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Saw plenty of the real sun today and had a lovely walk from Kings Lynn to Narborough on the Nar Valley way. Over the next week I am planning to walk from Kings Lynn to Norwich. Narborough to Litcham tomorrow and on to Derham on Saturday, hopefully to include a ride on the Mid Norfolk behind steam


Some highlights appropriate to this community:


A couple of old rail bridges on the outskirts of Kings Lynn


attachicon.gifm 140612 old rail bridge Kings Lynn web.jpg


attachicon.gifn 140612 old rail bridge Kings Lynn web.jpg


An EMU on its way to London




A bird of prey (not the best technical pics but its the first time I've caught a whole kill in the wild)




And at Narborough, the water wheel for an old Bone Mill ad the remains of a bridge that carried the Kings Lynn to Dereham line over the Nar




You’re making me homesick............................Thanks, no, really..... East Anglia is beautiful.

Best, Pete.

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This afternoon she received a phonecall from HR to discuss her health record as they understood she was concerned about the procedure. She said she wasn't prepared to discuss it on the phone and went to see them. They tried to say that they had taken her health conditions into account and she perplexed them by asking how as all they kept quoting was number of days over an 18 month period. She then told them they hadn't followed their own procedures (no return to work interview), She told them she was so confident that she was right and that they had no valid medical grounds for dismissal so would take them to a tribunal. A more senior HR person will attempt to see her tomorrow. Aditi said OK as long as her "advisor" can be there.

Tony - I know it might be rather provocative to say this without knowing the people involved, but frankly, what a bunch of numb-nuts!!! I despair sometimes at the ineptitude of supposedly educated people :O

Aditi should rest assured that she worth more than the lot of them put together <sigh>

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For an evening post I should record the facts that;

1) It never made it above 16 here today, there's a strong breeze, partly cloudy and actually a bit chilly out! Going down to 10 overnight :O

2) Jock - didn't realise tomorrow is 13th. Panic and mayhem will be order of the day I suppose, especially with full moon in addition!


I watched the first game of the World Cup - streaming FREE on the Spanish Univision channel, they have the Spanish speaking rights in the US. Don't really need to hear what's going on - that's WHY they call it teleVISION - har har - so my lack of spanish is no problem - ola, hasta la vista, futbol :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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Good morning all, TGIF (Even though it's number 13!)  Been raining overnight, so it least that will lay the dust. Not much else of interest to report from here, though there were a couple of instances on the railway locally.  The rail co increased some fares, and has introduced some new a/c coaches.  So some of the locals rioted - burning down a couple of station buildings.....turned out the rioters where those that hang on the outside or on the roof of the train, who dont pay anyway!  


Whatever you're up to today, stay safe, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Off to buy lottery ticket as today is a lucky day for some!


Still SUNNY and warm so should be OK for the weekend.


Pete, I used to get homesick whenever I visited Manassas as the gentle rolling countryside was just like home...

Have a great Friday everyone.


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Morning All,


Just Friday to get through, and then it's the weekend!


It is a typical late Spring day here today - Blue sky, a light breeze and sunshine.  Right at the moment, it is pretty much perfect weather, although I am pretty sure it is going to cross into the bounds of "too warm" later in the day.


I am watching the events in the Riesending cave with interest.  Caving is one of those things that I have always wanted to try, but as yet haven't got around to.  However, the discovery of new caves, or new parts of existing cave systems is incredibly dangerous.  I really, really hope that they are able to get this guy out alive, and that the poor guy doesn't end up dying in there like Neil Moss did in Peak Cavern.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all, and what a beautiful morning it is!

Day off today after yesterday's epic grasscutting, but into town later to look for a new head for the brushcutter.


No Friday13th worries here in France!


I wish I'd brought some modelling with me, though.

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Day of Classic Posts on ER!!!!!!!!!!


What are you all on?


Must have been this:




Best, Pete.

Dearest Pete, for that ear worm I have foregone my pension pot and purchased the services of several deranged Albanian axe murderers. Please supply your home address to help cut down on their daily expenses.


regards, etc, etc



Morning all from the boring borough where we await the end of the world this sunny Friday the 13th. http://news.sky.com/story/1280838/solar-flare-could-hit-earth-on-friday-13th The SPF9000 sunscreen has been slathered on, and the hotdogs & marshmallows prepared for this ultimate campfire. In the immortal words of Arthur Dent "so this is it, we're going to die".


Tony: our best to Aditi. Lets hope the scrotal pouch heads that run HR will see how bad they cocked up and she'll be able to carry on as long as she wants to.


Not much else to report. Half an hour of track cleaning was followed by a good 2 hour running session on the layout. Couple of things I'm still not 100% happy with so plans are afoot to do adjust the west side of the yard. Modelling mojo not quite back but there are some signs of it returning.


Have a great Friday all.

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We didn't get a copy of The Sun today.


Think I'll complain and demand that Rupert Murdoch deliver it personally.


So that I can be out.

Believe me, you didnt miss much!  And would you really want Rupert Murdoch coming round?  As the wife said, we can use it to light the fire and there was a voucher for a free bottle of Coke!


Weather much the same as yesterday - cool and dull and forecast to stay that way.

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After approx 6 weeks absence I am once more with you.

I have not attempted to catch up and at this stage don't know, nor can I hazard a guess at, how many pages have passed since some time in April when my box gave in.

I will do a back search but can you just quickly fill me in have there been any mayor events that I have missed; Has Gordon run a train right around the train room, has Dd done any more on Much Wittering, is BoD working on his loft layout yet. Have thee been any more accidents/ illnesses that I should know about?  

I know that now a days I contribute little, but just redsing the posts in ERs started my day every day you have all be sorely missed.

Hopefully daily Cape Town weather reports will resume tomorrow

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, thanks again for all the suppport.


I think Aditi has the better of the HR Un-professionals at her college.  I'd love to have seen the guy's face....


Dull this morning, rain later perhaps, so not sure the lawns will get cut.


@ Mikes Rail, yes you will have seen in the news - it's been a bad week. Gary was my best mate.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

What a beautiful sunny start to the day!

No 13th worries here - I consider it a lucky number. We're off to party tonight at Nicki's house for a double celebration. It's Gemma's 10th birthday and our 44th wedding anniversary so yes - it's been a very lucky number for me!

Have a good one - I know we will!


Edited by grandadbob
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Welcome back Don - we were getting concerned.


I'm afraid my only news is my best friend died in an accident last week.  Others have had a better week thankfully.

Good morning all,

What a beautiful sunny start to the day!

No 13th worries here - I consider it a lucky number. We're off to party tonight at Nicki's house for a double celebration. It's Gemma's 10th birthday and our 44th wedding anniversary so yes - it's been a very lucky number for me!

Have a good one - I know we will!



Me too Bob - I was born on a Friday 13th.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright, sunny, will be fairly warm later, is rather nice tee-shirt weather now.


As I wasn't feeling fully fit yesterday, I decided against going to the circuit again, and hope to feel better for the weekend. I did manage quite a big mow on the lawn tractor, so much of the place is looking a bit kempt again. Alison stayed for supper before going off to meet her amour, and after doing her housework did some deadheading etc on the flowerbed. Useful stuff.


I needed to be up early-ish as the farrier was due at 9, and was a couple of minutes early. I am ashamed to say he should have been here weeks, maybe months ago, so I have been neglecting the dobbins' feet, which is cruel, really. Without Deb to advise me, I take a bit of a punt on these things, but have agreed with him that they really don't need shoes any more. Nevertheless once they are sorted, and having had their teeth rasped a couple of weeks ago, they should be in good shape for Summer. I have wormers ready for them too.


Coffee Chez Sheena at 11, and I will be able to admire her new terrasse, and John's handiwork on the exterior.


Hope Friday 13th doesn't undo it for you!


EDIT And hey - we've got our man in Seth Efrica back! Great to see you Don Bradley! My boastful news is that I am now officially linked as an item with Sherry, after 10 years of cloak and dagger affair. We can't live together just yet, but the future is bright, we think.

Edited by Oldddudders
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Back from twelve hours at Lord's, caught up with RMWeb so it's s beer, a bath, and bed - in that order. Then the same again tomorrow.



That's it, rub our noses in it!


It's a glorious blue sky over Borough Market Junction this morning, though there is a haze away to the west - hopefully that doesn't make it tricky for the first hour at Lord's and Messrs Root and Prior can capitalise on their hard work of yesterday.


Otherwise it is going to be a morning of getting my team member to revise his work so that it meets the level expected, and dealing with the US this pm - we need to get a tax return in and these things are alway last minute. In addition, the US determination to interfere in all aspects of world trade means we have some maneuvring to do to ensure we comply with other countries' tax rules too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning. great to see you back Don B, I assume the weather and food menu reports will resume shortly. You have been missed.


Boiler service taking place this morning then shopping unless I can get out of it! after a really lazy afternoon yesterday in the hammock outside with a couple of G and Ts I doubt it!


Enjoy the day

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  • RMweb Gold

Dog bite earlier in the week, full moon tonight, Friday 13th.....

Nice morning here. 

I've only really just woken up properly and I'm working through the cups of (now cold) tea Aditi left for me. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Is there such a thing as a werespaniel?. You'll know there is if you wake up tomorrow morning damp, muddy and in need of brushing! 


Nice to see Don B's back on line.


Apparently the solar flares may make the Northern Lights visible in parts of UK further south thn usual.



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