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EBay madness


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It takes time to make small bits of masking I guess. One can always wipe paint off too, I suspect, with thinners on a cotton bud? I think it's really a matter of time and cost, and I don't expect sellers to GIVE their time away. Often weathered engines are sold without details fitted, surely this is similarly up to the buyer to 'finish', whether it be retouching existing weathering or adding parts and weathering them yourself? It's the broad spray requirements which are beyond my limited abilities.


Here below is that 35029 regardless, details edited on. I have no relationship with the seller apart from buying it.


Of course it would have been a nicer weathering job if the windows were all clear. Nicer if the valve gear eccentric offset was perfect too...


What I am trying to say is that of course there will sometimes be shortcomings in the nature of weathering, clear cab glass being one of them, but what gets me is the tendency of commentators on RMweb to make negative comments on just about everything, not just on Ebay offerings on just about everything, except perhaps the work of 'known experts' or people they happen to know and admire, which items of course would rarely be offered on Ebay anyway. As if the discovery of errors in a model is a pastime. "Oh, I would never pay THAT for that model, look, the tender side has a scuff-mark visible in the 3rd of the 12 photos. And that engine had a different tender when early crest. What rubbish!"


For what it's worth the photo below is crawling with errors. Green-period Southern Region stock on bullhead rail on the fast line between Farnborough and Salisbury? never! would have been flat-bottom rail. Exhaust like that from a large Pacific? never! Would have been obscuring the crew's view, one side or the other... So clearly completely unrealistic.



Edited by robmcg
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It takes time to make small bits of masking I guess. One can always wipe paint off too, I suspect, with thinners on a cotton bud? I think it's really a matter of time and cost, and I don't expect sellers to GIVE their time away. Often weathered engines are sold without details fitted, surely this is similarly up to the buyer to 'finish', whether it be retouching existing weathering or adding parts and weathering them yourself? It's the broad spray requirements which are beyond my limited abilities.


Here below is that 35029 regardless, details edited on. I have no relationship with the seller apart from buying it.


Of course it would have been a nicer weathering job if the windows were all clear. Nicer if the valve gear eccentric offset was perfect too...


What I am trying to say is that of course there will sometimes be shortcomings in the nature of weathering, clear cab glass being one of them, but what gets me is the tendency of commentators on RMweb to make negative comments on just about everything, not just on Ebay offerings on just about everything, except perhaps the work of 'known experts' or people they happen to know and admire, which items of course would rarely be offered on Ebay anyway. As if the discovery of errors in a model is a pastime. "Oh, I would never pay THAT for that model, look, the tender side has a scuff-mark visible in the 3rd of the 12 photos. And that engine had a different tender when early crest. What rubbish!"W


For what it's worth the photo below is crawling with errors. Green-period Southern Region stock on bullhead rail on the fast line between Farnborough and Salisbury? never! would have been flat-bottom rail. Exhaust like that from a large Pacific? never! Would have been obscuring the crew's view, one side or the other... So clearly completely unrealistic.



Well said my friend. Much more important things to worry about in life. We are here for a short time only

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I do sometimes wonder about this thread, and have to say I agree with the above sentiments.


Why spend your time looking on the site, to post it here, almost like poking fun in a perverse sort of way?


Why anyone thinks it's their business to comment on what someone is prepared to buy or sell at whatever price is a bit beyond me, and as for items that are sometimes incorrectly marked, well we can all laugh at others ignorance can't we.


Still if it gives you pleasure.;)


In the meantime I buy what I want to buy and I pay what I want to pay for it, sometimes I win, sometimes not, bit like life I suppose,

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Good to find agreement here. I guess I was a bit surprised, or didn't understand the sentiments expressed earlier, about 'weathering everything' including at times engines and carriages, or parts thereof which ought not necessarily be thus treated. One could say the same about TMC-weathered Hornby R3191 'Duke of Gloucester' but for me that is another lovely model redolent of the age of BR steam, and I'm too impatient to wait for Hornby to do their 1960s version.


In any event, the cab windows on this Bulleid BR model by the same seller as mentioned earlier, are near enough for my tastes, my photo is edited sympathetically, with bits added, but the seller did all the weathering work. I have told in lighter vein that 34091 and 92 were the darlings of Stewart's Lane and ought to be near-pristine for Boat trains from Victoria like the 'Arrer'... at least in earlier guise with different tender, and all in good fun.


In this pic 34091 has been banished to the ex-LSWR main lines, what a fate. except, [edit] .. head codes are still for Dover, oops...




another angle on Bulleid's magnificent engines in later BR form.



Edited by robmcg
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This section comes under Wheeltappers, the members only part of the forum.

It is for light hearted banter and yes it does give some people pleasure.

The antics of Cartstude and co provide me with some light relief when struggling with a spread sheet or trying to decipher ancient documents.

It does have a more serious point in that it can indicate what items are worth retrieving from the junk box and flogging.

If you open the door and do not like what you see then please close the door behind you and let us get on with our conversation, however child like and simple it might be, rather than clog the thread with OT matters.


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This section comes under Wheeltappers, the members only part of the forum.

It is for light hearted banter and yes it does give some people pleasure.

The antics of Cartstude and co provide me with some light relief when struggling with a spread sheet or trying to decipher ancient documents.

It does have a more serious point in that it can indicate what items are worth retrieving from the junk box and flogging.

If you open the door and do not like what you see then please close the door behind you and let us get on with our conversation, however child like and simple it might be, rather than clog the thread with OT matters.


Hell, and all I did was defend an Ebay seller whose had been described here as 'a different kind of madness, selling anything that's weathered' and showing his/her produce both 'as advertised' and also as enhanced by my photo-editing is now described as off-thread... and my comment that my relationship was that of buyer only causes ridicule.


Closing door now...

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.... 'a different kind of madness, selling anything that's weathered' and showing his/her produce both 'as advertised' and also as enhanced by my photo-editing ...

Arguably getting to be a bit too much of both. The ubiquity - and it is getting to be that - of the photo-editing is starting to remind me of those personality cults, where you just can't escape the images - they are everywhere....


Closing door now...

Bye, then.

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For what its worth my enjoyment of model railways is in using a photo program to enhance pictures of models, having serious multiple injuries, wheelchair-bound and with only one hand working, and I have for a long time endured the 'it's not real modelling' reaction. But I didn't realise my pictures were so unwelcome.

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For what its worth my enjoyment of model railways is in using a photo program to enhance pictures of models, having serious multiple injuries, wheelchair-bound and with only one hand working, and I have for a long time endured the 'it's not real modelling' reaction. But I didn't realise my pictures were so unwelcome.

Hey Rob - FWIW I like them. They give me a chance to see what might be a particular weathering/running condition, were I bold enough to dare weathering one of my locos sometime. They give a real feel for the working life and condition of the trains depicted, especially the era I grew up with and am particularly interested in.


Some folks apparently can't appreciate the talent involved, ignore them, your work is a pleasure to view... keep it up, please (with a definite slant on BR/SR, especially air-smoothed and rebuilt Bulleids :) )

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For what its worth my enjoyment of model railways is in using a photo program to enhance pictures of models, having serious multiple injuries, wheelchair-bound and with only one hand working, and I have for a long time endured the 'it's not real modelling' reaction. But I didn't realise my pictures were so unwelcome.


As someone who paints and draws in various media, and who also uses photo-manipulation software as another tool, I really enjoy your images and would venture to suggest many others do too.  Take no notice what others think, I too have a dim view of some of the snotty and unfriendlier attitudes sometimes displayed by a minority who think that unless you can hand-crochet your own working conjugated valve gear, or build your own foundry and steelworks to cast your own P4 track, you are some form of sub-human trainsetter.  Fortunately, the majority of people on here are helpful and supportive which is why I keep coming back, it's just disappointing that some seem to have set themselves up as some kind of finescale Taliban who see their views as being the only right ones.


Basically, keep photoshopping and posting what are in my view very nice artworks.

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I'm a happy snapper, and I love those pictures. To bits. My skills go nowhere near that.

And let's think about complaining that a doctored photograph of a model train is somehow unauthentic...

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50 pence shy of £50, and you dont even get wheels:




Surely an etched fret for the frames/cyliners/valve gear can be sourced for much less? Either way, the old Hornby Arthur isn't worth that much!


Also, another (not so) quality item from one of the regulars:




Kit built and Lima?!?

Edited by 84A
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