightio, here's the pit.


This is the walk in pit for the heavy repair road, one road in the maintenance shed will be of a similar construction, with the other road having a pit set in the ground and (maybe) a wheel lathe if I can suss it out. I guess the idea of these raised up pits is to allow fitters to work under and alongside the train easily - headheight is around the underframe. This is two Peco pit kits (using 10 out 12 segments) which is long enough for two power cars. The sides are filled in with 4x1mm evergreen strip, and the buffer stop is built up with various plastic strip sections.

Here's a raised road at Laira http://www.flickr.com/photos/49572843@N00/4388045466/sizes/z/in/photostream/ which gives the kind of idea. The particular one I'm doing at the moment is from the heavy repair side, and will have a raised walkway all around it at loco floor level - many a photo has been taken here with engines removed and roof hatches open - sadly the loss of Fotopic means I can't easily lnk to one


The 66 should give some idea of scale

And one for Alex. It would look good with a power car or mk3 in the air :lol:





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Jo, those Bachmann jacks were made for that power car!


Excellent work on the walk in pits, I am loving the buffer stop that really does look the business. Superb work. I need to make some similar to those for my depot, I might have to get you to make me a few in OO! :D


You have made a good job of filling in the sides of the pits, very nice. I think that you are right it allows the fitters/maintenance staff to inspect the under frame/wheel sets etc.


That is exactly how I like sheds! :lol: :D


Thanks Jo, Indeed a nice Inter-City swallow power car or Mk3 would look superb up in the air. Look forward to seeing more progress.

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Looks very nice- captures the feel of the prototype well so far. I would ditch foam board as a structural material. I have used it for buildings in war gaming for nearly 20 years but wouldn't use it for a layout. Good quality birch faced (not from B&Q!) ply is much stronger and at 6mm or less not very heavy, if you are a lightweight fanatic you can even cut out most of the cross braces in an open frame construction.

I really hope that the base boards don't become an issue with the care that has gone into design and stock.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

Alex, Please don't tempt me into yet another variation...I already have ideas of a second set of stock, I'd be easily tempted to do a third :lol:

devondynosoar118, the foam board has stood up to all my test so far, so I'm hopeful it'll last. The whole idea from the outset was to test out what was possible with foamboard, and what didn't work so well. It's pretty rock solid now, and is still dead light weight.

Onto today's update. It's been a while I know, but the building looks a little more substantial than it did last time!



The pit will be set lower than this, so the track is level with the top of the main floor, with the floor around it lowered


The open door will allow a real person's eye view into the shed


An overall view of the shed. Next step is to add the roof - this will be made of thin card stuck on with contact adhesive. Jon Baulch has used this method in 4mm, so it should work here too

There are a number of rooflights, so combined with the side windows there should a fair amount of natural light. Also I've bought some yellow LEDs to represent the sodium gas lighting you tend to get in industrial locations. They won't be lit up like a christmas tree, instead giving a subtle warm glow to help hightlight the roofs of the stock inside.

A load of Farish VBA vans turned up today too, so I can crack on with repainting and de-chassising them to make a load of grounded van bodies.

Still on course for getting the layout out at Stormex in August

More soon!


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Work is still progressing, here's some shots taken tonight on the landing


This gives an idea of the track layout and how it all fits together. The road that the 08 and power car are heading down is the one that's gained track and a pit in the later images


The van bodies form the grounded body stores area. Anyone familiar with Laira will know it's going to be a fun project painting and fading these. I'm looking forward to getting these done


There's a great shot in HST silver jubilee of an HST sat outside Laira all nice and shiny - it'll be nice to recreate once the layout's done!


The first pit has gone in. This one is sitting below ground height, as can be seen, but the other two roads will have the lowered floor/raised pit mentioned previously. The white base is foamboard, with slots cut to locate the building. A layer of card will go down on top to level it all off once I have finished cutting holes


Another shot of the track in the shed. The flat area beyond the pit is the wheel lathe at the real Laira, I was umming and arring over whether to model it or not, but I may give it a go having realised how much can be seen through the windows on the side. If I do, I'll build it off layout, then if it doesn't work, the plain track can be left as it is

Time for F1 now me thinks,





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Hopefully it'll get some of the atmosphere that Boxenby has once the roof goes on.

I'm really impressed with the floor that Dave has achiveve on Battersea Stewarts Lane, I'll be happy if mine's anywhere near that




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  • 1 month later...

Time for a quick update!

The roof has gone onto the building, along with some internal lighting. Various little bits and pieces are coming together too, but I'll wait to get these in place. Progress feels like its picking up now the big projects are starting to pull together


A quickly thrown together test of the raised walkway and pit inside the building. Please ignore the derailed power car....:rolleyes:


Roof on. This is thin card, with each arc done individually. Contact adhesive is used, with a can of de-icer spray just the right diameter to hold the card down in the dips. The sticky lable "rain gutters" hide the joins. This method was suggested by Jon Baulch, who's done the same in 4mm. Whilst my roof isn't an exact copy of the real thing, I have included the distinctive circular windows.


Today I fitted the interior lighting to the building. These come as a strip of 24 LEDs, which can be broken down into groups of 3. I chose these because there was no faffing around sorting resistors etc, they simply need a 12v feed. I plan to power them off a trainset controller to act like a dimmer switch, so they look right but aren't overpowering.


The image doesn't capture the colour too well, but they have a nice warm orangey glow typical of the lighting used in warehouses, depots etc. The large windows let plenty of light in and the LEDs will be on just bright enough to highlight the roof of the stock but without looking floodlit like on so many layouts these days

More soon!



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Cheers Pete,

I'll probably get an FGW example when its out, to run on club layouts etc. It's an expensive set to buy and then hack holes in the front for a coupling bar. Also the fact I'd need two or three sets to get enough dummy power cars. Soon adds up...compared to the cheapy Farish power car shells I have in my stash. What's more, I have plenty more, so another era could easily be covered....



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  • 1 month later...

In between throwing bits of layout together in preparation for Stormex, I've had the chance to get some painting done. Phoenix Precision First Group blue and magenta (or Rubine Red to use its proper title) have been used. The transfer applied is one that didn't come out quite right, done as a trial to see how it'll all look.




These started out life as blue grey liveried mk3s, bought cheap at Hattons due to the Inter-City branding being higher than the 125. Assuming the pics of the Dapol FGW livery on the Kernow site are production models, I'm glad I've gone my own way with these.

Here's a picture of the real thing in case anyone reading isn't familiar with the livery


The sprinters are in the same condition (albeit masked up still) awaiting the light blue fade to be airbrushed next week. I'll pop some pics up of them too when they're done

All for now,



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Hi jo;


Looking good with the reliveried Mk3s. Two of us have gone the same way also and will see the project through to fruition.


The combination of the two tone roof colour, the dodgy paint job on the nose end and the way too big first logos on the nose are dissuading me from buying this one.


Notwithstanding what I have already said about the minor errors on the GC set...doors and power car grills, this set will be a little harder to correct.




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