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A wee bit of help please

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I have never been a great one for recognizing the difference between different types/models of locos. This one suffered a minor accident and broke the rear left corner of the cab end beside the steps. Apart from believing it is an Alco S series (don't hold me to that - I'm probably wrong!) it was picked up second-hand, almost certainly re-painted, and not in the right box. It is an Athearn Blue Box - could someone please identify the model#/type/, so that I can look on ebay for a replacement shell - unless anyone has a spare shell looking for a home - road name really doesn't matter!

Your assistance would be much appreciated







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the third time of trying to reply - Thanks - seems like shells are few and far between though :(


Dear Jack,


eBay.com has maybe 30 on offer at this time, from US$12 up to over US$80, with a number of shells and dummy units sitting around US$25...


Happy Modelling,

Aim to Improve,

Prof Klyzlr


PS don't feel bad about not getting the make and model, Baldwin wasn't hugely popular in the diesel world, and there's a number of alegedly "S12" units which are plainly EMD SW models...

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Dear Jack,


Not sure I'd cut the entire pilot away, lots of risk of furthur snapping suddenly-freestanding step treads and similar away.


Looking at the shape of the damage, it looks as if it nicely follows the profile of the stepwell, and could emulate some of the varying pilot shapes evident in shortline, steelmill, and even some "branchline canadian" locos.


IE, instead of building a replacement Up, why not trim the other corners back to match?


Happy Modelling,

Aim to Improve,

Prof Klyzlr

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Prof's idea's worth thinking about.


As for alterntive bodys the SW7 will probably fit, don't think the SW1001/1500 will, they have clips that slid into hole in the chassis


The S12/SW7 bodys fit over small lugs on the side of the fuel tanks



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  • RMweb Gold

I would file the break straight then glue on a piece of styrene with solvent. Once its set, file it to shape. Should be as strong as the original.


Fox do various white line widths if you still want to keep the black and white stripes.



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I'll see if I can do something with it in the meantime - after all it is 4 WEEKS TOMORROW! Countdown in progress

I suspect there will be too much chatting going on for any serious work to take place!




I have had a good look and I don't think a repair is possible - there is nothing at all to support the piece if made and glued, which would leave it very vulnerable to being knocked off. I think a replacement shell is about the only possibility

Edited by shortliner
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SP/PE Baldwin VO1000's available from Bowser and used to activate grade crossing signal detectors in the overhead wire. Someone once also tried to tell me the UP had a similarly equipped diesel for a shortline in Utah, but I haven't been able to find any further info.

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Hi Jack....that really is repairable, and can be made relatively strong too.


I suggest taking advantage if the fact that many pilots were plated and/or riveted....possibly as accident-repairs?


Cleaning up the jagged edge as suggested by roundhouse is the first step..then some plasticard of appropriate thickness can be welded on....but for strength, why not cut out a piece of quite thin plasticard, to the shape of the left side of the pilot face, up to the draught box [for windy couplers?}... and glue that as an overlay [[after cleaning up the stripy bits first]...over the pilot face ...with perhaps some riveting or weld lines marked on? This thin plate would then support the repair from the front [if welded, especially]....


A bit of paint, and I bet no-one would ever, ever, ever notice?



Of course, I have two Athearn SW7/9's......neither of which I probably would use again [one has Ernst gearing!!!]...but I do not know whether the EMD chassis is identical to the Baldwin S12 chassis for a direct bodyshell swap?


I would be pleased to swap one of my shells with you.[chose,hand-painted BN green, or hand-painted UP yellow? Both decalled a long time ago, when my eyes were better, and I didn't shake so much!]


Better than spending money these days, eh?

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Talking of Bowser.... Cary used to make solid metal bodyshells of switchers that fitted over Athearn chassis.....


Of course, has time really passed me by that much, that I am talking about present-day silly prices and hen's teeth?

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Of course, I have two Athearn SW7/9's.........but I do not know whether the EMD chassis is identical to the Baldwin S12 chassis for a direct bodyshell swap?



If they are all old Blue Box, I think they are. In fact I did this myself some time ago - I had a dummy SW7, and a motorised Baldwin S-12. I simply swapped the bodies over, and the now-dummy Baldwin went as Trade-in Fodder to my local model shop, whilst the now-motorised SW7 joined my other SW7 in service..... I may have swapped the truck side frames too - can't remember now I'm afraid!!

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