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Penhallick Junction


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I wonder how many buy a van for their hobby?



Hi Brian


Probably not too many people.....


But the options were a cheap to run car.......

By nature these tend to be small & I'm quite tall so getting in &  out was an issue as I like legroom....

Or a vehicle that would take the layout & be cheaper to run than our Landrover......

The cost to buy of either would probably be similar......


BUT.....SWMBO needs the Landrover to tow the trailer for her driving hobby (horse & cart) to shows etc so a van means we can both do our hobbies at the same time  plus save a bit of money on day to day transport costs.......

It also means I don't have to spend ages sweeping out the hay from the back of the Landrover every time I want to put the layout in it !!!!!!!


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Hayle show this weekend.......Looking forward to it.....


Spent the last couple of days spare time wheel cleaning & intensive running as most of the stock hasn't run on this layout before to try & ensure a trouble free weekend......


Found a few gremlins which I've sorted.......

Hopefully no more rear their ugly heads.......


Will be different this weekend as due to changing jobs I now have to work on Sundays so I'll do Saturday & my son & grandson will be doing the honours on Sunday & I'll pop over after work on Sunday to pick up the layout......


Whilst wheel cleaning I accidentally fried my 12v DC transformer by dropping the brass cleaning brush on one of the screws I use as a power source & not noticing it 'til I tried some more wheel cleaning...........The brush clips on to two screws using a crocodile clip.......So I  must change the method of power collection to a proper socket or similar......Could have been catastrophic if it had happened during a show as none of the point motors had power , though I did substitute my trusty H & M power supply unit which worked fine...... 


Tomorrow's job is to make sure all the wagons that will be shunted couple/uncouple as the should & don't bufferlock/derail......


Then it's load up in the 'new' van & off to Sunny Hayle......


Hopefully see some of yoy there,,,,


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


All set up & working........


Only had time to run a DMU round all the tracks & sidings as we had to vacate the hall at 7pm & I couldn't get there 'till 6ish......


Never mind get there for 8 to put the stock on & check all runs well.......

I've set up from scratch at 8 am before so plenty of time as all wheels & track are clean......

Just would have liked more time as most of the stock hasn't run on the layout before......


We are in the conservatory so if it's sunny it will be HOT........


Hopefully take some piccies tomorrow as my son will be operating on Sunday as I've got to work......


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


All set up & working........


Only had time to run a DMU round all the tracks & sidings as we had to vacate the hall at 7pm & I couldn't get there 'till 6ish......


Never mind get there for 8 to put the stock on & check all runs well.......

I've set up from scratch at 8 am before so plenty of time as all wheels & track are clean......

Just would have liked more time as most of the stock hasn't run on the layout before......


We are in the conservatory so if it's sunny it will be HOT........


Hopefully take some piccies tomorrow as my son will be operating on Sunday as I've got to work......


Cheers Bill

Hi Bill

Must have missed you, I have setup in the hall looking into the conservatory just before you came in. I'm shour all be ok tomorrow.


See you in the morning.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just pushing "Like" doesn't cover it, that's a fantastic set of pictures, you really captured the variety of stock and liveries of the period. Great to see, glad you had a good day. Hope the substitute operators enjoy themselves today!

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Realy a very attractive layout !  :good:



A lovely looking layout with a typical Cornish scenery for the back ground



Just pushing "Like" doesn't cover it, that's a fantastic set of pictures, you really captured the variety of stock and liveries of the period. Great to see, glad you had a good day. Hope the substitute operators enjoy themselves today!

Hi Module00,sundodger & Ramblin Rich


Thanks for your comments above.......Really appreciate them........


I certainly had an enjoyable day yesterday & I popped in this morning 'till 11ish to clean track/wheels etc & make sure the substitute operators were happy with the layout.....

When I left they seemed fine.......My son doing the shunting & my grandson running the mainline very competently.......

They were both putting on a good show for the public when I left.......

I've only just got home from work & SWMBO's gone to bed so I don't know how today went.....

The layout appears to be in the back of the van & I'll put it away tomorrow & hopefully get some feedback.....


As regards the stock,so much of the Clay industry infrastructure seems not to have changed externally......More modern bits out of sight in buildings,so the layout can easily cover a wide time range......

Just vehicles & HiVis clothing have changed really as semaphores still reign supreme for the moment so it can be run in different era's.....


As the layout ran this weekend is how I remember the stock when I first moved down to Cornwall in 1987......

Most of the trains are inspired by pictures taken between October 1987 'till the mid 1990's.......


Anyway it would be nice to exhibit the layout again in this era as it enables my son to run his stock (the HST ,parcels train & sleeper,which I never took pics of)


Thanks again for the above comments.....

Thanks again to the Hayle club for making us so welcome & most importantly thanks to my son & grandson for stepping in today.....


Cheers for now



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Hi All


Caught up with my son this evening & apparently all went well......

Grandson was very tired at the end of the show......A long time to concentrate for a 9 year old so he did very well......

Someone took the layout details & will Email me regarding possibly exhibiting but my son couldn't remember who so watch this space.......


Any way Penhallick has now been put away as Creedyford is out next at Wadebridge in three weeks time.....


See you there!!!!!


Cheers Bill


Edit as post went before I meant it too & I hadn't finished writing it!!!!!

Edited by treggyman
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  • 9 months later...

Hi All


Just a quick update......August last year since I last posted on this  thread....Blimey how time flies......


Penhallick Junction is at Carn Brea leisure Centre Redruth this Sunday so got the layout out of storage from it's shelf yesterday to check all is well.....

Had a recurrence of a power failure on one of the sections ....So after checking the wire runs which seemed fine but obviously weren't I tracked the fault to a joint on the computer 'D' plug between the control panel & the main wiring loom.....

Unsoldered the joint & replaced it with a  block connector & all seems fine now......


On checking I found 3 loose rails on the traverser that had come unsoldered which are now re fixed.....


I also made a new support for the lighting rig.....

Previously the uprights had been screwed to the side of the layout.... I've now using some box steel section made a pair of sockets so the uprights just slot in...

A lot quicker & easier to set up & break down....


Wheel cleaning tomorrow & setting up in the afternoon.....

Then a day's play....


If you're there say hello


Cheers Bill

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Hi Module00


Thanks for the above comment....


Greatly appreciated.....


Well the layout is all set up & appears to be working fine......

Almost  a case of Deja Vue though as it was exactly a year ago that we were at the Exeter show & a gremlin struck & the layout died....

I checked the front & all worked fine....But couldn't get anything to move off the traverser......

Fortunately a loose baseboard connection & a plug not plugged in properly was the problem,so hopefully all will be fine on the morrow....


Most of the stock is on the layout....Just need to run the sets round to make sure the rail joints are aligned correctly & no derailments....


As before....If attending be sure to say hello....


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Well back home & all packed away......


A very enjoyable day & met up with quite a few of the local model railway fraternity......


A big thankyou to Brian & the crew for the invite.....


SWMBO decided she wanted to 'assist'.....

Looks like I've now got to go to the Royal Cornwall show next Friday now!!!!!! Least said etc.


Anyway I was pleased with how the layout ran considering it was last used with this stock a year ago at Exeter.....

I had forgotten that the Hornby '60's wouldn't negotiate the point running from the main line to the yard by the signal box.....

When it was an end to end traffic entered from the branch....The main just being used for the passenger shuttle....So the problem never arose.......

Still no problem....They ran the through trains......


As an aside I tried using the shuttle in the afternoon.....

Not very successful as without the diodes to stop the train they tended to over run but they can easily be refitted.....

Certainly an idea if running on my own....

One of my '66's just died but I had a replacement & the Voyager ran round once & then ran as if the wheels where covered in grime....

Again plenty of stock to replace so no problem.....

A couple of tracks in to the traverser moved due to the heat later on but as I was aware of why it was no problem just to guide the alignment by hand to ensure a smooth run into the fiddle yard.....


The fire was a great success.....Lots of people commented about it.....


I also had a delegation from another layout to see how my traverser was made /worked......


Lots of positive comments......


Sadly  no pics.....Didn't have the opportunity sadly though lots were taken by others.....


On the down side the weather being so nice attendance didn't seem great......


However I was made very welcome had a good but tiring time.....


Cheers Bill

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  • 4 months later...

Hi All


Penhallick Junction is now set up ready to have a couple of jobs done on it prior to attending the Bodmin show on29/30th of this month.....


The following weekend it is at Carn Brea leisure centre Redruth for the Cornwall 'O' gauge show.....


Sadly these are the last two bookings I have for Penhallick so it's future is now in doubt as I'm running out of room......


Any way the track at both ends of the scenic session took a bashing after the last show so they need repairing....

Then there is the point that the '60's won't traverse.....

Plus some touching up of the scenery......


Plenty to do.....


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Haven't had as much time on the layout as I'd hoped....

SWMBO's list of jobs....


However I did manage to fit the diodes so the shuttle is now operational again.....


I also replaced the bent track & connector to the branch line.......


Next up is the point that the '60's don't like & some repairs to the scenery....

Replacing gravel/ballast & touching up some of the paint on the trackwork.....


The most important thing is that the layout itself seems to be running fine......


SAdly won't have time to do much for a day or two......


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


A bit of progress today.... Though not as much as hoped for.....

SWMBO has had a nasty cold/cough/sore throat since catching a chill on Sunday....

In the best tradition of sharing our worldly possessions she has duly passed it on !!!!!!!


However as today & tomorrow are my days off I was able to potter about on the layout....


Sorted out the point at the signal box end.....Typical....The first few times I ran the '60's through no problem.....

But I knew they couldn't keep it up....& sure enough they started to derail......

The problem was sorted by adjusting the points rails to regauge them......


Also sorted out the points at the other end....Almost relaid the inner rails to sort the problem out & stop the wheel drop int the gap at the frog.....


That is the problem of the layout previously being an end to end......Neither of the points were used before as the shuttle ran to & fro on the main & all freight trains came up the 'branch'.....


Tomorrow hopefully will touch up the solder marks & replace some of the damaged ballast.....


The beauty of the '60's & CDA's is that they are such fussy runners that if they run OK then everything else should !!!!!


Cheers Bill

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Hi A ll


Well the time I had today was spent touching up solder blobs where pointwork had been adjusted .....

Also one or two areas where the baseboard joins had become damaged......

& some missing stone on the loading bay....




varying coupling heights on the same manufacturers wagons.......

The only wagons that have these on Penhallick Junction are 6 CDA's......


Now sorted hopefully....


Cheers Bill

Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Well after a nice couple of days staying near Boscastle with my daughter,son-in-law & granddaughter got back this afternon took the layout apart,loaded it in the van & took it to Bodmin to set it up for their weekend show tomorrow & Sunday......


All went very well.....


All set up....Main line working fine....


One or two minor track adjustments to the track where I'd been adjusting it.....


I'll just check the yard........NOTHING.....

Then the main packed up.....



After much checking & fiddling I realised I'd plugged both controllers in to the two main line sockets & nothing in to the yard socket......

Needless to say the yard didn't work & the main was sporadic as the controllers were set up to run in opposite directions......


Never mind....Panic over.....Just put the rest of the stock on the track tomorrow & hope for a good show.....


Maybe see some of you....


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Day one over....Very enjoyable day it was too...


Nice to have a visit from the family on their way back to London......

Not my daughter or son-in law's bag but my granddaughter seemed to enjoy bits of the show .....

She's never really seen model trains before though her other grandfather is into model 'planes.....


All ran well after a few adjustments.......

Having sorted out the point at the works end when at home had the same problem with the '60's derailing again......

This time the problem was down to the up & down motion as the loco's left the traverser......

Thought I'd sorted that out previously but it must have had a bang & needed realigning which I did.......

Also the coupling on one of the 60's seems a bit high & lifts up the front end of the wagon it is attached to causing it to derail.......

Should be easy to sort out tomorrow......


As I've help tomorrow I hope to take a piccie or two....


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Well another exhibition over & the layout all dumped in the railway room.....


A big thanks to the Bodmin club for their hospitality........


The show seemed quite busy most of the time so hopefully they did well.....


Had a minor issue on the works end corner that I resolved yesterday by simply leaving the supporting leg at an angle causing the problem of too big a gap in the rail joints between boards & subsequent derailments.....

Realigned & resoldered the joint which sorted that problem out only for the point entering the yard at the works end playing up again!!!!!!

Managed to sort that out so all was well until this afternoon the point blade came adrift & no way could I get it to allow stock into the yard without derailments.....

Fortunately this happened with only an hour or so to go so just ran trains round & shunted the yard.....

I think the solution will be to re lay the approach to the point as well as regauging as necessary.....

Also th blade wont go far enough back into the stock rail due to a blob of solder...easily sorted at home......

Also ran out of smoke oil......


Having said all the above the layout ran well for most of the time.... The problems apart from the last one were sorted outside show hours........


Any way took some pics today so here are some of them.....






























Got an invite to next years Wadebridge show in September....Look forward to that.....


Next Sunday I am at Carn Brea leisure centre Redruth for the Cornwall O gauge show......


Well that's all for now....

A large fizzy brown drink is beckoning....


Cheers Bill

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