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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather damp little village.  Much has already been achieved.  Off to the nearest Aldi first thing as they were having a sale of cycling gear opening at 8am.  Duly attended and got everything I needed.  Then back home and breakfast before taking various things including a chocolate cake to fat club to help Beth out.  She had a Dr's appointment.  Quite why Fat Club needed a chocolate cake I'm not quite sure but I dare not question the boss's logic.  Then back home for a catch up on here.  I'm being ably assisted by a little black 4 legged furball, Gavin by name, who has just settled down in a position where he's comfy and I can still type and see the screen of the laptop.


Thanks to Bill for the info about the Londonderry family.  I'd heard of a pit called Vane Tempest and never knew where the name came from.


Anyway after a session on here and some minor domestic duties it will be back off to the chapel to do some more work on the platform canopies.


Jock, glad that Matthew is now nearer to his loved ones. 


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudy with drizzle here.

Aditi arrived early yesterday evening. She went straight to bed as she had lower abdominal pains. She says they are easing this morning but isn't going to work. She did see our GP about them when she last had them in the summer when she was doing the timetable. GP suggested diverticulitis and wondered if she had any stress. Aditi claims not to be affected by stress but although she may not it does affect her diabetes and I suspect now her intestines. She has managed to walk to the study and is replying to emails. I may turn the router off! Only a month to go now before her retirement!

Edited by Tony_S
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Hi Guys


Hope you are all feeling bright even though I realise some are suffering right now.  


Any ideas what happens on my Mac every now and again with Dom's pictures?  Doesn't happen all the time, in fact this is just the second time with Dom's pics?


Seems everything is fogged out other than a few mm at the top...


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-09-24 at 08.30.38.png



Edit:  Seems it's a problem with Safari as it's OK with Firefox.  Always knew Safari fell short on many counts....


No problems here with Safari (at the moment).

Same here!

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold

Dom's photo appeared as a box with its file name. I clicked on the box and the photo displayed. When I went back to the post both images were displaying correctly in the post. This is using Chrome on an Android tablet.


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Guys


Hope you are all feeling bright even though I realise some are suffering right now.  


Any ideas what happens on my Mac every now and again with Dom's pictures?  Doesn't happen all the time, in fact this is just the second time with Dom's pics?


Seems everything is fogged out other than a few mm at the top...


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-09-24 at 08.30.38.png



Edit:  Seems it's a problem with Safari as it's OK with Firefox.  Always knew Safari fell short on many counts....

I was getting the same thing on Firefox. I was able to view the entire images by clicking on the 2 mm that was showing and they came up as another page.

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  • RMweb Gold


Tony - I have suffered with diverticular disease for approx 19 years and there is no doubt in my mind (or my doctor and my wife) that stress makes it worse.

Although Aditi has a couple of chronic health issues she is very stubborn and recently has been pushing herself somewhat and not being sensible. She had three weeks holiday in the summer. We went to Slovenia for a week and she spent a fortnight of the holiday preparing the timetables for the degree courses. Yesterday one of the vice principals told her that taking three weeks off in the summer is unheard of in higher education. They should have taken some time off in June (when marking, double marking and assessments are done). They had been told no leave in June earlier! I think they would like a system where no one takes leave.
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that Matthews back nearer home Jock and I hope all our other invalids both two legged and four are on the mend. Birthday congratulations to Roundhouse, many more of 'em. On the subject of names as you can see from my forum name that it does not matter to me whether my name is abbreviated or not, the only problem that I have is that my full name is spelt with two l's, which I now have to stress when reading out my e-mail address. My doctors surgery still only writes my name with one 'l', a bit annoying as I have pointed it out on numerous occasions. I do know why I was given my name as my mother was something of a royalist and I was born only a few months before Prince Charles, hence the two ll's. Weathers drying up nicely now so out for the shopping shortly, see you all later.

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Any ideas what happens on my Mac every now and again with Dom's pictures?  Doesn't happen all the time, in fact this is just the second time with Dom's pics?


Seems everything is fogged out other than a few mm at the top...


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-09-24 at 08.30.38.png



Edit:  Seems it's a problem with Safari as it's OK with Firefox.  Always knew Safari fell short on many counts....


Gordon, don't worry - you didn't miss anything. 

The photo was just of two buxom naked girls standing in front of Dom's tram, holding up the numbers of the winning lottery ticket for next week, along with their home addresses and phone numbers. As I say, nothing to see here....  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

I have just had the great misfortune to use Windows 10


What  sh*te of slack bladdered cockwombles came up with this unuseable bag of dog droppings.


Windows has been on a downward spiral since they superseded version 3.1. Apparently code named Janus!


Obviously W10 is called Hugh Janus!

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Happy Hippo, on 24 Sept 2015 - 10:36, said:

I have just had the great misfortune to use Windows 10


What  sh*te of slack bladdered cockwombles came up with this unuseable bag of dog droppings.


Windows has been on a downward spiral since they superseded version 3.1. Apparently code named Janus!


Obviously W10 is called Hugh Janus!

You have learned well young padawan. <evil laugh>


Happy Birthday Ian. We'll be in the Rake from around 1ish to toast. Not sure we'll still be around by the time you are done but fire off a text anyway and maybe we can meet up. There's always the Euston Tap, etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Yes Chris - DVLA does seem to prefer diminutive names as I am Mike, instead of full name, on my vehicle documents.  And now to Bill and the Vane Tempest family - one of them lived locally and was the black sheep of the family.  He received a monthly allowance from the family (from the Marquess I think) and used to draw it from the bank in 10/- notes - very nice chap and you wouldn't know his family background until someone told you but he had an occasional habit of going off the rails drink wise and investing in 5 star brandy which usually resulted in him being chased down the street by a vicious pink elephant at which stage he would be sent off for drying out, then a few years until the next session.  He had also been a newspaper racing tipster at one time and had a remarkable gift of being able to identify well in advance the winners of the coming season's flat classics, very rarely got it wrong.


It gets better Chris - we haven't got any wallpaper (but those shelves are on a stud wall and it's no fun using a detector to find the studs when foil backed board has been used to build the walls  :O )


And yes Gordon I occasionally get that with pics on here (on Safari) but it is usually solved by reloading the page, oddly Dom's pics seem to be the culprits.  And as far as diesel cars are concerned there are increasing rumours that some British cities are going to bar them because of NOX emissions - loony tree huggers, one minute we're told to buy diesels to save the planet now we're being told we can't use them to save people living on the planet; I want compensation if Govt introduces any bans  (and I wonder how many other manufacturers use VW diesels and software - that excrement and fan interface can't be far off).


Have a good day one and all and happy birthday to Ian

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  • RMweb Gold



I suspect our briefing will finish around 5.30pm  near Goodge Street


Meeting other half in Bree Louise then no doubt head to Euston Tap so may well meet up with you.



I like win 10. Using it now. Miles better than 8 or 8.1. Think that I will stick with 7 on my main PC although at the moment I dont have a choice as the graphics card isn't supported at present.

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  • RMweb Gold

Our GP told Aditi to see her if the suspected diverticulitis pain returned. Fortunately Aditi instead of her "I will take two paracetamol, I am sure it will go away" phoned for an appointment and will see the doctor this afternoon. Our own GP too, though of course she would have seen anyone. Aditi had an aggressive email from the quality and standards manager this morning. She replied and then put her out of office message on her email! She did wonder if they can suspend you when you have already given notice!

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A couple of times, I've told Americans who've referred to Scots as "English" that that's roughly like calling someone from one of the Southern states a Yankee. Would that be about right?




I’ve seen worse - on PBS the TV series: “Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries” which is Australian and made in Melbourne is described as a “Brit Mystery”.


Best, Pete.

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And Stuart is the Frenchified spelling, thanks to Mary, Queen of Scots, n'est-ce pas? replacing Stewart, from Steward - as it is written in The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames, "unvoicing of final -d to -t is typically Scots"...

As a distant ancestor of mine raped Mary and then was accused of killing her husband we had to make amends somehow....(one was right the other wrong in my view).


Best, Pete.

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Morning all!


Didn't stop yesterday between getting up about 5.30 and going to be about 11.30.  After I finished work, I had to stop via the shops, quickly make and eat dinner while proof-reading our consultation PDF, then go out to fit 3 curtain poles for a friend of a friend, then back home, more proof-reading, then off to the airport to pick up the GF who'd flown down to London and back yesterday for a meeting.


The curtain poles were track-type ones from the big blue box shop.  They are attached by small cylinders into the ceiling above the window.  I brought drill and all necessary equipment with me and once I'd worked out how everything fitted together, drilled the first two holes, inserted rawlplugs and screws and fitted the two cylinders, then attached the track.  Only then did I realise that the French windows I was attaching them to cover now wouldn't open.  At least I realised after only one, and not before I'd sealed up all three sets of French windows and prevented us leaving the flat.  My fault for not spotting it before I drilled, but theirs for buying all the stuff without thinking about it!


Union of South Africa has headed down towards Galashiels already.  My back's slowly recovering but I'll be glad when I get an uninterrupted night's sleep again.


Happy birthday to Roundhouse, Polly - love the loco - look forward to seeing more pics of it in future.  Nice to see Debs back, great to see Archie back home, good news from Jock about Matthew, Stewart - hope you're recovering steadily, Tony - best to Aditi... and commiserations, congratulations and best wishes to everyone I've not mentioned.

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  • RMweb Gold

VW owners possibly facing a lot more road tax. I am just keeping me fingers crossed that Ford didn't use similar computer programmes although I am comfy with the £40.00 of diesel fuel every two months instead of every three weeks.

The diesel engine in my present Land Rover is the Ford /PSA unit though the auto gearbox states Ford Japan! I think this engine is the same as fitted to recent Ford's. I assumed the tax for cars in the UK was based on carbon emissions but I assume to meet standards regulations overall emissions have to be met.


Edited by Tony_S
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