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Happy Birthday Andy


Greetings from a bright blue skied London Bridge


Nearly had a total failure yesterday in that I missed the train that would have allowed me to get home in time to allow her to go to Elder Lurker's Year 9 options meeting. This was solved by me going direct to Bexley to the meeting. I was in a meeting in which my boss was berating Spreadsheet King for his failure to grasp the task he'd been given and his overreliance on spreadsheets to do his thinking and his poor use of English. "It can" is not the same "I have". I managed to both walk out of the meeting before it had finished and miss the train!


Hey ho, we'll all live


A call to the replacement car hire people today about something they wish me to sign before we can take delivery of the courtesy car while outs has its (minor) repairs. The form is stating something which is not true and I will be crossing it out. I need to explain so that when the form is handed over, the guy delivering the car doesn't have a "computer says no" moment.


But first, time to avail myself of the coffee on offer in the office café (One cup free every day!)

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Morning all.

Happy 66th Andy. Have a good day.

Sunny and breezy here. Not very warm yet. Recycling has been deposited.

Matthew rang last night and seemed well. Today is a public holiday in the Netherlands to celebrate the King's birthday. The weather forecast there wasn't promising for running about in an orange t shirt but I sure he will have fun.

MiL and her gambling (bridge club actually) pals have arrived in Eastbourne so we will be perusing the south coast news to make sure she is behaving herself.

Hope everyone has a good day.


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Morning all,

Frost on the rooftops first thing this morning. Tends to be a degree or so colder out here in the Styx compared with the generic forecast for the area. Blue sky and sunny now. 

Goldfinches on the bird feeder; I'm impressed they were aware of the sunflower seeds I'd put out and migrated here. Word must have got around on twitter.


I have a mix of Metcalfe and Kestrel buildings on my layout. I've never thought that plastic and card blend terribly well together. Moment of revelation last night. Cover he Kestrel kits in card left over from the Metcalfe kits. I now have a set of station buildings that all look as if they were hewn from the same quarry.  


Quite a lot of preparatory reading to do today and tomorrow. Best crack on with that. So, wish you all a pleasant day.  

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Morning all, bright and sharp here, Whelkmen celebrating the festival of Saint Cornetta, who was frozen solid in the dreadful winter of 627AD and miraculously thawed out when a local wise woman squirted strawberry jam on her head and wrapped her in a blanket made of woven mouse fur.


Happy birthday, Andy, and many happy returns. I'm with you at 66 for the next couple of weeks!


Jamie - your story is so familiar, I remember so well that first time over in France. But we gave up on Brittany Ferries years ago, and now go through the tunnel. Far easier, more pleasant and cheaper, just a longer drive on the French side, which is OK because of the condition of the autoroutes. Whereabouts in France is your house, an will it be a permanent home or a maison de vacances?


Bit of a family crisis here yesterday. It transpires that #1 son isn't treating his family so well as he should, and Daisy is acting up, probably because she isn't getting the attention and warmth she demands. So we're taking her on a bit, she'll be staying here one or two nghts a week to relieve pressure at home and give her some proper attention (and some one-to-one teaching).


As a result we missed dinner and got fish & chips, so my blood glucose was all over the place last night and this morning. Bettie will not be pleased... However, it's much better than it was and shouldn't affect my weight. I did some serious walking yesterday, delivering leaflets, so that's to the good.


Tasks today include writing a letter of condolence to the widow of a long-serving member who has died, more leaflets and finishing Iron Girder. Oh, and looking after Daisy for the evening. She has requested Galette Complète for her tea, and she's going to cook it herself. Must find that big frying pan...


Still concerned at the missing, and hopeful for the stressed and distressed. I hope you all have a spring day.

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Mornin' all; clear and sunny but a bit nippy here.  


Happy Birthday to Andy.


The guy who was interested in Mrs mole's trailer pulled out but she arranged to meet a lady who'd phoned about it. She turned out to be the landlady of the pub that hosted MiL's wake a few years ago and she remembered us (we are both slightly distinctive in appearance). She liked it and it's now 'under offer' as they say.


Chris, give my regards to Ampthill; I grew up there, but haven't been back since the mid 80s when Dad remarried and moved away. I remember the original (or revival?) Ampthill Morris side dancing at local fetes in the late 50s. Mrs mole played fiddle for Red Stags when we were together and did May Day morning with them at various locations around Southampton. They had originated as the University side and while one member still worked there he had keys which allowed them to dance on a rooftop (flat) at dawn. I didn't go; I stayed in bed to look after the boys.


Martyn's recent revival of interest in trains seemed to have died off but yesterday he announced he would like a collection of H0 American locos, like Big Boy, a Virginian Blue Ridge class and a Heisler. I don't see that happening, although I could run to the Heisler at a pinch. But then we'd need something for it to pull....


(Edit) Martyn's discovered I have the Revell kit of the Big Boy so I'm under orders to build it.


I'd better get on, things to do etc. Have a good Hump Day.



Edited by petethemole
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Morning, lots of sunshine but it is a tad nippy out there.


Happy Birthday Andy and best wishes to those who are ailing at the moment.


Your up early Pete or have you not been to bed!


Enjoy your day folks

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Morning all from a sunny but cold Estuary-Land. Congrats Andy on your birthday and many more of them. I've been watching the news on the Hillsborough inquest, the verdict was correct in my opinion but will those responsible be held to account? Thoughts with the missing and ailing and I hope we hear news of Jock soon. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Happy birthday, Andy, and many happy returns. I'm with you at 66 for the next couple of weeks! 

Jamie - your story is so familiar, I remember so well that first time over in France. But we gave up on Brittany Ferries years ago, and now go through the tunnel. Far easier, more pleasant and cheaper, just a longer drive on the French side, which is OK because of the condition of the autoroutes. Whereabouts in France is your house, an will it be a permanent home or a maison de vacances?

Thanks for that Dick. It's a maison secondaire for the next two years then we plan to move out permanently along with my layout which will occupy the rather large shed that is part of the property.



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Jamie - that's what we thought, but as things happened we decided to stay with the maison secondaire situation. As a result of grandchildren's births being evenly spread through the summer months we don't get to be there as much as we'd like.

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Happy Birthday AndyP.


You can see what my weather's like so I won't tell you! :)

Not sure whether you were gonna pop out and see Duchess of Sutherland today, but don't it's been postponed until tomorrow.


For all ERs in the vicinity, timings (provisional) for tomorrow:


Butterley M.R.C. 0907

Codnor Park Jn 0927 0930

Langley Mill [LGM] pass 0935

Trowell Jn pass 0943

Toton Centre pass 0953

Toton Jn. pass 0955

Trent East Jn [XTR] pass 0957

Sheet Stores Jn pass 1000

Spondon [sPO] pass 1010

Derby Way & Works Sidings pass 1018

Derby [DBY] 1021 1055

L.N.W. Jn. Derby pass 1101

Stenson Jn pass 1106

North Stafford Jn pass 1107

Clay Mills Jn pass 1115

Horninglow Bridge Jn pass 1124

Burton-on-Trent [bUT] pass 1126

Wichnor Jn [XWE] pass 1137

Alrewas L.C. pass 1140

Lichfield T.V. Jn. pass 1146

Lichfield Trent Valley [LTV] pass 1148

Lichfield North Jn (Ll) [XOI] pass 1150

Rugeley North Jn pass 1157

Colwich [XCO] pass 1202

Milford And Brocton pass 1205

Stafford Trent Valley Jn pass 1216

Stafford [sTA] pass 1218

Searchlight Lane Jn pass 1226

Madeley (Staffs) pass 1238

Crewe Basford Hall Jn pass 1250


Sorry Debs, but there are no pictures of trains! :)

Crewe [CRE] 1259

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Once upon a time Aditi dreamed of a holiday home in France. However she couldn't decide where! It was a nice dream when we didn't have the time or money. I suppose we do now, but health issues make just having holidays the sensible option.

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Once upon a time Aditi dreamed of a holiday home in France. However she couldn't decide where! It was a nice dream when we didn't have the time or money. I suppose we do now, but health issues make just having holidays the sensible option.

We often wonder how long we can keep up the French house. As we enter the second half of our sixties the thought of diminishing returns kicks in! I would love to live there for at least a year, though...

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Morning all,


Happy Birthday young Andy - have a good day and enjoy yourself.


I'm somewhat jaded having suffered cramp in bed then flaking out (onto the bed fortunately) when I got up too quickly to try to exorcise exercise the leg so blood letting event cancelled, chiropractor cancelled, Good Doctor collection from RDA cancelled,  and I'm taking it easy but I might venture out later and i really must talk to the Doc about the new b.p. pills when I can get an appointment.


Sunny outside- might last a while but not until this evening according the seaweed wranglers.


Have a nice day one & all - even if it isn't your birthday0

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Morning all,


Happy Birthday young Andy - have a good day and enjoy yourself.


I'm somewhat jaded having suffered cramp in bed then flaking out (onto the bed fortunately) when I got up too quickly to try to exorcise exercise the leg so blood letting event cancelled, chiropractor cancelled, Good Doctor collection from RDA cancelled,  and I'm taking it easy but I might venture out later and i really must talk to the Doc about the new b.p. pills when I can get an appointment.


Sunny outside- might last a while but not until this evening according the seaweed wranglers.


Have a nice day one & all - even if it isn't your birthday0

Just take it easy Mike, and get it sorted.


Just walked the Dogs in Snow, Hail, Sleet and SUNSHINE, Lovely.


BTW THANKS for all the good wishes Guys. 

Edited by Andrew P
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Afternoon all


Just a brief visit, as we have just had from ailing brother, who is sad to behold. I'm not convinced I will see him again. He sees his oncologist next week, but options are few and prognosis is pretty unpleasant. Do you 'do a Jock' and defiantly keep the treatment going, accepting the nasty side-effects, or do you seek peace and a slow final decline? Vicky had driven him here to Keith's house, we sat and drank coffee, he was tired out after an hour.


Sherry did sterling service getting us here to Birchover yesterday, despite snow on the M42 and lots of slow-going. She now has a day or two to recover.


I haven't read through the last 24 hrs, hope all are well or improving!

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Good afternoon everyone, late on parade today. Another funny weather day again today. Started out frosty, had to scrap the car before I could set off, but then as soon as I hit the motorway I had to put on my sunglasses. Working in the Milnthorpe area today, with another 2 full tests to carry out on remote CPs. Halfway through testing the first one it started to hail, so tools quickly packed away and shelter sort in the car until it passed, electrickery and water don't really mix. After 10 minutes I could carry on, then it was onto the next job, which I've just finished and as it's the last one for today, I'll soon be heading home.


Back later.

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A'noon all. Taking a bit of a lazy day, and also had a haircut in the morning. Weather continues to be highly April-like, and is quite windy today.


Happy birthday to Andy, and a particularly big round of sympathies for Ian. I can quite imagine how heart-wrenching it must be to see somebody close so badly afflicted... :(

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Happy birthday Andy.


Sorry about your brother OldD, share your thoughts on the "options". Not sure what I'll do if/when needing to make that sort of decision, it must be a tough one <sigh>



HUMP day in Long Island - and everywhere else of course, unless I'm unique in being here on Wednesday! :jester:


Continues to be bugger all of note happening here, the dungeon basement project command center continues to provide a torture chamber workplace that is seldom visited by the overlords management, until there is some sort of crisis, so most of the day spent pretty much alone and isolated, working away...

One torturer person (Director of Budget) did manage to email me yesterday to discuss/review the budget reports I'd built for her (4 WEEKS AGO!!)! Seems rather a strange time to decided to finally review sh1t as the system went live first of the month and she'd not "had time" to get to it yet, but that's pretty much par for the course around here now :O


8 and cloudy driving in, expecting 15 for a high and possibly some rain by evening.


That's it from me - life in the fast lane, right! :)


Enjoy the HUMP everyone.

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Afternoon all from a sunny and at the same time snow-blown Scottish HQ. Manifesto launch has happened but we still haven't actually seen a copy, hard or digital...


Happy birthday Andy!


Thunderstorm, hail and general pestilence. I'm heading back under the bed with a torch and the Beano till it's all done!


Great idea. Not had a Beano in years...


But first, time to avail myself of the coffee on offer in the office café (One cup free every day!)


Your office is Waitrose?


Today is a public holiday in the Netherlands to celebrate the King's birthday.

I thought Elvis' birthday was January 8th!

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Home early, (electronic) paperwork done.

Some I'm just going to sit myself down with a cuppa.

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OD. So sorry to read about your brother, it must be awful for you all.

As for me, I decided to take all that they could throw at me.

But it all comes down to how the individual wants to play it.

It's probably best to let THEM make that decision and then offer/give them all the love and support you can.

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