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Trespassing 'enthusiast' on the WCML this morning...


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Nipping out to Cathiron this morning to bag a shot or two of 50 044 on tour, I also bagged this idiot parked up in the cess with his tripod, next to a 75mph running line.... before anyone asks, it's been reported and yes, I was on the right side of the railway boundary when I took them. As a driver who signs this route it damn near made my blood boil, but as an enthusiast it makes me feel very sad and frustrated. I made a polite attempt to advise him of his wrong doing from the foorbridge above him but was met with a blank stare and plain ingorance, in fact I don't think he even heard me.


As a grown man and an 'enthusiast', I wonder if the irony of the limited clearance / no refuge sign right next to his head is entirely lost on him...





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It's disappointing to see selfish behaviour such as this. Aside from the fact he doesn't believe that boundaries, warnings and the law applies to him he obviously has no consideration to the drivers or other railway workers who have to make a split-second decision as what hazard he may represent and the potential disruption caused for those who then have to plan around his stupidity.


Looking at his equipment he probably classes himself as an enthusiastic amateur, I can't put his act down to ignorance; just selfish and inconsiderate.


I'm pleased that his face is there to be seen and I can but live in hope that he gets to see his face and realise that the majority of people who have an interest in the railway deplore his selfishness. Obviously Nidge has played his part but wouldn't it be nice if he could be tracked down and made an example of? I daresay he has a youtube account to impress us with how good his footage is compared to folks who play the game safely. :no2:


I'm sure rally fans of the 80s can relate some far more bloodcurdling examples of brain-donors but there's just no reason for what's seen above in this era.

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  • RMweb Gold

It is not nice to see that the brain-dead version of so called 'railway enthusiasts are alive and still behaving stupidly among us. Presumably this dumbo thought the fence was only there to be climbed and it regrettably shows that the dreaded lineside palisade fencing might not be such a stupid idea after all. I hope someone does recognise him from those pics and that he is dully reported to the BTP by name (and address) resulting in a suitable court appearance.


He is alas not the worst example I have ever seen (that one was positioned right in the middle of the four foot of a very live running line and while he was clearly very angry when I pushed him down an embankment after his refusal to move he perhaps though betterwhen several hundred tons of passenger train passed over the spot where he had been standing barely a minute after he had left it0. The utter stupidity of some of these people never ceases to amaze me.

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Not to condone or excuse this waster but that sign is an advisory that beyond that point there are no refuges. He therefore is standing in the only one available.


That would appear to be a video camera. Everything is more or less in a safe place in the pics but the very instant he starts to operate his camera the situation deteriorates to very dangerous indeed. Both framing the shot and panning the camera operating the zoom and following the subject will require body movement far too close to the line and a passing train at even a modest speed whilst he is unbalanced.......


Frankly, if one takes so little mind of one's own safety in pursuit of an amateur and meaningless video then this cannot be ignored or glossed over.


Those photographs are good evidence but I fear that pursuing this individual will not bear fruit in either attitude change or legal action.

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Hard to tell in some of the footage, but he possibly might of just placed his video camera on the other side of the fence perhaps, which really youre not supposed to do... the other clips might just be from a foot crossing by the looks of things..



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To remove repeated video that is not required.
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  • RMweb Premium

It is not nice to see that the brain-dead version of so called 'railway enthusiasts are alive and still behaving stupidly among us. Presumably this dumbo thought the fence was only there to be climbed and it regrettably shows that the dreaded lineside palisade fencing might not be such a stupid idea after all. I hope someone does recognise him from those pics and that he is dully reported to the BTP by name (and address) resulting in a suitable court appearance.


He is alas not the worst example I have ever seen (that one was positioned right in the middle of the four foot of a very live running line and while he was clearly very angry when I pushed him down an embankment after his refusal to move he perhaps though betterwhen several hundred tons of passenger train passed over the spot where he had been standing barely a minute after he had left it0. The utter stupidity of some of these people never ceases to amaze me.

I must admit my first thought was leave him there to become extinct. On reflection you were right.

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Guest Max Stafford

Perhaps some of the local enthusiasts will recognise him as mentioned. I'm sure my colleagues in that area will be more than happy to have a 'friendly chat' with him if identified.

Best case scenario for him is he'll be £50 worse off if he has no previous. Worst, the Magistrates will stuff him for up to a grand if they find he's been a naughty boy in the past!



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Guest Max Stafford

If he's got any sense he will.

Not much supporting evidence of that particular personal quality on display here though, it has to be said... :fool:



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Disgusting..... Definitely amateur. Tripod not level. Camera set to full auto. No wind gag on the microphone, with the "Auto-limiting" coming in and hacking the head off the audio. And only a complete numpty would let the wind blow the lens cap around so that you can hear it banging off the side of the camera body.


And as for trespassing onto the railway itself..................... Gold plated Tw@t!

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........ I'm sure my colleagues in that area will be more than happy to have a 'friendly chat' with him if identified.



I thought you might have 'borrowed' the two wiseguys that I mentioned in the Ebay thread. Guito bats Anselmi and Sammy the nut cracker Scalasi could 'educate' him about personal injury. :nono:

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Not being familiar with this location, the open style of the fence suggests to me that the area behind it must be of restricted access. There looks to be the edge of a structure in the shot from the footbridge. Had the trespasser already trespassed before he even reached the fence?

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Once got pulled up leaving Warminster due to some prat standing in the cess. After being admonished by my driver, he just replied "It's alright. I'm waiting for the Orient Express" This was a guy in his 60s. To p1ss me off further I was then given a roasting from a passenger of similar age for being 3 minutes late into Westbury.



And not able to tell the difference between a 150 and a 156

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I have twice had to remove copies of the video from Youtube because posters have just used the 'Reply quoting this post' button. This just means that the video has to load more often and therefore the thread takes longer to load for those with slow connections. Please do not copy pictures or video over from other members posts.

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