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  • RMweb Premium

I don't suppose this will affect the Davos conferences much, as many of the attendees seem to come in by private jet and helicopter.

What do you think causes avalanches?

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Good morning one and all


The ironing awaits.  I will probably do it straight after breakfast before heading into town.  I need to visit the bank, which opens an hour late on Wednesdays.  For once I am perilously close to having month left at the end of the money and some adjustments and/or a cunning plan may be required.  Later in the day some food preparation is needed ahead of tomorrow's visit to Poorly Pal.


Some forward planning took place yesterday.  I secured a ticket for an album launch in London in April and one for the Doncaster show in February but decided to hang fire on booking for Ally Pally for the time being and also opted out of a concert in St Albans in a couple of weeks' time.  There are two reasons for that last decision, one being the need for an early start the next morning, the other a late qualm over whether I would actually enjoy the headline act.  Fear not, music lovers: the legendary hessian bag still has plenty of new CDs to grace my ears.


With all this talk of snow and avalanches in Switzerland, the mischievous thought occurs to me that all those so called influential people might get stuck in Davos.  I can't help wondering what they would all do if stranded for any length of time.  Solve the world's problems?  Possibly not.


Far more important than the fate of some of those self-important windbags is the fate of those we know and love.  Warm thoughts, then, to the ailing, recovering and missing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

After a hot toddy when  I got home and another at bed time, I got 7 hours, minus some wake up, look at the watch and rollovers so a good amount of sleep.


Also I think I'm over the hump of this cold, I've still got it, but not as bad this morning.


Microsoft have been slowing things down again, it was noticable yesterday everything at work started grinding slowly on the Intranet, then last night My home PC was still updating windows10 after 3 hours and that computer has a SSD! I think there are still some more improvements I can do on that ssd upgrade..


 I'm surprised there is any snow at Davos with all the hot air being generated...


 Storm Georgina, is playing with Storm Frederike's droppings, she's blowing all his broken branches back onto the roads this morning... 


Time to.... review some more Hot Air.... the company emeails...

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Morning all from another very windy part of the world. It is certainly whipping up a storm out there. I am rather glad I don’t have to go out in it. The decision to stay off work yesterday proved to be the correct one. I ended up staying in bed all morning, drifting in and out of sleep. The rest of day was spent working slowly on a few bits and pieces of school work whilst battling the sinus pain, light headed feeling and general exhaustion. By mid afternoon I had already decided to stay off today as well.

Of course whatever ailments I am suffering from are nothing compared to what some of our fellow ER’s are dealing with right now. Thoughts are definitely with Debs right now with everything crossed for more positive news soon. Supportive thoughts to others battling any health issues too. Stay safe in the wind.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a village that seems to be in the path of something called Georgina.  Hopefully we'll hear some better news from Debs today.   


I got some more tidying done yesterday and actually found some things that I needed as well as getting a couple of crates packed.   The work will no doubt continue today.   The lurgi seems to have been blown away and life has almost returned to whatever passes for normal.   Apart from that not a lot to report.


Regards to all



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Pretty wild and windy here this morning after a night of noisy showers.


Up early today, as I am off to the hospital to start my chemotherapy treatment for my lymphoma. I can’t say that I am looking forward to it, but the alternative doesn’t look good either! Today I start with one drug, then back tomorrow for the after chemo agent. I then have a further 5 such sessions at 28day intervals.


Also thinking of Debs, and hoping that she recovers soon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very windy here too and a bit damp.More rain promised.

Today we are visiting a shop or two including an "opposition" supermarket that we haven't been impressed with in the past but The Bosses's friends keep telling her that we're missing something.

After that I may throw away the locomotive that I tried unsuccessfully to get going yesterday.  :scratchhead:   :banghead:  :cry:

Have a good one,


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Morning all, best wishes to those who are ailing, especially Debs. I hope we hear good news on that front.


It's very grey, almost dark here at LBG and it appears the promised rain is almost upon us. It'll catch out those who like to start work at 20 to 10....! It was also very windy when I arrived an hour ago, exacerbated by the Shard.


Not a lot to report otherwise, so onwards and upwards!

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With all this talk of snow and avalanches in Switzerland, the mischievous thought occurs to me that all those so called influential people might get stuck in Davos.  I can't help wondering what they would all do if stranded for any length of time.  Solve the world's problems?  Possibly not.




So if they were trapped in Davos for weeks without supplies, who would they eat first?



Edited by bbishop
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. The same hooley is blowing here as elsewhere, I drew back the curtains to see seagulls flying backwards. I just hope they do not get to close to the one in front as seagulls have sharp beaks. :O  Hope that Debs will be back in the fray soon and best wishes to other ailing ER's. Muggertee waits so be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Rain now added to the rather strong breeze that's bashing things around outside and i might well be called upon to convey Mrs stationmaster to the town as well as fetching her, plus some shopping, later on.  Hope all goes well for Simon and fingers remain well and truly crossed for Debs plus good vibrations in the direction of all others who area ailing.


The timetable fiddling went on rather late last night but a hopefully obviously erudite comments has been despatched to my friend in the north and i await any further interrogation.  And now Mrs Stationmaster has ventured forth unchauffered to I have and hour or more to duly waste spend on RMweb


Have a good day everybody.

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  • RMweb Premium

Assistance please!

I need to record conversations on a BT landline.

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction for a suitable appliance?

Thanks for any advice.


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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!

Had a nice day at various wineries today....not cheap but some drinkable tawny procured.


Off to see some newish trams and sample some ice cream by the seaside tomorrow..

Hope we hear good news from Debs soon.


Keep warm and stay safe everyone!



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  • RMweb Gold

Assistance please!

I need to record conversations on a BT landline.

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction for a suitable appliance?

Thanks for any advice.

It doesn't sound very good when things have come to that - you have my sympathy - but don't forget to tell them that the call may be recorded for training purposes.

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It doesn't sound very good when things have come to that - you have my sympathy - but don't forget to tell them that the call may be recorded for training purposes.

Thanks BoD.

Several purposes in mind (as well as catching thieves and liars).

Would be helpful in the management of Administrator duties.

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