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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


A bit late on parade, as my day got off to the most bizarre start I can recall in 64 years. About 8, just considering getting up to make tea, I heard noises and went to investigate - naked. After all, I was expecting a parcel from the UK, so perhaps the delivery chap was trying to wake me. No - there was a man standing in my kitchen/living room! He had forced the outer shutter - a full-height wooden affair with a notional security device, and opened the unlocked front door. [if someone is prepared to force a security door, the lock on a glass-panelled front door won't make much difference, so I seldom lock it except in gale force winds.] Rushing for my dressing gown, I asked him what he was doing - and he asked me for a light! I quickly realised he was pissed. He offered me a bottle of Heineken, gently declined, and before long a large bottle of Calvados, equally unappealing, TVM. In the meantime I had looked outside and seen a lady's (!) bike by the gate. I asked him about this, and he said it wasn't his - his motorbike had run out of fuel down the hill, and his mate would be coming to pick him up with fuel - he showed me a mobile phone to support this tale. He was wandering about looking here and there in the garden, so I rang the emergency number, had a brief English conversation and they transferred me to a police number. Sadly this was on "please hold" function, so I gave up after a couple of minutes - but then they rang me, knew who I was, where I lived. Quick explanation and they promised action. In the meantime matey had been in my Nissan - had I left it unlocked last night? I asked what he thought he was doing, but got a typical too-drunk to care response. I decided I'd better start getting dressed, and heard sounds outside - yes, three burly gendarmes just putting the handcuffs on him! Then another police van arrived with two ladies - they being the locals from Bonnetable, the guys from the barracks at Mamers.


The upshot is that this guy is well-known to all. I gave a brief statement to one of the Mamers guys, and have now been to the nick at Bonnetable to give a formal statement. When I went to start the Nissan I found he'd pinched the keys from the house (not the set I usually use) and they were in the ignition.  All the police were charm itself. While I was there the phone rang - it was the guy's father, who is obviously at his wit's end about his alky son, as you would be. His son is in hospital to dry out, will be interviewed when sober. I think he will be charged - I have registered "plainte" (?) to that effect.


The parcel was delivered just after I got back from the nick, so that's alright. Oh, and I expect the parents will be here to collect the bike. I am inclined to be sympathetic towards them. Most of us like a drink - too much ruins lives in many ways.


Hope your longest day is a little better!

Quite an ordeal there first thing Simon. If anything like that happens again, Bag over the head, zip tie him up, chuck him in the basement and we'll send in the Gump! That'll put a stop to his antics!

Hope you're ok.      

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The sky is clear again, but it's still chilly.11C at the moment promising to rise to 17C later.

Still pitch dark outside. Sunrise set for  7:50 and Sunset at 5:44. Only a 10 hour day! :drag:


Otherwise all is well! :no:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Sunny hereabouts, but I don't feel completely rested...


Currently weeding out my file folders for old bills and other stuff I no longer need, 'cause anything we won't have to take on our move will be one less thing to worry about!

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Morning, all!


Some unexpected sun breaking through the clouds but it's not expected to last as rain is forecast.


Early start as scaffolders are due to erect scaffolding (bet you weren't expecting that!!) in preparation for the solar panels being fitted next Thurs & Fri. Our house is about 10 degrees too far West facing for us to qualify for the free deal but prices are less than when these schemes were first introduced.


Later this morning we plan to escape to Teignmouth where a Folk Festival is being held. Enjoy whatever you're up to this weekend.

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Shaun, the toast is NEVER warm! :nono: There are on average 40 people in the dining room. One waitress brings in a tray of bread and toast, brown bread and white, and goes from table to table offering her wares. My table is furthest from the kitchen and thus by the time the tray reaches me the toast is cold!

This does NOT apply to meals which are brought in in bulk in bain-marie containers and dished up HOT at  each  place.

Edited by DonBradley
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Good Saturday morning all,  


Longest day here passed with out notice...pretty much the same length as all the others!  I have to spend today and tomorrow just trying to play catch-up with all my paper works...(handover documents for completed projects, site layouts for up coming ones & related C-C!)  But most important I need to put a new plug on the coffee pot!  


What ever you're up to try and enjoy.




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The sky is clear again, but it's still chilly.11C at the moment promising to rise to 17C later.

Still pitch dark outside. Sunrise set for  7:50 and Sunset at 5:44. Only a 10 hour day! :drag:


Otherwise all is well! :no:

Not much different here Don. We have grey skies and don't expect much higher temperatures, the only difference is that we are supposedly in our summer!

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Trev, I  approve of your priority!

For the first10 months here I was served coffee after each meal. Choice of tea or coffee was offered. Then on 1st June after supper my cup was filled with TEA! I called the waitress and pointed out her mistake to be informed that only tea was served after supper, loudly supported by a member of the resident's committee who pointed out that the supper menu mentioned only tea.. I did not make a fuss but approached the Home manager on the Monday. A week later my after supper coffee was restored, in a special one cup pot serving me only!

Edited by DonBradley
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That's the way to do it, Don.

Next thing is to move tables to the one nearest the kitchen.


I may be off air for a time because the power that is has deemed it's time for the Studio to be decorated.

It doesn't need it and it's impossible to see the walls for all the 'stock' and supplies.

It will take ages to sort out and I won't be able to find any thing afterwards.

I should explain that the Studio is a 'no go' area to anyone else and is a sort of womb instead of a room.


However, I know which side my bread is buttered - and by whom.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, unexpected sunshine which has to be a bonus when you are told to expect rain. Only minor plans were made because this weekend was supposed to be a washout means some modelling could happen.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well it's been wet as Henry came in soaked at 04h00 demanding to be dried so we do know when it was raining or recently had been, and more is promised so the 2mm show at Wallingford might be a bit of a soggy experience.  But first a trip to PCWorld for herself to do battle over young Rob's expired laptop which is covered by an extended warranty - could be fun to watch and listen as she goes into battle with them and if they don't play ball presumably the next stop will be the Small Claims Court (where she has a habit of driving firms giving poor service either a trip to bankruptcy or turning the owners to drink - serves 'em right for failing to deliver goods as promised).


And on that bright note - have a good day one & all.  And condolences and deepest sympathy to DD - whenever I have to 'tidy the dining room' I end up subsequently taking weeks to find things that were previously directly to hand but the odd thing is that apart from Christmas the only person who eats in there is me - it's a strange world :scratchhead: .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Folks,


Rain here I'm afraid (IoW), but strangely, visibility very good, about 6+ miles.


If the rain stops (Forecast for 10am) I'm onto the roof, to finish off my guttering. Might get brave, and service my solar system as well.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Folks,


Rain here I'm afraid (IoW), but strangely, visibility very good, about 6+ miles.


If the rain stops (Forecast for 10am) I'm onto the roof, to finish off my guttering. Might get brave, and service my solar system as well.




I think all the window cleaners round here have diversified into solar panel cleaning. Our roof is allegedly perfect for a solar panel installation. I can't face the thought of having to tidy the loft for whatever needs to go in there though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Rain has stopped photography again, I might head out later but the forecast is not good.


I'm staying clear of the boss, she's having a tidy and apparently I need to be out of the way unless I want to be recycled.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think all the window cleaners round here have diversified into solar panel cleaning. Our roof is allegedly perfect for a solar panel installation. I can't face the thought of having to tidy the loft for whatever needs to go in there though.

Depends on what type of solar system you would like, Tony.


If its PV (electric), then you will have some switching fuses, and an inverter, which is around the size of a microwave oven.


Solar thermal (the hot water variety) has an insulated set of pipes, and a pump station, which is about half size of the typical microwave.


That's normally what you will get in a loft.





PS. Due south is best for solar (either variety) with a roof angle from 25 to 45 degrees.

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  • RMweb Premium

It was cracking the flags in Leeds at 5:30am now dull and grey and windy.


Off to Keighley for an umpiring stint so it could be a long day with on and off rain all day,


never mind - despite the weather have a great (and productive) day!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well it's been wet as Henry came in soaked at 04h00 demanding to be dried so we do know when it was raining or recently had been, and more is promised so the 2mm show at Wallingford might be a bit of a soggy experience.  But first a trip to PCWorld for herself to do battle over young Rob's expired laptop which is covered by an extended warranty - could be fun to watch and listen as she goes into battle with them and if they don't play ball presumably the next stop will be the Small Claims Court (where she has a habit of driving firms giving poor service either a trip to bankruptcy or turning the owners to drink - serves 'em right for failing to deliver goods as promised).


And on that bright note - have a good day one & all.  And condolences and deepest sympathy to DD - whenever I have to 'tidy the dining room' I end up subsequently taking weeks to find things that were previously directly to hand but the odd thing is that apart from Christmas the only person who eats in there is me - it's a strange world :scratchhead: .

Aditi's old laptop was covered by a PCworld warranty. They collected it, repaired it and returned it. Took a couple of weeks though. As she wanted to get on with her research she bought another, hence why I have the repaired one.  Getting the software licences transferred for the bibliography and qualitative analysis software was more complicated than dealing with PCworld. The German QA software company insisted initially on fax communication. 


We usually eat in the kitchen but it is a large kitchen and has a table and four chairs. That table isn't needed for food preparation either. If we have guests or if it is an especially nice day we will use the dining room. Robbie likes the dining room. He stretches out with his chin resting on the patio door frame observing the garden, ready to deter any intruders. Yesterday the only one that seemed to be deemed worthy of any effort was an exceptionally large woodpigeon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all.


Life and ("Get it done, now") modelling has kept me away from ERs again.  Two days to catch up and you're already half way down another page!

So just two comments on it all.


Thanks for posting the layout photos, DonBradley.  I was expecting the worst when you first mentioned it.  Far from it, Don, and to be honest, I've seen layouts at exhibitions that do not come up to this standard by a long chalk.  Your lovely Metcalfe models look well made and you have a layout with trains on it that looks as though they mean business.


I can't see any problem starting again - that's a delight in itself with all the new knowledge you have.  Just keep us up to date as you go and don't forget to pop in the odd question / plea for help.  You'll already know, you'll be surprised at what can come back to support you.


And Ian, hope you get over the intruder.  I've only ever had a small motorbike nicked and I remember how upset I was.  Mum and Dad must have felt worse, because it was taken from their back garden during the night - and they ignored the dog barking when the thieves climbed over the locked gate.  [i was away at the time, in the days when I was young and free, as they say.]
I can laugh at that now but this intruder/burglar business sure aint no laughing matter. 


Hope you all have a better day and.....Yes!.....the sun's come out at last....YEAY


And a smiley to cheer you all up, whatever the weather.... :sungum:



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