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October 2010 issue of Railway Modeller


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Contents include;


ROM - Eskuir (OO)

POM - Carrelbridge (N)

Further enhancing N gauge

Hythe for Sandgate (4mm layout)

Dun Ui Riain (OO9 layout)

GW 4 wheel coaches (OO)

Drawing - class 76

Penpoll Quay (O layout)

Operating branch lines - 4

Building Blandford Forum

Gospel Cutting (Rock features)

Ashfordley (OO)

Sound for the Bachmann ROD

Semaphore signal construction

Letters, Reviews (class 105 dmu), News, Socs and Clubs, Diary.



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  • RMweb Gold

Having stepped back into UK prototype modelling, I am looking around. RM used to be THE mag to have. I can probably pick up this month's copy next week on a flying visit - but do you regulars think it is still the best of the bunch for content and advertising? Should I subscribe? Are there others worth considering? I'm OO RTR, not finescale, if that helps.

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I was a long standing reader of RM for many years but then dropped out of the modelling scene for a good few years. When I returned a couple of years ago I was pleasantly surprised to find the current number of modelling mags to choose from in Smiths. After trying them all I would say that RM is still the number one for adverts and the editorial quality reflects the fact that it still outsells the competition by a good margin. That said, the style and content remains much the same as it has done through it's life and if you only took RM you would be missing out on the much more 'action oriented' content in Model Rail and Hornby Mag.


Personally, I think that MR complements RM very well and take both. If I was to only take a single magazine I would probably find RM a bit too staid and MR a bit too frenetic and compromise by switching to Hornby Mag. I haven't really got on with BRM.


So RM is no longer THE magazine - the competition is definitely worth reading. If I read none regularly though, it would still be the best choice for an occasional purchase for the adverts and the exhibition diary, where it still stands head and shoulders above the rest. That said, it was disappointing this month to confirm that it has an exhibition blind spot in the Chesterfield area in late September. One can understand MR not feeling the need to place an exhibition advert in RM but I feel that overlooking Model Rail Live in the exhibition diary in the September and October mags cannot easily be excused...

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I don't think there is a BEST mag, it really depends on the content in each issue. Of course you won't have the WHS "try before you buy" facility sur le continent. I think if you are into narrow gauge then the Modeller has some (possibly too much) in every issue. I have to say that I have found the Hornby mag largely to my taste so far because it has had a lot of transition period 00 rtr, but this emphasis seems to be changing. I have not been over impressed with their plans though. Model Rail seems to be the most practical, whilst BRM sits somewhere in the middle and possibly looks the nicest.

Sorry Ian, but this is no help to you at all!



PS I have got every RM from 1965-2007, but as Morphaniel says it is no longer THE mag.

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  • RMweb Gold

Having stepped back into UK prototype modelling, I am looking around. RM used to be THE mag to have. I can probably pick up this month's copy next week on a flying visit - but do you regulars think it is still the best of the bunch for content and advertising? Should I subscribe? Are there others worth considering? I'm OO RTR, not finescale, if that helps.


It all depends what you're looking for Ian. RM is still by far the best for ads in my view and its content has improved a lot since the change of editor but its reviews are still very 'plain vanilla'. I think 'Model Rail' has the best reviews - sort of 'Model Railway Constructor'+++ in my view and the content is fairly catholic although quite a lot of emphasis on the 'modern railway' is the impression I get. oh and its ad content is beginning to catch the 'Modeller's'.


'Hornby Magazine' is definitely worth a look if you've never seen it, nice style and usually some interesting content.


Alas 'British Railway Modelling' seems to be passing through the doldrums at present although it is going in for some re-styling next month according to the October edition which landed on my doormat today - I have been wondering about not renewing my subscription but they've got an excellent special offer for existing subscribers converting to direct debit so I might stay with it. (The one I am giving the chop to is 'Model Railroader' - just not worth renewal especially at the present exchange rate, I'll buy it locally if the contents appeal or are useful.)


PS I've got every RM from January 1959 to date, plus some earlier ones, sad innit :rolleyes:

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Oddly enough the editorial this month is appealing to readers to place an order for RM via a newsagent or model shop, or get a subscription, saying "unprecedented competition in the high street is leading to some pretty outrageous trading demands from certain quarters. So much so that there is a degree of uncertainty about long-term trends in magazine retailing and distribution."


Are they afraid of being elbowed out by Smiths in favour of the latest microsleb mag or whatever? Or they are just trying to bluff occasional purchasers like me into buying one every month?


Speaking for myself I found October's RM a good read and the contents of MR (which I normally prefer) didn't appeal. I plan to remain an occasional purchaser...

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  • RMweb Premium

RM has been off-form for the last wee while but this month is the best for a long time. .....


I think it's more of a case of not being able to please all of the people all of the time; I'd guess that looking back we all have our own favourite issues where the balance just happens to be skewed to our preferences. What I do like, and I'm sure that it will continue, is the return to a classier cover that has ditched the busy bargain basement feel.

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I think it's more of a case of not being able to please all of the people all of the time; I'd guess that looking back we all have our own favourite issues where the balance just happens to be skewed to our preferences. What I do like, and I'm sure that it will continue, is the return to a classier cover that has ditched the busy bargain basement feel.


Possibly but there has been a huge bias to BR Blue and complete freelance. 009 is getting a good airing of late, which is nice.

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  • RMweb Gold

As usual when asking a question on here, I am humbled by the quality and earnest nature of the responses - thank you all! Your various views are as rational as any ever could be - "best" is a pretty silly measure to ask for! - and actually quite consensual - RM isn't bad, but each of the others has something, at least once in a while, that RM would simply not manage. I think I have to raid WH Smug on Euston Weds afternoon, and see what I can find! If I have read a couple of the mags over the next few days, I may be able to leave one or more with my old school mate, currently undergoing chemotherapy, in Suffolk on Tuesday following. Last time I saw him in 2008 - he was busy finishing off an O gauge Bulleid Pacific!


Thanks again each of you, for bothering!

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Oddly enough the editorial this month is appealing to readers to place an order for RM via a newsagent or model shop, or get a subscription, saying "unprecedented competition in the high street is leading to some pretty outrageous trading demands from certain quarters. So much so that there is a degree of uncertainty about long-term trends in magazine retailing and distribution."


Are they afraid of being elbowed out by Smiths in favour of the latest microsleb mag or whatever? Or they are just trying to bluff occasional purchasers like me into buying one every month?





I doubt very much it's bluff, Edwin. I think your guess as to what 'certain quarters' means is probably on the money though.


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I get Railway Modeller, Model Rail and Hornby magazines every month and IMHO they are all a good mix of articles across the broad church of modelling, obviously they won't appeal to everyone all of the time but I've yet to get an issue that didn't get re-read several times. The only gripe I have about these magazines is that Model Rail paper quality is not upto the same standard as the others and I find it can tear very easily.



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It all depends what you're looking for Ian. RM is still by far the best for ads in my view and its content has improved a lot since the change of editor but its reviews are still very 'plain vanilla'. I think 'Model Rail' has the best reviews - sort of 'Model Railway Constructor'+++ in my view and the content is fairly catholic although quite a lot of emphasis on the 'modern railway' is the impression I get. oh and its ad content is beginning to catch the 'Modeller's'.


'Hornby Magazine' is definitely worth a look if you've never seen it, nice style and usually some interesting content.


Alas 'British Railway Modelling' seems to be passing through the doldrums at present although it is going in for some re-styling next month according to the October edition which landed on my doormat today - I have been wondering about not renewing my subscription but they've got an excellent special offer for existing subscribers converting to direct debit so I might stay with it. (The one I am giving the chop to is 'Model Railroader' - just not worth renewal especially at the present exchange rate, I'll buy it locally if the contents appeal or are useful.)


PS I've got every RM from January 1959 to date, plus some earlier ones, sad innit :rolleyes:


By and large, I'm pretty much in agreement here although, while RM has improved under the new editor, I'm still not inspired to actually buy a copy (haven't done so since the end of the last century!). Model Rail's reviews are definitely the highlight of the mag IMO and are usually the first thing I turn to. Hornby Magazine, which I initially dismissed as being a bit lightweight, has become a major contender and has a fresh look to that I quite like. I agree that BRM has become rather stale of late. This saddens me as, not only have I taken the mag since it first appeared, but consider some of the editorial staff to be amongst my closest friends. Traditionally, the UK model railway market has only ever been able to sustain three mainstream magazines. As things stand at the moment, if there were to be a casualty, BRM looks to be the most likely candidate.

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Certainly neither RM nor CM could be accused of being slaves to fashion. They operate a mild censorship with contributors which deletes criticism of any kind, whether inside or outside,thus avoiding controversy of any kind between themselves and the trade. Obviously the advertising revenue is vital to them.


Unfortunately, because of this, I feel that they will be the kind of institution that wakes up after the bomb has dropped, saying 'where did that come from ?'



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Very interesting thread.Opinions I suppose must be subjective on this sort of topic but nevertheless relevant. I speak as one who subscribes to RM, MR and HM and until a wee while ago to BRM.Agreed re BRM, very sad but "stale" seems to some it up well.HM I thought for the first few issues was an absolute cracker but now I'm considering not renewing my subscription. MR- an interesting case-I think best summed up as "not the same since Chris Leigh was replaced".And so to dear old RM.I have criticised the old girl on many occasions, particularly regarding those worthless and sometimes sychophantic reviews and unbuildable track plans but I have to say, after years in the doldrums,Steve Flint has IMHO breathed new life into the mag and long may he flourish.Is it a coincidence I wonder that I have bumped into Steve at 3 local exhibitions in the last year?

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Certainly neither RM nor CM could be accused of being slaves to fashion. They operate a mild censorship with contributors which deletes criticism of any kind, whether inside or outside,thus avoiding controversy of any kind between themselves and the trade. Bob


I'd disagree with that, and certainly so under the latest editorship. In my article on New Hey last year I mentioned a few problems id had with products i'd used in the construction and stock, and found they had been printed with no blue pencil used. The times they are a changing indeed at Beer - and a sound, more focused magazine has emerged, more power to your elbow Mr Flint. And yes, I think it is precisely the fact that he's out at shows with his finger firmly on the pulse which has made the difference .


I read all the mags and theres no doubt RM, MR and HM are streets ahead of the East Coast Monthly these days in both content and style.

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Having been brought up on RM and Model Railway Constructor I naturally lean towards RM in the newsagents and have rarely purchased the other magazines on the basis that the layout content was quite small in comparison to the adverts and 'how to' articles.


To get my inspiration I have recently found no need to look beyond RMWeb, in fact a lot of layouts that appear in the likes of MR, BRM and HM often pop up here not long before they get into the magazines.


However, for the past 5 months I have found the content of RM to have improved to the point where I am picking it up for purchase without even looking at the contents whereas up till then I used to scan and really think before I purchased.


Some chap by the name of Grahame had an article in there this month, something about painting yellow ends on Farish Poole MK1 coaches to make them into EMUs ;)


However, suspect all that will be in vain soon when the new batch of MK1s get matched to a proper driving end in the form of a Farish 4-CEP. I mean that's got to happen hasn't it, if we can get three manufacturers looking at Blue Pullman in OO, an N gauge EMU has to be in someone's plans.

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Having stepped back into UK prototype modelling, I am looking around. RM used to be THE mag to have. I can probably pick up this month's copy next week on a flying visit - but do you regulars think it is still the best of the bunch for content and advertising? Should I subscribe? Are there others worth considering? I'm OO RTR, not finescale, if that helps.


As a long long time subscriber of RM and an occasional reader of the rest - I still think it is the best.

Though it does wander off the beaten track a bit during the year fading and then returning in glory.


It also depends a bit if you are narrow minded in you modeling interest as it can sometimes feel a bit anti modern image - so if you are into diesels at the exclusion of all steam then I think there are others MR especially.

BRM is a close runner up.

I still think Hornby mag just doesn't do it right something to do with the reviews I think but the layout just doesn't gel with me. I know others like it.


RM is still way out in front for classifieds and for a "what's on" and "what's new"


Looking forward to my copy when it arrives ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Oddly, given the advertised publication dates, I walked into my local WHS today and found new editions of RM, MR, HM and BRM, - none of which were on the shelves yesterday. I purchased all of them (as I generally tend to do) and a quick look through would suggest that RM is continuing to benefit from Steve Flint's leadership - several of his photos of Eskmuir are quite outstanding (personal opinion, obviously). The reviews in MR are far better, i.e critical and informative, than elsewhere - compare and contrast the MR review of the Dapol Britannia with that in HM. Ian Morton and Phil Parker generally make HM worthwhile reading for me, but the reviews often seem to me to be enthusiastic almost to the point of being misleading - RM at least is simply non-committal in its blandness. BRM, as it often does these days, didn't make much of an impression.


All of the above is based on a fairly quick skim through each magazine, and is of course a highly subjective view.

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  • RMweb Gold

Of all the magazines (and I've sampled many), RM is one that I consistently enjoy over time.


It has however been criticised as being a bit old fashioned, hence I found the second half of the editorial a bit amusing with the editor's boast about the improvements made to the website and how he "sells" the advantages of a mag over this new internet thingy. "The only electronics involved is switching on the reading lamp" (approx quote)


Note, the above is not a criticism of the web site, but a comment on the editoral about it.

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The amazing thing is that, in 2010, the Modeller is still the market leader amongst four popular model railway titles competing for contributors, readers, advertisers and space on the newsagents' shelves. Despite the arrival of three contenders, RM have not lost that much ground and still attract the best selection of trade and classified ads - and their page rate remains much higher than the others too. If you are going to buy just one model railway title to look through what is currently fro sale, RM easily wins. The editorial content and quality is very variable across all four titles and I suspect that while old habits die hard many now buy more than one publication on a regular basis - after all, interest in our hobby has not increased x4 has it? It also surprises me that the advertisers place the same ads in more than one title each month. Surely this can't be cost effective? It is handy to be able to sample what is in a mag before deciding to make a purchase, so those that are often concealed in a plastic bag are non-contenders unless you know for certain that there is something of interest in there. Taking out a subscription on the strength of an offer can be a risky business as no one title is likely to please everyone every month and some service levels leave much to be desired.

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As someone who has an interest in modelling the 1980's and have already made a start on a layout could someone tell me which one of the main mags I should purchase...? as most of them seem to me to have a bias towards western/southern practice, indeed HM seems to be stuck in the southern region RM in the GWR/Western region and as for MR they dont know what side of the fence they want to be on..! with all the new D&E locos/rolling stock and layouts now available I would have thought that the mags would have started to lean more towards this period. I would have thought that the time was right for one of the main mags to lean more towards the D&E period..?

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As someone who has an interest in modelling the 1980's and have already made a start on a layout could someone tell me which one of the main mags I should purchase...? as most of them seem to me to have a bias towards western/southern practice, indeed HM seems to be stuck in the southern region RM in the GWR/Western region and as for MR they dont know what side of the fence they want to be on..! with all the new D&E locos/rolling stock and layouts now available I would have thought that the mags would have started to lean more towards this period. I would have thought that the time was right for one of the main mags to lean more towards the D&E period..?

As someone who is probably more interested in steam pre-WWI and GWR - I find just the opposite ... too much diesel especially blue and too many of those multiple coloured rail boxes.


:D :D :D


Actually this is an old claim about the magazines and call for bias or misjudged bias. It has been around for years. Overall the layouts tend to reflect what is actually out there and so I guess there are more modelers of BR steam and blue diesel than any other format. Perhaps we should all open our eyes to enjoying the variety rather than being too narrow minded to think that our favourite era/region/style of modelling should be given predominance above all others.


Although I think MR tends to be more "modern image" than RM - I'm not really convinced it is and even if it were that doesn't stop me buying the occasional one.


I guess the only answer if you really think there is a bias is to get building a layout of comparable standard, write up an article on it and submit it to the mags for inclusion.


Unfortunately where reviews are concerned that is not possible - by the time us punters get out mits on a model the establishment have already received theirs and issued the nauseating tributes and kowtowing gratitude. But then would any of us just do the same, probably, or it would be a one off and potential loss of advertising revenue.

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