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  • RMweb Premium

Dom, I take it that the citizens of Leipzig are much more intelligent than ours? They seem to manage to keep off the tram lines without yellow lines all over the place.



Oh, believe me, there is an ample supply of dumbassed motorists around. Though in some ways, I think apparent somnambulists like those young mums blabbing on their mobile phones and pushing their strollers in front of them while attempting to cross the street behind trams are even worse...

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  • RMweb Premium

Think I've mention before, but when I had the opportunity to drive trams in berlin, our instructor gave this advice in respect of the behaviour of motorists:


Look at car numberplates;


1 letter, comes from city - definitely knows what a tram is.

2 letters, comes from town - probably heard of trams.

3 letters, comes from village - won't have a clue what a tram is.


Does the same apply in Leipzig, Dom?


It certainly does not apply in Melbourne!


Victorian plate = thinks he/she is invincible and drives accordingly

New South Wales plate = knows he/she is invincible and drives selfishly accordingly

Queensland plate = comes from the Sunshine State where they grow surfers and pineapples and has never been this far south; when do penguins start?

South Australian plate = over here and drives accordingly

Tasmanian plate = straight off the ferry and drives accordingly

Western Australia plate = it's taken three days to get here so is going to make the most of it and drives accordingly

Northern Territory plate = They have cars there now ?!?!?!  Very rare beast; has had to dodge feral camels on a daily basis and reckons he/she can cope with a tram or two

ACT / Canberra plate = Federal Capital city-state; Government car; doesn't care as long as it stays shiny and drives accordingly.


All states but not the territories have at least one operational tramway / light rail line including shared street running except WA and Tas.  Though the chances of anyone encountering a tram is extremely small unless you live / work really close to them.


As Lonely Planet puts it "A tram weighs half as much as an ocean liner and seldom comes off second best in a collision".


Jock - keep up the good news.

Mike - hope you've managed to track down the ship and enjoyed some Cornish fare into the bargain.

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The recent photos from Dom make me think his town looks really pleasant.


It is! I'd live there, if I could get a job :)


I once had the opportunity of a job in Dresden, the cautious me won the debate and I didn't take it - biggest regret of my life :(

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  • RMweb Gold

It is! I'd live there, if I could get a job :)


I once had the opportunity of a job in Dresden, the cautious me won the debate and I didn't take it - biggest regret of my life :(

Not to worry Andy - years I was offered the chance of a job in Teheran or elsewhere in Iran but hmm'd and ah'd sufficiently long enough to allow the revolution to take place and thingamibobatollahs to take over.  Following that Iran seemed to break off contact with BR for some reason.


And AndyB - yes, funny you should mention Stugeron; I'm keeping a close watch on the low which is currently due south of Iceland.  Anyway at the least the ship is now on the move down Channel heading for the Channel Light Vessel - if things there go as they seemed to last year, when the ship seemed to be going to & fro like a yo-yo, I'm beginning to wonder if our 'join at Penzance' might yet be altered?  :O

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Afternoon all,

Slept well and long last night and now some time off for good behaviour - doing some chores!

Jamie, sorry to hear of the frustrating wait at A & E but it's good to hear that Beth's pain is being brought under control at least. Fingers crossed for the next appointment.

Rick, I fully agree with your comments about those caring for people close to them, especially when a terminal illness is involved. Joanna often says how helpless she feels, which of course isn't the case! It is all too easy to forget that the lives of the carers have been effectively wrecked as much as those of the person with the illness. The Macmillan organisation here in the UK have been fantastic in respect of carers, normally asking after Joanna first when they make their regular call to me. We have of course seen them in action in three other cases within Joanna's family - they really do care and often the people making the calls have survived cancer, or indeed lost someone to it. The whole problem of caring affects most families at some time, and not just with cancer or strokes, as the number of posts on dementia show clearly!

Alan, thanks for raising the subject of 'Windows 10', the advice of Rick Maybury, the Daily Telegraph 'digital doctor', is to hold fire for a while for any 'glitches' to be ironed out. It is brave of Tony and others to try it and advise us of their results. Has any one heard if their is a time limit on the free upgrade offer? I note that Microsoft are claiming that 10 has all the best features and of 7 and 8 !

We are on a Combi boiler at home which has been efficient and easy to use, working directly from the cold feed and heating water on demand as it passes through. The big plus is that there is no need for tanks in the loft, or a tank in the airing cupboard (where I located ours!). The downside of course is that it won't work in a power cut! As to girls and water usage, two daughters and a granddaughter who stays with us frequently have produced enough evidence for me to agree with the earlier posts on the subject!

AndyID, that was a terribly sad story about your friend and best man Alastair. More evidence if it were needed to 'carpe diem'!!!

Ian(RH), good luck with your efforts at the 'Tinkers Park' show.

Have a great weekend all, it looks like the cricket should end today but I've still got the World Superbikes in Malaysia and the British Superbikes at Thruxton to look forward to on Sunday!

Kind regards,


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The government announces that we will provide fencing, dogs and god knows what else to the Burghers of Calais to help deal with things that they refuse to police properly.  (In a reciprocal gesture I guess soon we will have all manner of Eastern Europen police over here to deal with ......... )


Why not do a Falkalnds.  Hire some Ro-Ro's and a few cruise ships, go over to Libya and embark all the asylum seekers and scallies that want to live in our green and benefit wonderful land.  Whilst cruising to England everybody can be fingerprinted and told of the new 1 strike and your out system.  At least that way we will have more knowledge of who is in our country.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm in a right grump.


One point on my garden railway has always caused issues, so I decided to replace it with a Peco G45 point.  Brought one home from work yesterday, but when I tried to work it in, it just would not fit into the existing raised section - so I had to put it all back.....then it rained.....then the regulator servo failed on my 'Lyn'....wide open of course......cue VERY fast and rather painful run across the garden by someone not supposed to run (due to the hip) to catch it before a high speed disaster occurred, then realising I could have just centred the reverser......d'oh.............and I haven't done my chores yet, and Mrs H is due home soon!  This has been very close to a totally wasted day, and I hate that.


I just may consume some beer soon.

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I think yesterday it was said that there is a year for the free upgrade and I also read that at present there are security issues and it is worth waiting a few weeks.


Edited by lightengine
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EDIT: Whoops, forgot to mention todays' evening activity - off to a nice restaurant for dinner with the Mrs. it's our 33rd. anniversary :)

Let's hope she don't read RMWeb, else you'll be in BIG trouble :)

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SWMBO took MiL to Prestatyn Market this morning.

No sale so we'll try again next week.


No near misses to report unless leaving a handbag on the floor in a doorway counts.

Fortunately I was able to hop over it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Glad that you are managing to keep your sense of humour DD.

I suppose it's either that or........


Its always so difficult when you can remember the person as they once were.

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Jock, I think that most boilers won't work without electrickery (and in my case a bi66dy circuit board). There's no pilot light any more, it's a mains operated piezo lighter, and the pump won't work for the CH. I keep meaning to buy a generaror, but the only good quiet ones are Honda and they are jolly expensive.



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Glad that you are managing to keep your sense of humour DD.

I suppose it's either that or........


Its always so difficult when you can remember the person as they once were.


My friend's Dad has vascular dementia, don't know what the difference is, and he is far gone now. He doesn't recognise Chris (his daughter) any more but thinks that Janet (his grand daughter) is Chris because she looks like Chris did 30 years ago, and that is how he remembers her.


The odd thing is that he can follow the cricket and make sensible comments. They have got him Sky so he can watch it, but he gets very confused and upset at the adverts (so would I be if I was paying for the channel and they still had adverts!).



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Jock, I think that most boilers won't work without electrickery (and in my case a bi66dy circuit board). There's no pilot light any more, it's a mains operated piezo lighter, and the pump won't work for the CH. I keep meaning to buy a generaror, but the only good quiet ones are Honda and they are jolly expensive.





Why not try a small invertor for short duration running, I tested one similar to this:



On a CH system and it worked for me :)

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  • RMweb Premium

I once had the opportunity of a job in Dresden, the cautious me won the debate and I didn't take it - biggest regret of my life :(


What is agreeably nice about Dresden is its setting in the Elbe Valley. However, aside from that which remains in historic buildings, I didn't find the city that appealing architecturally. Leipzig, on the other hand, has retained a lot more in Historicist and Art Nouveau buildings and has a high proportion of green spaces, both of which I like.


And our trams have the broadest gauge in all of Germany! :yes:

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Evenin' all,


Happy anniversary Ian.


Pleased to say that the patient responded well to more isolated distraction therapy today in the sunshine. I only needed to pop down to the bank in town to pay our credit card bills but this morphed into the bank in Oakham. First stop was one of our favourite coffee houses....The Grange garden centre nr Melton Mowbray for one of their superb cream teas on fresh fruit scones (table at the bottom of the garden), fresh local produce collected from the adj farm shop to further tempt Is's appetite.....then on via  the scenic route through some lovely Leicestershire and Rutland villages.....real ale stop in a Braunston beergarden then on to Oakham.....



We keep the emergency overnight bag for the cancer centre in the boot of the car....just in case I have to take her directly there. 



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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