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Don't want to worry anyone but the local news here is saying that the UK has severe Natural Gas supply problems due to a lack of reserve storage systems anywhere....

Can this be true?

Best, Pete.


The whole of the UK is on a 'Just in Time' stock and delivery system of almost everything.

I'd be surprised if we could function more than two weeks if severe problems developed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't want to worry anyone but the local news here is saying that the UK has severe Natural Gas supply problems due to a lack of reserve storage systems anywhere....

Can this be true?

Best, Pete.



If the following item in the MailOnline is true then yes ( & it doesn't surprise me)




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Not exactly a summers day, but no problems here at all.  Not even raining...


Got one of Mrs S' friends staying with us from Dundee.  From what we've seen a journey back to Scotland may not make sense today, so she'll be with us until Sunday/Monday.  Can't beat getting nagged in stereo...

Don't Panic! Hunker down etc.,etc.


Best, Pete.

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If the following item in the MailOnline is true then yes ( & it doesn't surprise me)




It's ok, don't panic anyone. Just trust the EU legislators to make some new rules to solve our problems - like closing yet more traditional power stations and planning more wing turbines. As Del Boy would say, "you know it makes sense".

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I think the choice is going to be either freezing or fracking.

Trouble with living in an overcrowded island methinks! Too much demand for everything and not enough resources to support the peeps.


And no, I don't buy The Mail or The Express!

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Weather update - wind has eased (well, slightly), local Huhnemills turning again, snow-squall seems to be moving in an SSE direction. Daniel, I can see the red tail lights leaving me, they are strapped to the back of four horsemen who were yelling something like "Can we interest you in a special offer on Apocalypses?" as they hurtled towards Londinium.


Look out Ally Pally!

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A couple of trees down locally.

Lucky they don't have leaves on yet or there would be more.


A blackbird has, this morning, learned to reach and eat the fatballs.


Just waiting for the power to go off as usual.


I think I just heard that 30k people in Ireland are without power.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all just rather grey here at the moment.


DD our resident (well they turn up daily) wagtails like mealworms (as do the blackbirds and starlings). When in the Forest of Dean we used to give them grated cheese we left some inside the porch. Our reward was when they brought the family six little fluffy wagtails balls sat on the low fence being fed grated cheese.


It is hardly surprising that the gas reserves are low no one was forcasting weather like this in March.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Hopefully we can have a quieter day here today - elsewhere the feathers continue to be ruffled, I won't bore anyone with the details and risk the wrath of our ER moderator.


Cold and grim down here today, dry at the moment but the snow is forecast for 8 inches tomorrow - my partner made some comment when she heard that on the radio this morning, but I pretended to be asleep.


I've got some spare bird food balls in work, I must take them home this weekend to let the little feathered chaps have something to nibble on when the white stuff lands tomorrow.


Have a good day all.

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Morning All,


I am a little late on parade this morning. I was up at the usual time, but didn't get on until now. I have a day off from work because the little guy is on Easter Holidays and doesn't start at his holiday club until next week.


I take it from Beast's comment that there is an "issue" somewhere else on the forum. I always think of RMWeb as being totally harmonious, but then I never get outside of ERs all that much!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the choice is going to be either freezing or fracking.

ISTR a good frack can really help you to feel warm and cosy!


Morning all - weather here rather kinder than yours in UK, it would seem. Mild-ish, with 14 degrees likely later.


I hope Ally Pally doesn't suffer due to weather, either locally or people not venturing out.


Just tidying a bit as Sheena is due for coffee in half an hour.


Stay warm and safe!

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  • RMweb Gold

My selfish concern of the day centres on cleanliness rather than gas supplies. Our washing machine (14 years old) is making rumbly noises. There seems to be a lot of play detectable between the inner and outer drum so I am certain the bearings are worn. There are "how to do it" videos on the internet, though I'm not sure bashing the ball race in place with a screwdriver and cold chisel was how I used to re-bearing things on my motorbikes. About 30 years ago I replaced the bearings on our Hoover washing machine and that was quite a simple job.

If this one is just the bearings it is an economical repair. If the drum shaft (the spider assembly apparently) is damaged then it may not be.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, Cold, windy and attempting to snow here. Article on gas reserves in the telegraph today which Ive just seen on the ipad, it seems to me that our newspapers like to focus on the doom and gloom story rather than positive news.


Don't think I will venture out today, will probably light the wood burner this morning thus saving some gas!


It will get warm, thats what I keep telling myself! Some neighbors of ours  are due back today after 6 weeks in Thailand, hmm think they might have a shock!


Keep safe everyone more so if your driving.

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Morning all, cold and windy in Edinburgh but no sign of snow yet.


Yes - unfortunately we're out of mealworms (...and they are very expensive to keep in permanent supply).

Grated cheese we can do.

DD - Poundstretcher were doing a large bag of dried mealworms for £5, or smaller bags at £1 each (which worked out better value) when I was in over Christmas.  Obviously there may not be one near you, and they may have stopped doing that offer...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, just back from usual theraping on a Friday. Wobbly legs are us.


Horrendous weather here, snowing, many roads closed, schools closed, trees down, buses off, ferries cancelled, the whole shebang.  Electricitiy is getting big lumps in it, that usually means a lot of wet snow falling on lines causing flashovers on insulators.  I may disappear soon.   We have a gas turbine power station here (Morcambe Bay gas) and three diesel ones, plus a wander lead with a 13 amp plug that goes to the UK.....actually we often supply power back into the UK when conditions are such that our plant is more efficient.


Temps barely above freezing, it isn't very nice at all TBH.  Wood burner is now lit, I'm settling into some DVD's.  Until the power goes off anyway, at least we have a little generator for emergencies!

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Morning, just back from usual theraping on a Friday. Wobbly legs are us.


Horrendous weather here, snowing, many roads closed, schools closed, trees down, buses off, ferries cancelled, the whole shebang.  Electricitiy is getting big lumps in it, that usually means a lot of wet snow falling on lines causing flashovers on insulators.  I may disappear soon.   We have a gas turbine power station here (Morcambe Bay gas) and three diesel ones, plus a wander lead with a 13 amp plug that goes to the UK.....actually we often supply power back into the UK when conditions are such that our plant is more efficient.


Temps barely above freezing, it isn't very nice at all TBH.  Wood burner is now lit, I'm settling into some DVD's.  Until the power goes off anyway, at least we have a little generator for emergencies!

In former days, you and I would have popped into the Engine Room to get warm on all that free heat. Your 13A plug is, I hope, on a fully extended and not still coiled extension lead!

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I wonder sometimes if I live in the same country.  The sun has just burst through and even though it is probably colder outside than it appears from my desk, we have nothing like the Arctic conditions you guys are currently going through..

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Generator is a fine idea.

I have a feeling that connecting it to power the house is something else.

I suppose I could fix one up to operate minimal light and heat.

Being totally electric reliant is a pain.


Thanks, Mike.

I think it's about a 50 mile round trip to a Poundstretcher but I'll keep my eyes open on my travels.

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Thing is you have to prepare for the Worse and Hope for the best.


We had power outages before in bad weather for a couple of days after two hurricanes but if there are in depth, widespread outages due to trees been down then it all takes much longer to fix.


Despite being within 20 miles of Manhattan we were without power for 9 days after "Sandy".


It was milder but still went down to 23f on a couple of days. Luckily our hot water system worked throughout due to inline tank and thermocouples......


All the best to you lot, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yeah, we don't use a change over to connect to the house supply, too dangerous, it goes in the now empty wood store (with an earth connection) and a lead into the house for essential equipment - fridge, freezer, kettle....modem.....

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