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Just looking at the layout again and just noticed that you depot proclaims to be a Railfreight Ditribution depot and yet has a Coal insignia? (RFD http://www.fox-transfers.co.uk/image_display.cgi?image=11K.uKkHJwVUs.jpg)


Also, it's on a tiny point but I;d put the work "Traction" on the next line as it looks likt the depot is called "Shalmtry Traction" and it's a "Maintainance Depot", perhaps put "Shalmtry Cutting" on one line and "Traction Maintainance Depot" on the other?

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Hi there,


Thanks for the comments, the sign has been added to the list of my many other things to do, so I'm sure I'll get round to it at some point!


I was really not happy with the ballast, so I've bitten the bullet and gradually started removing it with a small screwdriver. Probably not the best way to do it but it seems to be working, just a lot of brushing up!


Going to get some new ballast at Model Rail Scotland, while I am helping out at the SAYLSA stand, please do say hello if you are going to be there.


These are a few of the photos I have found of Falkland yard and show what I am hoping to achieve.












This last photo is how the yard used to look in 2003, unfortunately, it looks like the 2nd photo now, with a Class 380 and deserted

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Falkland yard used to be mobbed with Freightliner and EWS 66's, definetly going to get some EWS stuff for Shalmstry, unfortunatly the depot is now closed so you really only see the new Scotrail Class 380's there now (2nd Photo) only passing through. It's such a shame!



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That is a shame, havn't seen much of the freightliner 66's don't tend to get many down this way. Seen loads of them when I went to London last week on networkrail workings. And 59's.


Do you get much clay action your end?



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Not much of anything nowadays, just passenger services from here to Glasgow mostly (class 380's and class 156's) very occasional network rail stuff (the day I didn't have my camera) but EWS and Freightliner used to do a lot of coal trains to the nearby Hunterston power station, but if I do see any coal, it's usually the hideous Class 70 working them!



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At least you got EMU's to look at aswel we just got boring DMU's.


Any progress on graffiti yet?



The class 380's are quite odd, come in 3 and 4 car variants, but are quite hard on the eye!




I've really just been practicing graffiti, might get the nerve to try some of it on the layout soon.


Going to be at model rail scotland this year, helping at the SAYLSA stand so I'll get a chance to ask for some tips when I am there!



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haha, are you suggesting i'm short? lol! yeah dead handy that, especially looking for track plans. The signs will look amazing too, you could even put something on there like "no train spotters permitted" or "no photography permitted".



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