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R3001 MR Hornby Class 91 Electric Locomotive number 91 110


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R3001 MR Hornby Class 91 Electric Locomotive number 91 110 http://www.modelrailoffers.co.uk/product/37995/R3001_MR_Hornby_Class_91_Electric_Locomotive_number_91_110


Other than having the new motor and being DCC Ready (8 Pin Decoder Socket) are we likely to see any upgrades on this model (or indeed the Flying Scotsman train pack version)?


As one person noted on Facebook £109.95 is rather a lot of money taking in-to account the level of detail/age of the tooling.

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I hope the big asking price includes a donation to one of the forces charities or keeps the memorial flight in the air.


£5 from each sale goes to an Air Force charity - can't remember if it is the BBMF or one to help the servicemen and women.

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Browsing the service sheets, the original Ringfield version is there, however I would imagine that this will bet the Limby motor-bogie treatment (but would this struggle with a rake of Mk4's?)



I was visiting friends camping in a site alongside the ECML at Sandy on Saturday . We saw plenty of these pass by whilst we investigated the Varsity branch towards Potton.


Funnily enough, we saw the Lancaster heading north to York on our way there.




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I've ordered mine. I find the Limby power bogie to be nice and smooth, not as powerful as an 8 wheeler of course, but much better than a Ringfield.


I've only three old 3 pole ringfields, compared to 42 Limbys, is the 5 pole ringfield much better?

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I've always been tempted to invest in a Class 91 plus MarkIV set, and the gorgeous livery applied to 91110 might just tip me over the edge... Saw the real thing at Railfest at the weekend.


I think I'd have to fit a proper 8-wheel-drive mechanism and do something about the detailing; the question is, could this be done while retaining Hornby's no-doubt-excellent paint job? Off the top of my head, I recall the main areas needing attention are the cab fronts, underframe and roof, so it may be a possibility.





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How much????


Oh well obviously they think £110 is doable - but you may as well pick up one on eBay, have it professionally reliveried, detailed, addition of express models lights and even remotered from a 35/42 chassis for probably less than that. Oh well, clearly Hornby/MR see a market for it - but still a bit of a fleecing out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

unless you know someone who will respray and revynl for cheap itll work out more.. The loco looks nice, not my area though and itll probably have the limby power bogie in it to make it DCC ready, shame they couldnt of put working lights in it and do somethying about the awful pantograph as well, but that would of also affected the price



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£5 from each sale goes to an Air Force charity - can't remember if it is the BBMF or one to help the servicemen and women.




I believe that it goes to the Royal Air Force Benevolent fund, which helps service personal.


If I'm honest, I do believe that £5 is too little to be giving such an important and worthy charity, considering that Hornby has probably recouped the cost of the moulds and may only be paying for materials and labour , put then again I don't know whether this is actually true.



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If I'm honest, I do believe that £5 is too little to be giving such an important and worthy charity, considering that Hornby has probably recouped the cost of the moulds and may only be paying for materials and labour , put then again I don't know whether this is actually true.


It should be noted that they have a new set of costs to recoup if this has a new Limby style power bogie etc as there will be modifications to the chassis and bogie mouldings.

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True, but the cynical part of me says that that won't be all that much, especially with the othe schemes coming out (I forget which at the moment). Whilst I appreciate it's a limited edition and that it's a complex scheme, I still feel it is way too expensive for what it is. I'd rather give more than the £5 donation straight to the charity and save the difference.

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Er, if this is a Model Rail Limited Edition then the size of the donation, final selling price etc are down to Model Rail. Hornby will have quoted a single wholesale price for producing the commissioned batch. I must admit, knowing how challenging business is, I'm a little uncomfortable about discussions about what fair selling prices and fair donations are. If Hornby and Model Rail get it wrong they won't sell them and will end up with a loss. If they do sell them they win. The risk is theirs, and it is very easy to comment from afar when one isn't having to lay out 50 grand in advance!

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Cannot personally justify, or afford, the money for this.


And having seen the loco in the flesh today at Leeds, I would really love to have a model of it! It is truly stunning!...

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I get the impression that the price only covers the 91 loco and will not include the DVT or the 2 coaches you get with the Flying Scotsmann Set.


Anyone else read it that way or know the facts?





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It is just the loco, hence the comments that the price seems rather steep - especially when compared to the new Bachmann 85 and the forthcoming retooled Hornby 67. There aren't going to be costs involved in modifying the tooling as they were going to do that anyway for the Flying Scotsman set - plus given that they've done it for a number of Railroad models it can't cost them that much to do or they wouldn't be able to sell the Railroad models as cheaply as they do and still make a profit.


It does have the novelty value of looking very striking, but East Coast models so far don't appear to have been great sellers. Modelzone had HST power cars and four types of trailer made specially for them eighteen months or so ago, and they recently appear to have sold out of the TSOs but all the others remain in stock, and they've recently reduced the price of the power cars. With no TSOs available, I'd imagine they will have difficulty selling the rest without further reductions - but time will tell.

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