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Effects of Dr Beeching

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  • RMweb Premium

I clicked on the embedded link and it was followed by a colour film of a London Transport 'Merlin' single decker driven by an instructor in what looks like a training film c. 1968. Great street shots including some 1940's cars one of which may even be pre-war.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'd agree that the footage from around 2 mins 30 secs onwards looks like the Newton Abbot to Teignmouth road, specifically looking towards Newton Abbot, but I'm not sure that all the scenes were filmed there, particularly that with some kind of bridge being constructed in the background?

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  • RMweb Premium

I wondered if the bridge being constructed was the A380 crossing further along the road you mentioned Tim. I don't know when this road opened so it's a pure guess.

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  • RMweb Gold

Not sure if the topography is quite right for that, because the road/bridge construction site appeared to be up a hill, whereas the current A380 junction is at the bottom of a dip in both directions. it's a fascinating bit of film, notwithstanding!

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I think it's an Aston- either a DBS or V8. We took a party of students up to Aston Martin's Newport Pagnell factory each year. I was politely told off for calling the car a DBS, sinc the company's links with David Brown had gone by then (around 1980 onwards).


I've been googling and , whilst there is some conflict about dates the DBS was released in Oct 1967 with the old 6 cyl engine, the V8 coming in 1969. AFAIK this model staggered on until 2004 when the DB9 was released. This was built at the new factory at Gaydon and was really a Jaguar, probably owned by Ford by this time although I stand to be corrected.



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I think it's an Aston- either a DBS or V8. We took a party of students up to Aston Martin's Newport Pagnell factory each year. I was politely told off for calling the car a DBS, sinc the company's links with David Brown had gone by then (around 1980 onwards).


I've been googling and , whilst there is some conflict about dates the DBS was released in Oct 1967 with the old 6 cyl engine, the V8 coming in 1969. AFAIK this model staggered on until 2004 when the DB9 was released. This was built at the new factory at Gaydon and was really a Jaguar, probably owned by Ford by this time although I stand to be corrected.



I'm afraid you've missed a couple of rather important models out , the various Virage models from the 80's & the DB7 & it's variants from about '92 on



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Sorry, you are quite right-I had (another) senior moment! Where was the DB7 made?



not to sure Ed, I think they were already under Ford ownership when the DB7 was released, but whether production had moved from newport pagnell at this time, I'm afraid I don't know, of course the other model we've both missed is the much loved?? Lagonda, the one that looked like a big wedge of cheese! :no:



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