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Chestnut Street


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This is my first time posting on RMweb although I do follow a number of the Layout topics. I am presenting my very own modern image double layer 00 gauge layout named Chestnut Street. I had a big layout in the loft of the family home as a child but when this house was unfortunately burnt down I lost a lot of my track and stock, and with it my interest. Now I have my own house and sizeable garage the interest has been rekindled. Once my fiance bought me the Hornby pendolino for Christmas I set to work on creating my own layout, using other layouts such as Camelot Junction as inspiration.


I have been working on the layout on and off for approximately a year and I am now about to start installing point motors and adding the second level which will incorporate a full station and additional running loop. The centerpiece of the layout is a scratch built suspension bridge built by my late grandfather, which at a later stage in the build I shall paint and finish completely. He also made the 6 road engine shed in the TMD, which also needs some repair work. In all there are 4 running loops on the layout with the future addition of a fifth once the second level and station have been added.


The stock that runs on the layout is mostly modern image and amazingly a lot of it survived the housefire that I spoke of earlier. I do have a 1980's (I think) Hornby Intercity 125 and a Lima Diesel named Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Although what class it is I am not sure). I also have two Hornby class 40's, which both run really well even though they are both upwards of 15 years old and one is severly melted due to fire damage. I am expanding my stock as I build the layout and for my birthday this year I was given the Bachmann Cross Country liveried tilting Voyager (Which to be honest, I am having so trouble with). As I have said the layout is still in the early stages, so please be gentle with comments. Any help or suggestions are welcomed. Below are some pictures to better show what I have been trying to describe...



The layout at the moment. The second level station will be added all the way along the right hand side of the picture with a further running loop...



A close up shot of the bridge, the red and blue will eventually be replaced with a more fitting colour scheme...



The left hand side of the layout showing the incline to the second layer and the TMD beginning to take shape...



Here is the shed...


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  • RMweb Gold

Good luck with this, looks like you are going to have a lot of fun. Just out of interest, what problems are you having with the Voyager? Mine tended to derail quite easily on my old layout, which had some rough trackwork, but I eventually managed to swap the orientation of the coaches so that it ran reliably.

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Lima Diesel named Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Although what class it is I am not sure). I also have two Hornby class 40's, which both run really well even though they are both upwards of 15 years old and one is severly melted due to fire damage.


Hey there


Looking like a good start to your layout.


The Lima diesel is a class 47.


Are you sure the 40's are Hornby and not Lima, or possibly even Jouff?

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Hey there


Looking like a good start to your layout.


The Lima diesel is a class 47.


Are you sure the 40's are Hornby and not Lima, or possibly even Jouff?


Actually thinking about it the 40's could be Lima. A good point. IN response to the question about the Voyager earlier I am struggling to get it to run reliably at all. I don't like how the power car is in the middle. I am not sure either that the majority of the track is 100% clean, so that might be contributing.

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Nice back story there.

Layout looks to have great play potential - good to see an upper level as well.

Always worth the extra effort in my view


As said - the IKB diesel should be 47 484 (if it is blue)


Watch out though as you "re kindle" your enthusiasm - that's how fires start.........!



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Nice looking layout. I am intrigued to know where that piece of track at the back of the shed ends up. Is it purely a siding?




no its the second loop on the ground level. It is a tighter turn and so will only be a freight/diesel line as my pendolino and voyager cant handle 2nd radius curves. The rest of the line is obscured by the inclines. I'll try to mock up a track plan at some point.


I have also today recieved the Gaugemaster M1 power supply and later I shall get some cable to start wiring up point motors. To clarify Brush, they are both 47 484 and blue, although one has a lot of fire damage on it. They are both cracking models though as they both still work, even after 15 years in a loft and fire damage. I'll dig out some photos later on.

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I managed to get quite a bit done today. I opened my Guagemaster M1 and checked it with a point motor and also acquired the heavy duty cable for the points bus wire. I also found another, slightly smaller, shed that my late grandfather also made. It is in the study at the moment as I intend to attack it with the plasticard and add an office to the side at some point. Piccies follow...





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  • 2 months later...

After a while away from the forums I am returning with a big update to my layout. I have had a slight remodel and re-work of the track plan and the upper level for the station is now installed with track ready to be laid. To best explain what I have been doing since posting last I have uploaded some piccys for your viewing delectation...which should also make it easier to spot changes.



The first picture is of the new upper level that has been added. The track laid on top is in the rough plan that I intend to use for the station, hopefully allowing me to have four platforms.


This is the next major change...I have decided to install two curved inclines to handle outward traffic from the top level station. The first one is seen roughly installed to check clearances and will handle my pendolino in a five car formation quite easily, which actually suprised me. The other incline will run inside this one and be tighter...therefore it will probably be limited to a frieght and short-wheel based line. I will install track for the second incline so that both the first and second loops can be accessed from the station.


I do have some more pictures to follow and will post those soon...I am also uploading some brief videos to youtube to help showcase the layout a little more. Again, any comments or suggestions welcomed...I am starting to think about what to use as retaining walls so any advice on the best product for that would be really helpful...thanks in advance.

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  • 1 month later...

Its been a while since I posted an update about my layout. I have done a considerable amount to the woodwork side of the layout since posting last. The bridge is now secured in a much more suitable fashion and cork has gone down on the upper level. I am also starting to lay platforms out and intend to buy the Bachmann station building on Thursday.


The best thing though, is that my Dad has begun building a model of this...


This is the French "sky bridge". Now its actually a road bridge but my Dad, a carpenter by trade, is building an 00 gauge model and turning it into a rail bridge. I have seen the early designs and the milling work that he has done on the central pillars and let me tell you it looks amazing. I will post some pics of both the layout and the bridge within the next few days.

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  • 3 months later...

Here is the latest update to Chestnut Street. I have started back at work now so progress on the layout has slowed once more, but the nice weather this week has allowed me to crack on with the town scene that will surrond the station. I have decided to work on one area of the layout, finish that off, and then move on. At least that way I can see that progress is being made.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ERqEO_VN1x0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


As always, comments and suggestions are welcomed.


P.s. I don't know how to add video, so any help on that would be much appreciated as well.

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  • 5 months later...

Okay, so after lots of work and time off from posting I am hoping to be able to get into updating my layout topic on a regular basis. Over the last few weeks, and as the weather has begun to turn relatively nice again, I have ramped up work on main garage layout. I have now moved on with the town scene and begun landscaping the incline out of the upper level station. Here are some pictures to more accurately show what has happened.


This is a general overview of the now updated upper level. The platforms are finished in rough "first draft" form and need sanding level. You can now see the motorway that has been added to break the scenery up. The next job involves fixing the retaining wall in place and hiding all of the joins. I need to finish painting the motorway base coat and then do the same to the slip road. The area towards the bottom of the photograph, with the Bachmann Kiosk in place, is where the car park for the station will be situated.





This second photo shows the other side of the motorway (scenic break). The line at the top of the picture carries on around at the same height as the upper level. The line in the middle of the photo is the descent from two of the station platforms and I am yet to lay the other line that will connect the other two platforms to the ground level. The line that can be seen entering the tunnel is the second loop.



Here is the cross country Voyager having left Platform 3 on the "down" (literally) line. It has passed underneath the motorway and will circle round to join back up with the 1st running loop, via a branch line that is.


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Not an update per se, but here is a photo of the trackwork on the "main" junction of the layout. There is where the two lower level loops cross and then feed into the line at the bottom of the picture that takes the trains up the upper level. The incline is the one seen in the previous update that bends round and brings traffic down from the station. As you can see I am yet to install the other incline that will bring the rest of the station down yet, but the main work is done.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The nice weather has its bonueses and it means that I have had chance to get a bit work done on the town scene of chestnut street. The main job today has been painting the roads with grey primer ready to recieve a proper coat of paint later. Here is a quick update of the now "primered" roads.



The next piece of work for today was to prepare the upper level of the town section that will fill in the space behind the motorway. This is where it will go...



And this is the piece of wood, cut to shape and size and with the matchstick pavements already glued in. I have positioned the half relief buildings in place to show what the approach to the high street will look like.



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Here is the next update to Chestnut Street. I have managed to get the main street painted as well as the car park at the front of the layout. I have also done a "first-fit" of the new town section towards the back of the layout. I hope to have this fitted properly by the end of this coming week. Below (hopefully) is a quick video showing the state of things at the moment...


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  • 3 months later...

Okay so here we go again. I have not posted here for a while and the reason for this will become clear in the photos below. After posting my last layout update I took a long hard look at my layout in its current state and realised that I had fallen fowl of the "golden rule" as I had heard it referred to, Don't go massive on your first go. I was trying to squeeze far too much into the space I had, and doing so much at once I was making no progress.


Not only was the layout not wired properly, the point motors werent working and I had no real idea of where I was going. Therefore, and with a heavy heart I started again. Over the course of a weekend I ripped the whole thing out, right back to basedboards, and started from scratch. However this time I had a clear plan in mind. It is with great pleasure that I would like to introduce you to Chestnut Street Mark 2.




So, first things first. Its simple. Just one level, and one eventual chase loop, which will go right round the outside. As you can see from the picture there is a large station complex on the right hand side of the layout and this is intended to mimick a large inner-city terminus station. I am aiming for the rough look of a modern day London Suburb, that will be christened Chestnut Street. Behind the station will be a low-relief industrial estate, with a scratchbuilt shopping centre (rear) joined onto the recently purchased Low-relief car park that will span the back wall until the bridge arches.


From here it gets a little more complicated. The fiddle yard is on the left hand side of the layout and will eventually be hidden from view by having a scenic board placed above it that will show off the rest of the city. I knew when I (re)started the layout that I wanted to have a scenic area to play with yet not have to worry about getting the trains to change levels. Therefore by placing the rest of the city above the fiddle yard like this I can (hopefully) create a very good effect and give the impression that the trains dissapear off into the tunnels and away to various destinations.





I also have a small TMD in front of the fiddle yard that will prove a little space for shunting my diesels. This has two roads with inspection pits and will sit in front/underneath the rest of the city above the fiddle yard.




Electronics are now sorted a lot more effeciently. All point motors are wired in PROPERLY and linked to the panel and all the tracks are powered, and work well, although they do need a little clean before any serious running.




So yeah. There we go. As you can see I have done a far amount since my restart. I am now getting to the point where I am starting to think about scenics and am glad of any advice that can be given. My first build was the side of the TESCO, which of course, is a white building and I am wondering whether I need to paint it white or leave it. MY main worry is whether it will look like plasticard still, or a building.


Anyway, I have ranted enough, here are some more piccies. Any advice, comments or suggestions are welcome...


This is where the back of the shopping centre will be, at a right angle to the car park and across the back wall...



Tesco have moved in! The pavement is marked out with match sticks and the road is painted...



My two longest trains (at the moment) wait in the station. My very first scratch build was the steps up to the station building which actually turned out a lot better than I thought. I know its nothing compared to what others on here have done but its a start.




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