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  • RMweb Gold

Having "just" chipped a tooth the other day, I expected my dentist to quickly tidy the damage and use his magic goo - as he had last year. Not so, several injections and a lot of drilling later, he's put in a temporary filling and I'm to go back in a fortnight. it's alrady cost me over £75 - although I expect to get some of that back.


Off to see Gillian and her house shortly - to ensure she's really alone. Not fun in the dark.

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Does that mean we are asocial and unpopular in the eyes of your employer?


Prudent, personal presence on forums is acceptable (evidently) :good: .......provided I don`t mention the nature of the work, my title or function there, the location, name my colleagues or identify work-projects etc.......Who`d have thought, that a bit of practical-skill and knowledge could make one`s life so 'complicated'. :mosking:


"Work is work"..........but we do have life too! :whistle:

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  • RMweb Gold

Prudent, personal presence on forums is acceptable (evidently) :good: .......provided I don`t mention the nature of the work, my title or function there, the location, name my colleagues or identify work-projects etc.......Who`d have thought, that a bit of practical-skill and knowledge could make one`s life so 'complicated'. :mosking:


"Work is work"..........but we do have life too! :whistle:

Nutty isn't it when you look at what others do - some of the stuff on the 'net with my name on it (as a member of a committee) is there because it has to be 'transparent' and 'available to all stakeholders' (horrible word, I always thought it meant the bloke who held a fence post while his mate hit it). But it also means that some companies who have held or hold passenger franchises can also see exactly who put a sprag in their wheels, and that everyone else can see it too :beee: .

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Not wishing to be flash, but it seems I have the whole of Page 1 to myself. Not in the Lady GaGa league but clearly as a result of three things.


a] I have an unusual surname,


b] work articles from years ago are still kicking round the ether and finally


c] I seem to have written loads of drivel on model railways on various forums that have come back to haunt me.... :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Ok. I've succumbed and googled.

My old, now defunct layout appears much more frequently and prominently than I do. Which is just as it should be and how I like it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Not wishing to be flash, but it seems I have the whole of Page 1 to myself. Not in the Lady GaGa league but clearly as a result of three things.


a] I have an unusual surname,


b] work articles from years ago are still kicking round the ether and finally


c] I seem to have written loads of drivel on model railways on various forums that have come back to haunt me.... :D


d] Wokingham Tip Most Prolific User 2009,2010,2011

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Never dared to google myself until now,have "About 1,090,000 results" and found out i am (or someone with the same name), a president at a University in Phoenix USA, an engineer in the Royal Navy, a journalist and author ,and have been convicted of assault in Gloucestershire

Don't think I want to look at page 2!

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  • RMweb Gold

I do better on appearing on page 3 (!) of Google image search as long as I use Tony rather than Anthony in the search. I'm just grateful it isn't my passport photo. I was really unwell when that was taken and look quite bad.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ian, I can well imagine Gillian to be anxious in those circumstances, so I guess it really is a lot better to be safe than sorry...


Prudent, personal presence on forums is acceptable (evidently)


I think there really is a limit to how much content that has once been posted on any social network can even be removed from the 'net in the first place. Especially so if the network in question claims the right to using any such content as it sees fit, or if something has already been re-posted elsewhere by other individuals.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well I'm back after using the PC to TRY to get my financial application sorted - wow what a palava - a letter with one of these scratch and read windows where the number is almost illegible, then set up a new eight letter password (no numbers, no consecutive letters, not my name, no sequential keystrokes, and all in one case. Also change the online secret number that I could hardly read - finally did all that, and the system digested it all, and I then was told to revisit the site tomorrow as there was technical problem.


Got in tonight to discover that 30747 has a meal with colleagues that she forgot to mention - well she did but it was weeks ago, and my two memory cells are not retaining as much as the did these days, so it was a rushed tea a quick shower and back out for a 6.15 meet up.


On the question of making comments on Social websites, my employer has a policy that if any derogatory comments are made, or any comments that might be interpreted as the company's policy or viewpoint, that this is a dismissal offence, but thus far they haven't barred us from using such sites.

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Well, that was fun,


Just been doing my fireman Sam impression.


There was a large explosion from the house opposite ours. Bright orange fireball rising up.

Thought that was a bit close for a firework, went out for a look and the side of the drive/fence/side entrance was well ablaze.

Neighbours came out to look a well, we ran a garden hose across the road from there house and started to put it out.

Called the fire brigade, bashed on the windows of the burning house as the lights were on and didn't know if the were in!


Anyway by the time the fire brigade turned up, I had put it out. Hero hat on.


Looks like the owner had been burning some old catalogues on their BBQ, gone out for take away, and some of

the embers had blown of and set the garden rubbish alight, which in turn set the rubbish bins alight, and an aerosol

can went pop!!!! Well, more of a big bang!


Shaking know, that's the adrenaline rush for you..


Time for a beer I think.



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  • RMweb Gold

Shadow puts any heroic pose I had imagined into considerable shade - well done!


Gillian is - for the avoidance of doubt, as they say - a totally bright, sensible-shoes lady just past 40. So when her husband tells me she's spooked, there is every reason to take it seriously. So tonight we went round every room in the house - there are lots - and tested every window and attendant shutter, all without result. I even carried a ladder up two flights to look in the loft. My guess is that since her last visit in October, the kid next door has borrowed the keys and gone in there - as you do when you are a teen. Significant feature is some sort of exercise machine in the basement plugged in and switched on, as well as some doors pulled-to that Gillian would always leave open. The thing that got her interest in the first place was a light on in a room that probably hadn't been entered since July. But the light was a wall-mounted halogen spot, and I suspect it's been misbehaving and overheating in the warm weather, so no-one knew it was on, but now it's cool, it manages to stay illuminated. As it is the kids' playroom, and the switch is low and a rocker, not a dolly, the kids could simply have barged into it. And, Gillian having turned it off yesterday, when she turned it on tonight it immediately failed. Oh, and nothing is missing - there's plenty to steal - nor have beds been slept in etc.


G is sleeping chez a lady colleague for the next couple of nights, will have the locks changed and some security bolts installed. I suspect that will be that.

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Calmed down now. Just chatting with the owner and he casually says,

"Good job those gas cylinders for the BBQ didn't go."


Me thinks "WHAT GAS CYLINDERS!!!!"


Next time I think I might just leave it to the professionals.

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  • RMweb Gold

Geez, it's all happening around here!

The brave and mighty realm of ERs is still going strong I see. Meanwhile, back in the reality of my busy and much less heroic life... haha.



Well the last 3 days I've been teaching myself how to use my latest toy - a bit of professional music software! As my best friend said "It's got over 4000 knobs on it!" Never thought I'd hear anyone say that before...


So today after having fiddled with some short bits of music the last two days, I decided to push the boat out and record some blues. I'm so pleased with the result - I never thought I'd be able to do something like this! Obviously there are bits that need changing (and to be honest it sounds very hectic and crowded) but I really like it.


p.s. The album cover in the video hasn't been updated!




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Good morning all,

Meant to comment yesterday but got distracted.


Very pleased that Peter's hedgehogs have reappeared. Have you given them names?

Do they recognise you as a source of food?

Do not attempt to stroke them!


A bit cloudy today though not threatening. Very high clouds which are limiting the amount and quality of sunlight

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Morning All,


Good heavens! It sounds like you had an exciting evening Dave. One question though - why on earth would someone burn old catalogues on their gas barbeque? Surely the lava stones get all clogged up with ash and make the food unpalatable.


The weather is fairly mild this morning - but it is still dark so I can't really see how it is going to be later on.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning,


Dry & overcast but some sunshine to come 7oC


It would seem that the most exciting thing here today will be the weekly expedition to Sainsbury's emporium. I can't wait!


I think there should be an ER good neighbours award & I nominate Ian & Dave as first recipients.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, nothing exciting to report S&D seems to have cleared up very quick so I am not convinced DD2 deserved any sympathy just her Dad for being mugged again. Weather is mild and dry at present I did watch most of the match last night you could see defeat coming as England became more complacement.

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