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Woken at 7.30am by a text from Royal Mail that they'll be delivering a tracked parcel from eSpares (it's a small freezer door for inside a small fridge - old handle broke off at the weekend). Snag is I'm doing my mum's shopping at midday so hope they read the note I leave on the door to please leave with a neighbour.


Youngest's gf leaves today - he has tix to visit her in mid-October in Exeter. Hope the long-distance relationship thing holds, they're very fond of each other.


Cripes, VTEC may be going on strike and it could be the catering crews - hope not for the day I have a 1st class ticket on 1 Sept - was looking forward to the free meal!


Best wishes to Mrs B for the thigh replacement, and for AndrewC's ankle - trust you have a couple of bottles of craft beers at home...? Thinking of you, Dom.


Have a good day all



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Morning all.


The vet reckons the knee is a torn meniscus. He has torn three, so is an expert on the subject. Going back thirty years and I was loose head prop and he was hooker; as we are both 5' 7", we were guaranteed to be under the opposition front row. Loose head meant the right knee took the punishment; this time it's the left one.


The washing machine is leaking. It's eleven years old , so planned obsolescence has kicked in and it ain't worth repairing. A replacement has been ordered, from John Lewis naturally.


Best wishes to Dom and the rest of the gang.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


The vet reckons the knee is a torn meniscus. He has torn three, so is an expert on the subject. Going back thirty years and I was loose head prop and he was hooker; as we are both 5' 7", we were guaranteed to be under the opposition front row. Loose head meant the right knee took the punishment; this time it's the left one.


The washing machine is leaking. It's eleven years old , so planned obsolescence has kicked in and it ain't worth repairing. A replacement has been ordered, from John Lewis naturally.


Best wishes to Dom and the rest of the gang.



Good luck with that Bill, I've had both my knees done now for that with no after effects. I asked the consultant when I could start cycling again after the arthroscopy and he aid, "As soon as you can stand the pain". 4 days later I was pedalling whilst on holiday and continued to do so. 3 weeks later I went to see the physio who said it was the best exercise I could have done and everything was fine. Hope you get it sorted soon.



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Karen has gone off to the operating theatre so she will be in hospital for three to five days, decision time should I tidy the shed, cut down trees clean the bathroom or go shopping... 

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Morning all from a slightly dull boring borough. Plan A went to, errr plan. I'm now suffering the effects. No, not a massive hangover but despite limiting my walking my foot has become far worse. It is swollen to the point where I'm unable to put on a shoe. Today therefore will be a day of rest and getting caught up on some reading. The downside of course is I'll be missing the beery birthday party for the Rake at Borough market.


Dom, difficult times. I really don't envy you. Hope things do turn out for the best.



back to bed for me. Laters.

So definitely no plan A today then!


Plan C - modelling?

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morning everyone sunny spells here so looking good 


day three of being on my ownsome house very quiet cats looking abit lost mooching about the house looking for my lady wont recognize her when she returns in three weeks ,shes having a fine time looking after her nieces and nephews up in Arbroath and seems to be getting fair weather 


 frustrated thats todays photoshoot at the oldpower station has had to be cancelled due to models child care arrangement's falling through weather and light perfect such are the frustrations of the hobby least it looks like we are gonna have enough models for sundays tank shoot 


 more time to plow through the job adverts wish me luck 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dom, I hope things get better. Bill and Mrs. B, I hope things get sorted, and you are back getting those Olympic golds again. Doing not a lot today except perhaps going to the garden centre for a few plants for the front garden, the damp shady corner will be getting a hydrangea methinks.

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Older dog, Sandy, to vets again - started limping and the vet has diagnosed neurological damage - tablets may help.


Of course we were in Redruth at the time and came back along the A30 to the vet at Long Rock - and of course got caught up in the traffic surrounding the St Erth fire.



Back to the vet's this morning - her affected paw is cold, indicating a problem with circulation. The vet down here is contacting our vet for a CT scan - we're cutting the holiday short and going home tomorrow.



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Matthew was very quiet on the way down to the station. I thought he looked tense but he was just concentrating purchasing a roaming data add on for his phone. He then read out the text message in Dutch to me. I didn't understand. His Belgian, Flemish speaking, friends say his accent is good enough for people to wonder where he is from but definitely not Dutch or Belgian. One said he sounded like an Afrikaaner. Anyway today is meet a Polish friend day. For the past few days he appears to have been talking Polish to himself but he has a language program on his computer. His friend is visiting the UK for a few days staying with her sister in Wembley so they are meeting in Shoreditch. Not sure why, is it touristy now?


Edited by Tony_S
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It's when your pension statement arrives and she sees the value of the "death in service" forecast.  Then you notice that the stair carpet seems to be loose. :nono:

Last week Aditi said she had saved the last portion of rhubarb crumble for me. She said I would really like it as it was mainly crumble. When I bit into it there was a large sliver of glass in it! I said that was very suspicious.

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... decision time should I tidy the shed, cut down trees clean the bathroom or go shopping...


I would be inclined to think about the first three, but not for long, and go shopping.
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Morning All


All caught up and not a lot to say this morning - greetings as usual as required, and a shared memory of an odd music venue with Chris F.  I didn't see Strawhead in the Beach Store, but I did meet up with Rosie Hardman there as well as Bob Axford, andsome of the Yetties, and also a young fiddle player whose name has gone (but he was the son of the guy who joined the Yetties from time to time to play fiddle).  IT was a pretty good thrash.


Back later, as a bit of tidying is needed before our house guest arrives tomorrow.


Regards to All


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Just back from the blood letting.

Are they supposed to suck it from my neck?

I asked if it would hurt and she said, "No, little prick".

Saucy cow.

Due to the op I have had many blood letting instances recently. Nearly all occasions I was told "just a small scratch". I queried whether "just a little prick" had been outlawed by the pc police. I was told yes.


I think Shoreditch has risen greatly since my ancestors and many others lived there 150 or more years ago and it wasnt so nice.


Overcast day in sunny Teignmouth today. Only trip out was for the practice nurse to see op scar and dress it.

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Karen has gone off to the operating theatre so she will be in hospital for three to five days, decision time should I tidy the shed, cut down trees clean the bathroom or go shopping... 

Mick, hope things go well for Karen - for part 2 of the message I think the answer is "YES". :)


Thoughts out to Dom and Andrew also.



HUMP day on Long Island - ta da!


Another <yawner> of a day in the dungeon yesterday, punctuated only by meeting the new/replacement Director of Finance.

Just a reminder for non-US folks, business titles over here are often bandied about like doggie treats. Whilst "Director" may conjour up some top of the pyramid position, in reality in this particular place he's about 6th down the food chain, one of several "directors" in the finance department, and the title is mostly related to pay-scale more than recognizing being at the pointy end of the pyramid.


Anyway, the meeting was interesting/amusing. He seems like a great guy, and very knowledgeable, BUT, expressed some amazement at the state of proceedings of the project, surprise, surprise. When he asked where what I'd done was documented, so he could go over the reports and cross-foot them, we had to explain that since they were all a design-on-the-fly approach, there wasn't any YET, and we're still trying to schedule the time for me to document the stuff!

Fortunately, he did see the funny side of the entire mess, once we gave him the full project history/background, and provided he doesn't quit this morning out of panic, I think he'll do well, AND help get things organized too. :O


26 and verging on steam-bath conditions outside this morning. High only expected to be 28 and forecast of rain and high humidity most of the day.


Make the most of the day, it's the only Wednesday this week.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Back for another check in, after being asked to remove about 500 rusty staples and tacks from a "project" stool, which has been recovered several times, but with none of the old staples or material being removed.  That means that there are staples under staples, and every one rusty.  It was fun - NOT.


Anyways, shopping is apparently going to be late, due to holdups at the distribution centre, so dinner will likewise be delayed.


Oh, and another Sidmouth memory was going to the "late night extra" at the Bowd, which was a ceildh each night, and which was possibly the best of all the gigs at the time - many of the bands were headline acts, but there were also opportunities for sitting in, and one night, they put together a scratch band.  I didn't dance much, but gained a fair bit of experience on ceildh playing which stood me in good stead in years to come.

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Caloo Calay


The "late" shopping was estimating 17.30 on a slot of 16.00 - 17.00, but all of a sudden, the webpage said it had left the depot on time.  In fact it arrived at 16.15 which is pretty good.  The delay was, apparently, down to an accident on the M6, which was being built into the estimated deliveries, and which had been causing a very long tailback, but which dispersed quicker than anticipated - all to the good.


Back tomorrow

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  • RMweb Gold

Due to the op I have had many blood letting instances recently. Nearly all occasions I was told "just a small scratch". I queried whether "just a little prick" had been outlawed by the pc police. I was told yes.


I think Shoreditch has risen greatly since my ancestors and many others lived there 150 or more years ago and it wasnt so nice.


Overcast day in sunny Teignmouth today. Only trip out was for the practice nurse to see op scar and dress it.


The 'small scratch' expression has been around for a long time - I first came across it when I was in hospital back in 1999 and the nurses said then that they were no longer allowed to say anything about patients feeling a small prick. However one of them - a very funny Irish lass - did one evening give me the treat of using the old expression which got a bit awkward as we both finished up laughing out heads off to the bemusement of the rest of the ward

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' Afternoon all from red dragon land.  Caught up - for now, anyway.


Yesterday went down to Joys of Life Railway for a members running day expecting to drive Polly (a tender engine) BUT...!!!

Since the last outing at ground level, Ray has modified the driving truck.  At Joys we use a tall seat but, with the new build, I can't reach the regulator handle let alone the handle on the fire box door, the injectors, the reversing lever...need I go on?   :cry:  New modification in the pipeline for mere shorties.


Anyway, unable to drive, I occupied the signalbox.   When a couple of families turned up for a ride, I got the flags out as well.   :protest:   Flags, I said, not cards!  Not sure whether that was to keep the passengers in order or the drivers.   :D 


Archives day, today, but they were running a course there this morning, so I logged into a PC in a nice quiet spot in the Library - well it was quiet when I got there!  An old photograph of Bangor had been donated to the Archives which raised a few questions - and answers!.  This led to me being asked to write an Archives of the Month article for online distribution in the University for next month.... :O .  With enough information gathered, I set about writing it up though it may need...er...shortening.  I decided to take a personal style of writing as sometimes found in railway society magazines, hoping this will be preferred to a more academic style - but it's easily changeable.


It's now evening, I guess - I got interrupted by request for tea and teacakes.  :nyam:

So enjoy your evening.

Thoughts and best wishes for those undergoing treatment, ailing, grieving and not up to their best.

(A good friend of my sister passed away, today.  I only met him the once.  Despite being very ill, he came to our Mum's funeral - to the church, the cemetery and the reception. So honoured.  So proud of him.  Such a brave and selfless man.)

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Thanks for your thoughts, folks. Maybe they even had an effect somehow as I understand Jo's condition has been stabilised and a specialised hyperbaric chamber treatment is being considered for stepping up the fight against the infection. He'd have to be relocated to Wiesbaden for it, so I guess, once again, we can only wait and see what happens.

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In other news, my return-to-work shift yesterday went quite well, though it did feel strange initially to be passing the accident site of last week. I did take the opportunity for talking about practical driving recommendations with the trainer who rode with me, which I felt helped reduce tension as well.


And I could also try out my new camera as my usual "sidearm", taking those photos which events had denied me during my interrupted shift last week…





1231 "Bielefeld" does really exist and is seen here during turnaround at Dölitz…





…and at Schkeuditz…





…and Markkleeberg.

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