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Yes the track plan looks a bit better so good luck and dont give up, I had the same with Marston and that GOT TOTALY SCRAPPED so I built Loch Leven and I now also have Trebudoc goods yard in O Gauge, so keep it up mate. All the bext Andy.


Plan looks better tut tut how dare you dis my original plan haha. In all seriousness I can understand Neils apprehention as he was taking on a lot of new techniques and ideas. I just felt as a home layout why not expand. You dont have the time constraints at home as there is no pending exhibition to get ready for.



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Thanks guys for the comments.

I think your right Cav I did take on a lot of new stuff and I think being still in the tender years of modelling it became very daunting to what I was going to do.

I'm happy in what I have now and even though it's a stay at home project I can still have a workbench for future projects that I want to work on towards the end of the year.

I really love the plan you designed though Cav, and we even made changes to it when you were over a few weeks ago, but I just couldn't seem to feel comfortable.


Its weird as I love deeping lane as a layout and in a way I was struggling to get away from that concept too, but I'm now happy with what I am doing now and can't wait to get powered up.

The servo motors are winging there way over this week and I will have some insulation tomorrow to chop up.

I'm going to sit down today and look at how I'm going to do a nice control panel


Thanks for the support



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Neil,


Sometimes it does seem better to simplify what gets built and I think that you need to be happy in what you set out to do. Having limited space is always an issue and you just need to do what fits (in the space and what you want to achieve visually).


One thought on the bay-platform arrangement though - where the track runs to the left, you could always extend the track, all overgrown, with a buffer stop towards the end - representing where the railway once continued. Then, on the platform, have the name boards with 'Millwood change for "anyothertown / station"', but only have the letters for Millwood painted white and the rest painted the same as the background. So, giving the impression that the bay line went somewhere else previously, but have yet to change the station nameboard, just painting out the former destination. Does this make sense?

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Cheers mate you can see it in the flesh on Friday iv finally got a bit of power n done the droppers for all the track, Iv also sorted the tie bars for both points and just need to wire them up while I wait for the servos that are taking there time from china.


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Yes the track plan looks a bit better so good luck and dont give up, I had the same with Marston and that GOT TOTALY SCRAPPED so I built Loch Leven and I now also have Trebudoc goods yard in O Gauge, so keep it up mate. All the bext Andy.


Yes Andrew - binned a few non-starters in my time too - userid:Crisis for nothing - Sometimes concepts in your head doesn't transfer too easily.

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Been out of the loop - distracted and struggling for inspiration and motivation myself and glad of the break - so just getting up to speed on things.Like I posted before to Andrew a few of my own have gone the way of the wheelie bin so good that you made a bold decision to slim things down and not totally bin the layout.


Millwood reminds me of the '0'Gauger Oldham King Street especially the portal to a fiddleyard - cant find a dedicated website but a clip here http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7999829089703954294 an excellent layout in 7 mil which seems totally limited in operation but works well - always enjoyed it on the circuit.


Concentrate on your strongpoints and what works well - I cant abide slicing up locomotives and detailing and weathering - prefer to leave that to Peakdaleworks - but happier experimenting with scenics - I had 3 plans - 2 of which have been binned but didnt reach the expensive stage.....



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Hi Ian


I wondered were you had gone haha

It is good to take a break, i think thats what i need really, but i cant kepp my head out the modelling box.

That video is fantastic and it is a nice operational plan, the scenics are great too, i got a few little ideas from that too.


iv been making more progress over the past two days and im starting to get a better picture of whats going were.

The droppers are all soldered in just need to get some copper tape for the bus and get the wires through.


I have mostly been working on the bridge exit/entrance and the station platform.


The bridge has been treated to some reddy brown paint then the cappings painted grey, i kinda didnt give the whole structure a full coat so that it still gave a little colour vaaiation from under neath.

i then used a few different carrs powders to dirty and wweather it up.

all in all its nearly there.






The platform form top is now complete and i am 99% happy with the finish, again following the same process as i did with the bridge for the side walls.

the top surface has been given a coat of dark grey, but while it was nearly dry i dry brushed a little lighter grey to give it a concrete texture. once fully dry i gave it a dusting of white and light brown powders.

The white lines were painted using white emulsion, purely because its the only white paint i had haha






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Hi Richard.

Thanks, I didnt want to go overboard on it I think it's just enough, I'm going to make a little planter that will sit in front of the bridge on the platform to tie them together.

Your right I can't wait to run trains fully on here, get to play trains though this weekend as I'm out with deeping so will have fun there

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hi all

well after the trials of the weekend with deeping lane i thought it was time to start some more work on this project.

i have abandoned the platform

, i just couldnt get my head around it and it just didnt feel right.

at the moment im kinda winging it with a few ideas.


i have started ballasting the right end section.

firstly i sprayed the track with sleeper grime, the areas between tha tracks i lighltly coverec with fine sand while the paint was wet, i repeated the process about 4 times to bulid the ground up slightly.

i then ballasted using carrs fine grey and fixed it using the pva 50/50 method with a spray bottle, i then coated it with hairspray.

once dry i had a little go with some static grasses and minateur grass tufts, i still want to build up the grasses even more to give it a more un kept look, also added some longer grass tufts and bluebells.

once this was all dry i lightly gave the track another spray of sleeper grime and different browns n black powders.

all in all i am really pleased with how the track looks so far and i am so pleased Cav talked some sense into me to use C&L track.


see what you think







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Cheers Steve, this one is going to be very unpredictable that's for sure, I'm just adding bits as I go, I do have a little idea in my head but like you, let it evolve.

Iv added some more grass areas to the second gap and I'm now working my ballast brush upto the head shunt, iv left the points alone for now as there is some work to do with the servos and the wiring.

Got some major greenery purchases to make too


Cheers steve

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Looking great Neil. The weathering really makes it look like the real thing. I have to say that the C&L track makes the cheap flexi-track look rubbish. Just shows why the its more expensive. Good luck with further progress :)



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Thanks Andy, believe me I won't be going back to peco track that's for sure, I wish I had done deeping lane this way now, and to be fair you pay for what you get and that's quality.

I am really happy that my weathering looks like the real thing though, it took me all morning and I was still a little unconvinced but that's reassured me that its ok


Cheers andy

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Thanks Leon, iv said before and I'll say it again I love this track it makes so much of a difference.

I try to improve my skills with every project I do and try new things, I also ask a lot of questions and try to learn from other modellers articles n pictures, I think I'm getting there.

Thanks again Leon

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