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Hi all, not much progress sorry, did give the two vans a going over with the airbrush this morning, also moved most of the stock to the fiddle yards. I always think the yard looks better empty rather than full of stock.


The resident 09/1 just has a handfull of wagons to work with today.






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  • 5 weeks later...

Good morning all, monthly update here.


Not much improvements made recently, still waiting to regular work which will lead to more funds for layout, waiting to buy Bachmanns MEA's boxs and also the BBA coil carriers.


The other week I decided to tackle the few "dodgy" points that catch the Gronks, after pushing the blade too much in an attempt to get a better connection the whole point failled, I sent power via wires to every part but still no life. I have now decided due to little knowlage of electrofrog point to rip it up and replace.


I think this time I will not cut the two wires off that drop from the underside, as I did when first laying the 14 or so points, I got a feeling now these wires were to send power to the centre or other parts of the point ???? Maybe someone can explane a electrofrog point...?


The point has now been lifted and a replacement is being shipped in from Hattons along with a Network Rail transit van. The point in question is one of the first ones on the enterance of the yard meaning trains can only leave from one siding so a bit of shunting/run around is needed.


Slow progress has also be continuing on the hill/tunnel portal to the fiddle yard, frame in place need to add some grass/shrubs next.


Hope everyone is well, I have been keeping an eye on all your work and layouts so keep it up.









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Hi Leon,

Good to hear from you, I've done the same with one of my points, tried to squeeze the blade and oops, bent it too much... I don't understand the live wiring of electrofrogs, I still just wire them as noormal with no modifications and rely on the contact between the blade and rail. Cleaning them with rubbing alcohol..

The NR vans look good, I've got 3 on order but they seem to be taking ages from "ontracks" so I might cancel that order and go to someone more reliable..


The depot is looking great with the sub sector gang and the 59 hiding at the back, I also like the issue with the limited moves due to the point issue, makes it a bit different for operating. Hopefully I'll be able to play trains soon on mine, strangely enough its being changed slightly which is most unlike me!


Hope the work side of things sorts it out soon mate.


all the best



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Hello Leon,

Sorry to see you had to rip up the point, Ive had problems with my 08 on electrofrogs too. Gronks just dont seem to like points at all!

The rest of the layout is looking good, especially the TMD which has a great feel of space just like it would be in reality.



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Guest oldlugger

Good morning all, monthly update here.


Not much improvements made recently, still waiting to regular work which will lead to more funds for layout, waiting to buy Bachmanns MEA's boxs and also the BBA coil carriers.


The other week I decided to tackle the few "dodgy" points that catch the Gronks, after pushing the blade too much in an attempt to get a better connection the whole point failled, I sent power via wires to every part but still no life. I have now decided due to little knowlage of electrofrog point to rip it up and replace.


I think this time I will not cut the two wires off that drop from the underside, as I did when first laying the 14 or so points, I got a feeling now these wires were to send power to the centre or other parts of the point ???? Maybe someone can explane a electrofrog point...?


The point has now been lifted and a replacement is being shipped in from Hattons along with a Network Rail transit van. The point in question is one of the first ones on the enterance of the yard meaning trains can only leave from one siding so a bit of shunting/run around is needed.


Slow progress has also be continuing on the hill/tunnel portal to the fiddle yard, frame in place need to add some grass/shrubs next.


Hope everyone is well, I have been keeping an eye on all your work and layouts so keep it up.




Hello Leon,


Regarding the 08 problem; it would be worth checking the back to backs of all your 08 collection. Hornby locos, as I'm sure you're aware, often need adjusting in this way and it's usually the centre axle that causes problems, being too narrow on gauge causing it to ride up slightly on curves and check rails. Bachmann 08's are less prone to stalling through point work due to the sprung centre axle which maintains better electrical contact. Even though the 08 has a short wheel base it is surprisingly susceptible to uneven or badly laid track - the Hornby model doesn't like any less than near perfect track; the Bachmann model is more forgiving. They also don't like the alignment on some points from the switch rail exit onto the crossing vee, if this is slightly out. Check this alignment by eye and make sure that it is true, even if the point is brand new.


The electrofrog point is basically a turnout that has live crossing vees (or frogs) as opposed to electrically isolated (dead) crossing vees, made of plastic. The latter are known as self isolating. The electrofrog point is what all hand built points are, i.e. live throughout with no dead sections. It then becomes necessary to alter the polarity (or short circuits will occur) depending on which road your train takes, via a polarity changing switch (DPDT, etc). A hand built turnout has a continuous switch blade unlike the type Peco uses which has a hinged section. The hand built switch blade will be electrically bonded to the stock rails (opposite) to maintain reliable electrical contact and change polarity (via the DPDT switch) whereas the Peco point relies on the switch blade touching the live stock rail to pick up current. This is not always reliable and electrical contact can be lost creating dead switch blades. The frog on the Peco point is wired like a hand built point and this has to be attached to the polarity switch. Sorry if you know most of this already!


Your layout is looking very nice and has a lot of atmosphere that others lack; it really feels like a part of the south Wales freight scene.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi and many thanks Simon, gone for a replacement point now.


The point has arrived along with a decoder for the FY 59, Tractor number 6 has also arrived, not on my hit list but looks good and no doubt it has been to South Wales on steel trains, clue. A much needed Railfreight 47 has arrived aswell to work the speedlink service to Swansea Burrows. Both locos will need detailing and weathering at some point.


Will upload some pics as soon as I can..


All the best



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Managed to snap a few haisty shots of a couple of visiting locos, 37506 in Red stripe Railfreight worked a steel train from Thornaby area whist same liveried 47322 worked a couple of vans to Bridgend Ford. both locos are now chipped and looking forward to getting the airbrush on them, they will need to be more heaverly weathered than the Sector locos I think.


Should really of spent the money on the layout scenary etc not loco's but im sure we all do it...









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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Leon good to see you back here fella, last couple of sets of pics look superb and I like the look of the new 37 with the flush front.


Have you improved the pickups on your Bachmann 08s as they suffer because the wipers rest on the wheel treads and any dirt/crud gets stuck under them until they don't make contact anymore? The pic shows the mod I carried out on my pair and they now run perfectly through all my points that haven't been 'specially wired' in any way at all. ;)



As you can see the new pickups make contact with the back of all 6 wheels and are much less suseptible to dirt.

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Thanks David, Mase & Ian, My gronks are both Hornby which work ok over the points, the point that was faulty stopped every loco so it was'nt down to the shunters, there was now power to it at all. Does the Hornby 08/09 benifit from extra pick ups?


Ian 37506 is nice with the front end, makes a change to the others. I may attempt to lay the replacement point over the weekend, not sure how with out damaging others around it..


Then I need to decide what rolling stock to go for next, I have MEA box wagons on the list along with more HEA's currently have 3 Trainload Coal loco's and not a great deal of stock for them to work, the other option is a few more Railfreight BDA's or the new Bach BAA in Rf and Rf Metals...

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Im not to sure about the Hornby pick ups to be honest Leon, iv never actually looked. my Hornby 09 runs faultlessly, but i have found that my railfreight grey baccy 08 is running nicely over the points, i guess it will only be time before it goes.


i think i need to get my hands on a red stripe 37

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  • RMweb Premium

Im not to sure about the Hornby pick ups to be honest Leon, iv never actually looked. my Hornby 09 runs faultlessly, but i have found that my railfreight grey baccy 08 is running nicely over the points, i guess it will only be time before it goes.


Bachy 08 pickups bear on the wheel treads, so act as wheel cleaners and eventually a pile of grot builds up.




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Evening all,


Done some bits in the atic over the weekend but mostly on the baseboards and electrics, not the layout itself (No more money til payday)


Hoping to make a start on the last piece of the layout which is the depot area this week, the track has been laid and wired for sometime now but no ballast.


Still got problems with the lectrics. Never wired any power to the 13 points so everytime a train passes over one it stops as I guess there is paint on the blades, what can I do now as there all fixed and ballasted. (Boo Boo)


I have attached a rough track plan and a pic of the man himself for anybody who is interested.


One more glass of wine then bed, Goodnight all.



What is the overall size of the layout?


You must be chuffed with all your hard work!!



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Hi guys sorry about the delay in the reply, thanks as always to all who comment and share advice. Pete, In answer to your question, the layout runs along 3 sides of the atic, the one side that enters the layout passing the depot must run approx 15-20 ft, the yard length mus be about 12-15 ft and the third side towards the steelworks and dock fiddle yard 20ft, I then have 5ft fiddle yards on each end. Hope this helps, having alot of room is nice but costs alot more, I have over 15 points and I often think a smaller 4ft layout with 2 or 3 would have been alot easier and cheaper on my own..


Despite not going under the airbrush yet 37506 is drafted into duties as it prepares to leave with OCA & BDA's. Love the Thornaby Kingfisher on the bodyside..Cant wait to get it dirty...





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Hi Leon

I enclose a photo taken at Thornaby 1988 hoping it will

help you on your weathering

Your layout is great brings back memories of when I lived near Newport and my

many visits to the Cardiff area My own layout has a lot of the different sector locos

in my opinion the best range of liveries in BR days hope the photo gets through as it is my first

time trying

Best wishes

David Wexford MRC Ireland


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Hi David, Thank you for the post and the great picture at Thornaby, 88 was a great time for freght loco's. Will use this picture to weather 506.


Despite the van breaking down today and then getting home to find the patio door leaks in heavy rain I still attempted to refit the replacement point that allows trains in and out of the yard, as you can see from the photos it seems to work fine, 37506 ran a few tests over the point in all directions without fail, some of the sleepers have come away from the rails on the ajoining point and I was not able to fit one plastic isolating fishplate but as its an isolating one I may get away with it as long as the rails never move and touch, I think I will just put a small amount of filler between them at some point. I will need to chuck a load of glue under the point and keep down with some weights which will hopefully put the track back into place nicely.


All the best








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  • RMweb Premium

I may get away with it as long as the rails never move and touch, I think I will just put a small amount of filler between them at some point. I will need to chuck a load of glue under the point and keep down with some weights which will hopefully put the track back into place nicely.


Make sure the joint is lined up and then fill the gap with Araldite or similar. Once cured, file it down to match the rail profile and job done.




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Good evening all,


Whilst the replacement point sets in place I decided to get on with growing some grass in the atic, nothing ilegal just the type around tunnel portals.


09107 can be seen resting up in the depot with three class 37's until the point issue is resolved.



Edited by Leon
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