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After the outing to Brockenhurst on Saturday, I thought I better crack on and get the track stuck down before I change my mind again.


So up with the old cork



down with the new,



and holes drilled for the point motors - a bit of planning has meant there isn't anything in the way this time



Cork has now been painted, track stuck down (and weighted with paint tins)



The ballast done last week has now dried - some parts are a bit thick, so I'm going to be a bit more frugal with it this time. All I have to do is a bit of a clean up, then re-fit the point motors.

I bought 600m of wire at the weekend - hopefully enough for the points back to the control panel (yet to be built) - still deciding exactly where it's going to go.


Oh and then I need to build a load of platforms for the four road station - hang on I wanted to have a freight layout, so why have I built a massive station? Back to the drawing board. ;)





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Hi Phil,


I have just purchased the Metcalfe station and platforms from Hattons, I have been meaning to change the station to something a bit more significant. My problem is I concentrate to much on the freight side of railways! Keep up the good work mate, I will be watching! I don't think I could afford to change my layout as often as you ;) .


All the best,





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I have just purchased the Metcalfe station and platforms from Hattons, I have been meaning to change the station to something a bit more significant. My problem is I concentrate to much on the freight side of railways! Keep up the good work mate, I will be watching! I don't think I could afford to change my layout as often as you ;) .

Hi Chris,


Thanks, and I look forward to your station taking shape at Hanwoo Central.

I think I've already used one pack of the platforms, so will have to buy another. As I'm going to be using both the station buildings, I'm going to have to rig the second one for lighting.


I think my problem is that I have so much to do, I get easily distracted and then when I come back to the original job I've changed my mind - so the plan is to get this part completely finished before moving on to the rest - honest.





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I think my problem is that I have so much to do, I get easily distracted and then when I come back to the original job I've changed my mind - so the plan is to get this part completely finished before moving on to the rest - honest.




Cheers Phil,


I'll believe it when I see it! As long as you are having fun mate, that's what it is all about. I haven't made a card kit before, so when it arrives, the fun should really begin!


Kind regards



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I think your station will look great with 4 platforms & will add operational interest :)

Looking forward to seeing it when you've constructed the platforms,


I was only joking about changing my mind about the station - I've got more than enough room for a bit of everything. I've got a few bits of passenger stock, and have already started picking up more - I especially like the RES carriages and the Bachmann 47 to go with them.


Building the platforms will not be a bad thing, as I can do them whilst being with the rest of the family, rather than 'disappearing downstairs'. I also find it quite therapeutic, or perhaps that's just he fumes off the glue.


All I have to do now is find the kit!





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Did your ballast turn out the way I expected? Hard as hell and you can still see individual stones? It looks good in the photos (what can be seen under/behind tools and paint tins)!!!

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Did your ballast turn out the way I expected? Hard as hell and you can still see individual stones? It looks good in the photos (what can be seen under/behind tools and paint tins)!!!


Thanks Ian, yes it did. I'll take some close-up pictures tonight.

I think I put a bit too much ballast on though, as even though I'd laid the track cork to raise it, you couldn't really tell, so for the next bit (in the station), I'm only doing a thin layer. As often with things, less is more.


No sign of The Stig though.





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tip, instead of paint tins, use drawing pins to hold the track down while glueing :)


then easily taken back out.


Thanks for the tip - I'll try that next time - the plastic tins were fine, but thought I better turn the power off before I put the metal ones on!





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Of course I like nothing more than being challenged, so tonight I ballasted the lot.


Here it is laid and sprayed with shower cleaner, waiting for the PVA to be applied



and here it is afterwards - I think I might have put on a bit too much - no wonder it takes so long to dry ;-)




I also popped into Alton Model Centre to get another Metcalfe platform kit along with some more bits and bobs, so once it's dry I can get measuring and get the platforms built.



The RES coaches are ready and waiting, all I need is the 47 to pull them





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Did your ballast turn out the way I expected? Hard as hell and you can still see individual stones? It looks good in the photos (what can be seen under/behind tools and paint tins)!!!


Here we go Ian.




I need to clear the odd stray stone off and then dirty it all up.





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Yep - looks good!


No wonder our families think we're mad - we build beautiful models with infinite care and attention to detail and then we throw muck and grime at them!!!!! Looking forward to dirty track.

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At last I hear you say, real pictures rather than paint pots and chisels.


This is the station being tested for operation and measurement of the platforms to ensure clearance.


And for someone who said he wasn't planning a station I seem to have quite a lot of passenger coaches.















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Yep - looks good!


No wonder our families think we're mad - we build beautiful models with infinite care and attention to detail and then we throw muck and grime at them!!!!! Looking forward to dirty track.


Hi Ian


Having had great results following your advice on the ballasting, I was wondering what you'd advise for the track dirtying?

I don't have an airbrush, so it'll need to be some other method of application.


Cheers in advance,



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So far I have only painted the rail sides - with Windsor and Newton Burnt Umber (yes, water colour acrylics!!!). Surprisingly the paint does stick to the metal if you give it time to dry thoroughly before scraping the rail tops. Most of it stayed behind and I have touched it up. As for dirty ballast between the rails, I am waiting to build more of my layout before I tackle that so that I can use a large amount of really thinned paint to stain the ballast between the tracks in what will hopefully be a realistic interpretation of dribbled diesel pee and oils and grease etc. As my ballast is real rock I am thinking towards an oil based paint in the ratio of 1:100 (99% thinners) so that I am just lightly staining the rock each time I pass over it. I would expect to slowly build up the final look and also several goes allows me to vary the intensity in spots on the track such as turnouts etc for a more realistic finish. I will have to test a short piece first though - water based acrylics might be the final choice only because I use them exclusively everywhere else in the building of the layout. I intend to do the ballast dirtying before I add the final layer of weeds and grasses all over the trackwork for that lived-in look of a typical narrow gauge railway.


Whatever method you use (acrylic or oils) I will be trying to get the look with a 100mL bottle with a fine spout and squeeze the bottle slightly as I go along between the rails. Being so dilute it won't matter if you accidently squirt a little too much in some places. I think this technique is called confidence in your own abilities!!!!! yes.gif

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Not really much to report, apart from I haven't changed my mind again.


I'm busy building station platforms at the moment, and fitting lights to the other station building.


I do have a quandary though - I quite like the idea of having a station car park, next to the platform - see the picture, however technically there is currently no way in/out for cars - does that matter?




Options are:


  1. Just use artistic licence and ignore.
  2. Not have the car park, in which case it would just be a bit of grass / field.
  3. Construct a bridge to get the cars in / out - probably a ramp running alongside the main track up to the mound in the corner, then 90 degrees left directly over the tracks. This would have the added bonus of framing the scene too.
  4. Some kind of ramp going down under the baseboard.

Any other options or thoughts?





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Hi Phil,


Before reading your list of options, I was going to suggest a bridge and a ramp from the car park going over the two lines. Therefore, I think you should go with option 3.


But that's just my opinion!!!!


Kind regards



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