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  • RMweb Gold

OK! Time to come clean (wipes oily rag around face)...

I've got back into Hornby Live Steam this New Year; I'm just posting now fresh from my third 'steam up' session.

First off - the SMELL of hot oil and steam is totally Brilliant.

It's even better than sitting under a towel on my head over Grandma's bowl of hot something-or-other as a kid and being told to inhale!


I'm not sure I'm any better at mastering control this time (with Mallard's wheels up off the track) but I do have a kit to assemble from the 00LS Club for a hand held controller that is supposed to achieve much more precise responses using push buttons.


The Back Story is my son bought me the Mallard LS set for Christmas 11 years ago hoping to get me and the grandchildren back into model trains.

We had a few 'well oiled' Christmas goes at crashing Mallard before reverting to our old very well-used DC stuff. The Mallard boxed set went up in the attic - until I went to Railex NE three weeks ago before Christmas and got a whiff of that SMELL !  :stink:  


...I might even start a thread about it...

Mr Toad signing off :senile:


It really is easier in 16mm. NHN would sell you some. There is also the possibility of coal fired live steam.


Edited by Donw
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the village.  What an inspiring set of posts in the last 24 hours, Smiffy's tale is fabulous and so positive,  Brian (BSW01)'s post about how he coped with things through writing and telling is great to read and of course Jock's continuing saga with the sword of damocles hanging over him every month.   People do have tremendous strength but often don't realise it until things like this happen.   It just irritates me so much when our media concentrates so much on shallow celebrities.


Anyway breakfast has been consumed, cats have been fed, and I've caught up on here.   Church is on the agenda this morning and after that I might actually find my way into the modelling room.


Regards to all.



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I remember one of our group leaders in the CCEs office at Kings Cross came from Sheffield - where they still had some rather classy modern double deck trams.

He'd love to reminisce about regularly being given command of one during the charity raising University Rag week.The City Council "lent" them a tram for the week and he and the driver colluded about where to take the tram through the week cos all they collected in fares went to the charities. He had a couple of assistants serving 'refreshments' to passengers, including draft beer from a barrel.




Sorry, didn't make it clear - this post is a follow on from the Leipzig party tram.

,,,Off to stretch the back bell ringing now for half an hour

Best wishes to all

Edited by runs as required
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Dick (Smiffy2) such a heartwarming story, thankyou for the pics; like others my eyes came over a bit misty. May need an optician.


Welcome home, Chris, enjoy your washing...


Jock, good to hear you're taking things easy and recovering.


Have much more energy now, which is a good thing because we're off to clear some of my father's house on Wednesday for a few days; it's funny (haha) - the house hasn't been left to me, just the tip that comprises the contents. Did I say it reminds me of that C4 hoarder programme?


Weather here damp but much damper 50-100 miles further north. Can't believe that Braemar hasn't been shown on national tv news - with a swathe of the A93 washed away along the river and the bridge into the town closed to all traffic except pedestrians. If it snows in Glenshee and the snowgates are shut the place will be cut off. The detour, by the way, is a mere 120 miles...


Disappointed by tv last night but listening to my favourite BBC R4 prog, Broadcasting House, just now; wonderful how they get the balance of pathos and humour just right, imo.


Have a good day all



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Dick..you have a definite star there!


A bit damp up here on the hillside. I understand that we are "staying in " today. Watching a bit of cricket. Still recovering from watching the soccer yesterday.


Jock, just keep on truckin! I hope the swelling goes down.


Today is a day of memories. It was the last time I saw my mum before she died, having had her 56th by rthday on Jan 1st. She was completely bonkers but supportive of me doing my degree. So a time to reflect but also a day to look at the future with hope.


Have a great day and a reet grand 2016.



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  • RMweb Gold

It really is easier in 16mm. NHN would sell you some. There is also the possibility of coal fired live steam.



It really is even easier in  7/8ths. NHN would sell you some. There is also the possibility of coal fired live steam.



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morning all,a very belated happy Christmas and new year to all,still catching up here,weve spent Christmas and new year in hospital,daisy was very pooly,but thankfully home and on the mend now,our heart felt thanks to all at chesterfield royal hospital for nursing her back to health,we can catch up on the festivitys......hope everyones had a good un' jacks wathing telly and daisy is fast asleep.have agood day all.

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Morning all. Been just too busy to post for a couple of days, but now that family have all gone and other visitors been and gone, we have time to ourselves again. Morning walk done before the forecast rain arrives, then I checked on the latest cricket score to discover that Ben Stokes has just hit the fastest double hundred by any England player. I recall my lads playing against him in local Cumbria Under 15s about 11 years back, and he was pretty good then as well.


Now with Christmas and New Year over, I need to get some track laid on my new layout. I hadn't realised the time it would take to do all the wiring for electrofrog points, so progress has been rather slow.

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morning all,a very belated happy Christmas and new year to all,still catching up here,weve spent Christmas and new year in hospital,daisy was very pooly,but thankfully home and on the mend now,our heart felt thanks to all at chesterfield royal hospital for nursing her back to health,we can catch up on the festivitys......hope everyones had a good un' jacks wathing telly and daisy is fast asleep.have agood day all.


Martin, that must have been a very worrying Christmas for you all. Really glad she's back home, and hope things get back to normal for you soon.


Best wishes to you all



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Rather damp and miserable this morning so I'll stay in today. On Facebook a ballasting spreader was shown that can be pulled behind a model locomotive together with a glue applicator, >> http://www.proses.com/a1hobbyshop/just click on 'Ballast spreaders, gluer's' and its about halfway down the page. I've also saved it on my Facebook page where you can see it in action.

Found a film of it in action on Youtube >>

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

The Obergrumpenfuhrer has been dispatched to see her mother in North Wales.  After she left, it stopped raining!


I am now in charge of the Hippodrome and the PH, who has worryingly brought me a cup of tea.  I suspect he is up to something no good.


No doubt all will be revealed when I get back from doing some food shopping:  A chocolate log or two might be a good idea, although they are not on the officially approved shopping list.


They will however be consumed well before the Obergrumpenfuhrer's return on Tuesday...............................and the packaging  removed with the recycling on monday morning.


A cunning plan perfectly executed (Even if I say so myself)


Currently it is so wet outside, that the muddy hollow has floated away into our next door neighbour's field.


I'm minded to let them have it as a new years gift and create a new superior 2016 version complete with a shelf for the Penderyn.


One has to look after one's self when vaguely approaching senior status.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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The Obergrumpenfuhrer has been dispatched to see her mother in North Wales...

 with a shelf for the Penderyn.

OK here goes:

Obergruppenfuhrer (Deutsch) = Arweinydd y grwp uchaf (in Velsh)

Penderyn (Velsh) = Whisky brewed in Wales ??




Edited by runs as required
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  • RMweb Premium



Well, went to Grumble Glen, where the tree was indeed both substantial and across the line.  Disposed of with much chainsawing, in the absolutely torrential rain that of course started as I arrived!


Having had a disturbed night with indigestion and therefore quite tired before I started, that was me done, sorry boys but someone else can take the Christmas deccies down.   I was wet from rain on the outside and sweat from the inside, and with a 40 minute drive home to face in wet clothes I was a little uncomfortable so jumped ship glen. Duty done though, I think.


One LOOONG hot shower and lunch later, the log burner on and things are a bit better.  Still hissing it down outside, the lawn now resembling a muddy hollow that Richard would appreciate.  The live steamers continue their hibernation!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Sunny with fluffy clouds down here in Gods Wonderful Region.

Tuesdays walk along the beach to Sprey Point where the concrete letters announce Teignmouth revealed good sand build up by the sea wall. Whether this increases possible sea/storm attack on the wall I am not sure. The rocks that were visible on the beach near Sprey Point just 2 months ago are now covered. There are 1 or 2 cracks in the sea wall that I hope Cap'n Kernow is keeping an eye on. The old lime burners hut is looking pretty dilapidated these days. The roof has almost completely gone and the gated entrance is slowly worsening.

Tomorrow I need to start looking for employment having been unfairly dismissed prior to Christmas. Appeal process activated and union support taken but disproving lies against me even when I had witness statements from colleagues maybe hard to take to court. I know others on here where in the same position before Christmas.

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LE - I hope your search for a change in employment status isn't a long one. Having been in that situation you have all my sympathy, understanding and support.


I'm not a great lover of cricket but I was enthralled by the England performance against South Africa this morning. Lets hope that this is the start of a great year for British sport

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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny with fluffy clouds down here in Gods Wonderful Region.

Tuesdays walk along the beach to Sprey Point where the concrete letters announce Teignmouth revealed good sand build up by the sea wall. Whether this increases possible sea/storm attack on the wall I am not sure. The rocks that were visible on the beach near Sprey Point just 2 months ago are now covered. There are 1 or 2 cracks in the sea wall that I hope Cap'n Kernow is keeping an eye on. The old lime burners hut is looking pretty dilapidated these days. The roof has almost completely gone and the gated entrance is slowly worsening.

Tomorrow I need to start looking for employment having been unfairly dismissed prior to Christmas. Appeal process activated and union support taken but disproving lies against me even when I had witness statements from colleagues maybe hard to take to court. I know others on here where in the same position before Christmas.


Industrial Tribunals are indeed a proper Court, people sometimes don't realise that.  They are however, or were on my old region, fair and well run.  Get good support from your Union and you should be OK, with your evidence presented well.  The best one I went to (as a spectator that time, not on the front row!) saw our CEO proven a liar and a person of very dodgy practices.  Union 1, NHS CEO 0.  As I was in HR in that Trust at the time I technically was cheering the wrong side on, but dishonesty is wrong on either side.  He got caught, well and truly and deserved it.  So go for it, but make sure you are well prepared.  'PPPPP' don't forget.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Rather damp and miserable this morning so I'll stay in today. On Facebook a ballasting spreader was shown that can be pulled behind a model locomotive together with a glue applicator, >> http://www.proses.com/a1hobbyshop/just click on 'Ballast spreaders, gluer's' and its about halfway down the page. I've also saved it on my Facebook page where you can see it in action.

Found a film of it in action on Youtube >>

This device surely works on the same principle as the old fashioned railway carriage toilet.


With similar results I'll wager.

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