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Early Risers.


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Monsoon rainfall today, but not monsoon temperatures. Road into Leicester closed because of floods. Got lucky with SWMBO's prezzie - had to wait for a new delivery then got the last but one (iPad mini) in the Apple Store. Normally I have to buy her books to buy silence, but this will beat that hands down (I hope)


And we're nearly ready for Christmas :)


Except for the:

  • Clearing up
  • Find the dining table
  • Clean the cooker
  • Clean the kitchen
  • Clean the lounge
  • Wrap the presents
  • Visit all relatives
  • and
  • so
  • on
  • and
  • so
  • on.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

You little tease Debs.


DD with regard to the Severn tolls. It is said that demand fixes the price so I assume many would pay to get into Wales but need to be offered a free trip to get them out again.


Bad flooding in the New Forest especially around Brockenhurst. Trains are affected. Fortunately our place is about 200ft above sea level otherwise I'd be building an ark.


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Guest Max Stafford

It's thoroughly grim up here again and the Christmas period forecast appears the worst possible scenario; rain, wind, overcast and temperatures nudging into double figures.

Still, my O1 arrived yesterday. She's earmarked for a Tyne Dock conversiion. If I can actually get hold of Alexanders!



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Thoroughly grim here too Dave, nothing like as pretty as it was last week with ice and frost all around!


Took my driving test in my instructor's Mk1 Fiesta, which compared to the modern one I drive now as a daily hack was very tin like and sparse. Looking back, I've no idea how I managed to pass first time, all I remember about the test itself was how nervous I was and trying not to look at the elderly (crossdresser) examiner's painted fingernails and badly fitting wig...! No disrespect to crossdressers anywhere but he wasn't very pretty!


Flushed with success after passing, I promptly took the girlfriend out for a spin in my recently acquired British Leyland Mini 1000 (it's baked bean orange paintwork clinging on for dear life and a dodgy looking vinyl roof covering up gawd knows what) which cost all of £150, ducking and weaving round the back lanes of rural Warwickshire on a cold November night until we found ourselves in Birdingbury... where I misjudged the grass verge in the centre of the village and clipped the telephone box whilst trying to avoid a brand new Jag XJS parked up nearby. Oopps...! That poor old Mini did me proud and we had a lot of fun with it but it died four months later.


Driving to Brum and back on the M6 last night in the works van I was seriously annoyed at just how many folk drive like demons in lashing rain with no lights on... conditions were really bad with spray and standing water everywhere... why do people do it...?

Edited by Rugd1022
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.....happily isolated in their own warm little tin box, with, as a mate would say " Mind stuck firmly in neutral, and thumb stuck equally firmly up rear end!", totally unable to comprehend that their little tin box can very easily become their coffin. Ah, happy thoughts for the season!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

(...) I was seriously annoyed at just how many folk drive like demons in lashing rain with no lights on... conditions were really bad with spray and standing water everywhere... why do people do it...?


I'm sure I'll be asking myself the same thing when we head east on Saturday as our forecast predicts wet and balmy conditions over the weekend. Though to be fair, too many folks drive like demons with lights on and with no rain, too...

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  • RMweb Gold

My driving test was eventful. The emergency stop was for real -- a child's football came bouncing across the road with said child not far behind. I hit the brakes and the examiner broke his pen. The child ran off. Then we came to a busy crossroads where the lights had just failed. Total mayhem in the middle until everyone started driving round an imaginary mini-roundabout. After 5 minutes you could have safely stood in the middle of that crossroads.


Then we had to turn right from a side road onto a very busy main road. After waiting several minutes for a gap the examiner said "I think you will have to force your way out, Mr Wynne". I said "Force my way out? I don't remember reading that in the Highway Code. In fact I'm sure it said I mustn't do anything which causes another vehicle to change speed or direction." The examiner sighed and looked at his watch. Fortunately just then a kindly motorist stopped and let me out. I passed, but I often wondered what would have happened if I had indeed forced my way out before the examiner suggested it. Or after, for that matter.



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I can remember the same problem on the old Severn bridge, having to weave left and right to avoid falling lumps of snow and ice. The strong winds up the channel were driving the ice into the lanes. I think they had to close it.



Don, I've looked at the Severn bridges on Google maps and the situation isn't the same as our Port Mann bridge. The cables on the Severn bridges are outside the carriageways and it takes wind (as you say) to cause snow and ice to fall on the road. On the Port Mann, the supporting piers are in the middle of the bridge, and the cables go from them to the outside of the decks, over the carriageways. No wind assistance is needed for ice and snow to hit the road.Here's apicture showing one of the piers - http://www.flickr.co...gal/8004890683/


Apparently, it happened during construction, too. People would know not to work directly under cables in snowy conditions. (I could add more about this, but would probably get this thread locked - so I won't.)


(Edited to add link to picture)

Edited by pH
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  • RMweb Gold

I got the driving test examiner (his first week in Southend) lost by turning left instead of right. I thought the test went on for a long time. It was because we had to find somewhere he knew after my mistake. Didn't fail though!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi all.

Om my test day, my driving examiner booked an extra hour before the test for a practice run.

He turned up in time for the test. He managed to get a flat tyre and went to get it fixed.

Just as well the flat didn't happen on the test. I passed - obviously not overpracticed.


I began driving (for a few weeks) in a Metro. Horrible thing - I had to sit on a cushion to see over the steering wheel.

Fortunately, instructor swapped the car for a Peugeot 106 which suited me just fine.


I'm late on here today - managed catch up on the last couple of pages.

I had to see the GP this morning about the xray I had on my shoulder last week (after that tangle with the swivel chair).

It seems I may have a fine fracture but it could simply be a line.

So, what to look forward to:

  • appointment at fracture clinic
  • appontment to have bone density scan
  • blood tests

Then into to work to see the boss who wasn't in so do the rounds to wish happy Christmas to colleagues.


After that, some last minute Christmas shopping and a 'free' hot chocolate on my Buy 7 drinks get one free card. Finished off with some more shopping until the light rain became heavier. This included a washing up bowl to replace my leaky one - don't ask how long it has leaked cos I don't know - it's too long ago to remember. The things I put up with. We'll see how long this one lasts - it was a £1 from a pound shop - in the absence of a Woolies where I used to get such things. Those were the days.


Enjoy the rest of your evening / other time of day

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  • RMweb Premium

I failed my test for not being fast enough, me the motorcycle hooligan to be. When I took my test again I had completed 10,000 miles in a Reliant Robin and got an examiner on his first day he was suspicious that I was a ringer but relented when I explained about the Robin.

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Good morning all, different day , different continent! ....IT'S (add expletive of your choice).....cold...and looks decidedly damp out side the windows at Amsterdam airport....still managed to wangle my way into KLM lounge, guess that's the benefit of being on the same flight as the boss!


Next stop Bristol airport, just hope the family taxi is waiting for me....



Be good



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Hello, Way back in 1958 driver testers were actually human.

I pitched up for my test and the eaminer noticing that I was one armed, reported to hs superion. I can't test him. Hr's only got one arm. His boss replied. Test him. If he can't drive, fail him. I passed,(with no qualifications on my licence, driving the "teacher's" steering column gear shift car and therefore didn't have to let the steering wheel go to change gear.

The car I thereafter drove was an Austin 10, floor shift. Ha ha


Another hot, clear day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


All ready for the end of the world? :superstition: :derisive: It's been snowing since about 9 pm, but as we're slightly above freezing, it looks mostly wet and slushy. I shall be stopping by at my school later this morning as we got an end of year party scheduled for the staff. I'll also need to start packing our suitcase for our Christmas trip.


Enjoy your day, everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather dark but I don't think it is raining.

Various tidying tasks scheduled for today. I put our Christmas tree up yesterday. Considering that it is artificial it seems to shed quite realistically.

Matthew is going to British Columbia today on a Greyhound bus, He is spending Christmas with friends at a ski resort. He never went on the ski trips at school. He told us later he would have liked to but he didn't like anyone else on those trips.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, it has stopped raining! Hopefully last nights road closures will have drained away but it rained long into the night. I fell over this morning on my way to turn the alarm off I landed heavily on my right knee I don't think any cats were involved or injured.

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Morning all.

Matthew is going to British Columbia today on a Greyhound bus, He is spending Christmas with friends at a ski resort.


Riding the big dog! Where's he going, Tony? There's lots of snow fallen already this year. Our son and daughter-in-law were at Sun Peaks (near Kamloops) last weekend and said the skiing was great.

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