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Inglenooking... now known as Bute Street Goods

Nickey Line

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  • RMweb Gold

As mentioned in my previous post, I've now added lighting to the layout, using strips of LEDs from Maplins...




In this view you can see the strips attached to the underside of the roof, or is that lid? There's another strip behind the top part of the prosceneum (actually pieces of architrave...). They're intended as downlighters under kitchen wall cabinets, but they work pretty well I think. Here's an overall view... (the lid supports are not visible from a normal operating position)




..and a gratuitous close-up...




Seen in the flesh it really is quite bright, I may experiment using fewer strips (and then again I might not...)

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Nice simple straightforward layout - I like it.


Just to lower the tone Bute Street in Cardiff is the main road from the City Centre to the Docks; at one time I am told that that's where the "Ladies of the Night" hung about to ply their trade. I don't see any of them on your model :)





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Just to lower the tone further,

I'm sure I've seen some politicians and banking investors hanging about down there too Mr Danemouth...

Know which of all those "professions" I'd trust more ;)


BTW. I used such a figure, lurking underneath the bridge on my "Bracty Bridge" layout in a crate...

she got lots of comments....

.. and quite what the couple on the opposite side of the road are doing, who knows?


The layout is looking great,

keep up the good work :)



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Nice simple straightforward layout - I like it.


Just to lower the tone Bute Street in Cardiff is the main road from the City Centre to the Docks; at one time I am told that that's where the "Ladies of the Night" hung about to ply their trade. I don't see any of them on your model :)


Ahh two of my favourite subjects in one thread, Inglenook's and Cardiff prostitutes !.


I forget how many ladies of the night heard me say ".......for that you, being a common prostitute, are charged that at Bute Street, Cardiff you did persistently loiter or solicit for the purpose of prostitution, contrary to Section 1 of the Street Offences Act, 1959".


She had to be a 'common prostitute' - and her actions needed to be 'persistent' (or as we used to say 'ducking and diving, bobbing and weaving').


Most famous of them all, and known to more than one contributor to this site was 'Big Lisa' !!.


I think there may be 'red light district' on my developing Inglenook+ known as 'Coldblow Lane'.


Brian R.


BTW 'whinge' I like that warehouse.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the kind comments gents, but I must disappoint you all in one respect... the warehouse is based on one at Bute Street in Luton... so the disreputable ladies would more likely be Irish than Welsh! And besides, it's a warehouse...

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Thanks for the kind comments gents, but I must disappoint you all in one respect... the warehouse is based on one at Bute Street in Luton... so the disreputable ladies would more likely be Irish than Welsh! And besides, it's a warehouse...


I guess you've heard the one about the dyslexsic pimp then...........................................

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I guess you've heard the one about the dyslexsic pimp then...........................................


That has brightened up my morning...

I'm still giggling, and my colleague in the office next door is wondering what's going on ;)


PS. There's no such thing as a lady, who is disreputable.....

.... just the "gents" that utilise their services :)



BTW. I like the layout more each time I look at it.......

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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Wow, such a short time since my last update! Seems longer, but a lot has happened since then, and mostly not to the layout... but anyway, I digress...


More work has been carried out on the warehouse, water goods is now painted and a roller door has been added to the gaping hole...






Sorry about the brake van being in the way!


I've also made a start on the rest of the backscene, between the end of the warehouse and the bridge...




I'm not quite sure how to proceed with the space behind the wall though...




I'm thinking I might have an end wall of a tall building, leaving space for a descending footpath, or perhaps just filling the gap with greenery.

Any thoughts?



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I think some bushes or small trees would make a nice contrast, as though the land has been unused and been 'reclaimed' by nature. Btw I really like the warehouse, was it scratchbuilt using scalescenes stuff?


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Steve, yes that's right, the warehouse is Scalescenes brick paper, modified windows and bits from their own warehouse kit, plus downpipes and guttering from plastic rod and strip.

I'm planning on having an area of unkempt greenery on the other side of the bridge, behind the left-hand wing wall. There's a pic further up the topic showing this area.

I thought maybe if there was a footpath behind the wall it would be a good excuse for introducing a couple of bodies...? Then again more greenery wouldn't be a bad thing. Decisions, decisions... Still, plenty to do before I have to make my mind up, I want to get the brickwork fixed and the ground cover (i.e. ballasting etc.) started next.



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Lovely model of a wonderful warehouse, which in real life survived until the early 2000s. At the left end of the warehouse there was a footbridge from the "other" Luton station, pictures of the old and new footbridge (which was demolished in 2011) can be seen at http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/l/luton_bute_street/index.shtml along with more views of the warehouse. To the left of the footbridge was a "modern" bus station, which could make use of Scalescenes car park. The footbrige could make an interesting scenic break.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Marc, no not dead bodies! Well only in that they will be plastic ones that have never been alive... not sure you can call such items 'people'!


Hi 33040, thanks! I made use of the disused stations site for much of the info to build my representation; it's by no means an accurate scale model and was not intended to be, it's a suitable back drop for the layout is all. I do, though, have longer term plans to perhaps build a model of Luton Bute Street, which would incorporate some of the details you've outlined, along with a more accurate warehouse model. I have a couple of books and DVDs with loads of info on the line; it would make a very interesting topic to both model and operate, as the variety of traffic was quite considerable, particularly at Bute Street itself and Dunstable North.

I must stress that it's a long term plan!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

After a couple of false starts, I've added a 'sky' backdrop (from the CG Textures website - many thanks!)....







...and also added an infill for the space between the warehouse and the bridge...





I'm not entirely happy with this, perhaps it will grow on me; will certainly look better when properly fixed (just propped in place at the mo, hence the shadow) and weathering will help.

The corners in the 'sky' aren't as obvious in the flesh, honest!

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  • RMweb Premium

...and also added an infill for the space between the warehouse and the bridge...


.... I'm not entirely happy with this, perhaps it will grow on me; will certainly look better when properly fixed (just propped in place at the mo, hence the shadow) and weathering will help. ....



I've just caught up with your layout thread and while I love the warehouse, I'm less sold on the infill. It very obviously lacks depth which I doubt sticking and weathering will correct. Somewhat cheekily I've cobbled together a sketch using paint to show how I'd tackle the space.




However I've also just remembered that some years ago in Rotherham there was a brilliant factory entrance that was just the front wall as the rest had been demolished, perhaps something like that might work if you wanted to place a structure there.

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Hi Adrian,


I have to say, I do like that warehouse more & more each time I look at it

I have to agree with Neil though, I think, re the end wall in that space


Low relief structures are great ways of suggesting more depth

where there is little. However, I think that shallow structure is just a little too shallow,

and I think it will look "stuck on" however you weather it etc


Appologies for that, but that's my feeling on the subject....

You could always put some ubiquitous overgrown greenery,

growing upwards and over-hanging the wall?


I do like Neils sketch - it has a nice fading perspective feel to it

You could either draw and paint it, or use a photo-backscene

Alternatively, as I did with Hendre Lane,

you could cut up a commercially available printed backscene,

and paste your own backscene together......


Hope you find a solution befitting such a nice layout :)


Cheers again


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  • RMweb Gold



Your instinct about the new building is spot on and I agree with the various suggestions - certainly something lower - fencing or a low relief building will fit the bill nice and would be ore in keeping with the rest of the layout which is looking very good. I don't know what depth you've got but if you don't want to waste the building you could lower it and change the profile of the roof, then sit it on top of a small embankment possibly with a fence behind the retaining wall? It would then be a single story building at what I assume is road level above the bridge?


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  • RMweb Gold



Your instinct about the new building is spot on and I agree with the various suggestions - certainly something lower - fencing or a low relief building will fit the bill nice and would be ore in keeping with the rest of the layout which is looking very good. I don't know what depth you've got but if you don't want to waste the building you could lower it and change the profile of the roof, then sit it on top of a small embankment possibly with a fence behind the retaining wall? It would then be a single story building at what I assume is road level above the bridge?



Hi Chris, it may not be clear from the pics but the layout is only 9 inches deep! As suggested in my previous post, I'm going for a complete re-think on this.... but don't hold your breath, it could be a while.

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Hi Adrian,

I do agree with Gilbert, it might/would look better if was lower (a lot lower!).

At the moment it seems to overpower the wharehouse, if it was a lot lower

(2 stories?) I think it could work.

But, I think I might reserve judgement until I see your alternative. :good:


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Adrian,


Any progress on the replacement building?

I meant to ask you at the St. Albans show, but was a bit distracted.


Also, I'm guessing that club will be cancelled again tomorrow, due

to the weather, (like last week), so I can't ask you then!


See you soon, Jeff

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jeff, you're right, probably no club tonight but you never know!

I've decided to use the original one in a different place, slightly modified. It'll be used on the the left hand end of the layout, to the left of the bridge, so at least it won't go to waste...

Still haven't decided on a course of action for the other space though.


You've got plenty of work on due to the weather I guess, burst pipes?!?!

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