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Early Risers.


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Morning all,

Brief post before going to give blood sample plus and now plus lots of shopping including builders merchants for coving and Q&B for old f*rts discount on some other bits - guess who wants the spare bedroom done by Christmas!

Wet and horrid here - the plants don't recognise the seasons as the apple trees still have the bulk of their leaves attached and the spring flowering Camelias have several flowers in full bloom! No frost yet which could be the reason.

Hope you get over the hump without drama,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Ah, Indian call centres - some years ago I had to deal with the BT one, very simple request 'I would like the number XXXX disconected please, the line to the property recovered as the building is to be demolished and I would like to retain the number, oh and you will have to re-route the overhead to the adjacent property'  That led to a 20 minute 'conversation' with Dumbo Din which eventually ended with lots of reassurances (as they do) and a date to recover the line four days before its disconnection!  Day before the line was to be recovered the BT tech rang to ask if I could meet him at site the next day at xx.xx and discuss exactly what was wanted as he he couldn't understand the works order (or whatever BT called it), I did explain that the line also needed to be disconnected and he said he would arrange that.  Duly met him on site the next morning and we settled in about 45 seconds exactly what needed to be done plus he confirmed the line had been disconnected - and he added that instructions coming through from India were so bad he always checked with the client to find out what they really wanted.  Just as well I discussed it with him as the re-routeing, requiring a new pole, had not translated at all well.


And the sting in the tail?  When the new line was installed sometime later the BT tech gave me a card with the new number on - the wrong number!  Fortunately I hit the right point in the BT network and a nice helpful (Scottish) lady used her colleague's computer to change the number, mind you our bills were very strangely addressed for the next couple of years.


So chiro today, still on the cold cure (try the Benylin Cold & Flu treatment Bob - it works better for me than Beechams) and Ian (Roundhouse) don't overlook the fact that if you're not in meetings it means you have work instead :O


Havea  good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


The grim weather is here, too. Quite horrid and freezing point when I let the cats in at 6.30 - I was up early making TIB (Tea In Bed). And daylight has only brought a slight respite. It is drizzling ever so slightly, and the NE wind is cutting at times.


I went to feed the horses just after 7 last night. Usually they appear at the fence the moment they see the car, but only having been down there a few hours, and perhaps a little suspicious of what Dad might be up to this time, it was not so. Eventually Bronte turned up, and when I left the bucket for her she ate up. No sign of Varian. Now my head-torch is a little down on effect, due to the lens having done a runner at some point, although the LEDs are still fine. But within a large-ish field, it was not going to pick out much at any further than about 10 yards. So I spent quite a few minutes wandering about in the dark looking for her. When I eventually clocked her she was wary until she saw the bucket. Back to normal for breakfast - and of course we could all see each other!


Hope midweek looking after you.

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Morning Folks,


Sunny!  (What's that?) and not too windy here in Slapding so winter togs on for cycling and off for a quick (nothing like it being bloody cold to push me on!) 25K circuit.  A workout for an hour when I get back, which usually means I've just got in the shower when the Postie rings on the bell!


They must think I spend all my life in a dressing gown dripping wet!


Waiting for a John Lewis delivery of a new bed this avo - anytime between 2pm and 9pm................................................ :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Premium

woo hoo!


blood taken

x-ray result on shoulder fine so now waiting for a scan.


sun is shining! (but it a tad chilly)


Stuff for Demos at Warley next year starting to come together when one of my ER colleagues emails me (Hint!!)


Off to the post office....

all is well in our world for the moment!



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Bright and chilly here on the Costa . . .Had to scrape ice of the windscreen before I could go for my . . . .ANNUAL BLOOD TESTS. . .


Must be a December thing... ... ... 


I suggested taking it from my left wrist. . . so she tried my left elbow PAIN ! ! . . the she tried my right elbow . . . PAIN! ! ! ! ! ! 


Finally succeeded from. . . .YUP my left wrist.

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Well that's another job done, but I'm keeping my fingers are still crossed! Replacing the Triflow cartridge that feeds the drinking water tap. Not a job I enjoy. Firstly the cost, 90 euro for a new cartridge. Then you have to get the cartridge housing off and it's always seized up. The most useful tool I ever bought is a looped metal strap that tightens up with a big thumbscew. Not only does it grip anything tubular really tight, the thumbscrew gives you some leverage. Replacing the cartridge is a doddle (relatively speaking) but getting the housing to reseal can be a nightmare. The removable O ring is stuck fast in its slot and you don't get a new one with the kit so I cleaned it insitu. Tightened everything up, turned the water on and mains pressure found a leak. Repeated process, same result. Scratched head, went into train room and fetched pot of silicone grease. Success. Just the mess to clean up, shelf to refit in cupboard under sink and put everything back. Well, hopefully, that will do us for another while and I might have earned a few brownie points!


Time to get back to 4mm to the foot.

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Afternoon all.  Been doing the Edinburgh-Durham-Edinburgh-Glasgow-Edinburgh-Glasgow-Durham-Edinburgh trail over the last week, 3 out of the last 8 nights in my own bed.


Jamie's 6th birthday today, which meant a party for 20 screaming 5/6 year olds on Saturday.  My ears have just about stopped ringing. Also sang in a concert in the Sage in Gateshead on Monday night, which was good fun.


Now back to work for a rest hectic time in the run-up to Christmas. Less than 13 working days to go now for me...

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... wheelie bins ... When the wind blew, bizarrely, most of the street's rubbish ended up on my drive...

Variant problem from our three wheelie binned paradise. One puts out one's bins after 17:00 the day preceeding collection, two one week, one the next. So by 20:00 when I set out on my merry way yesterday, everyone's pairs of bins were neatly out at kerbside. Except where they were not. For the wind and rain was blowing steadily from the North, and my route took me down a near due south falling gradient of 1 in 20, and here was enacted once again the massed walk of the wheelie bins. One had already attempted to cross the road at the T-junction and spilled its contents on meeting a vehicle; and was no longer strictly speaking a wheelie bin at all.


The clear winner in the wheelie bin progress stakes was  number 42, caught outside number 3; must have been a maiden run as it was carrying no weight to speak of. Well ballasted entrants full of bottles and a fortnight's broadsheet newspapers had only made it far enough to obstruct the road, rather than run the race. (When this happened previously it was determined that the only defence against movement was chocking of some form or other or parking in a recess. Some theorised that 'wheels uphill' was safe, but not so on a  wet or icy road. If the wind was sufficient the thing could be turned until the wheels were on the downhill side, and then - away!)

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HUMP day arrives <boring>... and with it the weekly drive into the office. Started out a little earlier than usual, no particular reason, it was -12 and bloody cold out there!


Jemma should be home tonight, finishing her 4-day IOE flights - certainly has been an education, given the lousy (for them) weather on the left coast. Rains and low visibility in Los Angeles causing flight delays for a couple of days now...they were nearly 2 hours late departing yesterday morning, but managed to get back almost on time, went from Los Angeles to Austin, Tx and back. Today she flies from LA to Dallas, then to Detroit. From Detroit deadheads home <yay>.


Trevor with us again last night (see prior drivel about Comcast and the failure to get internet - hopefully tomorrow will solve that, in SPITE of outsourced call center a*r*s*eclowns) and it's nice to have him over - we started watching "The Bletchley Circle" on the suggestion of friends, and I'm impressed, another item on the winter viewing list - not sure there's going to be enough winter at this rate!!!


Also last night attempted to "tighten" the fittings on the water filter, but to no avail, bloody thing is still dripping, so I'll have to perform some surgery this weekend - bah, more time used on something OTHER than modelling :(


Anyone else UNDERWHELMED by the Hornby Advent calendar daily offerings - what a bunch of crap...and I've only seen one email from Rails, yesterday a BR Blue 2-BIL for 99.99, fairly good price if I was interested in that livery, but hopefully a nice gift for someone.


I was going to say "happy humping", but I'm sure it would be misconstrued by this bunch fine group of people, so I won't   :jester:

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There’s not much worse than driving in rain in LA - except perhaps snow....have they ever had any in the metroplex?

Their roads are very slick in the rain because of the grease build up.


Best, Pete.

See article - seems there actually HAS been snow there, but after a 1949 freak storm only 6 times recorded and none since 1962 :)



I've always missed rain/poor conditions whenever I've been in LA, then again, I've been there when it's been in the 50's (12+ C for you UK folks :) )and everyone is paniced and wearing winter coats. Seems if it's not mid-70's (22 C or better) or above they think the world is ending! :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

My 'Black Friday' order arrived today from Hornby this afternoon, a week after I ordered the items. I suspect my e-mail sent yesterday might have prompted some action. Quite satisfied with the contents however, wish I'd ordered some other stuff now.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening folks.


Mad busy again at work, but a little distracted as it id Gary's inquest tomorrow - Debs has gone over to see Jayne to make sure she's OK tonight, and we will collect her in the morning for Court at 10.  It's especially hard for her as she works for the Attorney General, so is first-name familiar with the Coroner (who is also the High Bailiff).  As it happens I know him too from my previous work, and the Coroners Officer, the Accident Investigator, etc etc....not easy for any of us, too close to home.


No sign of my SPROG or some cheapo Hornby coaches ordered at the weekend, yet we can manage next day delivery on most of our orders....harrumph.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Been cold here and in some parts, the frost has not gone all day - some adjustments to the heating times are called for at least until the weekend.  Wood burner is pumping out a good level of warmth, though.


I'm caught up, and I see that several of our number are ailing with man-flu or its variants, and I can only wish them all better soon - Jock's suggestion about a little of the Scottish water of life does seem to be a good solution, though it isn't a cure.


One last walk for Lily, so I'll be back tomorrow.


Regards to All


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You know that thing where your foot isn't quite dried enough out of the shower to easily put your sock on and instead of taking it off and re-drying you just struggle (and usually end up having to take it off anyway!)


Well there I was hopping round on one foot when the door bell rang.  Cue minor panic as our deliverers are usually filling out a non-delivery form prior to stuffing it in the letter box and sprinting back to their van for a Le Mans start back down the cul-de-sac.  Stuffed meself into a zipped up pair of jeans and tripped down most of the stairs, but succeeded in getting there just in time.


It wasn't til afterwards that I realised that:


1.  I had the jeans on back to front

2.  My shirt tails were hanging out, and

3.  I had striped socks on but they were anything but a pair!


I can just imagine at the Delivery Office them saying, "You'll never guess what he was looking like today!"     :banghead:

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  • RMweb Gold

Neil. I think the order by mail industry had gone a bit crazy this week. Aditi's Christmas shopping due to be collected from Waitrose never got there and was tagged on her account as returned.

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Evening all,  


Successful day a work for once .. best part of another 4 mw of power placed, at 8 am every thing and every one was on site... only one car parked in the way which quickly got shifted (and I didnt even have to threaten to stick it somewhere the crane could put it!)


Rain held off  despite the big black clouds lurking around..now just got to wait for the gas supply onto the site --


Lets hope those suffering with the deadly man flu recover ...I guess Jocks remedy is as good as any ...


Sleep well,  (14 sleeps & I'm outa here!)




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  • RMweb Gold

I'm obviously sorry that people have the (man)flu. Do you guys get flu jabs? I'm sure my first was offered free by my GP in 1992, when I was only 44, so it's not an age thing. I don't know how many person-hours are lost through flu, but it is a most debilitating experience, and not recommended. Please put a jab on your list of to-do items for next Autumn?

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See article - seems there actually HAS been snow there, but after a 1949 freak storm only 6 times recorded and none since 1962 :)



I've always missed rain/poor conditions whenever I've been in LA, then again, I've been there when it's been in the 50's (12+ C for you UK folks :) )and everyone is paniced and wearing winter coats. Seems if it's not mid-70's (22 C or better) or above they think the world is ending! :jester:

Apparently I’m the only person to have driven down Sunset in January with the top down (Mustang).


Best, Pete.

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