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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather damp start here and the forecast is for a rather breezy day with sunshine & showers (some heavy).

Our visitors eventually departed yesterday after a very hectic and enjoyable couple of days. I managed to look in here a couple of times but whenever I was about to post something (or someone) demanded my attention. I think I may have eaten (and drunk) my quota for the next week or so. :whistle:

Today will be a lot quieter but we do have a couple of friends paying a visit later. Oh dear - more food and drink.  :scratchhead:  :banghead: The healthy diet will resume tomorrow.

Have a good one,


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Morning all. Sun, wind and rain forecast for the day so I can't see any reason to venture out.


Not a lot planned for the day but will have to ensure that the caffeine levels are topped up.


Jock - Your fortitude amazes me.


Have a good day everyone

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Reading all of this reminded of, many years ago, in the Scouts we had what were known as 'Scout wide games'. We used to split into two teams, disappear into the local woods and throw 'bangers' at each other. I seem to remember one team had to defend a rocket in a bottle the other had to set it off. There weren't many other rules.


I wonder if they still do this today?


Probably throw the bottles at each other today.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Easter to one and all.  We were up early for communion in the garden at church, lovely sunshine and birdsong followed by egg and bacon butties.  I've just nipped home for a couple of things and as soon as I sat on the settee a black bundle of fur curled p on my lap so now \I can't get back to church without disturbing him.   SWMBO will no doubt quiz me as to what I've been doing.


yesterday's babysitting went well as the young lady decided she wanted to spend time with me so a good time was had. She  insisted on saying goodbye to me three times so I must have done something right, perhaps it was letting her undo my shoelaces on several occasions.  I also managed to do some tidying in the modelling room.


Anyway it's back up to church now for the normal service and the Easter hymns that I always enjoy.


Hopefully some tidying of the modelling room this afternoon.  I might even clear enough of the floor to sit down and do some modelling. Then evening meal at the outlaws.


Jock, I do hope that things settle down,


Regards to all.



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Morning all from La France Profonde. Bright earlier, but windy after the tempest last night, much mud and standing water. Now a few drops of rain...

Been out shopping for bread and gaz - and a few other forgotten items.


Great to see Jock posting, and I echo Ian's comments.


Yesterday went very well, the new neighbours seem very pleasant, I think we'll get on fine.  Excellent lunch!


Planning some Monty today, using Julie's Hegner to cut 80 thou plastic to make a building - a hovel for the AM&SPHR. May work. May not. I'll let you know. If it doesn't I'm off to get a coping saw - now what's the French for a coping saw?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all and Happy Easter,


The offspring have duly discovered their chocolate Easter bunnies - which have been hidden in plain sight for a week or more, the gold foil wrapping fitted in amazingly well with various bits of china and other odds & ends.


The weather is definitely confirming the end of winter and the arrival of another season - a dark cloud laden sky with occasional passing darker clouds like the one that just unloaded some heavy rain and hail; I suspect the 'G' word might not be mentioned today (and I won't take any notice if it is).


Have a  good day one and all.

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Happy Easter everyone. Not brilliant here at present as no 2 son and girlfriend are here, and she has an awful cold, and has decided to stay in bed for a while.


We recorded The Voice last night to watch the progress of Jolan, as he was at school the same time as no 2 son. It was clear then that he was a talented singer. Part of the footage of him showed him on the beach at St Bees, near to us. We were pleased to see him get through, as he is a really nice lad.


Wild and windy here today, with the occasional shower. Hopefully we can get a walk in to the aforementioned beach without getting soaked.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. The only timepiece in the house that doesn't adjust itself is my wristwatch. Woke up bleary eyed this morning, checked my watch, 7 o'clock so time for a lie in thinks I. It was only when I switched the TV on for the news that I realised that I hadn't reset my watch last night DOH! :banghead: Nice to hear from you Jock, as others have said your fortitude is amazing. Things to do now so be back later.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Morning and Happy Easter.


Weather here sunny, then cloudy, then sunny, but always breezy. Lunch (Sandy's aunt is coming up) is in the oven - nothing if not traditional roast lamb - and some more caravan packing - have to so that we can get round the house.


In the morning we're aiming to be off as early as we can - which probably will make it later than intended.

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Walk to the beach duly completed. It was windy and cold, but remained dry until we were a quarter of a mile from home, when the rain started. It is amazing how wet you can get in less than the four minutes it to us to get home! Now drying out.

Edited by Simon G
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from La France Profonde...

I'm off to get a coping saw - now what's the French for a coping saw?

scie à chantourner according to Google. Though of course it could be wrong an you could end up with a completely different object!
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The Hegner saw cuts fine, but is susceptible to wandering if the plastic is textured (this is Wills' coarse stone) so back to the cutting board. Also scalpelled a lump out of my thumb, so bleeding everywhere at the moment. Oysters! (and prawns).

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Happy Easter to one and all. 

Lashing it down here and earlier it hailed so hard that it left a lingering layer of snow on the ground. 

Glad I planted out my Sweet Peas now. Not. 


Roast lamb studded with slivers of garlic for lunch today.


A glimmer of inspiration for my shunting plank is working its way around my brain.


Hope you all have a peaceful day. Andy  

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  • RMweb Gold

Good afternoon arrived back from California a couple of days ago after nearly 5 weeks away. Just about sorted and back into normal living shall I say. Despite seeing several things on my to do/bucket list it’s nice to be back home and indeed a simple bacon sandwich never tasted so good.


My iPad decided to die about a fortnight ago so I reckon I must be some 30+ pages behind, so congratulations and commiserations as appropriate.


After thunder and heavy rain we are now bathed in sunshine but it’s too wet to venture into the garden that joy awaits.


Enjoy the rest of the Easter break more so those who have a day off tomorrow.



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  • RMweb Gold

Even we managed roast lamb today. Not exactly agnus dei, but it's kinda nice to eat meat that was conceivved, reared and culled witin sight of chez nous. Thanks to the freezer, Sheena's lamb having been butchered a couple of years ago.


Sherry managed to hear some of an Easter service courtesy of Radio 4.


I think a little drowsing may be on the cards shortly.

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We took delivery of a pneumatic log-splitter (from friend who is going back to England) and so spent a few happy minutes splitting logs! Great fun.


I need to power wash the patios, though, and that isn't.

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Telly on for the boat race. I know little about rowing - I've never even handled an oar (oar I said, oar - stoppit!), but find the race an aesthetically satisfying viewing experience. I should say races, of course, with the women as competitive as the men. Oxford are favourites in the women's race, Cambridge in the men's. I've always rooted for Oxford, I can't remember why.

At this point I always think about the old "Punch" cartoon with one ragged tramp sitting on a bench as another arrives, back from watching the boat race:


" 'OO won?"

"Your lot."

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Sat down for a late lunch, the last 10 minutes or so of King of Kings was on tv. Now I understand what Python were watching when they scripted Brian. Reminds me that I need to watch Brian again.

The weather cannot decide what it wants to be today here in sunny Teignmouth. Rain, sun, rain, more sun ......... you get the picture.

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