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Penhallick Junction


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Hi Ray


Cracking  set of pictures......


Your new camera certainly takes a good photo......


You've got some nice angles there....& caught First's 08410 being' borrowed' from Long Rock  to act as shunter !!!!


Thanks for sharing


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Got Back home just after 6pm just as the neighbours  returned from their hols in Scotland.....

We'd been looking after their animals/fishs etc so they took us out for a meal.

V nice it was too.


I had a great weekend at Plymouth.....

Met some really nice people who asked a great variety of questions which I hope I was able to answer to their satisfaction.....

The Plymouth club made me most welcome & a big thankyou to Ian Harris for the invite..


Got some more invites but will advertise them when confirmed so it would appear Penhallick will be busy next year.


Hope to see you all soon


Cheers Bill

You're welcome Bill, glad you had a good weekend.



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Hi All


My computer seems to have died completely but with a lot of help from my son I can now (hopefully) post pictures from SWMBO's laptop!!!!


As I said I made a couple of display panels to show off some of the pictures I have & also somewhere to hang the description of the layout....






The only concern is tht it might be a bit too low down.

I did notice however from overhearing conversations that a lot of kids liked the pictures of the different liveried 158's!!!!

Any way,you get the idea....any suggestions for alternatives welcome....


Nigel (Hoopers Aggregates)kindly lent me one of his scratch/bashed Polybulks......

It is a superb model & really looked the part,though they had gone by the time the layout is set.....










I also bought another 158.....The Alphaline version with red doors....I already have the one with blue doors & have been trying to get one off Ebay for a reasonable price for ages...unsucessfully!!!






Well that's all for now.....Penhallick is now packed away 'till October when it will be at Wadebridge.....Creedyford is being readied for Hayle next Sat & Sunday


Cheers Bill



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  • 1 month later...

Hi All


Penhallick Junction has been set up to check all is working OK prior to it's trip to Wadebridge show the weekend after this one, 5th/6th October......


No major issues.....

One of the point blades came adrift....Quick solder job & fixed

The cats must have got in to the railway room.....Climbed on to the layout & have squashed a few trees.....New ones being made ready to fix....

One of the signal post has gone a bit wobbly.....A touch of super glue should fix that.....


So I've been spending my time trying to get another shunter that I bought several years ago to work smoothly enough to be used on the layout at exhibitions

Not quite there yet.....It's an 0-4-0 so current collection is a bit of an issue, so I have made a permanently attached match truck which collects current from the track.....I've used single strand wire as a connection between the loco & wagon but it is too springy.....I've got some 'flexible 'wire somewhere......Emphasis on the somewhere.....


Any way pictures to follow in due course.....


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Made a load of Seafoam/Seamoss trees to replace those used as a cushion by the cats.......


Planted them & also added some to the front of the layout.....You now get more of a feeling of looking at the 'railway' through the scenery.....

Difficult to photo where it is set up at the moment.


Superglued the leaning signal.....will wait 'til the glue is dry before I check it still works!!!!


Also spent ages trying to get the'New' shunter to run well.....Nearly there now I think.....

Gave it a dose of heavy weathering.....Looks OK in 'real life' but the photo's show I need to tone it down a bit.....


Well a few pics of it & its reach wagon.....
















Well this time next week Penhallick will be all packed up & back on it's shelf after it's last show this year.


I've three verbal invites for next year but none yet confirmed in writing so I'll post the details as they are confirmed.


I'm looking forward to next weekend at Wadebridge....Be sure & say hello if you're there...


Cheers Bill

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like the 'new' shunter, the Pressed Steel car body factory in Swindon had 6 which look similar, IIRC they were Fowler diesels, the factory now does body pressing for the BMW Mini rahge, not sure if the shunters are still working.


just found this -------


As late as 1980 much of the track was re-laid, and Pressed Steel had six locomotives that were in daily use there until 1982, when I believe two of them, 0-4-0 Fowlers built in the mid 1950s, went to the Swindon and Cricklade Railway.

It’s not only the locos that found their way there, as BMW lifted the sidings recently, some of the rails, sleepers, etc were donated to the railway too.

The Woodbine loco, along with the PF loco can be seen at Blunsdon.



some have a new home not far from their original place of work, http://www.swindon-cricklade-railway.org/pix2.php#top


the 5th photo on the link. 

Edited by Ralph
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like the 'new' shunter, the Pressed Steel car body factory in Swindon had 6 which look similar, IIRC they were Fowler diesels, the factory now does body pressing for the BMW Mini rahge, not sure if the shunters are still working.


just found this -------



some have a new home not far from their original place of work, http://www.swindon-cricklade-railway.org/pix2.php#top


the 5th photo on the link. 


Hi Ralph


Thanks for the comment & the link...


The shunter is a DJH class 02 kit.....I believe they were classified as a starter/beginner  kit.

It is etched brass & has a portescap motor fitted.....

As far as I'm aware none ever ran down here.....But they do now......All I need is a suitable Industrial style nameplate to finish it off.....


I saw it & other loco's for sale on a stand manned by someone selling his kitbuilt stock about 15 years ago & couldn't resist it.


At that time I used to build loads of kits but he was selling it for less than the cost of the kit & it had the advantage of a top of the range motor in effect free....


Anyway ,we'll see how it runs next weekend......


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Well Penhallick Junction is awaiting loading up tomorrow evening for it's trip to Wadebridge.....


All was working....All wheels cleaned....& all bits that I take with me all ready......


I don't know if the 'new' shunter will do much......I'm still not happy with it's performance.....

As an aside I found an old Mainline split chassis 03 that I bought (I think) in the early '80's.......It hardly moved when power applied at first.....greased the gearbox & it went albeit very screechily....

So I stripped the gears out ,gave them & the surrounds a good clean using white spirit.....The muck & grime that came away had to be seen to be believed.....lightly greased it after putting it back together & it runs OK on my rolling road.....

So, what I will do next is the same to the 02 & see what happens.....Can't be any worse......

Neither loco has been used for ages & both were 'stored' unboxed on open shelves, able to pick up as much dust & dirt as they had a mind to......

Don't know if I should have used white spirit but I did.....


Any way....maybe see some of you over the weekend


Cheers Bill

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Hi Bill,

'New' meths (today's meths that doesn't leave a weird residue) is better for degreasing parts because it evaporates off leaving pretty much nothing, just a mineral trace which is visible under a microscope or you could use isopropyl alcohol which is better again as it cleans/disinfects/purifies/sterilises the items, lab grade is quality is probably voted 100% pure although due to availability medical grade which you can buy most chemists etc is good enough, leaves no traces or anything.
White spirit is abit oily/greasy to use for cleaning in my opinion, it rarely finds a use for me. As I use industrial cellulose thinners (comes in big cans) to clean brushes and trusty Railmatch thinners to thin all paints!
I cleaned out and repaired a Mainline 03 ages ago in my usual way, I bought it from Bodmin last year for a bargain price.
The Mainline locos were excellent in detail and mouldings but the mechanisms were particularly poor, my 03 has been greased up (with that green grease stuff) and although it's reasonably quiet, it still runs a little noisy. Split chassis with cogs and pancake motors was a bad idea but it paved the way for the big ultra quiet German motors with large turned brass flywheels, cardan shafts and geared towers with all wheel pick & drive systems which give flawless running.

Choice is yours though
Cheers, Reece

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Hi Reece


Thanks for the advice.....


I only used white spirit as it was there & I was curious to know how well it worked.......

Never used or thought of Isopropyl Alcohol so thanks for the sugestion....

I too use cellulose thinners.....But they are NASTY STUFF so only outside or in the shed with all doors open!!!!!

As far as grease goes I tried some silicone grease I bought a while ago.....Seems to be OK.


thanks again


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


All set up & working....

Having packed it in the Land Rover slightly differently with the trestles on the front seat(my son can't make it this weekend so I'm on my own)so that I could put the baseboards straight on to the trestles for setting up SWMBO decided she wanted to come for the ride.....Hasty repacking & the front seat (the only passenger seat became available......I'm stand 13 so it came almost as no surprise that having asked where I was & which way the layout was to face the layout was set up back to front as per instructions......Any way all sorted now......


One slight hiccup was that I am in the middle of the floor at the end of an 'island' of layouts......

I've always bee in a row or against a wall before.......

The problem was that I'd always been able to let the cassettes extend beyond the end of the layout before.....

But now even the six inches or so that stuck out was into the main aisle where the public walk......No problem at the works end as I've lots of slightly shorter cassettes.....But at the other end the shuttle cassette has had to be trimmed so it fits within the layout  & doesn't stick out.....


Anyway a pic of the layout set up with swmbo in the background




Looking forward to tomorrow


Cheers Bill

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If thats Wadebridge as I recall it you are in Pride of Place :)  :danced:



Hi  Mickey


Well the curse of stand 13 struck again.......


Got to the venue this morning & the layoput in front being the size they stated may have been correct......What they hadn't said I assume was that they needed about 3 to 4 ft in front for tables operating space......So I had to move again.......All good fun.....


Any way......

All ran great.......Only problems human???(me)error!

Took my tripod & push button shutter operator out of the Land Rover only to realise I'd left the camera at home......


The 'new' shunter ran faultlessly.....I was Gastertflabbed......Did not expect that.....Being powered by a Portescap motor the only problem was that it was very sensitive so had to be controlled with care or would pick up speed very quicly......

Although not prototypical with the area VERY pleased with it's performance.


Any way.....A very enjoyable But tiring day......There were a lot of interested people who asked a lot of interesting questions......The kids seemed to have fun in trying to see what the tractor driver was doing (the quiz question).....It made them look the whole length of the layout to find him.....

All ran well today.....Probably go t*** up tomorrow.....


Hopefully have some pics tomorrow to add


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Had a really enjoyable day today......Al worked well with no hiccups.


First though I would like to thank all at Wadebridge for inviting Penhallick to their show

All were friendly & helpfull.....Copious amounts ot tea & coffee & a nice venue with no parking problems.....

THANKS again.....


SWMBO announced she wanted to come along today.....No problem......Just the track & wheels to clean......

10 O' clock ....show opening time she's ready for the show to start....




To be fair she has no interest in railways but helped unload & set up on the Friday & break down & load up to go home today....Thanks


Most of the pictures I took featured the class 02 & it's reach truck.....Here they are....




















And lastly a general picture of the layout in the hall




Well no more shows this year.....Have had two verbal invites & two maybe's for next year but until confirmed I shan't detail them...


Jobs to do....

Reposition one of the magnets at the works end of the slurry loading loop.....

A couple of minor repairs to scenery bumps & bangs.....

Redo the cassette system.....Because I am now using railjoiners to align the tracks the rails can now move a bit to line up & the positioning blocks can be filed down a bit so the cassettes slide in & out more easily....


I have also been thinking of making it into a roundy roundy......

I've already got Creedyfords traverser so a couple more round end boards to join the two with the capability of running iot as it is at present or in roundy roundy mode....


& also running it in late '80 early '90's mode with 37's,47'5 50's etc....


Anyway,more of that anon as I must crack on with Creedyford....


Cheers Bill

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Any possibility of any of the shows being slightly further north than Padstow!!! Would be great to see it and Creedyford. Especially if you back date it to the 80s.

I think it's a cracking layout, really captures that elusive 'atmosphere' of clay country in a fairly small space.

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Hi All


Just a quick footnote to my main post above.....


They did a draw for all the stallholders (trade & ehibitors)....A bottle of wine & a box of chocolates......I won the wine!!!!! Hic.....


Also I was asked by one guy if I minded if he took a photo of The Treviscoe clay loading building.....As that was where he worked.....


It was nice that quite a few people recognised the backscene but I was surprised how many people recognised where individual buildings I've modelled where from......especially the ones on the Par harbour branch....


Anyway.....An excellent weekend.....


Cheers Bill

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Here's a few of my pics I taken at the Show on Saturday, I was at the show most of the day waddling around looking at the different things and buying the different things etc but most of the time irritating Bill with the Hellos and non stop talk about random things. Nice to catch up and talk about signal boxes, signals, signal lenses, loco chassis construction, paint and things. :)


Bill's green shunter which performed admirably during the show


Class 60 stopping infront the Box


Gronk on CDAs




Network Rail Workers



China Clay Slurry being loaded


Network Rail Workers just returned to the van for the flasks of tea and neatly wrapped sandwiches


As you can see Bill is having his afternoon nap under Penhallick Jct

Cheers, Reece

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