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Kinsley Colliery - Project Update

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Hello Arpley,


.... nice to see a 70 as well. Do you plan on getting some HHAs for it?

Thanks for your comment. As it happens I have a rake of 18 HHA's - I'll post some pics up if the weather stays good this weekend. :rolleyes: There is also a rake of 36 HAA's, I'm working on some HEA's and I'd like to investigate a rake of CAWOODS containers in time. I need to research these futher though.


Cracking work there Chris,reminds me of when i worked down the pit as a lad.


Thanks Wal - which pit?


Hope to post some more progress soon,


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I've got a couple of pics from last time I'll try and dig out...Otherwise, I'll keep you in mind if i'm lucky enough to get there on saturday!


Keep up the great work!





Lee :)

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Thanks Wal,


I know Daw Mill. I have also been very lucky to have been underground in Trentham and Silverdale Collieries in the Staffs coal field before they shut.


i worked down a pit called the Dexter , it was in Hurley Warwickshire.


Didn't Dexter shut sometime in the late sixties? Bet you've some tales from there! Thanks for sharing.



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Hi Chris,my career working at the pit only lasted for a couple of years, my dad however worked down the pit all his life. He was one of the first miners to go down Daw Mill,heading and opening the first coal faces.


Regards Wal.

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Hello RM Webbers,


Activity at Kinsley today has centred on making a start with the handrail etches. There's quite a bit still to do, but I've attached a couple of photos of work so far. Arthur Scargill made only the first half dozen or so steps before he ran out of breath...... More photos and progress soon.






With the layout set up I recreated the short period where the class 90's were regulars on the ECML. 90018 propels a Leeds - King's Cross IC 225 set past Kinsley as a class 101 set heads north. A class 37/7 is in the colliery sidings.




I also decided to give the class 70 some work. There are two shots of it on a loaded service leaving the mine branch.






Thanks for looking in.



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Hello All,


I'm pleased to report that Arthur has made it to the top of the downcast headframe. He's just to the left of the sheave admiring the view north towards Fitzwilliam village.




The steps and handrails all came from the etch, however the back-scratcher from the inspection platform down to the top step is sctratch made from brass..




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Hello all,


Many thanks again for the comments, they do count towards my modelling morale. This might be the last update for a bit, what with the Easter break approaching. Mrs. GC has organised a trip for us on the sleeper from Amsterdam to Copenhagen. I'm a little bit worried as apparently they do not attach the bar car until we reach Hamburg....


Found this great video on YouTube last night which I thought you might appreciate as the start is filmed at Easington Colliery and it includes a couple of nice views of the headstocks.

Oh and some Grid action too!

Nice find Alex, do you by any chance have the link as I cannot find it myself?




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Alex and Phil,


Thanks for sorting out the link - Top footage. It is nice to see the colliery wheels turning as the loco runs round it's train.


Speaking of locos I've been getting on with a project I've had in mind for some time. Here is a work in progress of my class 31, 31132 in Railfreight grey (no stripe) with snowploughs. It should look nice on a short rake of HEAs.






It is based on the Hornby class 31, and as you can see, I've dual braked it and put the m/u sockets in the correct places as well as fitting the ploughs. The ploughs themselves are Bachy ones. There is just the window black to add paint wise, and then its transfers and a good dose of grot. The 31's were always filthy.




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Hi Chris, I look forward to seeing 132 finished, always did like them in original Railfreight livery. She will indeed look very nice on a rake of HEAs.


Hopefully next year Hornby will do one in that livery!


At some point I would like a model of 31199 as it appeared to follow us whenever we were out!



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Hello RM Webbers,


I have a bit more progress with '132 to show, She is painted and lettered now, with just the cantrail stripe to finish round the cab tops, and then she's off for a good weathering. This particular class 31 had a three piece snowplough at one end and the centre part missing at the other as well as having the RAILFREIGHT logo on one cabside only - all faithfully recreated. When I weather it I'll mask off the spot where the missing logo once was to keep the paint fresher, just as on the real machine.






As you can see, Im enjoying this one!


Hi Alex, I'm sure Hornby will turn one out in RFG almost as soon as the last bit of paint is dry on mine - but at least I can be fairly sure they'd never do a bucket like '132 - She'll be unique I reckon. If you do a model of 31199 I sure it will look most excellent at Boxenby.




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  • 1 month later...

Hello RM Webbers,


I've not posted on this thread for a while due to lack of progress. However I can now show the start of the powerhouse building which is 715 mm long and at the real mine housed the winding engines, compressors and ventilation fans. The photography is not so bright as we have been enjoying out first real rain since the beginning of April, and I've had to work indoors this weekend. This building is a challenge not least because it spans the baseboard join and is designed to split along the roof ridge line. The photo below shows the first 'lash up' of the completed sides.




In the shot below, you can just make out the top of the now almost complete upcast shaft headframe awaiting railings and painting. The class 31 has been employed on Speedlink duties and for now is one of my favourite locos.




As this building progresses I will post photos of the other side which will show the compressor rooms and the winding ropes running through the walls to their respective winding engines.


Thanks for looking in,



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Very nice modelling Chris, all the buildings in the background certainly give it depth and a nice scenic feel. I can just imagine sitting nearby waiting for an Original Railfreight Grid to depart with loaded HAAs as a Large Loco example waits to enter with empties……..


Is it me or does something not look quite right with your 31?


Might be an oil leak, or some sort of coolant problem. You know what, I think it needs to go to Boxenby for some attention. I will get on to control to get it allocated to a working which will take it straight there! :lol: :D

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Thanks for the comments Gents.


Come to think of it Alex, the 31 was sounding a bit 'rough' the last time it was fired up... :unsure: May be a trip to Boxenby is in order after all :) Might fill the shed with smoke though - the thick grey kind...




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  • 2 months later...

Hello RM Webbers,


It has been a period with very little modelling time, but I've managed to complete both headframes, paint and weather them. Still lots to do yet. However I thought I'd share a couple of photos - nothing fancy I know, and not as good as many on here, but progress none the less.








As you can see the power hall is also coming along, with just the fan house to complete.


Thanks for looking,



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