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  • RMweb Gold

Good afternoon all,

Very dull here but at least it's dry and a mild 14oC. Although I've been hearing the various reports from those of you affected by the weather our TV hasn't been on for 3 days and I've only just seen the devastation being caused by the floods. Words cannot really express how sorry we feel for all those people affected yet again.

We've been so lucky to have had a superb Christmas with a houseful but all is now quiet as Nicky, Steve & kids have departed to visited Steve's family. Kids naturally are delighted because they will get spoiled again by their other grandparents, uncles & aunts.

Yesterday we entertained my friend from next door and his eldest daughter. His wife and younger daughter were on their way to Holland where the latter is playing in a Korfball tournament for the England u17 squad. En route they had a blow out on a French motorway but luckily nobody was hurt and they finished their journey on a recovery vehicle.

The Boss has now sat down for her first real (well deserved) rest in 3 days after running round in circles making sure everyone was fed, watered, alcoholed? and happy. This means that the TV  will now be showing all the Strictly comes the Midwife from Downtons and various soaps she has recorded for about the next 24 hours. After all her recent efforts I will not moan about that but quietly get on with catching up on here and then maybe running some trains later.

Enjoy the rest of your day if you possibly can,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Do I go and watch Arss Wart: The farce awokens, or do I sit down and eat some Christmas pudding for my lunch?


I think you can guess the answer to that one!


Especially as there is cream, brandy butter, vanilla custard and ice cream as toppings.


Since it is such a balmy day, Elsa has already had her trot around the church, so this afternoon will see a long overdue appointment with the table saw and all the sleeper material for the garden line.

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  • RMweb Gold

We haven't seen any broadcast TV for a few days. I have seen the news via my tablet thingy and we did watch a film late on Christmas day, once I worked out why the signal wasn't getting from the blu ray player to the television. Definitely a candidate for Hanlon and his razor. The main reason for not watching television is that Matthew likes studying in the dining room. There is an archway but no door separating our lounge. We can sit in comfort reading while Matthew studies. Also he can ask erudite questions which one parent can give considered thought to.


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Well we got to reading - but chickened out of the town centre as crowds and grotty weather weren't an attractive proposition; we'll do that by train later in the week when 'non-rain' is promised.  Plumber's bill paid which was the other main reason for out trip.


Out to neighbour's this evening which should be interesting as I haven't been in the house where they live for well over 50 years (back when it was in the hands of the previous owners) so I bet the aspidistra has gone from 'the best room', and we'll be entering via the front door which will also be a novelty as that was never used in the old days.


Meanwhile we are gradually making our way through Christmas leftovers - dinner last night was cold pork & chicken plus salad along with cold stuffing and bread sauce and it will no doubt be similar this evening but without fried up leftover roast potatoes (alas) but at least I had some pork pie (from the butcher) for brunch.


The Goodies kitten - on the Post Office Tower - was Kitten King if memory serves me right.  And I too would have preferred 'Dickensian' in one hour long programme instead of being split - but it could be quite interesting even if we know what happens to the delightful Miss Havisham.  The Christie was good too - hope we're back in time tonight!


Enjoy the rest of your day one & all and hoping that everyone remains untouched by the awful flooding affecting parts of North Wales and northern England.

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  • RMweb Gold

We haven't seen any broadcast TV for a few days. I have seen the news via my tablet thingy and we did watch a film late on Christmas day, once I worked out why the signal wasn't getting from the blu ray player to the television. Definitely a candidate for Hanlon and his razor. The main reason for not watching television is that Matthew likes studying in the dining room. There is an archway but no door separating our lounge. We can sit in comfort reading while Matthew studies. Also he can ask erudite questions which one parent can give considered thought to.


What does Aditi do while you're considering your thoughts?  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

...Elsa has already had her trot around the church, so this afternoon will see a long overdue appointment with the table saw...

Fortunately Robbie only needs a hose down and a selection of brushes after his walk.

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Dunning -Kruger?

Hanlons Razor?

My mind usually goes into meltdown when I hear mention of quantum physics or applied maths. Is it me or should I know such things? I guess if I have never heard of them by now I dont need to.

Will be pleased to read of them when a suitable explanation is posted.

I will then try to get them into a conversation on NYE.


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  • RMweb Gold

Do I go and watch Arss Wart: The farce awokens, or do I sit down and eat some Christmas pudding for my lunch?


Aditi thought we could have a family outing to see Star Wars. However it turns out that Matthew will be seeing it in a couple of days with a friend from the LSE. Her boyfriend doesn't like that sort of film and suggested she went with Matthew. We will probably wait until the blu ray is released.


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  • RMweb Gold

Dunning -Kruger?

Hanlons Razor?

My mind usually goes into meltdown when I hear mention of quantum physics or applied maths. Is it me or should I know such things? I guess if I have never heard of them by now I dont need to.

You are not alone. Occam's Razor is regularly mentioned on a website I frequent, and it was years before I even bothered to ask Google. As one who makes limited use of a razor you can understand my position, I'm sure.
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Leeds looks bad.

York seems to be in peril.


Others tell me that North West Wales was virtually cut off yesterday.

When the A55 and the A5 are blocked, there isn't another route for road traffic.


One would think there would be more of a fuss on the National TV news.

The A55 is one of the important links with Ireland for lorries to and from the ferries at Holyhead.

Top Tip: Stay in bed.

Cynically I'd imagine that if flooding affected central London it would be the main news topic for weeks and it would be sorted pronto B)


Thoughts are with all of those affected by the flooding in Wales and northern England/southern Scotland. Rained here all day yesterday but nothing like the rain further south. Today some winter sunshine and an hour long walk this morning.


Christmas Day was hectic with the family, a good time was had by all - Gabe and I only found time to open our stockings yesterday (Boxing Day) evening. The kids gave me tix for the Scotland/England rugby match at Murrayfield in February. Lucky boy! Cannae wait.


Just caught up with the posts, so hope things are calming down a litle, DD.


And a belated Happy Christmas to all.



Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Just got caught up, and looking around us, it appears that we just missed the worst of the weather again - last time it was a few miles North of us, this time, it was a few miles South of us.  However, one wonders how they got the planning so wrong, and deployed much of the relief in Cumbria, round Appleby, Kendal, Carlisle, and the rain hit Mid Lancs, round Preston, and also Yorkshire.  My heart goes out to those who have been affected.


We took heed of the warnings yesterday, and stayed in, and went out today, and managed to get to Kendal, where the main shops were all in action, and proving to all and sundry that they are open for business - however, on the approaches, many houses remain barricaded with damaged possessions stacked outside - and many of the residents were comparing notes on how they'd fared.  It was most upsetting to see and hear it all.  I'm off now, so generic greetings are all that I can offer again, but I have read and rated everybody's contributions.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

A busy day has been had, digging a trench for the conduit to get power into project X, the station building.  All done now, back filled, meggered out and connected up - we have heat!  Not so much light though, due to the lack of a decision on lights!  There's not much headroom inside for dangly light fittings, we just can't find anything that looks reasonable and will go in without us hitting our heads on them!


It was actually sunny for a while and not raining, we had almost forgotten what that was like, I think it has rained every day for a month.  Warm, though.  Such a shame after what was a beautiful autumn.

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Well, the flooding is the main news on t'wireless. However, after explaining about the Ouse and the Foss in York, the newslady went on to say "the Ouse is also responsible for flooding Cambridge". My son certainly wouldn't know they were different rivers.



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Well, the flooding is the main news on t'wireless. However, after explaining about the Ouse and the Foss in York, the newslady went on to say "the Ouse is also responsible for flooding Cambridge". My son certainly wouldn't know they were different rivers.




A bigger flood than I thought!

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A busy day has been had, digging a trench for the conduit to get power into project X, the station building.  All done now, back filled, meggered out and connected up - we have heat!  Not so much light though, due to the lack of a decision on lights!  There's not much headroom inside for dangly light fittings, we just can't find anything that looks reasonable and will go in without us hitting our heads on them!


It was actually sunny for a while and not raining, we had almost forgotten what that was like, I think it has rained every day for a month.  Warm, though.  Such a shame after what was a beautiful autumn.

LEDs? Lots and lots of LEDs? By the strip?

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  • RMweb Premium

if in doubt apply law 36 - (leg Before Wicket) - professional cricketers and commentators haven't a clue about it so its safe to introduce it into conversations. Of course you could also try talking about one of Lyapinovs theorems (lummy did I manage to get those right in my finals exams??)


Other than having a walk out in the sun I have spent today losing 3 -0 in my determination to build some loco chassis.


Stay safe everyone! 



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