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  • RMweb Premium

Congrats, Ernie! All the best and have a great day.


Steam inhalation reduced persistent headache somewhat. It's most unpleasant when I move my head any way. (Come on, do say, "then don't move it"…  :jester: )

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Many congratulations Ernie! :drinks:

Snowing a bit here but after initially settling it now isn't!    

Suffering from extremely painful back at the moment. I pulled something yesterday whilst hoovering......won't be doing any today.

Friends coming in for a meal tonight - luckily they haven't far to travel as they live next door.

Have a good one,


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Congrats to Ernie!


Morning all, snowing but not settling in Carshalton-sur-Mer.


Pete - you're about spot on for one of the skirting board pieces I've got to fit today!


I never knew how long it would take to empty our living room for the painter on Monday. It's going to be fun putting it all back next week.


So have a soothing Saturday and a suitably serene Sunday.

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  • RMweb Premium

There appears to be a dusting of something white on my workshop roof! I think we should close everything while we investigate as this is, after all, the land of the softie southerners.


Wife off to the smoke on some garden archaeology course so a day in the workshop seems appropriate.


Congrats Ernie and commiserations to those suffering ailments.




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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning. Like Pete, miss a couple of episodes of ERs and so much has happened. Like long running soaps, you soon catch up.

A little snow in Watton. Hope it's not too much as I'm making my new lady an honest woman today. A civil ceremony then afternoon tea. I wanted to go to Dobbies, but it's a bit too far (if your in Kings Lynn the afternoon tea is A1, next to Tesco).

Actually glued some baseboards yesterday.

Have a good weekend.



hearty Congratulations and I hope all goes well today and in the rest of your time together.



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Barry O, on 31 Jan 2015 - 10:10, said:



hearty Congratulations and I hope all goes well today and in the rest of your time together.



You took the very words out of my mouth, Baz! Great to hear of other grown-ups tying the knot.


Bright and sunny, but a bit nippy. Still the water-hose worked eventually to fill the horses' trough, so the frost can't have been that intense. Last week I was a bit impatient with it when frozen and it split, so I was more gentle today.


Good to hear that Stuffed of Stafford has started his day well!


Chat with MiL at midday is a looming cloud, other than that, good so far.


Hope yours goes as well.

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Congrats Ernie. Live long and prosper! 


Morning all,

Sleet arrived most timely yesterday afternoon - got no complaints when I rang the school bell! 

Today the weather is slushy. Looking forward to Daily Fail reports of "catastrophic flooding due to foreign snow melting as a result of scrounging British heat."


Weekend preparing material for my volunteer role at school. Just seen my pay packet...I shall regard the contents as a donation as it is about 30% less than the headline contract amount.  

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  • RMweb Gold


Looking forward to Daily Fail reports of "catastrophic flooding due to foreign snow melting as a result of scrounging British heat."



The UK has it easy - see how the poor old Emerald isle is faring! [Caution - adult language in use]



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Right now, I’d kill for 1C and Ian L’s breakfast......


I love the Galway Daily News.......cool article on the cannibals......


Yet another 8 inches tomorrow, apparently it will snow too. Producing carbon by the ton, literally, as the two heating systems at home work overtime. You must have a large boiler Ian (Abel)....


This Tuesday will be even cooler with 32 degrees of frost (as the Beeb used to say around 1963).



Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Snowing wetly here. Stafford I'll have to give a miss. I'm getting less good at winter.

So I'm not alone in being unnerved by our recent snowy episodes.Decided to abandon weekend in South Wales as a result of the effect of a couple of vigorous "showers" early yesterday morning which succeeded in short order in paralysing  Burton and every main road in the area,including the A50 and A38,for several hours.Not that much but amazing in its "effectiveness". It all happened very quickly and the difficulty in planning any journey is its random unpredictability .I don't do the Stafford Show as it's only a week before Doncaster MRE which is a regular fixture with my friend Keith.The great advantage there is that it's a convenient rail journey using a combo of the Derbyshire Wayfarer and Sheffield-Doncaster Daysaver. The Stafford County Showground is 'in the sticks'. and the A 518 can be easily affected by a couple of snowflakes.That said,I hope all attending have a successful show.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well done Ernie - congratulations and trust the two of you will be very happy together.


I expect we will feature in the next edition of the Daily Wail as snowmageddon has struck here with almost half an inch of the stuff on the ground at around 07.30 although it is now melting - so flooding is imminent even if the river had dropped a few inches by yesterday.  Good job I'm not trying to be enroute to Stafford as I might well have got stuck in an inch deep snowdrift before reaching Reading station :jester:


However despite 'the weather problems' we have no choice but to venture to either Tesco or the town (or both) in order to secure another new battery for one of the smoke alarms (yesterday's 'new' one turned out to be a year out of date, I never realised that batteries could go out of date :scratchhead: ) and hopefully some LED bulbs for the picture lights.


Have a good day one & all

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Morning all. House husband duty today. Amber awoke in the night being sick so her bed needed stripping. She joined us in the early hours when Sarah decided to take herself downstairs to sleep on sofa. Amber did sleep until about 8am and seems brighter this morning. Sarah still asleep on sofa so it's a Saturday of housework for me.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, congratulations Ernie hope everything runs smoothly now and the future. Took MrsB out last night for a birthday meal and it went well. Jam sent you a PM your Mum is not alone some headteachers are not able to manage humans and should not be allowed oxygen. Dom get more Olbas oil. Ian I admire your continued care for those horses. While I have typed this 4 more replies have been entered sorry 5 Stafford show tomorrow looks to be off unless there is thaw......

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  • RMweb Gold

LED...excellent choice Make sure they're the correct fitting though.I didn't on one occasion.That was an expensive mistake.

They are pretty good Ian but they run very hot in a picture light fitting and tend not to have as long a life as one (that being this particular one) might expect.  And yes, they are properly handled when I put them in the lamps ;)

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Now snowing at ECR but I doubt it will settle

Maybe it will Carlisle? Groan!


I am late on parade this morning, having taken the opportunity of a lay in and then an excellent breakfast.


The sun is shining here which makes a pleasant change.


Congratulations to Ernie!


Have a good day everyone...


On the subject of LED bulbs, (the posts arrived as I was typing!) they are very good and have a much better light than CFLs. They are sometimes electrically noisy (particularly the cheap China imports) which can be irritating for us Radio Amateurs, but that's life.


One thing to remember, the standard 240v versions can replace a bulb directly, but to replace low voltage Halogen bulbs you will probably need to change the transformer.

Edited by Robert
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Slushy greetings from the cannibal capital of Europe! We managed to make our way safely to and from the beach this morning through the slush. Didn't slide of the road, didn't get attacked by starving locals. We are getting heavy showers of hail about every fifteen minutes or so but they only last for a couple of minutes. Very uncomfortable if you are out in them. The beach looked fantastic, white right down to the water's edge and that was a long way as the tide was right out, we are on spring tides and the North wind was also doing its 'Canute' bit. No pics as the weather wasn't camera friendly!


We had the same weather yesterday so, needless to say, no outside chores were completed.


Dave, what tyres are you using on your bike when you go out in the snow?


Get safely there and back If you are on the move today.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'll admit, I'm still in my bed at the moment! My room has gone from one of the warmest in the house to one of the coldest. I think my window is letting in some cold air all of a sudden? I'll get dad to check it later. There's not much better than a hot cup of tea on a cold morning all snuggled up in a duvet, but I'm gonna have to get up soon!


Dom, firstly I hope your ailments disappear as soon as possible. Secondly, you are right, she probably would have enough for unfair dismissal. She keeps making the joke of "...what are they gonna do? Fire me?" whenever she doesn't do something stupid they ask her to. I think she is like me in that she'd rather just get it over with than seek out retaliation. I think she feels her not being there will cause enough problems for them! We're both going shopping today so I'll talk to her again. She has the union on her side, so to be honest if they did try and fire her... good luck to them!!


Congratulations of course go to Ernie, I can't really add on what people have already said, but here's to a bright future!


Time to crawl out of bed!

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Dave, what tyres are you using on your bike when you go out in the snow?



.....just the standard ones supplied by Dawes on their town bikes....they seem quite capable of handling todays conditions although I would have turned around if the snow had become much deeper.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Dave, what tyres are you using on your bike when you go out in the snow?


Get safely there and back If you are on the move today.

When we had the “Snowcopalypse” earlier this week I was watching some idiot on TV reporting from the east end of Lawn Giland and complaining of the 24 inches of snow  - when a guy wobbled by behind her on a pushbike - not only that but he (or she, the person had about 100lbs of clothes on) had about six bags of  cans (for the recycling of) attached to the bike in various strategic locations (this is a popular hobby in New York State because one can make as much as 10 cents per can).


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to know your mum has already sought and found assistance, Jam. One should expect that people working in education should in general have good awareness of and be well versed in managing interpersonal relationships, but sadly, this case seems to be yet another bit of evidence that too many in leading positions especially are anything but...

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  • RMweb Gold

Jam sent you a PM your Mum is not alone some headteachers are not able to manage humans and should not be allowed oxygen....

Jam. Last year ERs were very supportive when HR foolishly attempted to pressurise Aditi into redundancy on health grounds. Aditi challenged everything HR said, kept the union people informed etc. The understanding of employment law in some educational establishments is very poor.
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