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Penhallick Junction


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  • 5 months later...

Hi All


June since I last posted on this thread !!!!!


Well made a start to the corner boards to make the layout into a roundy roundy.....


On Creedyford I cut out semicircles of 9mm ply braced underneath & on the edges but although strong was very wasteful on plywood.....


So I thought I would try something different as I am hoping to use these boards in conjunction with the traverser with future projects rather than have to make new each time....


Anyway I cut some planed ex25 x 100mm timber (finishes 20 x 95mm) into segments with angled ends ( 8 segments to make the semicircle).

Using a biscuit jointer I routed out slots,fitted the 'biscuits' & glued them together.....

Hopefully the pictures will explain....If not feel free to ask.....






The edges will be finished off with some white plastic trim ,yet to be fixed.....


The layout is still up on it's storage shelves but when I'm happy with the strength of the boards I shall attach them & join to the layout/traverser


Cheers Bill

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All


A bit of progress today......


As previously posted I had cut the timber to make the curved end boards......



I wasn't happy with the first curve.....

The joints were a bit 'open' & I felt that with continually being taken apart & transported the joints might break.....


So I cut them back to the original segments & reglued & jointed them.....

Result...worse than I started with......


So I bought some more timber & did it again.....

Result...Different radius curve ....larger radius & not quite full circle.....




This was how the state of play has been for a couple of weeks.....

My son had suggested that I should have made up a laminate of ply sections to make the curve to save waste.....

So I decided that I would combine the two ideas.......

What I did was cut the semicircles in half.....The full half circles were very unwieldy.....

I then braced the underside with strips of 6mm ply screwed & glued to give strength....

The semicircles will be joined together with split hinges.....One of each half circle joined together so the curves are equal




Hopefully this will work & track can be laid & TRAINS RUN soon.....


Cheers Bill


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Hi All


Well some things just don't go to plan......


Due to a trip to hospital to sort out a painful hernia problem I haven't done any more yet to the corner boards.....




Penhallick's baseboards are stored on the top shelves in the railway room & need exchanging for Creedyford's boards & then setting up before I can do much more......


I had been looking to recreate the silver bullet train....Double headed 37's & long rake of bullet tanks.......

Easy I thought......Just buy some clean silver bullets........Dapol do a clean version in ERMEWA livery.....A lot cheaper than the weathered Dapol version either from Kernow or the internet.......Remove & replace branding & hey presto......


But no!!!!!!


I had a look at the few pictures I took of the wagons at the time......The earlier version of the wagons are different to Dapol's fine rendition.......


Longer, shallower barrel angle & the underframes are different with the ECC logo at the opposite to the new version & Caledonian paper logo at the other!!!!!!!

Also the wagon information board is bigger & more at the end of the wagon.....


I am sure there are more differences but these are the ones that sprang out at me......


Well six wagons here & two more on their way.....SUGAR!!!!!!


Fox transfers do the ECC & Caledonian Paper logos plus replacement transfers for the 'information' board..........

I already had the transfers.....but I need a few more as the caledonian ones are only 5 pairs per pack as are the wagon detail packs.....More ordered as is some correct colour paint.......


These pictures show the wagons in service.....




First job was to remove the logo's.....I tried one side just using 'T' cut......took forever so the rest were removed with a scratch pen & the area buffed up with 'T' cut to return the nice gloss smooth shiny finish.




Next the underframes........


The info boards are removed (cut off)


This shows the detail at both ends.....




This shot shows the main tools used.....

The first job is to cut a groove in the detail by the solebar.....Shown where the tip of the scalpel blade is.....


Then using the shears cut off the excess....If the two blades are held flat against the chassis surface they remove most of the excess.....

Then using a file remove more & finish off with a scratch pen.......




& you end up with something like this....




Well if I get time I the next job is to relogo the barrel's.....Then when the paint arrives respray the chassis parts that are in blue.....


Then there's the two blue ones to do.....


Watch this space.....


Cheers Bill


Edit to change wording.




Edited by treggyman
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Hi All


Well ,today's task was to apply the excellent Fox's transfers......


Hopefully all level.......Not so easy to apply level on a sloping barrel with a bright shiny curved surface with hardly any reference points......


Also a sod to photo as the reflection is very bright both from any lights in the room & the flash......

When finished I shall probably use a timed exposure to photo them.....


A couple of pics of progress so far.....






I've done six but only had Caledonian transfers for five......The other transfers are ordered......


I also bought some etched brass ladder today as I'm thinking about replacing the ladders......But we'll see....


Cheers Bill

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Interesting stuff, Ajax was my favourite 50 and have thought about having one for St Blazey.


What was the working you photographed?


Hi Damian


The short answer is I don't know.......


In those days I was based in Plymouth workwise sometimes being out on the road & if I had a chance with an hour or so to kill I would wait at Lostwithiel or wherever & see what turned up....

Oddly I never saw a train at Par at that time any time I went there.....Passenger or freight !!!!!!!!!


Sadly I had no real knowledge of the clay workings at that time & no contacts but If I had a camera I took pics & noted what I'd seen & if Rail magazine had any comments put 2 & 2 together to sometimes get seven & sometimes four......


Anyway on this day nothing seemed to be happening.....It was early PM & some chap with a camera said....Ajax is on it's way with a clay train......


Seems odd now but I almost didn't bother waiting.......

Saw lots of '50's around Plymouth but because he'd bothered to tell me of the working I hung around.......


Ajax had been in the area on clay that week....I've got a cutting of her from Rail magazine on the 17th Sept on CDA's ex Parkindillack to Fowey....I can copy it to you if you wish....

So whether she was covering a failure or it was a timetabled working I don't know........


Anyway through she flew with 6 bullets (1 blue & 5 silver & a PGA on the back)


One can only assume a trip to either Tavistock Junction yard or Exeter Riverside.....




If Ajax is your favourite how come Indomitable? which is probably a stupid question but.......


Hope that helps


Chees Bill

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Hi All


Early Christmas present arrived in the post today.....


An invite to the Exeter show at Matford next year...May30th/31st.....


Really looking forward to that as I visit every tear as a punter & really enjoy the show....


Roll on May.....


Penhallick Junction now has 3 confirmed shows......


Exeter                        May30/31st

Carn Brea Redruth    July 4th

Hayle                          August bank holiday


Also one more to be confirmed.......

Creedyford has two definite invites so I'll be busy next year.......


Hopefully see some of you there


Cheers Bill

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Hi All again......Twice in one evening!!!!!!


SWMBO has been out singing this evening so some progress made.......


Earlier I made up the wagon information boards (don't know their proper name)


The board was made from some thin plasticard sprayed black.....

The excellent Fox transfers for Continental style wagons aren't big enough so Icut them up a bit ,replaced some of the elements & drew in some others with a fine pen & white ink.....Added the overhead warning flashes.....


Yesterday I'd sprayed the chassis ECC blue & rubbed off the overspray on the lifting lugs etc & the buffers & any where else the paint shouldn't have gone!!!!!


I also replaced the ladders with Ekon etched brass signal ladders sprayed with Halfords grey primer.....

I think it looks much better just wish the platforms on top of the barrel were better modelled......


They are now just about complete.....Need replacement brake handwheels as the ones supplied are too small.....

Found a site on the internet (C0lin Craig) in Wales who does the correct size so sent off a cheque & hopefully they'll arrive sometime soon.....


Anyway as SWMBO was out took the opportunity to get Penhallick down & put Creedyford up on the storage shelves in it's place.....

So used the layout as a backdrop to take a pic or two......


First the 'new' wagons on their own......








& some with the unconverted but in ECC livery not Ermewa as I don't have any in that livery any more!!!!!








They are not 100% accurate but are more correctly liveried for the early '90's.......

The main flaws are the barrel angle which causes the solebar & above to be too thick/tall ,the length which isn't so obvious  & the solebar should be solid not C section as modelled.....

Anyway time will tell with a bit of very light weathering as to how they finally look......


Also made a start on the blue versions......

Hacked the chassis to remove unwanted detail as with the above wagons & sprayed the chassis & barrels ECC blue....


Had a bit of an accident......Spilt paint all over the Rayburn,floor & kitchen table....OOPS......


Still cleaned up OK'ish.....


Anyway SWMBO's just returned so duty calls.....


Cheers Bill


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Will be good to see you at Exeter next year. I will be there with Acacia Avenue.


Good work on the wagon though.

Hi Richard


Look forward to seeing you there.....& thanks for the comment re the wagons.....


One decision to be made is what era to run......

The idea had been to backdate to around 1990 but I may run both era's.....

The problem with that is getting the extra stock in the Landrover......Hmm....Decisions decisions!!!!!


Cheers Bill

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Hi Bill,


nice work on the bullets, the information is on a 'data panel'

here is an example



I am hoping to get to the Exeter Show next year, it will be my first visit if I make it,



Hi Rivercider


Yes data panel does make sense.....Should've known really.....


Would certainly recommend a trip to Exeter show......

As I said above I go most years & always enjoy it......

If tou do go look forward to seeing you there....


Cheers Bill

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Painting on the Reyburn?


Now that's posh!!



Not sure SWMBO would think it posh!!!!!!!


Potentially dangerous rather......


In these dark damp evenings the advantage is that the paint & the object to be sprayed are at a nice temperature so thin layers of paint can be sprayed & adhere well to the wagon or whatever.....

The potential danger is that I use enamels so spraying volatile liquids near a source of heat like a solid fuel Rayburn needs to be done with GREAT CARE....

Also there is plenty of ventilation so you tend not to get the smell of paint/thinners all over the house.....


I do normally use the kitchen table just using the Rayburn or a radiator to warm things up a bit if needed......


Cheers Bill

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Hi Bill

      Not been on remweb for little while. the first thing I looked at was your thread.

The tank are realy fantastic, they are like mirrers, wont be able to see the detail for the glare in the eyes.

 Richard and I will be at Exeter, I will be there with Hounslow Sidings.

Keep up the good work. 

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Hi Ray


Thanks for the above comment.......


The surface is really reflective....

If you look at the picture in the link that Rivercider sent you can see a reflection of the photographer in the picture....& thats when the wagon is in service!!!!!


People will definitely start talking as we certainly seem to be following each other around....


Look forward to seeing you there.....


Cheers Bill

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Realy like those tankers!!

Hi class"66"


Thanks for the above comment.......Greatly appreciated.......


They took far more effort/work than I had anticipated but overall I'm quite pleased with the end result......

Look forward to getting the end curved boards done so I can watch them being hauled by a pair of 37's.....


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Just a quick update......


Today's free time was spent sorting out the railway room......Loads of empty stock boxes put in the loft etc......


Due to the fact I wasn't quite sure if the layout in it's new guise would fit as before I had to set the layout up the other way round....ie the front tight against the front wall of the room & the traverser on the door side main wall......

This was to make sure I could still get in & out of the room.......

Unfortunately this meant I had to move every piece of furniture!!!!!!


Anyway all is in place loosely.....The curved end boards are fixed to the traverser & the other ends loose laid on the main baseboards.....


As it transpires I'll be able to turn it round as there is room......

The disadvantage of the layout the way round it is  is that you can't see the scenics so it will be turned when the whole thing has been fixed & track laid....

This will test it for portability...


That's all for now


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Probably won't get much time to do much until Boxing Day but just a note to say that the handwheels arrived today.......


Superb service......Ordered Thursday by post...Email response 21st & arrived today......

Well packaged & look really good quality etchings.....

Would definitely recommend.....


Came from Colin Craig ,email address & web site should be found by entering his name......Can post email & web if anyone needs it......


Am looking forward to fitting them over the next day or two.......


Also a great birthday present from my son.daughter in law & grand children......Unrefurbished Class 50 50013......She really looks good & will be great on Creedyford but will  just squeeze in on Penhallick in it's new era........

Penhallick could now be run in 3 eras....BR blue ,Sectorisation or current.......

Although I have the stock for steam the people & plant/vehicles would all need changing.....


Will post pics of wheels in situ '13 when I have turned the layout round so pics can be taken......


Cheers Bill


Cheers Bill

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