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  • RMweb Gold

Might have to try that Mal


The latest trick is to fine passengers standing in 1st class even when there is no space of stand in standard laws or doorways. The inspectors have targeted the same train for two days running even threatening to arrest those who refuse to pay the penalty for standing there. The inspectors regularly board our train and only go to the first class sections to check tickets. Fair enough if passengers are sitting in 1st class or there is somewhere a else or stand but not when the trains are wedged solid. The guard only tends to get permission to down grade a service if there is major disruption.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.

Quick check in from La Spezia. Nice day visiting villages. Sea too rough for visits by boat so the trains were used.

Back on board now and off to Corsica tomorrow. Don't fancy any of the trips so we will just wander round Ajaccio. Napoleon is still popular there.

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Devon County Council has just announced that volunteer (yes really, volunteer) road wardens will be patching up potholes. 1 pothole outside my place has been repaired 4 times this year and is already breaking up since the last repair last week. These repairs were done by the paid workforce.

Any idea if the volunteers will do a better job? They will be using an any weather fill, not a hot fill method.

Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.

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  • RMweb Gold

Devon County Council has just announced that volunteer (yes really, volunteer) road wardens will be patching up potholes. 1 pothole outside my place has been repaired 4 times this year and is already breaking up since the last repair last week. These repairs were done by the paid workforce.

Any idea if the volunteers will do a better job? They will be using an any weather fill, not a hot fill method.

Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.

I'd volunteer to patch holes in the road.


However, I'd need the council to provide me with plenty of practice materiel..


I would provide the training area..............Our shared drive would be perfect.


After a few days practice, I'd then find my poor back would go,  so I'd have to give the job up to somebody else.


Do you think they (the local council)  would be gullible enough to buy that scheme?

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Nice to see that Dave and Is visited Henley when the river was not in full spate - the landing stages in his 4th pic down were back under water the other day and the local weir was doing a good impression of the Niagara Falls yesterday afternoon.


Anyway to Zummerszet I have been and by golly what a collection of cockwomble drivers there were out on the roads.  I can quite understand that country folk in the vicinity of Devizes might have trouble distinguishing left from right at roundabouts (must be something in the Wadworths?) as most of them don't seem to have a clue or know what indicators are for.  Idiots driving SUVs or 4x4s who don't understand how to drive through bits of (shallow) flooded are a somewhat greater menace as their habit of braking sharply as you follow them through the flooded bit is not only disconcerting but could be rather awkward - haven't they heard of sticking to a constant speed?  But the really strange thing was the prevalence on the roads of small red cars driven by people who don't understand what the gearbox and accelerator are for and I found it odd how, time after time, such cars seemed to be unable to go round sweeping, and fast, bends without applying the brakes (usually in the middle of the bend), very odd.  And as for the brain transplant donors driving on the M4 in pouring rain and masses of spray without any lights at all - I simply despair.


But a nice lunch with nice company although as ever a few more have dropped off the perch - alas one of the latest being a chap I remember recruiting, and giving some of his initial training as a Signalman a mere, hmm, 42 years ago.  Doesn't time fly?

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Thought you might like this letter from today's Guardian, Ian: "Stations now regularly advise travellers to 'inform station staff of any suspicious behaviour'. In the case of East Croydon station, does a train actually arriving on time count as suspicious behaviour?"



Absolutely! Extremely so!


Devon County Council has just announced that volunteer (yes really, volunteer) road wardens will be patching up potholes. 1 pothole outside my place has been repaired 4 times this year and is already breaking up since the last repair last week. These repairs were done by the paid workforce.

Any idea if the volunteers will do a better job? They will be using an any weather fill, not a hot fill method.

Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.


Postage stamp's way too big for a reply to that, LE

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I'd volunteer to patch holes in the road.


However, I'd need the council to provide me with plenty of practice materiel..


I would provide the training area..............Our shared drive would be perfect.


After a few days practice, I'd then find my poor back would go,  so I'd have to give the job up to somebody else.


Do you think they (the local council)  would be gullible enough to buy that scheme?

I think it may be interesting when the first court case happens on behalf of someone injured by a badly repaired volunteer pothole.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone.


Well I managed POETS finish today, getting home mid afternoon yippee. But unfortunately once again I'm too knackered to go swimming tonight. Role on open water swimming, as it takes place earlier in the evening instead of late at night.


Speaking of open water swimming, this afternoon I had an invitation from "The Christie" the charity for which I'm raising money for, asking if I would be willing to take part in a photo shoot next Thursday morning, to help advertise the Great Manchester Swim. I've had a word with my boss and the days now been booked off.


Time to open a bottle of red me thinks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


So, I've spent another day around and under baseboards, mainly wiring, quite safely, without any mishaps.

Then I go and rip my finger open on the cutting edge on a soddin' box of clingfilm.

Stop laughing you lot.

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Evening all

So, I've spent another day around and under baseboards, mainly wiring, quite safely, without any mishaps.

Then I go and rip my finger open on the cutting edge on a soddin' box of clingfilm.

Stop laughing you lot.

I only laughed when I read "Stop laughing you lot" :D



Edited by leopardml2341
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Not working from home today, because it's the fifth (or is it sixth or seventh) time that a supplier has booked to install some kit. They've said they aren't coming until 1:00


My head of school of going to go ballistic if they don't turn up this time. I will just turn even more sarcastic.



So they came at 3 for a four hour install. Commission now Monday.


Am I fed up with them? No, not at all (he lied)

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  • RMweb Gold

I only laughed when I read "Stop laughing you lot" :D


So glad you managed to allow a modicum of sympathy in amongst your uncontrolled chortling. :D
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  • RMweb Premium

The cockwombles were out in force on the A1 North and the A19/A1 South today. Funeral;attended, wake attended, all went well.  Now the proud owner of a hand crafted Shepherds Crook courtesy of my now departed Uncle Bill.


Watching the Rugby League and all I can say is the referee is having a bit of a bad day at the office(!)


Still chucking it down here and our garden is awash again. At this rate out league cricket will never start this year. Sleep well everyone!



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