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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, It may be Monday but unfortunately I have three days off, what a shame. There's a list but also the staff will be out and about a fair bit so I might even get some useful stuff done as well. :)




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Morning all,


Recovering from a great weekend in Utrecht to visit Eurospoor; met some Norwegian guys of similar interest at the hotel and we were passing drinks and snacks around the table in the hotel lounge on their new Piko starter set (Gauge 1) when the clocks went back!


Stopped off at RailZ in Rotterdam on the way back; well worth a visit - allow about 2 hours minimum and ask if there's a back-scenes tour as well!)


Got back late last evening but had to make a delivery (130 miles round trip) this morning. Can start to wind down now, though, and catch up on the missed posts!(Appreciate your comments about delivery drivers, GordonS!)

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I meant it John. I had an LDV van with a gearstick coming out of the dashboard. I've driven some cars in my time, but this had to be the hardest gearbox in terms of physical effort, I have ever experienced. Got muscles aching in my left shoulder that I never knew I had this morning...

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I sympathise, Gordon. When I first drove my old VW transporter back in July this year, the awkward position of the long, floor-mounted gear lever left my shoulder and upper arm aching for days!


One of the last trips I did with that van was home - Portsmouth - Evesham - Grimsby - home, 600 miles in 12 hours, getting back at about 4 in the morning (all of our destinations are 24/7 operations, fortunately!) The turbo cut out more times than I can remember, each time needing the ignition to be switched off and back on again to reset it. tedious, to say the least!


My boss has just bought a new VW Transporter and I gave it its first 'proper' run this morning. Big improvement with a fully working turbo! It also has the dashboard gear lever but this one seems to feel like a switch; I'm pleased to say it doesn't take too much effort to change gear. Either the LDV change is very bad or my arm's gotten stronger in the last couple of months:icon_winker:

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Mike, sounds like you have a fun job not like us desk jockeys.. :D


Most of the time I'm a desk jockey. There are rare occasions I get to go and do interesting things, like gralloching and shooting things. Won't be shooting any live targets, only paper ones.


Tomorrow, though, I'll possibly be visible in the audience here: www.holyrood.tv/committee.asp - Committee Room 1, where the Finance Committee will be scrutinising the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Bill... :huh:


Mike may be interested in Jamie Oliver's (recent Channel 4 television series) recipe for Prairie Oysters.


Or not. :icon_eek: :P Might see if I can bring back some venison with me though... :D

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Morning all,


Can't see anything twinkling in the sky through the darkness, so there must be some oktas about!


Just about to see if the van behaves as well on its second trip as it did yesterday on its first; same 'local' run this morning so no chance yet to try it out on a long run!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all Gloomy morning. H&S conference today - me! They've picked the wrong bloke here, I have as much interest in this subject as I have in Pre Raphaelite viola strings, and that ain't a lot.


I wonder what the keynote speech will be? (see what I did there?)

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Good morning all.


its quiet dull up here this morning.


at least the heating got fixed (only a temporary fix until a new heat sensor can be ordered) so we've woken up to a warm house.


hope everyone has a great day






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Morning. Off to Bexhill later for some training, which may or may not (haven't decided if I can face looking at things, only to see ridiculous prices and then buy online) involve a wander round PC World as well.


Overcast here, but not too bad.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Second day off and was planning to go out and about but there appear to be substantially more oktas in evidence than were predicted by the weather man. A change of plan may be in order.




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