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It is aTilley. My old sun hats have been useless for some time. Aditi said instead of complaining I should buy a better one so I did. Aditi had a floppy sun hat that Matthew hated when he was a teenager. He kept telling her it looked like something she had stolen from a donkey. She did follow his advice eventually and bought another one. I need the hat to keep the sun off my scalp. Aditi wears,the hat to keep the sun off her face. Avoiding wrinkles or some such thing!


Definitely a good idea to wear a hat. My older brother, who is not in the habit of wearing a hat, had a melanoma removed from his scalp recently. Not a pleasant thing.

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  • RMweb Gold

It is aTilley. My old sun hats have been useless for some time. Aditi said instead of complaining I should buy a better one so I did. Aditi had a floppy sun hat that Matthew hated when he was a teenager. He kept telling her it looked like something she had stolen from a donkey. She did follow his advice eventually and bought another one. I need the hat to keep the sun off my scalp. Aditi wears,the hat to keep the sun off her face. Avoiding wrinkles or some such thing!

I hope you have mastered the 'Tilley Nod'.

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My visit to the dentist went well.


Built a chilli for tea.. Her indoors enjoyed It!


Off early to London tomorrow..will be drinking in the Kings Arms at lunchtime.


Sleep well everyone!


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Good evening everyone


I made a start on the curry sauce straight after dinner and it was ready for just gone 3:00. I then had a mid afternoon muggertea, before I diced and cooked the chicken, once that was done I divided the sauce into 2 lots and then added the chicken, before I started the pilau rice. By the end of tea, there was nothing left but crumbs and a small bit of carrot cake, because they were all TOO stuffed to get anymore down.


I wear hats quite a lot for the same reasons as Tony, I need to wear one in the sun. I have several, mainly fedora types, I do have a leather one which I’ve had for years and I also have a couple of baseball caps, which can be very handy at exhibitions, because I can put them in my bag.


Goodnight all

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just put out the bin bags for tomorrow morning, my next door neighbours also put theirs out, at least a dozen black bags. They are finally vacating the house on Friday. No more news on the clubhouse at present, waiting for the council (our landlords) inspection of the premises.

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Morning All,


It is another autumnal morning, quite blustery, but relatively mild.  It is supposed to cool down though over the coming days.


Interesting what Andy said about wearing hats.  I have noticed recently that as my hair is thinning somewhat, my head burns much more easily.  I must get into the habit of wearing a hat again!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all. Well done to Bill for surviving 75 minutes in the dentist’s chair


What did I do yesterday?  I prepped the food for today, did the fodder run first thing, got a statement from the bank, re-heated a Bedfordshire Clanger for lunch and finally got round to writing a letter that I should have done last week.  I also managed to write something about Wisbech East station, which should stop a hitherto indulgent magazine editor having my b*ll*cks for ear-rings.  This was during a frustrating hour and a half on Messenger waiting for Harry to accept my invitation to talk of “happier things”.  Either he is playing mind games, for which read silly-bu99ers, or the end is nigh.  After a couple more blips yesterday a certain kind and thoughtful ER will be pleased to know that I am following up his suggestion.  I’d rather not say any more until everything is in place.  Hopefully that will not be too long.  Talking of magazine editors, those who read BRILL will have spotted the letter from Mike Stationmaster in the latest issue


Today I’m in Stevenage with Poorly Pal during the day and at Stevenage Locomotive Society in the evening.  One job to be done quite urgently is to secure a ticket for a theatre production next week about Delia Derbyshire, doyenne of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, who is perhaps best remembered for realising the Dr Who theme way back in 1963.  Another is to grab a ticket for Jim Causley’s Christmas Show in London, made possible because SLS have rescheduled a meeting.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing. 



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Ey up!


Loins girded ready for a trip to London by LNER. Hope the teak paint has dried.

Apparently I get a free breakfast as I bought a cheap First Class ticket for somewhere on the train....


Interesting discussion at the railway club last night about the Leeds Congestion charge. As usual our Council and its officers have c#caked it up. While I agree with the principal.....its just very badly set out. To save the council money they have said the diesel powdered school buses used by them (not compliant) can run free of charge. Might be easier to rearrange the way pupils are directed at schools...


Enough of me. Time to get ready and go to the station.

Best thoughts to all especially all who ail.



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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,


Although haveing thatstupid brain racing again when I should be sleeping, it did last too lopng last night and I eventually managed just short of 7 hours sleepp.


Should Tony_S  have an elephant?

Should Mal be wearing wearing a Balmoral rather than a Beret?

Should I continue to wear an Australian Cattlemans hat (without corks).



A couple of weeks ago, I got a slightly strange letter about organising a birthday party, from a lady I used to sail with (very successfully). She gave up sailing about 10 years ago to look after her husband. Strangely  there was also a little card inside the letter from the ladys daughter, giving her own telephone number inside...

I finally managed to get hold of her yesterday, and in a long conversation found out that the lady's husband died eariler this year. The Lady herself has dementia and has a thing about orgainising parties. which will never happen because she forgets about them  the next day.  Thev've had to take her mobile phone off her to stop her contacting suppilers etc for theseparties..

The lady herself was in her sixties when she took up sailing, but gave up at 74 donating her boat to the clubs sailing school. A year or so after she did organise a party, which we attended in her local village hall, I suppose it's that she keeps remembering.


They keep changing road designs in Norwich to reduce cars, to stop pollution....They do still allow buses on those roads.... the most polluted roads... those with the buses on them... 


Time to... go do some work...

Edited by TheQ
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Ey up!


Loins girded ready for a trip to London by LNER. Hope the teak paint has dried.

Apparently I get a free breakfast as I bought a cheap First Class ticket for somewhere on the train....





If you plan your trip from Scotland, Baz, and catch the 0930 from Edinburgh you can get a breakfast before Newcastle then a beer après York...

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Morning All


Generic greetings are, as ever, on offer.  All posts since my last visit have been read and rated, as usual


Not a great deal to report here again.  I have tried various hats, and now have settled on a flat cap, and I have a collection of these, in various styles, and bought at various prices - the best two were hand made from Lake District wool, made by a lady in Grange Over Sands, and costing about £30 each.


Back tomorrow.

Regards to All


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It's another sunny morn in the boring borough. Little of note here apart from waiting for the skip lorry. I've got £5 bet with SWMBO that the idiot will show before 10am when there won't be access to the skip. Long boring story but neighbour has a corner shop, works odd hours, & is parked against one end of the skip. Not around to move car until 10am. Skip company has managed to ignore the post 10am caveat on 3 of the 4 delivery/pickups. asshats. 


Tony, when you said "Canadian Hat" I thought of you looking like a Mountie or a lumberjack with a toque. Strange, as my mum's 1980 vintage original Tilley hat is sitting next to me. 




If Thursday is the new Friday, why the hell do I have to go to work tomorrow?



Coffee awaits. Enjoy the day. 

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Good morning everyone


Yet another dull start to the day, but again at least it’s not raining, yet! So, as has been the norm for the last couple of weeks, once Sheila has left for her Zumba class, I’m off outside to continue working on the patio, I’m close to having done 3/4 of the work, so hopefully by the end of the day, I’ll almost have it done. I’ll be glad when it is, as I can then make a start on lifting the old path and then re-align the new one, then the garden will look a bit more organised than at present, which is more like a builders yard.


Enjoy the day, back later.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Didn't hear any bin wagons this morning, not even the lesser spotted glass & bottle wagon. However all bags have gone and bins emptied so they must have been in stealth mode. I see Debs has been actively posting on Facebook so heres hoping she will be back here soon. I did make a post on a Facebook group a week or so ago about duty having to be paid on goods from Hong Kong. Unfortunately it was hijacked by Brexit trolls so I have had to lock the thread.


Just so long as they didn't recently have any visiting dissident journalists (hailing from a particular middle eastern monarchy).

They haven't as far as I know, but they are both nurses from the local hospital. :scared: :O

Edited by PhilJ W
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Morning all,

Some time has been spent in the garden, trying to tame the wilderness that has appeared over the last few weeks when we have been away on various travels. No matter how hard I try, I never seem to get anywhere near having the garden as I want it. I think that the only solution is to move house to somewhere with a smaller garden.


This afternoon will include a visit to Sister Drac, for my flu jab. Although I am under 65, my lymphoma puts me in the “at risk” category. I just hope it isn’t one of things things where the treatment is worse than what it is trying to prevent.

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Morning all.

It was quite chilly overnight. It is nice and sunny now. I have a couple of shopping items to collect, in opposite directions, not well planned!



That's the story of my life.....


I was just getting dressed and idly listening to Radio 4 (internet - terrific quality). It was an interview with a musician (later found out it was Duncan Lamont from Greenock), he was eulogising someone from the sixties who I actually knew too, Johnny Keating, a fellow Scot from Edinburgh. I only knew him from London (I was secretly in love with his Wife - I was 16 at the time). What pleased me was that Duncan Lamont (who had played Sax with Sinatra) was saying how he felt like a kind of fraud and was worried that he would be found out - I've always had the same fear! Now my fingers don't work probably it's truer than ever.


Best, Pete.

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The label with “made in Canada”, a prominent maple leaf in the advertising, various slogans on the hatstand about Canadian attention to detail, everything repeated in French led me to believe this wasn’t anything other than a product of Canada. It was a hat with a brim though, not a toque with a hockey team name on it.

So there!


Defo a Canadian hat :)

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Yo... BIN day and they've all been placed appropriately, one of the three already "serviced", parade of trucks continuing apace.


Little happening today, Whitney will be dropped off as Jemma heads out for another trip, late afternoon pre-rehearsal happy hour then choir rehearsal awaits this evening.


Early morning call around 7:30 ( I did NOT answer, letting it roll to voice mail), from client - more panicked needs for changes to quarterly reports! :O

How is it possible to need a new line item to re-shuffle about $11MILLION "at the last minute", surely this was apparent somewhere ahead of time!??!?!

Only accountants and senior management apparently have such answers :jester:  :rtfm:


Sinus congestion still plaguing me, so up around 6:20 to manage it :(

4 already at that time, though high only expected to reach 12 with rain forecast most of the day.

Seems we have a brief encounter with somewhat warmer weather next few days...


Carry on, with luck POETS will greet us all sooner than later ;)

Edited by Ian Abel
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