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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps they have to test the seat movement in case either a midget or a giant wants to steal your car. I suppose the issue is one of safty if you cannot reach the pedals you cannot brake.

Off to take the Motorhome for a service and MOT today.


Don it's now an MOT failure if your seat is not adjustable. A friend of my mothers had to have a replacement drivers seat fitted to get through the MOT because the fore and aft adjustment had failed

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  • RMweb Gold

As formerly luxury car features start to appear on more standard models I wonder when those seats that adjust to a memory position will appear on reasonably priced cars. As Aditi is about a foot shorter than I am I have learned to return her car seat and mirror to appropriate positions after driving her car. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


FIrstly - sorry news from Dd - I think that the support on here speaks volumes about the type of friendship that exists among the disparate ERs.  Also good luck to Don, who's probably already "enjoying" hospital food.


I'll try to pop back later, as dog is demanding a walk.


Regards to All



ps and Debs, that sounds about right for modern job selection - I do believe that the lunatics are in charge now - or at least the under 40 whiz kids with degrees in b*gg*r all that is relevant, but whose blue sky ideas for thinking outside the box tend to elevate them to the glass ceiling.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


That is good news for sure, DD – I can only guess at what kind of an emotional roller-coaster you must be going through these days, though...


Looking dull and dismal outside with maximum temps of just about 12°C forecast. SWMBO has a few days off till Sunday, so we might be going for a swim in the afternoon. Inside, I should add!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Dry but cloudy again, sun has made a brief appearance & now disappeared, 6oC, rain to come.


Today we are restocking essential provisions as the grandchildren are here every day after school this week & seem to be eating us out of house & home. On asking their parents whether they fed  their offspring or not they replied "Yes but they like eating at yours because their Nan usually gives them whatever they ask for!" (although this sometimes has to be modified for Joe who is diabetic).  

The shopping bill will be eased somewhat as I've at last decided to reduce my intake of beer & cut out cake, biscuits & chocolate as I'm in danger of going over the 15 stone mark (which is the heaviest I've ever been.) I'm also not getting much exercise (spending too much time on here perhaps) so I need to look at that as well.


Have a good day,





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Morning All,


As Dominik has already said, the weather is pretty disgusting around here this morning.  It is dry, but about 10° cooler than it should be at this time of year.  I almost put the heating on at home last night!


Oh well, lots to do today - so I had better get on!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all, 


Well at long last got one of my major projects handed over to the opps team yesterday,  lots of Mega-watts going out,  started on a little one yesterday,  right next to the rail yard, can hear trains but not see them. Who wants lots of diesels anyway?  


OK lots to do,,,,, try to behave! 



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  • RMweb Premium

grey and breezy 


getting car back today - hope it works or there may be unhappiness in a certain car plant in the UK!


Lots of preparation for friends visiting for the Test Match from today so need to dash...


Have a good day everyone and may our thoughts be with those across world who need our support...

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Nearly 3:00am here and it's a balmy 21C. The warmth is making my old bones feel rather good, though will be cooler over Memorial Day weekend (which is the unofficial start of Summer here). Last cup of tea before bed.

Tetleys (NA) have introduced a new "British Blend" of tea over here which is as easily as good as imported PG Tips and less than half the price. Good to see a local brew getting away from the bland.


Soon to bed. Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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"I'm getting a sense of deja vu over Ellie. Didn't this happen before? What about her eyesight?"


Probably you are mixing the two sufferers, Pete.

Ellie (ex Beauty Queen) was operated on for bladder cancer.

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Morning all from sunny Hampshire - at last! 

Garden is looking good with clematis alba climbing over the garage, apple blossom and my new herb collection coming along nicely.

Spent some time last evening pulling up bindweed - we have the National Collection - amazing plant really, it has tiny leaves which emerge from the soil, looking quite innocent. But if you actually pull gently at it a vast woody root network appears like something from a sci-fi movie!


Sad news, indeed, from London. Thoughts are with the soldier's family. 



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Morning from a cold grey North Wales (typical my day off), I'm going to try my luck up at Llyn Alwen and cast a fly.The freezer is empty I'm entertaining on Saturday and want to do some trout.So might resort to jumping in. Off to the Docs first for the usual M.O.T.No doubt get told the usual.  Ohh happy days in the words of Tiny Tim "god bless us one and all"  Have a good one eveyone !!

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  • RMweb Premium



Awfuln news from London, indeed.


Hoping Don is OK .


Debs, you must be 21 surely....ladies perogative! 


As for Stationmaster's post about (i)HR, as a now lapsed member of the Chartered Insitute  of Personnel and Development, and holder of a relvant degree (and a non-relevant one!) I agree with just about everything he said!  HR in the NHS in my time was actually pretty good, but the horror stories from outside organisations were rife within the local CIPD group - I found it hard to believe some of the practices.  No need to ask why I no longer work in the profession then.


To triviatrics....(an NHS term!) a rather miserable start today, very windy and grey, but at least not wet.  Our elderly TT guests had a nice sunny day yesterday, so at least they saw the Island at it's best!  OK, staff to corrall.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Blue sky, fluffy clouds but my personal weather forecaster informed me as she set off to work  it is going to pour with rain all day. Debs will be pleased to know that Aditi will be starting her day with an hour of  psychometric coaching. I did ask if she was a Mk I coach. She said she is probably more like one of the naughty ones from Thomas the Tank Engine.

Matthew is still in Quebec. Sent a text last night to say he was eating a beaver tail. It would appear that no beavers were harmed as it is a fried pastry product. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, bit grey at the moment, might brighten up though.

HR well when I worked in France for a while as a people manager they became ones right hand as the labour laws are so complex

One had to be very careful what one did, must admit though my lady HR person was very nice indeed! I enjoyed many meetings with her over a coffee!


As for events in London what can one say, it's becoming a sad world at times.


Enjoy whatever your up to today.

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Yes, the events in London have potential for something very bad, including backlash.

Don't know the full details yet.

The soldiers family are paying a terrible price.


HR: Gone are the days when I could joke with prospective female employees that pregnancy was grounds for dismissal.

Unless they insisted of course.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, the events in London have potential for something very bad, including backlash.

Don't know the full details yet.

The soldiers family are paying a terrible price.


I've quite the same worries, DD. Of course, murder can't ever be justified, but neither can follow-up violence against people who had nothing to do with the original crime.

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Morning all, busy day ahead, and sadly no time to read the posts already this morning...


Dry and bright, think we missed the hail and snow in the city centre last night, but my parents in the wilds of Co. Durham copped a short snowfall.

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  • RMweb Gold

We have just had hail, a brief flurry of snow and now it is just raining. Throughout all that the blue tit parents continued to fly in and out of the nest box.

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