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Heljan 'OO' DP2

Mike at C&M

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Whilst I accept the majority of Heljan's products are very nice (I have several myself) I do find it interesting that they are still using plastic moulding for things such as grills, fans etc. It does seem to be picked up on every review I've seen, along with comments I've seen in various posts on this site about them not correcting errors when they have the chance. Whether this is due to their relative newness to the UK scene and wanting to get their money's worth from the mouldings I am unsure, but they do seem to take two steps forward (Class 15) then one back (class 86). I do hope this along with the Lion and railbuses are steps forwards...

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Dapol are no longer producing dp2


Not quite that straightforward!


Dapol are holding fire on DP2 until they see the quality etc of the Heljan model.

Then, if Dapol feel that they can do a better job, they will resume work on their version.

So, as with the Western in 00, Dapol are prepared to take up the challenge from the competition if they think it's called for.


Off topic here, but it's a similar situation in N - the Dapol Western will directly challenge Grafar's old Western. The Dapol Hall is not quite such a direct challenge, as the old Grafar offering is, iirc, a Modified Hall.


However, Dapol seem to be saying that if Brand X's old model gets too long in the tooth and Brand X are content to keep churning it out, they may suddenly see a rival appear!


Dapol seem to be acting competitively but sensibly, in my opinion! We should feel the benefit if all goes well!



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Guest Belgian

I still remain firmly of the opinion "wait and see before choosing", but gut feeling is that based on Dapol reputation over many years, the Heljan will be superior. Note - I didn't say perfect! Heljan have made fairly consistently a higher quality product, particularly in the chassis area (class 17 initial release excepted),though each model has its foibles. And some of the "finesse" may not be the latest, such as etched grilles. Dapol have however to overcome a legacy of old, probably one that exists because of the early days policy of buying defunct ranges and re-issuing them (H-D/Wrenn etc); these were obviously to older standards at the time of re-issue. I was hopeful that the "new Dapol" was turning the corner; look at the CAD images for the new releases coming up for instance. However, one of the 1st of this new generation is the Stove R, with all its inherent faults. Sign of things to come or not? Like I said, an open mind until release dates.

Here here !!


I too was prepared to put my justifiable prejudices aside and I have ordered the two Dapol diesel hydraulics; (though I'd have been happier if they were to be Bachmann products).


When it came to 10000 / 10001, I was relieved when Bachmann entered the fray and I changed my order to their product, even if it does arrive second.


A green 10203 has such appeal to me that it has been ordered; not without some trepidation though.


I suspect that we 'baby boomers' are the principle target for these early sixties items, not least because we are at the stage of maximum disposable income. I and many of my contemporaries are in the happy position of being able to order all of these goodies, despite prices that constantly 'push the bar'. However, we will only continue to do so if we feel that we are getting value for money.


I am confident to order the Heljan DP2 as I have been satisfied with all of their foregoing diesel prototypes. They have also demonstrated a willingness to put things right when things go wrong. However, I'm afraid that the confidence with which I ordered the items from Dapol is rapidly seeping away; especially after the STOVE R debacle.


The price for this item is definitely 'pushing the bar', but the number of basic errors in the model defies belief. None of the 'design compromise' excuses put forward for this ring true, as has been demonstrated by purchasers who have taken the trouble to modify the product. We are now told that an article will be published to tell purchasers how, in their own time and at their expense, to rectify a faulty product !! (Of course, you have to buy the magazine in order to be told how to do this).


If Dapol wish to be taken seriously, they must now take a proactive stance in respect to the errors in this model and issue a recall for the STOVE R. Nothing else will restore faith in their ability to offer products in the same league as their competitors.


In the meantime, all of my pre-orders for Dapol-produced models are subject to them being able to match the standards of their competitors. If not - back they go for a refund!



John Isherwood.


I don't know what follows "here, here" but whatever it is, consider it done. Both the above postings hit the nail on the head, to which I would also add the pictures of the pre-production Dapol Beattie Well Tank with its badly proportioned chimney which, despite many comments about its proportions, was defended in such a way as to indicate that it will not be changed. No-one has mentioned the massive draw hook yet, which also seems destined for production.


The only safe way is to wait until the final production version is released and then make a decision. (And I thought all these pre-production or CAD pictures were to encourage us to make comments to avoid errors in the final release - silly me, they are just adverts, expecting us to drool, exclaim "how wonderful it is" and go ahead and order in advance).



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Does anyone know howfar on Helajn are with theirs? Dapol said theyhad done 80% of the CAD work but for all we know Heljan may not be thatfaron with theirs. Hopefully it will be a good model, just what I need to complete the set of 5.

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Does anyone know howfar on Helajn are with theirs?


Waiting on the e-mails this morning is an announcement from Kim at Heljan to say that they are well advanced with development for a model of DP2 in 'OO' scale, and they expect delivery later on this year.


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  • 2 weeks later...



Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing DP2. I think there are positives (and negatives) about either manufacturer (Heljan/Dapol). In some ways, Heljan may be my choice, as it keeps with their choice of various prototype locomotives - Falcon, Kestrel and Lion. OK, they aren't producing 10000/10001 but I hope they do a good job with DP2. At least Dapol will not waste possible money on doing a repeat and I have to welcome their decision for that. They can also spend more time on the other models they have promised (in both 'OO' and 'N').


Aside, I believe the deltic to which 47107 refers was a cancelled commission - precise details aside ;) However, I think the NRM did a similar version that was sold with their DP1 (DELTIC) model, as a boxed set pair. As for normal production runs, I think you may be correct.




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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys,

I'm coming on this thread for the first time, I see it has been cold now for a couple of months. Can anyone give me an idea as to the anticipated release date of the Heljan DP2, and is it on general release, i.e. not sold via say Hattons only for instance.?

Also, do I assume that the later BR green livery means, two tone green as per the early Deltics.?


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Guest 47107

Hi Guys,

I'm coming on this thread for the first time, I see it has been cold now for a couple of months. Can anyone give me an idea as to the anticipated release date of the Heljan DP2, and is it on general release, i.e. not sold via say Hattons only for instance.?

Also, do I assume that the later BR green livery means, two tone green as per the early Deltics.?



Current estimate seems to be due towards the end of this year (Nov/Dec). It is a limited edition as per Lion, Kestrel and Falcon, so will be available through normal Heljan stockists. Liveries will be original green with yellow panel and two tone green with yellow panel (similar to the deltics).

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Current estimate seems to be due towards the end of this year (Nov/Dec). It is a limited edition as per Lion, Kestrel and Falcon, so will be available through normal Heljan stockists. Liveries will be original green with yellow panel and two tone green with yellow panel (similar to the deltics).


Thanks 47107....thats got me nicely back up to speed with DP2.


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  • 1 month later...

If the drawing is owt to go by, it's going to be a nice model. Nice to see the often missing boiler exhaust port too, (it was only a few months ago I realised it was there.....)


Unfortunately, the rrp of £120.05 is a bit much for me. I think there will also be a bit of detailing to do too if previous Heljan products are anything to go by. With this in mind, I already have a Silver Fox body on order for forty quid and will hopefully make an even better job than my first attempt. Coupled with my ebay bargain chassis at thirty quid, I reckon I'm onto a winner, especially if I can sell my first Silver Fox attempt. Quids in eh?





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  • 1 month later...
Nice to see the often missing boiler exhaust port too...



Glad someone likes it, as it's rather spoiled my day, what with mine having the first one I remember seeing... bah!


At least the one on the CAD image 47107 posted does look pretty similar to mine. But that could just mean they worked from the same couple of bad photos I did rather than it being right!




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Glad someone likes it, as it's rather spoiled my day, what with mine having the first one I remember seeing... bah!


At least the one on the CAD image 47107 posted does look pretty similar to mine. But that could just mean they worked from the same couple of bad photos I did rather than it being right!






Don't be too grumpy about it Ade. You inspired me to have another go at mine due to me missing the port out. You can see progress so far over on my diesel detailling thread.


If they're working from the same photo's then we'll all be approximate together. I suspect there's a GA drawing lurking around somewhere. I keep asking but no one comes up with the definative answer.





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....I suspect there's a GA drawing lurking around somewhere. I keep asking but no one comes up with the definative answer.



Probably lurking in a box at the NRM Search Engine - it's just that they haven't realised it yet :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

The funky orange colour and oval buffers tilted obliquely either direction each side - is this the DhipPy2 in special trim for sixties music festival specials? A big purple flower or two on the sides instead of the arrows of indecision will finish the job...


Joking aside, looks very promising. And I don't need one, really I don't, modelling window closes in early 1962, resist, resist...

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