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Mornin' all,


Partly overcast, dry start in The Moorlands for the short anticlock constitutional. Plenty of physical exercise today with the marking out, post knocking in, roping up, water troughs setting out, chair setting out, pavilion arranging of this years Leek Agricultural show. Come and see us tomorrow if you're in the area.


Is has had a better night and didn't need the 2nd line of nausea tablets provided by the cancer centre. She has no set tasks Jock but insists on doing what she can....sitting down for rests, telephone calls and naps in between....this is also good for her morale as she feels useful and it passes the day. I have to assume that the FEC chemicals are attacking the cancerous cells in her breast as it is now bright red.....nowhere else, just the problem area.


Lumix compact digital camera replacement ordered as my dad has now had his back.


Now music by The Houghton Weavers....Wild Mountain Thyme


Feathered ones provided for....regular bullfinch visits just now


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all.

Rather overcast and looks as if it could rain. I have just checked the forecast and it seems to agree with my observations.

I will have some shopping to do today, but it won't take long.


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Morning all!

POETS day for some.

Yorkshire lost yesterday against a good Warwickshire side.


Shopping to be done, parcels to post.


Sparkies did first fix electrics yesterday. Plumber still hasn't fixed leaks, plasterers here Monday.


Have a great day!



P's at my junior school both classes had 50 boys in them.


The A class eventually managed to educate 25 lads to a level where they attended free Grammar Schools and then uni. Quite an achievement for a pit village!


Pps Polly try some sliced Ginger with your rhubarb....scrummy!

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It's been raining here in Surrey although it had more or less stopped as we left home for the bus stop. The day we need the bus the bus time app wasn't working but we didn't have to wait long luckily.


We decided to carry on as planned with our trip to Exeter tonight then Barnstaple tomorrow so fingers crossed no train delays or cancellations this weekend. Bags with us for a quick transfer by underground after work to Paddington.


Looking forward to a few beers in Exeter tonight.

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Hospital 4 me today. Usual Friday team of podiatrist, diabetes nurse plus doctor if needed. The wound in my heel is healing slowly (they keep telling me) but must be celebrating its first and hopefully last birthday about now. I spent most of last summer as an in-patient and am very grateful to the NHS that I still have a foot. I was by no means thin, but a year of enforced inaction has increased my girth enormously. I have the "big slipper" as Billy Connolly might have called it, properly known as an offloading shoe, ie one with a cut-away heel to avoid pressure on the wound, but it makes balance difficult.


Enough self-pity. A few of our number have come up on Farcebook as "people I might know". Please can I be friends with you all? Right, off to get some brekky before I go.



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Morning all, there is a cover of grey cloud over Borough Market Junction and heavy rain is due mid afternoon. It must be because the in-laws are coming to visit.


We have a family party for Elder Lurker, slightly in advance of him turning into a terrible teenager next week....so the house will be thronging on Sunday when I believe the weather is due to be awful. Which is a shame because our garden happily holds lots and the house doesn't.


Meanwhile I have a day of work to get through - still slogging my way through reams of work to be dealt with for a settlement with HMRC - which needs to be signed by both parties by the end of the month, with no slippage allowed.


I'm glad to see that Jock is enjoying his holiday in Orford and I note his wise words to Mrs TG about doing only what your body tells you it can do with a wry smile; after all Jock often tells us he's overdone the chores... ;)


Still if I ever have to face such adversity I shall be trying to live up to his attitude, and probably falling way short. Not that you'll catch me overdoing the chores, mind. Mrs Lurker would be the first to confirm that isn't the case now either!


Have a good day all, and enjoy the weekend too

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Morning all from a slightly overcast village.

Nice to hear another episode of Jock and Joanna's culinary tour of east Suffolk. (I think I've got my geography right), that fresh seafood sounds good.  Also good to hear the regular and very positive updates from Dave (TG).

Yesterday I had a good day down at the clubrooms and half a board changed from Orange foam to grey plasterwork ready for grassing.   Also had good news about friend Tony who has had a bad time over the last few months.  He feels up to coming to the clubroom tonight so I will be picking him up this evening.


Today there are various tasks to complete, orders have been issued.   First task after caffeine infusion is a trip to the bottle bank.  Then another long phone call with a mortgage broker.  We are still trying to get confirmation of the funding we need for the French house.   This afternoon will be occupied by watching Le Tour in the Alps and then an evening at the clubrooms. 


Regards to all.



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Morning all.  Welcome to POETS Day.  In fact it's already well past morning here and the evening is setting in but we can't help being ahead of the times ;)




Rick, what a touching story - your friend certainly acted with a great deal of humanity and I hope he gets due credit for it. Can't be much wrong with his reactions either!

Thank you Jock.  I believe moves are afoot quietly and behind the scenes to ensure this does not go unnoticed in the Ivory Towers.  


So we have lost Mickey in what I judge from Andy Y's comments to be a very serious problem at the toy : pram interface.  The word "legal" was among those used.  There's a new Kernow Today thread but pro tem we have lost all of M's contributions and the entire previous thread.  I respect Andy's position though I understand it is possible to remove one member's posts and leave a thread open.  Perhaps not in the small hours however when you have been royally pee'd off and are obliged to protect your interests.


Busy day today.  7am delivery from Bunnings (= B&Q) which led to the morning being spent removing old sleepers from the driveway edging and replacing them with new.  Nothing lasts for ever including damp wood in a termite area.  But they're ******* heavy things to wield single-handed.


After lunch the tank / shed roof job was started.  The old sheeting, which I suspect contains GRP fibre, is more than life expired and has been slowly breaking up.  It's all been removed now and eight sheets of brand new polycarbonate are waiting to go up in its place.  The wind picked up as forecast making the completion of the job unsafe as those sheets can swing like a sail in even a light breeze and being knocked or unbalanced by that is not the correct way to dismount the ladder!


There's a storm brewing at the Palace.  Ballot in progress for protected industrial action.  The union is hoping for more than 99% in favour and the employer seems to have adopted the proverbial stance of the ostrich.  We'll see what eventuates.

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Morning all,


South Derbyshire looks as though it will host a typical British summer's day, grey overcast and a bit on the cool side.


May have to change mi avatar soon, managed to walk dog without the aid of mi camboot yesterday, leg definitely on the mend.


Best wishes to all. :)

Edited by leopardml2341
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations/commiserations where necessary. I thought Pete's talk of his tomato seeds coming from Italy was ironic as tomatoes came from the Americas in the first place. No change on the mini motor caravan so I'm still considering bidding on it but when? It finishes about 9 o'clock Sunday evening but I have a tendency to forget the time and leave it too late for a last minute bid. I think that I'll just put in my maximum bid Saturday night/Sunday morning and keep my fingers crossed. Still dry here but the forecast is not very promising for the whole weekend.

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Morning all.

Last day in La France Profonde until... well, the week after next.


Bit of a dicky tum after a curry last night. But the good news is that the travel insurance covers the laptop I dropped.


Sunny here, but windy. Slightly concerned at the possibility of delays at the tunnel tomorrow.


Good luck, all.

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I think putting in his maximum bid while having a few beers on a Saturday was how my neighbour ended up with an 8x8 olive green off road thing "is that a tank?, should it have tracks? Etc. He then sold it to someone in the Czech Republic who got a friend to collect it in about the biggest artic allowed in the UK.

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Wet, wet and more wet! No gardening today. Housework beckons as Steph has a couple of girl friends staying tonight. They are off out for a girlie evening at a local restaurant first, so I think I might cook myself a nice duck breast or two and wash them down with a nice bottle of wine!


May the sun shine on those of you holidaying at the moment or just off somewhere for the weekend or even staying at home.

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Morning all,

Part B :

Shortliner, two funny and thought provoking posts - I hope you don't mind but I've copied them, the first for my older friends, the second to show the younger members of the family.


Kind regards,


G'night all!

Jock - feel free to borrow anything from my posts - they have frequently come to me from friends in far off places  and not been seen here before - and I do like to spread a little boredomhappiness as I go through life

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Well the end to a seriously long week. Work always seems to me to cleaning up other people's mess. Umm the nice thing this week was to have a meeting 15 minutes from home... Finished smack on 5.00pm mind you I start between 7 and 7.30 each morning....and finish generally at 6.00pm makes for long tiring days. The weekend looks to be busy. Master DougN is performing at the national boys choir mid year performance Saturday night at Monash Uni. (Tickets still available) so tomorrow will be a clock watching day with the program. I may get the boring tax return and some contacting work done. Which will be nice to finish out. Then maybe get som modelling in. Sunday I think PCM is coming to build some track. So no doubt we will spend some time doing that and maybe SRman will drop by! Any how the weekend will be restful.


Ummm watching the original StarWars (episode 4) it was a good film... I will enjoy number 7 in december!

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Morning all.

Last day in La France Profonde until... well, the week after next.


Bit of a dicky tum after a curry last night. But the good news is that the travel insurance covers the laptop I dropped.


Sunny here, but windy. Slightly concerned at the possibility of delays at the tunnel tomorrow.


Good luck, all.

Apologies in advance:


Windy? Curry?


Conclusions may be drawn. :D

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Morning all.  Peeing down in the Royal County.  Had a mare of a day yesterday and may even have missed my goal at the outset to not finish last….:-)


Funny old game.  One day you're top of the pile, the next an absolute hacker.  Suffice to say I scored less in 18 holes than I scored in 9 on Monday.  Beautiful course that I will certainly play again if only to show I can play this silly old game.  So it's Hindhead 1 Gordon 0 with a second leg to come and all to play for.


I've become a bit of a lurker as I've got older.  Threads that I would have waded into before, are now met with a tut tut or a gentle shrug of the shoulders before moving on.  I didn't see the Mickey thread, but he did have a way of ruffling feathers occasionally, so it was just a matter of time.  What did surprise me though was the aftermath.  Everyone seems to think they can run a forum better than Andy Y without having to face the 24 hour aggravation he must face from time to time.  The guy must be a saint to put up with some of the stuff on here, yet comes in for no end of stick when things don't go the way individuals feel they should have gone.  At this rate some misguided, but irate soul will go to the European Court of Human Rights if they feel they haven't got their way…... :biggrin_mini2:


Our dear old puss seems to be on her way out as she's started to be incontinent, so I've spent the morning putting up a child gate so she can see what's going on but is stopped from wandering around the house as she has done for the past 15 years or so.  We just can't risk her peeing on the carpet somewhere, so she is now confined to barracks.  She seems quite happy, but like us all, it's tough getting old.


Other than that, life still goes on…:-)

Edited by gordon s
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Dick, Operation Stack is in place today. I wasn't sure if the news footage of burning tyres on the tracks at Coquelles was stock footage or current when I switched over from the cricket to the news last night.

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Good morning all,

I have returned from a lovely few days in North Yorkshire. A great time was had by all. Weather was good, cottage splendid, scenery stunning, food & beer excellent and a quite lot was consumed. However as a ridiculous amount of walking (by my standards) was done I've only put on 12 ounces!

The only downside was that the little old lady from the cottage next door managed to scrape the front corner of my car but the damage is not too serious. She was honest enough to leave a note with her details - doubt if many people down here would do that. When I went to see her she was really upset and I was more concerned about her than the car but I've hopefully reassured her that it isn't the end of the world.

It's taken me quite a while to go through the twenty or so pages from the past few days and quite a lot seems to have happened. All I can do is offer sympathy to those who have lost someone or are suffering and best wishes and congratulations to those with birthdays and anniversaries.

Pouring with rain at the moment so the gardening will have to wait. Might watch some cycling later.

Have a good one,


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