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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky together with with some cloud and sunshine here. A fine breezy day is forecast although there may be some showers later.


A great day was had yesterday at Bognor including a very enjoyable lunch at the Robin Hood at Shripney. It's a Chef&Brewer pub , food and service were excellent. After that we went for a stroll along the prom at Bognor and although it was very breezy the sun was shining so that was a bonus as we were expecting rain.


Oh you are so wrong Bob.  Whilst en route I told her (Yes - told her  :yes: ) that in addition to the long list of toys on order I was considering a further (very expensive) purchase.  To my surprise she has offered to contribute to the cost (as part of my birthday present in December) With this offer in mind I may not be considering for long!

I must have more brownie points in the bank than were showing on my last statement.  :imsohappy:

Tonight we have some friends coming to dinner so that will round off a very pleasant and hectic few days,

Have a good weekend one and all.


What have you been doing you are not telling us.  :tomato:            :jester:


BTW have a good one.


The pond saga reared it's head again yesterday  we went I was dragged to the garden shop to purchase a new half barrel and all the bits to go with it it's now laying in the back garden waiting for the old one to be

  removed no doubt SWMBO will try ordering me to do it but I was wise to that and started to complain about my bad back I will have to be careful how I play this as the fillet steak dinner that has been promised

  might be off she has throw good food in the bin out of spite. :girldevil:

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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings from an occasionally sunny South Essex.

Condolences to Andy and Lorna.


We collected Matthew from the airport last night. His plane was delayed leaving Schiphol but was only slightly late arriving. He seems well.

Probably going to Enfield today.


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  • RMweb Premium



Condolences to Andy and Lorna - I'm glad Lorna went after all.  I found it helped to be there.


Sunny but very windy here, chippy (neighbour) due this afternoon to fit loft ladder and new hatch, so more junk may be transferred up there.  Loft not tall enough for railway duties unfortunately.  Junk transfer is due to removal of a hallway cupboard that intrudes into the bathroom, which is also to get a rebuild after 14 years, removing the bath in favour of a much larger shower and more space around it, new radiator, towel rail etc etc.  I'm not sure about it myself, but it is not my decision - you may recognise this phenomenon.

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  • RMweb Premium



Condolences to Andy and Lorna - I'm glad Lorna went after all.  I found it helped to be there.


Sunny but very windy here, chippy (neighbour) due this afternoon to fit loft ladder and new hatch, so more junk may be transferred up there.  Loft not tall enough for railway duties unfortunately.  Junk transfer is due to removal of a hallway cupboard that intrudes into the bathroom, which is also to get a rebuild after 14 years, removing the bath in favour of a much larger shower and more space around it, new radiator, towel rail etc etc.  I'm not sure about it myself, but it is not my decision - you may recognise this phenomenon.

Our loft was the general junk receptacle for over 30 years and was intended to be my revenge on the kids when they shuffle me off to a home for the confused. However change of life plans has thwarted that plan and we had to have an emptying day. A skip was filled and many things have gone to France already. At one time I did think of fitting a padlock on the hatch so that SWMBO couldn't put any more up there.



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  • RMweb Gold

I am sure when we moved into this house we stuffed some bin bags of "stuff" into the loft that had been stuffed into the loft of our old house when we moved into that one. We had to clear quite a bit of the loft when we had a lot of plumbing done as part of the new boiler installation earlier this year. If Matthew hadn't been an only child quite a lot of the stuff we saved in case another one appeared would have been reused.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good Moaning, I was pussing by the topic and thought I'd pip on!


We had lovely sun and a half gale earlier but then the heavens opened and all is wet in the garden. Looks like I'm condemned to play trains this morning!

Our garden looks wet but I won't be playing with my trains today. I had such good intentions to finish off a scenic area when we returned from our holiday in June but unfortunately my only excursions to the garage have been to replenish the water softener with salt.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good Moaning, I was pussing by the topic and thought I'd pip on!


We had lovely sun and a half gale earlier but then the heavens opened and all is wet in the garden. Looks like I'm condemned to play trains this morning!

How sad, it's a hard job but someone's got to do it. Welcome to the madhouse.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all


Condolences to Lorna and Andy - thankfully the trip was made just in time.  I know only too well how valuable and nerve-jangling that is.

Also thoughts with any fans of Brucie who has departed this coil to entertain those playing the Heavenly Generation Game.  An entertainer and a showman he certainly was.  I personally had no time for his overwheening and slightly camp style.


Slow start after yesterday.  SWMBO and guest are off to the movies tonight.  Sitting through two hours plus of a horror-zombie-apocalypse movie is my idea of hell so I have opted out.  Time to catch up on a few routine tasks via the computer and to perform some domestic engineering.  


Have a good one where ever Saturday takes you.  It takes my brother-in-law to Leicester following his football team, Brighton & Hove Albion, and into the face of family rivalry as cousin (1) has long been a Leicester City fan having settled in Oadby around 35 years ago.  

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Morning all from the boring borough.


Thoughts and condolences to Lorna & Andy.


Quiet day planned.


Major rant about the fustercluck of tw@waffles that pretend to be a functional GP surgery coming soon. (Recently identified as the worst practice in the borough by the local gnus rag)



Enjoy your weekend.

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Also thoughts with any fans of Brucie who has departed this coil to entertain those playing the Heavenly Generation Game.  An entertainer and a showman he certainly was.  I personally had no time for his overwheening and slightly camp style.


I've had contact (!) with his wife in the years following her Miss World reign - mostly to make presentations at functions.

Not a great fan of Bruce since he wanted to charge me £15,000 to open a Charity event near to where he was working.

However, one can't deny the man's body of work and he made a great success of it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Moaning, I was pussing by the topic and thought I'd pip on!


We had lovely sun and a half gale earlier but then the heavens opened and all is wet in the garden. Looks like I'm condemned to play trains this morning!


O that we were all condemned to play trains!  Welcome to the web.



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  • RMweb Gold

So a good day at Bognor.


Was Ford included in the package?


Regrettably not on this occasion as there was not enough time. However I did advise management you were on the list of places to visit again in the not too distant future as I haven't been for quite a long time.

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Regrettably not on this occasion as there was not enough time. However I did advise management you were on the list of places to visit again in the not too distant future as I haven't been for quite a long time.


How long did you spend in Ford last time, Bob?

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  • RMweb Premium

Hells bells.  8 Million different light fittings to chose from.  All not what Mrs NHN wants. #sigh#


Yup.  That'd be right.  ;)


Greetings Geoff.  Abandon reason all ye who enter here!

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  • RMweb Gold

We thought we would all go down to the park with Robbie before going to Enfield. Of course Robbie threw himself into the brook (a big ditch really). He hasn't done this form over a year! The Environment Agency have dredged it recently and the side Robbie threw himself over is almost vertical. Of course he couldn't get out and was swimming up and down looking g for an exit. The other side was a more gentle slope so i sent Matthew and Aditi round there to encourage him to leave by that side. He couldn't pull himself him the bank as it was very boggy mud and his back legs are not as strong as they were. Every time Matthew tried to grab Robbie's collar he moved away. By this time I was also on my way over the bridge to the other bank. At thus point someone started to try and proffer "advice". I wasn't my usual tactful self. Anyway I got round there and dragged the dog out. Robbie showed his gratitude by showering us with mud. He wasn't totally amused at the hose down and shampoo in the garden on return. I am glad we are using the Fiesta to go to Enfield later. My car will need a touch of the Febreeze or similar anti pong spray.

I think Matthew's return has been a bad influence on Robbie!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hells bells.  8 Million different light fittings to chose from.  All not what Mrs NHN wants. #sigh#

Light fittings! We wait until we find something we both like, hence why we had some not very nice temporary ones for years. The utility room had a bare bulb for 25 years.


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  • RMweb Premium

We thought we would all go down to the park with Robbie before going to Enfield. Of course Robbie threw himself into the brook (a big ditch really). He hasn't done this form over a year! The Environment Agency have dredged it recently and the side Robbie threw himself over is almost vertical. Of course he couldn't get out and was swimming up and down looking g for an exit. The other side was a more gentle slope so i sent Matthew and Aditi round there to encourage him to leave by that side. He couldn't pull himself him the bank as it was very boggy mud and his back legs are not as strong as they were. Every time Matthew tried to grab Robbie's collar he moved away. By this time I was also on my way over the bridge to the other bank. At thus point someone started to try and proffer "advice". I wasn't my usual tactful self. Anyway I got round there and dragged the dog out. Robbie showed his gratitude by showering us with mud. He wasn't totally amused at the hose down and shampoo in the garden on return. I am glad we are using the Fiesta to go to Enfield later. My car will need a touch of the Febreeze or similar anti pong spray.

I think Matthew's return has been a bad influence on Robbie!

I didn't know whether to hit funny or friendly supportive. The image of the three of you and the "advice£ giver plus Robbie is a good one.



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Condolences to Andy and Lorna and glad that Lorna made it in time to see her mum.


Having ventured out for a small lunch at the localColombian/Polish owned Italian restaurant I found the town absolutely infested with grockles, quite a number of whom were sufficiently strangely attired to convince me that they had come from the USofA and in one or two instances one could be mistaken for thinking they are fans of Village People (who are 'on' some time today).  As yet the sounds of none of it has drifted up our side of the valley.


And to add chaos to the confusion the roadworks (water main broken I think) on the main road at the bottom of our hill are still underway with the 3 way traffic lights causing bigger tailbacks than ever. But these roadworks, and associated chaos, will be as nothing compared to what is going to happen in a few weeks time when the main road to Reading is blocked to allow some sort of orange army to do a roadside piling job to rebuild the subsided road.  And no doubt even greater chaos as every cockwomble in creation takes to the narrow roads through various villages - which also happens to be a bus route; plenty of bad news coming for the local 'paper I expect.


Enjoy the rest of the day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hells bells.  8 Million different light fittings to chose from.  All not what Mrs NHN wants. #sigh#

Simples - you chose the one you like.  She will then be equally happy as she will have something to moan about and blame you for until the thing falls to pieces and the process restarts.  And while she's moan ing about the light fitting you chose all sorts of other things stand a chance of being 'overlooked' ;)

Edited by The Stationmaster
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