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Optician..visited. lummy two pieces of glass and a frame cost how much????

Layout building conducted, now tea to be eaten then umpiring to complete the day.


Thoughts are with Debs.



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Our little boat has been extracted from the lake. One advantage of waiting till everyone else has taken their boats out is there is no pressure at the boat launch. There's nothing worse than having a lot of other boaters sighing impatiently while you make four attempts to reverse the trailer down the ramp. It's easier to reverse when the boat is on the trailer because you can see what's happening. The trailer is almost invisible on its own.


The boat ramp was deserted yesterday so I was able to take my time. I even remembered to raise the outboard BEFORE winching the boat on to the trailer.


It also seems that the leak is fixed, or greatly improved. It only took on about a gallon in a week. Not sure how long the marine caulk will hold up but I can always reapply it.

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Oh joy! A registered letter has arrived to remind me that it's more than five years since my last bumoscopy. I had ignored the two previous mailings.


In theory this should be the last time so I suppose I better get on with it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Optician..visited. lummy two pieces of glass and a frame cost how much????

Layout building conducted, now tea to be eaten then umpiring to complete the day.

Thoughts are with Debs.


less frame, more cost. I have rimless glasses which are side pieces and a bit over the nose. Very light though!
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Optician..visited. lummy two pieces of glass and a frame cost how much????Baz


less frame, more cost. I have rimless glasses which are side pieces and a bit over the nose. Very light though!

At least they come ready made, not just a pile of plastic on a sprue, screws, hinges and glass that needs shaping
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  • RMweb Premium



Sad with thoughts about Debs.


ChrisF, not sure what I can add, but I hope you are able to find your smile - by whatever means. 


Pleased our missing members appear to be mostly OK - always a concern when members of our little community go awol.

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At least they come ready made, not just a pile of plastic on a sprue, screws, hinges and glass that needs shaping

I did ask at our optician what happens after I have my eye test and I choose my frame and lens type. She said follow me! We went to the technical area. The lens from the manufacturer is a huge lump of glass that they cut down to fit the frame. Most impressive demonstration. I had assumed the fully finished lens arrived at the opticians.


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  • RMweb Gold

Our little boat has been extracted from the lake. One advantage of waiting till everyone else has taken their boats out is there is no pressure at the boat launch. There's nothing worse than having a lot of other boaters sighing impatiently while you make four attempts to reverse the trailer down the ramp. It's easier to reverse when the boat is on the trailer because you can see what's happening. The trailer is almost invisible on its own.

The boat ramp was deserted yesterday so I was able to take my time. I even remembered to raise the outboard BEFORE winching the boat on to the trailer.

It also seems that the leak is fixed, or greatly improved. It only took on about a gallon in a week. Not sure how long the marine caulk will hold up but I can always reapply it.

We had a dinghy during my teenage years. My brother and I just did exactly what Dad told us to do when recovering the boat whether it was in a beach or a proper ramp. We never seemed to have other impatient boaters but there were people who insisted on “helping” and getting in the way!


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Evening all, been away from ERs for just over a week. During that time we have travelled down to Berkshire to spend time with my 90 year old mother, who has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. Her long term memory is excellent, but short term is pretty awful now. In addition, she isn’t driving just now because of a bad back, but wants to carry on, although no-one in her family thinks that she is safe on the road. The whole package made for a very mixed visit, as while I enjoyed being with her, it was a very stressful time. I spent ages trying to sort out her various medicines so that they would all be in blister packs, taken in order, but I appeared to have failed, as the local Medical Practice don’t seem to want to add the Alzheimer’s meds’ to her existing ones.


After a few days with her, we went on Friday to St Neots for a long weekend with our son and daughter in law. We had a great weekend, with lovely weather. On Saturday evening, my mother called my son, unfortunately while I was out, saying that she was most upset that my wife and I had left her that afternoon, without even saying goodbye. He tried to explain to her that we had left her a day earlier, but she was adamant, so then called my youngest brother, who also told her we have gone the day before. By the time I managed to get hold of her, I think she had just about accepted that we had actually gone the day before!


Having arrived home back in the north of England it now seems very cold up here. On Sunday afternoon, we were wandering around Wicken Fen in shirtsleeves. Today we went for a short walk in Whitehaven, wearing coat and gloves. Mrs G hates the cold and is not looking forward to winter!

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 but there were people who insisted on “helping” and getting in the way!



There's a similar problem that happens when I'm trying to park the boat in the slip. I'll have it lined-up nicely with just enough speed to make it steer when a passenger jumps to their feet with a view to helping and mucks the whole thing up. Maybe I should play "Sit down you're rocking the boat" as we approach the dock?


I was exaggerating a bit when I said four attempts to reverse the trailer down the ramp. I can usually do it in no more than two. In my defense it is a horrible ramp. At least you don't have to pay to use this one. The county wouldn't have the nerve.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well after I’d returned from Sainsbury’s and put the shopping away I did intend to go outside, but then I remembered that I needed to make a carrot cake for tomorrow night. So after a quick muggertea, I made the cake before dinner, then decorated it after dinner. Which meant that by the time I’d finished I didn’t see the point in starting any work outside, so stayed in and read this months BRM for the rest of the afternoon. Sometimes it’s just nice to sit down, put your feet up and do nothing.


Thoughts today have been with Deb’s.


Goodnight all

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Not sure about how things work in Canada, but "have to work with the insurance company" sounds like a racket that would be illegal in the US. If you are paying for the repair out of your own pocket the insurance company has buqqer-all to do with it. Is there another repair shop you can take it to? If there is you probably don't want to mention insurance.

The insurance company will pay all. The contention is whether we get a repaired motor home or the cash value to buy another 11-year-old one. We won't pay at all, apparently.


We haven't had to deal with anything like this before.

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Good morning one and all, after another nearly 19 hour day.  Why don’t I try burning the candle in the middle as well as at both ends?


First things first: my apologies to Debs for overlooking Passepartout’s anniversary.


I’m afraid there was a bit more weepiness yesterday morning for no apparent reason.  So far, touch wood, there is no sign of the black dog so for the moment at least I am carrying on regardless. Jamie, there isn’t much sign of inner contentment at the moment but I appreciate the sentiment.  Mal, I’m not sure how securely the dawg is kennelled but I’m looking for opportunities to smile genuinely!  I am very grateful to a kind and thoughtful ER for a suggestion which I shall pursue in the hope that it fixes my head once and for all.  Heaven knows it needs it.


I made the trek last night to the Slaughtered Lamb for the Drystones.  The audience was sparse but the band enjoyed playing in an intimate setting, or so they told me at least.  News of the New Inn at Priddy is that it is undergoing refurbishment and is hoped to be open again by May.


Today I need to prep tomorrow’s lunch for Poorly Pal and me.  We shall have thinly sliced pork medallions with a not particularly bold selection of vegetables and kung po sauce.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!


Today has been designated "major tidy up, Hoover and cleaning day" by her indoors. We have a couple of people staying with us over the weekend so I shall be a busy bee today. A dental appointment later today may be my only escape today.


Chrisf ..hope the dark coloured four legged animal goes back in its shed.


Enjoy your day!


Positive thoughts and wishes to all ERs, especially all who ail or are "missing".



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dark outside and I have no idea of the weather. Aditi put the bins out late last night. There was nothing of interest to cats and foxes in the bags so not a problem. We don’t have a fence where our grass meets the pavement so we aren’t blocking the footpath when we put them out overnight.

We may go shoppping today. I don’t really want to take clothes on holiday that no longer fit so I suppose I must. Afterwards if the weather is ok we may go for a walk at Hyde Hall gardens to look at the autumn plants.


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Mooring awl, Inner Temple Here.

A terrible nights sleep sort of, I couldn't get off to sleep and was awake at least 2 hours later than normal as my brain wouldn't shut up.  So Awoke 2 hours later than normal, meaning it was almost time to get ready for work, no dozing on the Sofa. There was space for me on the Sofa as Ben the Border Collie was in his bed, there was however the tell tale sign of one of his toys where I sit..


Yesterday, I ordered about £40 worth of stuff for Tiree, mostly small items of hardware for the layout carriages, amazing how it all adds up..


Also Yesterday, I stopped of at the local to home Tes and co, when going back to the landrover I stopped a VW Golf and pointed out they had a flat tyre.. he said yes thank you, drove off and didn't even stop at the petrol station to pump it up. The tyre had severe  cracking of the side walls suggesting it's been driven a long time like that,,


When I left for home yesterday the ABS light was off, it came on about ten miles in, this morning it came on as I drove through the works gates. I need it to be showing when I take it back to the garage...


 Reversing trailers is generally not a problem for me as I've been moving sailing boats for 40 years+, however whereas I take my time, my sailing compatriot does it in seconds.. he used to drive Artics...



Time to.... err wait around for the automatic run to finish..

Edited by TheQ
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Morning all,


My shed was finally reroofed on Monday and finished off yesterday morning.  Then I moved Beaulieu and Höchstädt 1 into the shed ready to set up the boards for Höchstädt 2.  I've stashed ten boards in the shed and will be working on four boards at a time in the garage.  The first job will have the boards upside down to fit the busbars then I can commence track laying.


Root canal filling through a gold crown this afternoon.  Not going to be fun.


Keep well all,  Bill

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Good morning everyone


It’s another dull, but currently dry day here in the northwest. Normally on a Wednesday I’d be off to the swimming pool, but as it’s half term, they’ve planned lots of swimming lessons for the local children, which I think is great, but it means that the pool will be full and trying to swim will be very difficult, so I’m giving it a miss this week. Of course I could go in the evening, but the only times that it is adults only is 9-10pm, so I’ll give that a miss too. So the plan for today is, garden until dinner time, then I’ll pack up and make a start on tonight’s curry after dinner. We have Charlie, Ava, Evie and Max coming for tea and Evie requested chicken curry followed by carrot cake. I plan to make enough curry sauce for tonight and for Saturday evening, as we are having Mike and Sarah round for tea then and it will make that a very quick meal.


Back later.

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