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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Late on parade, but at least I'm on parade.


Neil - good luck for your return to work - when I had hip surgery (admittedly a little more serious than yours) I was non weight bearing for six weeks, then that was extended to ten due to a complication with the screws holding the plates in place, and it was six months before the surgeon and my GP gave me the OK to go back - then my return to work was phased over four weeks - three hours a day initially, working up to full time.  When the plates were removed, I was off for a further three months - I was only non weight bearing for a week or so, then a two week RTW - very similar to your own programme - my advice from one hip patient to another is that if you start to get pain or discomfort, then rest up right away.


I found that RMWeb kept me sane during the days that I was bed-bound.


Anyway, I'm off for a bath now, as I'm all caught up on here, so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all


Earlier this morning I decided to nip across to Carlisle as there were a couple of tours in. Was rewarded by Union of South Africa (one for Gordon) and Britannia. Only took a couple of quick snaps as, unless I'm specifically out photographing, I don't enjoy watching trains through a viewfinder. You just lose so much of the 'atmosphere' that way.


A very pleasant day out.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


An early start today and down to the Trimley area for a days photography whilst my boss took my car off to Ipswich for some shopping - she is still car less in Banham so has to use mine when she can.


A good day, plenty of photographs - a day in the fresh air for me and she got some pressies for her daughters birthday so she was happy - it's quite unnerving being dumped in the country with all my camera gear and watching the car head off into the sun - knowing the nearest public transport is several miles away. Still I was armed with some tuna and sweetcorn sarnies, grapes and water - and the trains were running smoothly so I was at peace with the world. Now relaxing after a pleasant curry (Morrisons).


Hope everyone else had a good day - and Gordon, my lawn after Mikes please.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Late on parade, but at least I'm on parade.


Neil - good luck for your return to work - when I had hip surgery (admittedly a little more serious than yours) I was non weight bearing for six weeks, then that was extended to ten due to a complication with the screws holding the plates in place, and it was six months before the surgeon and my GP gave me the OK to go back - then my return to work was phased over four weeks - three hours a day initially, working up to full time.  When the plates were removed, I was off for a further three months - I was only non weight bearing for a week or so, then a two week RTW - very similar to your own programme - my advice from one hip patient to another is that if you start to get pain or discomfort, then rest up right away.


I found that RMWeb kept me sane during the days that I was bed-bound.


Anyway, I'm off for a bath now, as I'm all caught up on here, so

Regards to All




Thanks Stewart


I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks, and partial for 4 months, still a month to go.  I have asked a physio I know personally to look through my case for a second opinion on a private basis, as I had some concerns, and I quote...


I really feel for you about the hip, honestly that is one of the most brutal pathologies I've heard of about impingement


...which kind of summed it up for me, I now know my recovery is slow for a good reason, so I was reassured her opinion matched that of the NHS version!  Work are being very good and understanding, my hardest issue is going to be driving myself home, it's the left hip and my flawed focus is manual.  22 miles each way, Debs will drive in and get a lift back, leaving me the journey home when I have had enough, hope I don't get into any traffic!

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  • RMweb Premium

No grass cutting for us today, either.  Took off to Preston 2013 and had an excellent day - don't think the wallet thought so, though. :jester: .


Listening to you 'hip' guys, I feel kinda lucky.  At least my elbow and screw are not weight bearing [wasn't ever much good at handstands, anyway] though I do have gentle 'push-ups' on the table top to do and am gradually finding I can lift heavier things now and can support the weight of the modelling mags while I'm reading them.  I'm even using more than one finger keying this in, now.  And I, too, have found RMweb members and ERs have been a terrific help through it all.  Thanks awfully, ERers.


Back to Preston.  Excellent show if you've not been but thinking about it or going.

Canteen Tip:  If you want to drink tea with fresh milk, buy a pint from the cold counter (drinks and sarnis) otherwise it's UHT in those tiddly plastic cartons .



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Early, really early on a Sunday morning!

It's going to be 30C today but with a 37kph wind, so it won't be too bad.

Roast pork for lunch.

Sunday roast go by roster,- chicken, pork, beef, lamb. All are good but for some reason the pork has proved the best, although last week's beef was as good.


I hope some you you manage a model railway show or some modelling.

Hae an enjoyable day whatever you do.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Don, not many around so far this morning.


Morning all.


My partner forgot to turn her alarm off, so at 06:45 this morning .... BUZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZ. To compensate I was allowed to make the tea ... she's very generous at times.


Dull again today but mild, we have the bedroom window open and I can hear the birds singing happily outside.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Late to bed last night, so still drowsy. Weather forecast mentions a mix of sun and clouds, though as long as it stays dry and mostly light, I don't mind.


Cheers everyone!

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Morning all. Looks like it may rain today but sunshine is forecast.


Hoping to get some photos later of the steam gala down in Alton for your delectation. Hope PhilH gives us all a wave. :)


Some modelling may be on the cards if I can get my chores done, which include the usual taxi service for the children, shopping and a bit of cooking. Hmm, revising the chances of modelling today downwards. The lack of planning on this model is really paying off now! To paraphrase Genesis - I like what I know and I know what I like and this ain't what I intended.  :/


Have a nice day everyone and sounds like round Don's for roast lunch. Andy

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Morning all,   late (for me) on parade this morning.  Seems like Gordon's cutting himself a new career in lawn maintenance.........?  Enjoy your roast Don, just a tad far to come for a visit though!  Cauliflower cheese for me today.


What ever you're up to today, try and enjoy some of it.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


looked out a couple of hours back at a very hard frost so after a cuppa got back under the duvet which was much warmer than the great outside looked to be.  Possibly a real breakfast today so fingers are crossed - we really ought to be testing the latest supply of black pudding from Alton in my opinion.  Not sure what's planned for today as I've not yet heard Daily Orders.


Have a good day folks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Grey etc - and that bloomin' wind is back, eating into you if you're outdoors. We did see some sun yesterday, and the afternoon was therefore a bit brighter, but today we're back to same old, same old.


Good to hear Sherry's day started as she would wish. Hope her friend doesn't mind being called old!


One of the good things last week was finding - after several years of searching! - my 3 Volumes of LB&SCR Locomotives, by D L Bradley. Can't be our Don, I suspect!


My lawn would probably benefit from a cut - one chap nearby has certainly done his this week - but I'll wait for a nicer day, I think.


Enjoy your day of rest!

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornings, and a lovely one it is, springy indeed, birds giving it full tweet, sunny and a soaring.....7c.  It was OK until that part.  Looks lovely though, I'm orf for a 'walk' to the village shop soon.



Polly, I totally agree about the support here, it does make a difference, as the cliche goes.  I don't have any screws (except the loose one!) or plates, but do have anchors in my pelvis, described as 'rawlplugs' by the Consultant!  I'm really feeling better every day now, but it has taken 12 weeks for this to happen.  I can't say I wasn't warned, but you always think you can recover quicker than they advise. Well I do anyway, much to my GP's amusement.  He tells me it will take a year until I can make a genuine assessment of how much it has all been worth the pain and inconvenience.  Impatient, moi? :angel:

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  • RMweb Premium

My problems pale into insignificance in comparison Ian, but I'm glad you have found the support valuable in your darker hours.  I wasn't around here then, but it is easy to see the supportive thoughts emanating from folk on here to anyone in need.


My only complaint is the seemingly incurable Southern Third Rail Disease I have become a carrier of. :scratchhead:

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Morning all. Haven't properly ER'd for a few months.


All fairly quiet in the boring boring borough. Bexley has phone and pay parking. Which works well until the illiterate Neanderthals that patrol the streets key in the wrong registration. Ticket + much ranting + downloaded receipt from phone&pay = one quashed ticket. Small victories are good victories.


My old faithful desktop finally gave up the ghost last week. To be fair it's been fading for a while. Hardware problems on the motherboard and the main disk's drive controller meant it just wouldn't boot up again. Managed to get it started finally but the disk was a non-recoverable mess. Shinyg new laptop and a few hours running the restore and I've lost the sum total of 1 file. Most likely corrupted on the old box. Not bad out of 165Gb 100k+ files. Thank you Virgin Media Backup &Restore. I learned long ago: backups backups backups. Now it's a case of getting used to Windows 8.


Sad news from the colonies. Little brother's mil passed away yesterday. Not unexpected but still a shock when it finally happens. She'd had last rites at least 6 times over the past year but was too stubborn to go.


Finishing this off an hour later. Breakfastus inerruptus. Today I will mostly be laying track. Or more accurately relaying track. I'm loosing about 18" of train length on the storage sidings but it means a minimum radius curve of 34" instead of around 26".

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Interesting e-mail this morning - on several counts.

A friend is an Antiques Dealer and buys all sorts of unusual stuff:


Old films in this instance:



"One I found is `driving 5080 Defiant Michael,Derek Roger & Dad` `not my Dadlaugh.gif`
another is a commercially produced The Romney,Hythe and Dymchurch Railway... There will be more!
One large spool of film 7" is re the Beachboys at CBS studios in 1976 with sound and the packaging tells about "with strings` " without strings"





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