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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Not sure where last night went so apologies for not bidding those then present a cheery g'night.  Pleased/relieved to hear that Root One came up to ChrisF's exacting standards, and  Big Man's Breakfast - respect.


Baz I don't know )obviously) which version of Metalformin you are on but if it's this blinkin' horse pills try shifting to physically smaller ones - Metabet are one and I'm currently being given Diagemet XL if they're out of Metabet.  Both of these are physically smaller pills and easier to take.  You could also try altering the way you take them - Mrs Stationmaster always takes them after a meal (the recommended way I understand) but I always take mine during a meal.


Anyway after yesterday's trip out to an absolutely heaving NT property I think today will see us indoors and probably lighting the woodburner although serious rainfall as yet

Have a good day one & all.

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Beautiful grey and slightly blustery day here in sunny Teignmouth. The street craft fair has been cancelled because of the inclement but the monthly Farmers market is going ahead. Farmers are hardy down yur.


Shot of Littlehampton station. The police station in the back ground was built close-by so that they could use the telegraph. The engine shed to the right eventually became the train crew room until the mid 80's. (Photo loaned from FB.)



Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Gold

Condolences 28xx, thoughts are with you.



Climbing through about 15,000ft there was a big bang, followed by the engine out chimes. No fire or anything, just "thanks but I'm done for the day" from the #1 engine.

Apparently, as expected but I'm sure would be a surprise to many folks, it was very calm and orderly as they train extensively for this and other events, running though check-lists and calling for a return to Austin. The E-175 as with all modern jets is very capable of flying single-engine, so they simply returned to Austin, and with no indication of fire, just taxied to a gate to deplane everyone.


Memorable notes from Jemma;

1) Surprising how far down the check list (more important things to do first obviously) informing the cabin crew/passengers is when you are actually going through the experience


15000 feet?  Luxury!


We dreamed of losing an engine at 15000 feet, and still having a spare to play around with.


We lost an engine on a Pilatus Porter, perhaps it would be better to say we lost THE engine.


At 800 feet


Big bang, lost of black smoke, a bit like something out of a war film.


There was no discussion and everyone just baled out.


This was our original intention but would have prefered the planned exit altitude of, wait for it, 15000 feet.


The pilot landed on safely and was later heard in the bar bemoaning the fact that he had turned around to issue the  classic command 'abandon aircraft', to find we'd already left.


Having already seen a Percival EP 9 'go in' with an engine failure from 400 feet, killing all 6 on board, I had no wish to emulate that tragedy.


Now off to Kelmarsh to help set up the air gun range for the Game and country fair.


I note, that as usual for such events, it is raining.


However, looking on the bright side of things, it was really nice yesterday and I spent the day out on our drive building some baseboards for my 7/8ths demo track (an oval of Peco SM45)

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After this weeks events in Belgium my wife has just been reading on RTL (Belgian news channel) that a director of a nuclear facility was assassinated on Thursday and his id badge stolen. Hope fully security has already been stepped up!

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  • RMweb Premium

Brunch has been consumed so the indigestion which woke me in the early hours has gone.


Travelling from Leeds Bradford airport in BA Jetstream we lost an engine. Lots of oil then the propeller stopped. I told the stewardess. The pilot announced no worries. No flaps or brakes when we landed but we did stop at the end of the runway.(Just!) Closely followed by fire and ambulance vehicles.


It was only the next day when I mentioned this to my boss (an ex Quality Director) of Jetstream did I realise how serious it all was...well yes it will fly on one engine but no hydraulics so you must have had a strong pilot......



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Absolutely persisting it down today and has been ever since we got up. No plans to venture outside as a result. I decided it was a good day to try the free Windows 10 installation. It took 3 and a half hours to download the necessary files on our slow internet connection, and now after a total of five hours it is still installing itself. I just hope it is worth the effort. If I don't like it, the switch back to Win 7 will take about 5 minutes, as the PC has two hard disks, and one was cloned from the other, so still has Win 7 and all my old files on it.

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Shot of Littlehampton station. The police station in the back ground was built close-by so that they could use the telegraph. The engine shed to the right eventually became the train crew room until the mid 80's. (Photo loaned from FB.)


My ex husband was born in Littlehampton. For some reason, my current husband (OD) finds this somewhat amusing .....

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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon all. Some bits and bobs around the flat and balcony needed to be done and necessitated another trip to the home supply store, of which two are within easy reach from our location, thankfully!


Back to driving on Monday with an early shift on Lines 16 and 10, meaning I'll start at 4.17 am and finish at 1.06 pm in this instance. Then on a middle shift from 3.48 till 10.39 pm on Tuesday, so quite enough time to rest in between.


Dinner invitation tonight where we'll be at a Spanish restaurant. Looking forward to it and sending positive vibes your way. Do have a good day, folks! :yes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Saw Big Jim for a brief chat in Carlisle this afternoon.


A few quick drinks in the Moo Bar and now on our way back to Lancaster to meet a few others then on th loco hauled back to barrow In Furness

Yet again we miss each other by a little as I've just got home from town a few minutes ago.


Still, if you're up here over the early May Bank Holiday, we should be able to meet up, as I'm helping at.




Afternoon All


Sorry that I've been a bit lax in posting again, but a whole lot of DIY has reared its ugly head, in the form of redoing some of the lining paper in some rooms, where it's showing signs of wear and tear - and of course after that comes the painting, and as the old paint will have faded, so even with the same colour, it won't match, so it's going to be the whole of two rooms (luckily one is small).  So I'll see you all in about June :jester:


Hope all are well, as I've not had time to check out the posts over the last couple of days.  I can only hope that all is well with my fellow ERs. I see that we haven't had a post from Jock for a day or two, so hope all is well in that quarter.


Probably back tomorrow for a brief visit.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold



We are up his way again early May BH but we pass straight through on a very cheap first class form London to Glasgow and back down via the East Coast unfortunately.


We weren't sure which way we were going this morning and when we decided to come back via Lancaster we only recently decided that we would have time for a beer in the Merchants.

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Tomorrow I head for the York show.  I have a favourite breakfast stop, the Little Chef at Markham Moor.  




I've had the pleasure of visiting them several times in the past -That one on the Northbound side has to be one of the very best "Little Chef " establishments in GB - they aught to be better known - Highly Recommended!

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  • RMweb Premium


We weren't sure which way we were going this morning and when we decided to come back via Lancaster we only recently decided that we would have time for a beer in the Merchants.

Enjoy your pint(s)

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How did you detect this virus?

Quite easily. It displayed a Blue Screen of Death (actually including the code "BSOD"! ) and immediately overlaid it with messages that there had been a catastrophic failure, navigation had been locked to prevent further damage and giving a "Microsoft Support" number to phone for help. Pressing 'back' buttons or re-booting wouldn't get rid of it.


Obviously not genuine, since the messages referred to an operating system my tablet doesn't run, and they contained a couple of mis-spellings.


Here's Wikipedia's article on this type of virus - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ransomware . Fortunately, I seem to have encountered the simpler form, which just locks the browser and doesn't encrypt files. (I am crossing my fingers as I type that!)

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As long as he didn't get his Hampton Court.....

Not that I'm aware! But that reminds me of when our son, aged three, had an unfortunate accident whilst jumping in and out of the bath. He slipped and caught the base of his p***s on the edge of the bath. His father was in charge as I was out at a Choral Soc rehearsal. Having arranged supervision for our two daughters, he brought the lad to where I was rehearsing and said,


"Please leave now as Nick has cut himself and we have to go to hospital."


"Where is the cut?" I asked. Thirty curious pairs of eyes regarded my ex husband.


"Just come now, please!"


It didn't stop there. Whilst waiting in A & E, Nick turned to me and said, "Does it mean I won't be able to play with it any more?"


The doctor decided stitching was necessary as it was a "moving part"!


Next day, in our local paper shop, he was allowed a treat for being brave. When the kindly female shop owner enquired as to the nature of the injury, our son was all set to drop his shorts to show her!!


Now he is 34 and his girlfriend is expecting their first child. I haven't yet told her this anecdote ......!

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, that is another hour's worth of soul destroying ballasting done, on 'the bit you never see photos of'.  Decided to alter a few things while I was at it, and also used a backscene I acquired a while ago - its a little too modern really, but it is better than anything I could manage as artistic skills in way of painting for me are non-existent.


I now need about four metres of low walling to put along it and the building 'flats' leaning against it!  Not sure what to do for that.  I have some other fencing to put around the power station, to stop the spiders frying themselves!  Also a few square metres of ground cover of some kind is required for the yard sidings and surrounds, sort of....gloop coloured....off to pore over NH and NYC books for inspiration.

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Beautiful grey and slightly blustery day here in sunny Teignmouth. The street craft fair has been cancelled because of the inclement but the monthly Farmers market is going ahead. Farmers are hardy down yur.


Shot of Littlehampton station. The police station in the back ground was built close-by so that they could use the telegraph. The engine shed to the right eventually became the train crew room until the mid 80's. (Photo loaned from FB.)




Police station now long gone but doors to engine shed bricked up and interior converted to a waiting room! Platform 4, which is the road on which your photo shows the loco is still in daily use!


Was there 40 minutes ago on my way home!

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A good drive to Bedford this morning and a lot of catching up done. The day has only been ruined by the cockwomble drivers, of whom there were more than usual and leaving too late to visit the selected model rail emporium.


The new monitor has arrived and is now set up. It's amazing the difference it's going to make to the quality of my CAD work.


Andy P - Totally agree with you about fireworks and I have already emailed my MP.

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  • RMweb Gold

In the heady (headlong?) days of Rail Privatisation, my client and I would once every month be on a train that stopped at Market Harborough. Stephen would say "Ah - God's own country!" as he had been born there. He now lives at Titchmarsh, which isn't all that far away. Sherry tells me her parents lived at MH at the end of the war. I think that was the Hitler war.

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